The Link 04 Cabbage
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
;"""""""; #CABBAGE# ;"""""""; by STIGS/MSR joystick port 2 scan slow up/down scan fast left/right fire to return to main menu ! oh yes oh yes oh yes!!! and what, may i ask, is the cabbage, besides a green sub-masticatable substance?? answer: an elitist rant surpassed only by placing one's head up one's anus!! as a majority of''the link''readers are not contortionists in any way, shape or form (i bid!), then it would appear to me that all of them would much prefer to read cabbage, rather than think twice about placing their head in such a viol place as their anus, (or in this case) their anii. i am promptly informed that such silly questions as''what's cabbage?''do not actually (or usually) crop up in normal everyday conversation, however, in order to make the general point clearer for the public and other viewers of this here wad of urine-soaked toilet roll, i have compiled a list below which will clarify all manner of curiosities - CABBAGE - green vegetable with round heart or head of unexpanded leaves. CABBAGE - that is to say. CABBAGE - kind of analgesic and febrifuge, tablet of this. CABBAGE - worth quoting! CABBAGE - opening antiphon of the vespers for the DEAD. LAV - lavatory. CABBAGE - brown substance got by heating sugar or syrup. CABBAGE - dunghill, refuse heap, SHITOIR CABBAGE - fish eating amphibious marine mammal with flippers. CABBAGE - diehard reactionary. CABBAGE - the precursor of chemistry. and now, here is a complete list of all the comments sent into the link, all commenting on this particular chapter. + james was the biggest of the twins. + a more kinder lady you could not meet. + the best team won the football match. + fred was the most fat of all the runners. + who is the tallest, jack or betty? + he proved to be the ignorantest person. + of the two, i like george best. + a badder boy i have never known. + the sailor lifted the thinnest end of the rope. + the patient made the wonderfulest recovery. + 'oh!' shouted the boy,''i have hurt my finger!'' ''indeed!''exclaimed his father,''you are lucky to get off so lightly.'' + ya mag kicks! + laugh and grow fat! + misery makes strange bedfellows! + look after the pence etc. + in for a penny in for a pound! + fine words butter no parsnips! (what?) + neither of them has failed as both of them is right in five sums. hmm. seems to me that people aren't taking this chapter with a grain of salt, moreso with a shitload of ipecac syrup. (remeber to keep well away from electrical appliances when dealing with this!) isn't it wonderful? anyway, next on the agenda is my theory (brand new - just postulated!) concerning the colour white. now, after a smelly (stinky!) 3rd grade teacher tried her hardest to tell me that the colour''white''was not actually a colour but a reflection of pure light, i got really angry. why? well, i had a white jumper at home, and just after the old stink-bag (pardon the pun!) informed me that there was no such colour as white, i was asked by someone if i owned a white jumper or not. (i'm still trying to work out why in the hell they asked me that question!). i promptly told them that i didn't know. i also told them i happened to have a jumper that reflected pure light. they then stared at me right between the eyes and yelled angrily - ''hute joosue jjsglsuw hhsdg hsjd!! jis snooey hhduusk kkaj ask, kakd!! ksja, nndka hhdiiell kkajdof uusyofdm jadhf ksklpp lld flsd uf skd fls dlfsf ls f- lshuudh ikd fk. ksjfud jlsd ukas!! d! wonk ksls ks df skd flsd ssjjdjdo and s-s-ssssuedio. jskkau dhks djs djs ww hjd aks dj akksd ksjd fks dkfs skd !! alas ujd ck slsfd fld fkd sld fjs dkf kdkf we fjs RIDENTS kdf kddhs jjhsdie iiwe kia:s ijlwk dodma odmsdnn ldkwje aldf l:s:dsjs hgsgfkd kldfdkjfgf shff fff:d:f jjdgdjf ttwoedosd dhdgfjd hdd jdjfgs djahsbsjd hxbxcvvxj sjfhnxbfk jskjsdbbdbabmsmb asmdnshdjksdhsgdjsda asjhdgaskjhbsljhghdlhghgfkhgfkhgkhgks djgfskjfhgsjkjhskhgfkhgkjsgkjhfgkfgff dmhd jbdnbsmnbvcxb ckjhbcvjbdl, bdkjv djdjkjfhdfjsjdf fjdnfjz sghfmstgd fdf jsd fjf wfkd fjd fs jd jdfj jdhnds dd jhsd dj ddgas dfdhs fgsd dfhsf us!!'' i politely asked them to remove the tow-ball from their mouth and repeat the comment. they complied, and to my horror i found that what they said wasn't even relevant in the first place. in fact, they were trying to ask me if i knew the way to clark street, wickham. from this chain of events i think you can all understand clearly how i arrived at my conclusion. my theory is that 3rd grade teachers are wrong when they try and tell you that there is no such colour as white. i think that there is. i also think that when some fuckwit tries to ask you if you own a white jumper or not, and then recites the complete works of e.e.cummings with a towball in his mouth, just ignore him. this concludes cabbage for this issue. in the next issue of the link, this chapter will not be called cabbage, but will be called''EDWARD WRITES HOME'' let's see you do an icon for that one! until next time, in for a penny, in for a''paynd?!'' stigs/msr/sloppy drippy smelly smegma ;"""""""""""""""""""""""""""; #fire to return to main menu# ;""""""""""""""""""""""""""";