The Link 12 CD Review 2

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             C.D. - REVIEW

unfortunately guru was unable to do the
c.d. - review for this issue so i
MEGAZZAP have steped in for this month
to see what i can find.

i have recently stepped in a record
shop just to find out about the latest
C.D. that i can review. anyway, let's
move on....


just why oz went gaga over KLF
("last train to trancentral")
two brit pranksters formerly resposible
for little jokes like the justified
ancients of muu muu and the timelords-
earlier this year is a baffling. but
if the general public is ready for
eletro-dance in a big way, ELECTRONIC
should do well.
new order's bernard summer and former
smith and sometime pretender johnny marr
show just what pulse-beat pop can do
when its makers are more musical than
their little black boxes.

                      RATING:5 OUT OF 10

    ROACHFORD, GET READY! (columbia)

this album's no.1 status in andrew
roachford's UK homeland wasn't entirely
unexpected, but the smash hit in the US
is a bit more surprising.
whatever, you can't fault the canny
grafting of sme huge rock guitar beats
onto his smooth soul stylings which
caught the lenny kravitz/fine young
cannibals/seal wave and sufted it to the
top of the charts.
as they say at my plce, "its a hell of
a party record."

                     RATING: 6 out of 10


pure summer pop - ice-cream sweet
harmonies and a beat as light as thin
cotton dress-returns with this second
album. some wondered if the jaunty
innocence would be lost when these two
girls and two guys were yanked from
sydney cult group to international
touring act by their 1989 album debut,
lovebuzz. but the nervous, headlong rush
remains and, balanced with better-crafte
d song and smoother production, make for
an alblum that could introduce skipping
as the next dance sensation.

                            RATING: 6/10

     WENDY MATTHEWS - LILY (rooart)
when, after far too many years of
jingles and backing vocals, matthews
cleaned up the ARIA AWARDS with 1990's
platinum-selling debut - EMIGRE, the
consensus was "about time".

she hasn't exactly rushed the follow up
but once again, it's worth the wait. as
on her first album, there's a stellar
cast - through when you can call on
BOOKER T & RICKY FATAAR, a couple an
INXS members are hardly going to be
noticed - and an eclectic music list
from famous amercian soing writers and
some great new local talent. there is
less funk and more ballads which,
matched with an increased confidence
in her sound, works  just fine.

                            RATING: 8/10

                THE END
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