Addybook 12 Your Chat
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
---------------------------------------- YOUR CHAT in addybook issue #12 ---------------------------------------- and another chapter in addybook. its the first time we present you this chapter, coz two scene dudes send me a letter to tell you out there something what they think that is important to tell you, so i'll publish it here. if you have to tell the other scene members something then don't hesitate to write something on a letter and post it to our hq addy that you can find on the last page of this chapter and nearly in all the other chapters. this time i publish here a letter from KIRK/oxyron and ADAM THE AXE of usspe. so toogle stick left. chapter zak composed by drax of crest ************* from KIRK of oxyron. hey to all waiting friends. where is kirk, why does he not send anything back have he left the old 64?! no not yet. i'm sorry about that to all of you. but someday will come for all of you, also but just a matter of time. i have taken a braek from the computer scene since the brutal party, that party really kick me down, how lame can it be, everything. it was like the party turn me off. and i wanted a break from the 64 now. and soon i will maybe start again. the members of my group haven't send anything to me for a long time 3-4 month now. and i never get the stuff we make before 3-4 weeks after release date. but that was when yazoo was lazy. but i haven't got any- thing yet maybe they dont care. and i've started to play "floor-ball" also called in sweden, norway, finland "inde-bandy" (ED. hope i write it right, coz really hard to read.) i would like to write to some guyz who plays floorball-indebandy from denmark or from all other of the written country's, i play my self for "herning" and also for denmark we are going to play against "norway" 6-7 feb- ruary in denmark if you play floorball inde-bandy please contact me for sports talk and other things. yours kirk of oxyron ---------------------------------------- and now comes a letter from ADAM THE AXE of usspe. hello members of fairlight and anyone i lost connection with over the years that remember adam the axe. also, as an amer- ican 64er, appreciate all europeans that have kept the 64 alive. we depend on you as you depended on us back in the 80's. really nice commie stuff coming from our friends in europe. keep the faith and kick some ass... adam the axe/usspe if you think this is an interesting chapter then write something what you would say to all the guys outthere, but please no wars or anything else like this. post it to the following addresse: ↓ADDYBOOK HQ↓ xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx