The Link 08 Reviews
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
;"""""""""""; #demo review# ;"""""""""""; this month i, guru, will be reviewing rastan's latest demo's ie. LEANNE and his DIGITRACKS. remember dudes, this review is based on my own personal opinions LEANNE ££££££ the first of the three files takes ages to load, being about 200 blocks long. i can't figure out why it is so big as the code is obsolete, and the music doesn't sound at all like it is digitised. i must admit though the song is a good pick the entire screen flickers as the logo changes from LEANNE to RASTAN and the technique used to decorate the scroll's colouring looks like a glitch in the programme. the music, though, is very good but definately shouldnt take up so much room the second part is about 5 seconds of a song that has been digitised. it is very clear but that is due to the fact that it only goes for 5 seconds, the singing is higher pitched than average. overall, this part was a yawn last and least is a small part where rastan has compiled about 6 digitised pictures of himself (about 130 x 90 pixels) scrolling slowly across the top of the screen, with a 1x1 scroll down the bottom. suprisingly, however, even though the demo is relatively basic and simple, when the music progresses, about once every 5 seconds the screen flickers 'coz it can handle the strain of the music taking up more raster time. overall, LEANNE is a basic demo with big timing and layout problems. DIGITRACKS ££££££££££ another three part demo by rastan that features a very very long digitised song. at the beginning there is an incredibly LAME intro, after which, the song starts. a good point about this demo is that aven though it is a very long song, the computer doesn't have to stop to load the next part as it uses and IRQ LOADER (this lets the computer load file s while still running a programme). the song is actually made up of 3 files which are loaded throughout the playing. part of the reason that rastan was able to produce such a long recording was that the playback's quality was below average and parts of the song repeated themselves throughout the song. the actual 'music' was very poor in my opinion. it didn't sound much better than synchronised static with a few 'hoys' and 'yows' in it. towards the end though, the sounds turned into recognisable music, but just as i started to wake up and realise that i could understand the static, the end was thrust upon my via an sys 64738 command, ending the demo, and thus ending another captivating epsode of - - GURU'S REVIEWS- ;""""""""""""""""""""""""""""; #press fire to return to menu# ;"""""""""""""""""""""""""""";