The Link 16 Chart 2

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yo there dudes and dudettes,welcome to
other issue of THE LINK charts.

in this issue we once again have had a
good response to the vote sheets we have
sent out.  we thank those tht have taken
the time to fill our sheet in and send
it back.

what we have done is there will be two
sets of charts.  the usual ones and the
monthly charts,which we have the n.z
section as well,that way we will be able
to show a better scale.  if this dosen't
suit our readers,then please let us know
so we can see what you,the readers want.

a very big thank you goes to jazzcat of
rebels and wingo of triad for the spread
of our vote sheets,thanks fellas.

well this concludes my comments for this
issue,so sit back and enjoy this section
and the rest of the mag.

please let any of our tsr members know
of any mistakes we have made,as without
your input the mag suffers.

see you all next issue.  editor.

    AUST & NZ CHARTS   well take a look
    ----------------   at this,lithium
 1. LITHIUM       103  finally made it
 2. BAD KARMA      69  to the top of a
 3. SYSTEM         67  magazine.  good
 4. shazam         57  to see the new
 5. gothic design  47  zealand crews up
 6. offence        42  there as well.
 7. wow            36
 8. triad          35  remember to fill
 9. washers        33  in the vote sheet
10. success        33  and send it back
11. msr            32  to your TSR
12. dragon         32  contact
13. pinicle        23

 1. JAZZCAT      97   14. morbid      26
 2. GOP          60   15. turbo       26
 3. THE HEGG     58   16. tyrant      26
 4  vengeance    55   17. roadrunna   25
 5. blade        54   18. moonstruck  25
 6. cruze        52   19. fade        25
 7. shockwave    49   20. strobe      24
 8. blackwidow   40   21. stone       24
 9. stieger      38   22. nighthawk   24
10. matt         33   23. sir lance   23
11. dr fate      33   24. remohaz     23
12. anthrax      28   25. lucifier    21
13. tbh          26   26. deadringer  21

 1. SHADES         98   14. psycho    27
 2. MORBID         64   15. sir lance 25
 3. STROBE         60   16. fade      24
 4. the hegg       58   17. witty     22
 5. roadrunna      58   18. gop       22
 6. matt           56   19. genesis   21
 7. grize          50   20. quark     21
 8. tbh            50
 9. stiegar        45   a lot of coders
10. druid          36   here,would like
11. shockwave      35   to see some more
12. slice          31   out-put,though!
13. hurricane      29

 1. WITTY       62      14. nighthawk 24
 2. INSANE      61      15. titanium  21
 3. ROADRUNNA   59      16. tbh       21
 4. the hegg    59
 5. gop         48
 6. jazzcat     43   well,well it took
 7. blade       40   some time,but he
 8. axe         34   finally got there.
 9. bandit      32
10. stieger     27   congrates witty.
11. blackadder  25
12. fade        25
13. chameleon   24

 1. MORBID  130  he keeps getting better
 2. GOP      91  we are looking forward
 3. REMORHAZ 45  to seeing some more new
                 music at the party in
 4. noeisis  41  december.
 5. fade     35
 6. einstein 32
 7. carl     25
 8. messiah  25
 9. devotion 24

 1. JAZZCAT       89   14. turbo      23
 2. GOP           64   15. deadringer 23
 3. CRUZE         51   16. rebel      21
 4. blackwidow    47   17. mega       21
 5. vengeance     39   18. anthrax    21
 6. shockwave     38
 7. matt          38  not alot between
 8. dr fate       38  everybody,will be
 9. witty         29  interesting to see
10. fade          28  how things pan out
11. martyr        26  over the next few
12. blade         24  issues.
13. deadringer    23

 1. ROADRUNNA    76  finally,common sense
 2. MATT         62  prevails, and we now
 3. JAZZCAT      54  have someone who
                     can crack a game on
 4. morbid       50  top. i left matt,
 5. druid        35  vengeance out as i
 6. psycho       27  don't count anyonne
 7. the hegg     26  who only knows how
 8. blackwidow   25  to type in pokes as
 9. hurricane    21  a coder.

 2. GRAPEVINE       80
 3. SMASH           40

 4. epic            40
 5. sud save        21

well as you can see,not a great lot to
chose from,but we hope to see a better
result in the next issue.

 1. JAZZCAT      66   13. tbh         28
 2. GOP          57   14. morbid      28
 3. CRUZE        49   15. fade        25
                      16. moonstruck  24
 4. roadrunna    43   17. sir lance   23
 5. shockwave    43   18. turbo       23
 6. stiegar      38   19. carl        21
 7. vengeance    35   20. witty       21
 8. dr fate      30
 9. blade        30   come on boys lets
10. blackwidow   30   see some more
11. matt         28   contacts.
12. strobe       28
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