Internal 08

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             *INTERNAL #008*            
chief-editors............. MATT&BULLSEYE
big charset........................VINZZ
       some instructions first...       
-joy #2 left/right      :page control   
-joy #2 fire            :next chapter   
-space                  :print magazine 

yeah, another month passed and here's   
already the 8th issue of your favourite 
as the editorial of our cool leader     
EINSTEIN/WOW didn't reach me yet, i'm   
honoured to type the editorial...       
you maybe saw on the first page of this 
magazine that there are two chief       
editors now, BULLSEYE and me(MATT)...   
i also have to say a big sorry to all   
the guys and also to all WOW members    
that i spread the rumour that this issue
wouldn't be released. i said that becau-
se i thought i wouldn't get time enough 
to finish this issue on time. the reason
for that were the upcommin' exams and   
that VENLO was a week earlier than nor- 
mal... but now, i don't give a damn to  
all the fucken exams, so i decide to ma-
ke this june-issue. i was planned to de-
lay it a month, but be glad, you're fa- 
vourite issue is this time also finished
right on time!...                       
i know you have other things to do than 
reading this silly editorial, but before
you gone on reading the rest of this ma-
gazine, let us first thank all following
guys to help us with this magazine...   
thanx to...                             
and at last some special thanx to...    
beachtiger/SENSE DESIGNS                
and ALL WOW members!!                   
         ENJOY THIS 8TH ISSUE           
                       MATT and BULLSEYE

         * NEWS AND RUMOURS *           
* percy left WOW and joined HOUSE       
* topic didn't left WOW like several    
  magazines said, he's also not sear-   
  ching for another group to join.      
* apollo didn't join ROLE, but he also  
  did not left WOW like some mags said! 
* beachtiger and deathstralker left WOW,
  beachtiger joined SENSE DESIGNS and   
  deathstralker joined X-RATED. but they
  will still supply this magazine.      
* bullseye of WOW is beside me now also 
  CHIEF-EDITOR of this magazine!        
* stormlord/WOW was asked to join ACRISE
  but he refused!                       
* tasker joined WOW.                    
* cruel of WOW will sell modems soon.   
* nightshade left HITMEN and joined VER-
* public enemy/ROLE joined NOICE.       
* budhist brother(amiga) left ROLE.     
* ROLE kicked out budgie.               
* ROLE is doing a re-organisation in    
  april and may 1991. some members will 
  be kicked out and some members have   
  to leave.                             
* ROLE quits the amiga- and the ibm- sec
* enigma/XENTRIX joined ROLE. he changed
  his handle into michael.              
* ROLE will release another diskmag besi
  de the mag ROCK'N ROLE named RHYTHM-  
  NEWS, the hq will be ate axe/ROLE his 
  place... the editors will be: axe, sci
  pio and skysurfer.                    
* after mendrake/ROLE was caught by the 
  cops, he left ROLE in peace and built 
  up a new crew, called ACRISE.         
* imperator joined ACRISE.              
* detonics magnum inc., starkiller and  
  storyteller joined ACRISE.            
* also public enemy/ex ROLE joined ACRI-
  SE, but he changed his handle into    
  beetlejuice. he didn't join NOICE like
  several rumours said.                 
* the mag MEGA-MADNESS will be continued
  under the ACRISE label.               
* HITMEN is dead! some members formed a 
  cool cracking group called REBELS,    
  also lloyd/HURICANE joined 'em. they  
  already made loadsa cool releases...  
* the warlock/XENTRIX joined the elite  
  amiga group called PUSSY, he stays in 
  XENTRIX on 64.                        
* some of the XENTRIX crew will come to 
  VENLO in the summer. the warlock, flim
  bo, betrayer, tlf could be the people 
  that come.                            
* dash(ex F4CG) joined the good old le- 
  gend PULSAR!                          
* derbyshire ram of ILLUSION is 51 years
  young! (huh!)                         
* a big apology from me(matt) to sir    
  maniac/DUPLEX. because i said in a    
  previous issue that he was kicked out 
  of SPHERICAL DESIGNS. he was not      
  kicked out but he simply left them to 
  join DUPLEX as a modemtrader and swap-
  is released. but they are searching   
  for any kinda stuff to print.(news,   
  votes, interviews). look in ze address
  corner for the addy.                  
* mc.quaid rejoined DUALIS.             
* wallo/DUALIS joined ACCURACY.         
* also falcon left DUALIS and joined    
* push 'n' axel left STASH and formed a 
  legal handle called QUALITY, you can  
  order very cool intro's from them.    
* snowman/TIGRES stopped swapping.      
* brainy left PARAGON and joined INCE-  
* stewy nev and sanxion left THE LOST   
  SOULD and quit the scene.             
* lace left HIGHTEC and joined CREATION.
* spitfire/ACTION has again a new car.  
* euzkera left CENSOR and joined the    
  guys in SCIENCE 451.                  
* pimpernel left TRIAD and joined also  
  SCIENCE 451, so now the TERMINAL STATE
  is a SCIENCE 451 board.               
* TRIAD claims that probe/HITMEN       k
  recracked the game turn it 2: the futu
  re edition that was cracked by anti-  
* godfather/ex-CHAOS joined SCIENCE 451.
* creeper left ANTIC and joined DEATH-  
* fergee was kicked out of DEATHSECTOR. 
* DEATHSECTOR will soon release their   
  third and last part to the HEINEKEN   
  series, the demo will just be called  
  HEINIKEN III.                         
* irq/ZILDJIAN say that THE FORCE are a 
  bunch of fucking lamers!              
* knuffel joined LAWBRAKERS OF THE UNDER
* satcom/ex-EXOTIC first joined SUNRISE,
  then SUNRISE died and the whole SUNRI-
  SE-clan joined OREGON.                
* hawk and muscle/MANOWAR and stingray  
  of RCA went to jail for some time!!   
* chief/PADUA re-joined XENTRIX.        
* SENSE will stop SENSUAL NEWSLINE and  
  ambition. they will start a new coder-
* ravage/EXTEND joined TRIAD.           
* jpn design/CONTRAST has returned to   
  the scene. he bought a modem too.     
* buzzer/TPF changed his handle into    
  that AKRAK asked SENSE members to join
  AKRAK but this is NOT true...         
* KV.KORTRIJK (the coolest football-team
  of belgium) and SPARTA ROTTERDAM (the 
  coolest football-team of holland) are 
  are next season still playing in the  
  highest division!!! (ed: yeaaaahh...).
* neno left RULER and joined THE FORCE. 
* power/HIGHRADE and isuzu/ENERGY are   
  searching for another group to join.  
* if you cheat stamps do not write to   
  nsd/VERDICT as his posty checks his   
  mail and if any cheated stamps are    
  used, nsd has to pay postage. (ed: tho
  se dirty postlamers are gettin' smar- 
  ter and smarter! hmm...)              
* now for the fucking fun, some cool    
  "DID YOU KNOW'S"... here they come... 
  did you know:                         
 -that imperator/ACRISE is 202cm long   
  and his weight is 95kg?               
 -that the cool guy mister perfect/AKRAK
  is a skinhead and is a fanatic foot-  
  ball-fan of SPARTA ROTTERDAM and KV.- 
  KORTRIJK? (ed: yeeeaaaahhhhh...)      
 -that pyle/ILLUSION makes dates with 14
  year old girls! (ed: kinderverkrachter
 -that rick/X-RAY will soon join ACRISE?
 -that gozar/BRONX is a real hero? cause
  he does TAEKWONDO?                    
 -that arrogance's sister is a fat pig? 
  (ed: not my words!)                   
 -that storytellerxACRISE was caught by 
  the cops?                             
 -that the F.A.W. is growing?           
 -that at&t still checks several amiga  
  and 64 board numbers?                 
 -that rick isn't a RADIUS member as the
  leader says?                          
 -that PARADIZE asked mendrake/ACRISE to
 -that razy/I+T said that CENSOR DESIGN 
  is lame?                              
* napalm/GIANTS joined BEYOND FORCE.    
* hawkeye/BEYOND FORCE is making a game.
no more news inhere, but keep sending it

yoho guys!!here we have a letter from   
ximox and gabriel of THE FORCE with a   
letter about wildcat/ could also 
read the letter in CEMETERY NEWS 4, but 
they asked us to print the letter too!  
here we go...                           
yo everybody!                           
gabriel and ximox of THE FORCE writing! 
the reason for this letter is to give ya
all an important announcement an to tell
finally, and hopefully once and for all 
the REAL STORY about wildcat/ICS.       
but before we start we want to inform   
you that we have formed the FEDERATION  
AGAINST WILDCAT of ICS(faw).            
what made up our minds are a couple of  
letters he wrote, but i'd better start  
from the beginning...                   
about two years ago(told you we'd start 
from the beginning!), you could find    
wildcat playing around with his compie  
under the BEPPESOFT label.he used to    
sell games to lamers.what he did was sim
ple:he took a game cracked by some freak
, freezed it after the original intro   
and linked his in its place.            
many people used to buy stuff from him  
and every week he had new recracks for  
them.this sort of thing was very popular
in ITALY at that time but most of the   
people who sold games didn't bother to  
recrack them.                           
some time passed and WILDCAT was ina new
group called DIGITECH(nothing to do with
the german DIGITECH!!!)of course his re-
cracks continued, but however, now some 
releases were, incredibly, NOT recracks.
we wondered how a person who was barely 
able to switch his compie on could crack
a game.the answer was soon found:MAMA-  
SOFT, a really cool guy used to do all  
the work, WILDCAT just wrote the scroll-
text, ofcourse not mentioning who had   
really cracked the game.MAMASOFT or MAR-
CO MARINAI, as someone knew him died tra
gically in a caraccident last year.since
then a few unknow freaks have done the  
work for WILDCAT, and ofcourse they were
never mentioned!                        
in the mean time WILDCAT found some good
original suppliers and so became quit po
pular even though he never learned how  
to crack.                               
later WILDCAT joined ICS whose only inte
rest was and still is to make money sel-
ling games.WILDCAT already had many cus-
tomers and ICS had a lot of new stuff.  
even then WILDCAT did not stop with his 
recracks and freezes.most of the stuff  
he recracked was not supposed to be     
spread around, it was just meant for his
lame customers.unfortunately for him one
of these freaks grew up and started swap
ping.he contacted us(we were still in   
GAX 777)and this way we found out that  
his recracks had not stopped, the games 
he sold had an intro with an ITALIAN    
scrolltext including his addy for anyone
who wanted to buy from him.when WILDCAT 
recracked MOONSHADOW, originally broken 
by F4CG a lot of people had already noti
ced his lameness, also people outside   
ITALY were fed up with his lame deeds.  
his recrack of MOONSHADOW was so evident
(he forgot to remove the old intro!)that
F4CG got mad at him.                    
WILDCAT replied saying that enemies had 
done the recracks using his intro.howe- 
ver a friend of ours received the re-   
cracked MOONSHADOW directly from him. so
either WILDCAT did the recrack or some- 
one else did it using his name, but sure
ly with his consent.we accused him of   
being a recracker and WILDCAT replied   
with two letters, one addressed to us   
and another one to the magazine ROCK 'N his letters WILDCAT attacked us 
both and the ISRAELIAN section in such  
terms that we could not believe our eyes
when we read them.                      
we still cannot understand how he could 
say such words against people that never
had anything to do with him(the israelis
).maybe he is just a poor fascist who   
tries to emerge from his vile existence 
by attacking people in radical terms.   
unfortunalety for him there never will  
be anymore place in the world for people
that think in the way he does.we would  
have never formed a FEDERATION against  
him because of his recracks:the worls is
full of lamers who live on other peoples
work recracking and ripping.if there was
a FEDERATION against each one of them,  
there would be thousands of different fe
derations.what made us furious were the 
words he used against us and against our
FRIENDS in ISRAEL.we ask every freak who
doesn't approve of WILDCAT's recial idea
's to join us in FAW!and help us kick   
him and all those like him!             
write to:                               
ed:i hope to hear a reaction of WILDCAT 

              *THE CHARTS*              
welcome to another chapter of this maga-
zine: THE CHARTS! many votings this time
thanx for it and keep sending them! a   
new chart is included inhere: the single
crackers! almost nobody voted for them, 
so please start voting for them too!    
            CRACKING GROUPS             
01.(01)  IKARI+TALENT         809 pts   
02.(02)  LEGEND               789 pts.  
03.(06)  ACTION               529 pts.  
04.(04)  dominators           499 pts.  
05.(03)  genesis project      314 pts.  
06.(07)  f4cg                 278 pts.  
07.(05)  illusion             199 pts.  
08.(12)  triad                189 pts.  
09.(09)  censor               174 pts.  
10.(15)  fairlight            155 pts.  
11.(--)  VICTIMS              145 pts.  
12.(18)  transcom             103 pts.  
13.(20)  hotline              102 pts.  
14.(--)  verdict               67 pts.  
15.(14)  x-rated               48 pts.  
16.(10)  x-ray                 39 pts.  
17.(17)  manowar               35 pts.  
18.(--)  rebels                24 pts.  
19.(18)  depredators           22 pts.  
20.(13)  bonzai                21 pts.  
* 20 groups reached the limit of 20 pts.
* LEGEND is comimg closer to I+T...     
* ACTION kicked G*P from the 3rd place, 
  G*P is doing a bad job!               
* there are only 3 new entries in the   
  top 20! VICTIMS, VERDICT and REBELS.  
  very good jobs, they all climbed many 
               DEMO GROUPS              
01.(01)  CREST                713 pts.  
02.(02)  BONZAI               567 pts.  
03.(03)  FLASH INC.           445 pts.  
04.(05)  triad                302 pts.  
05.(04)  horizon              248 pts.  
06.(06)  cosmos designs       233 pts.  
07.(07)  light                221 pts.  
08.(13)  beyond force         188 pts.  
09.(09)  genesis project      183 pts.  
10.(08)  padua                179 pts.  
11.(12)  censor design        167 pts.  
12.(11)  origo                165 pts.  
13.(10)  megastyle inc.       100 pts.  
14.(18)  deathsector           96 pts.  
15.(15)  panoramic designs     78 pts.  
16.(16)  paradize              49 pts.  
17.(17)  mda                   46 pts.  
18.(14)  blackmail             40 pts.  
19.(20)  house designs         37 pts.  
20.(19)  mda                   35 pts.  
21.(21)  powers of pain        34 pts.  
22.(--)  AKRAK                 31 pts.  
* there almost didn't change nothing    
  this month!                           
* only BLACKMAIL is again(!) doing a bad
  job, again they losed many places!    
* and BEYOND FORCE is now really clim-  
  bing to the top, they are only two    
  months in the charts and they are al- 
  ready on place 8!                     
* AKRAK is the only new entry this month
* BONZAI released a good demo, so now   
  they really deserved their place.e! 
             SINGLE CODERS              
01.(01)  CROSSBOW/CREST       765 pts.  
02.(02)  KJER/HORIZON         567 pts.  
03.(03)  ZODIAC/FLASH INC.    398 pts.  
04.(04)  flamingo/light       367 pts.  
05.(09)  sam/beyond force     207 pts.  
06.(06)  mc sprite/cosmos d.  206 pts.  
07.(08)  maduplec/buds/nato   124 pts.  
08.(11)  trap/bonzai           98 pts.  
09.(13)  unifier/flash inc.    88 pts.  
10.(10)  walt/bonzai           75 pts.  
11.(05)  ses//?                55 pts.  
12.(12)  bob/censor            53 pts.  
13.(15)  vision/crest     .    49 pts.  
14 (--)  THA/X-AMPLE           43 pts.  
15.(--)  mister cursor         32 pts.  
16.(--)  ano/padua             24 pts.  
17.(17)  colorful/origo        21 pts.  
* CROSSBOW is still ruling the charts,  
  is there a magazine where he isn't on 
  the first place?...                   
* the top three didn't change this time,
* SAM/BEYOND FORCE did a great job, from
  place 9 to 5!                         
* only 3 new entries, THA is the highest
  one of them.                          
01.(01)  GOTCHA/BYTERAIDERS   633 pts.  
02.(02)  BIZZMO/G*P           499 pts.  
03.(03)  DIART/BLACKMAIL      321 pts.  
04.(04)  gbf design/crest     232 pts.  
05.(05)  redstar/logic        229 pts.  
06.(06)  scrap/g*p            166 pts.  
07.(15)  the hobbit/transcom  124 pts.  
08.(08)  the sarge/fairlight  121 pts.  
09.(09)  fox/dominators       119 pts.  
10.(10)  dragon/censor         98 pts.  
11.(11)  chorus/triad     j    65 pts,  
12.(12)  pernod/horizon        49 pts.  
13.(13)  red wiz/shape         48 pts.  
14.(14)  sparkler/msi          31 pts.  
15.(07)  hein design/bml       30 pts.  
16.(15)  orc/blackmail         26 pts.  
17.(17)  tpa/x-ample           25 pts.  
18.(18)  electric/extend       22 pts.  
19.(19)  the goblin/light      21 pts.  
* GOTCHA is still unbeatable!           
* look at those charts, almost every    
  group stayed on the same place like   
  previous time!                        
* only THE HOBBIT and HEIN DESIGN       
  switched places, but now HEIN DESIGN  
  is doing a veeeery bad job...         
01.(01)  MAMBA                735 pts.  
02.(02)  CORRUPTION           478 pts.  
03.(03)  ROCK 'N ROLE         465 pts.  
04.(06)  hotshot              299 pts.  
05.(10)  gamers guide         245 pts.  
06.(05)  remark               213 pts.  
07.(06)  bild zeitung         145 pts.  
08.(09)  immortal flash       142 pts.  
09.(08)  brutal recall        141 pts.  
10.(14)  smooth criminal       78 pts.  
11.(11)  script                67 pts.  
12.(--)  GARFIELD NEWS         63 pts.  
13.(13)  worldnews             60 pts.  
14.(--)  magascene             55 pts.  
15.(--)  impact                48 pts.  
16.(19)  emanuelle             45 pts.  
17.(18)  monthly news          43 pts.  
18.(17)  soulnews              29 pts.  
19.(15)  badnews               25 pts.  
* MAMBA and CORRUPTION are still ruling!
* 3 new entries this time, GARFIELD NEWS
  is the highest of them.               
* THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE is again doing 
  a very good job! from place 10 to 5!  
* BAD TASTE lost again(!) many places.  
01.(01)  JCH/VIBRANTS         689 pts.  
02.(02)  JEROEN TEL           433 pts.  
03.(03)  DRAX/VIBRANTS        324 pts.  
04.(06)  reyn ouwehand        233 pts.  
05.(07)  a-man/actions        229 pts.  
06.(05)  metal/bonzai         201 pts.  
07.(04)  link/vibrant         178 pts.  
08.(08)  deek/g*p             154 pts.  
09.(12)  tim follin           142 pts.  
10.(09)  edwin v.santen/20cc  131 pts.  
11.(11)  charles deenen/mon   118 pts.  
12.(10)  laxity/vibrants       92 pts.  
13.(13)  francois prijt/aa     49 pts.  
14.(14)  griff/chromance       41 pts.  
15.(15)  dungeon master/triad  40 pts.  
16.(16)  markus schneider      35 pts.  
17.(17)  moon/flash inc.       31 pts.  
18.(18)  xayne/crest           23 pts.  
19.(19)  j. bjerregaard/mon    21 pts.  
* JCH is like always still the ruling   
* no new entries!                       
* TIM FOLLIN is the highest climber of  
  this month, from 12 to 9.             
* some VIBRANTERS are loosing places to 
  (better-other) composers.             
* THE DUNGEON MASTER deserves a much    
  higher place!!                        
            SINGLE CRACKERS             
01.(01)  POWERPLANT/LEGEND    345 pts.  
02.(03)  ANTITRACK/LEGEND     212 pts.  
03.(05)  MAO/F4CG             107 pts.  
04.(04)  bod/ikari+talent      58 pts.  
05.(02)  snacky/g*p            45 pts.  
06.(07)  doc/i+t               29 pts.  
07.(--)  chrysagon/x-ray       28 pts.  
* not much guys reached the limit of 20 
  points, that's because of too less    
  votings for them, so don't hesitate   
  to start voting for them!             
* POWERPLANT rules!                     
* only 1 new entry; CHRYSAGON...        
                       THANX FORM VOTING

         * CONTACT ADDRESSES *          
         CONTACT THE WOW-ELITE          
i hope you have found where you are     
looking fore! keep sending those addys! 
               * THE END *              
this is already the end of INTERNAL 008!
i hope you have enjoyed reading this mag
and also keep voting, keep sending your 
latest news etc... please don't forget  
to vote for the SINGLE CRACKERS!! thanx 
ok, see ya in another issue!!           

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