The Link 04 Charts
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
;""""""""; # CHARTS # ;""""""""; joystick port 2 scan slow up/down scan fast left/right fire to return to main menu ;""""""""""""""""; #most voted group# ;""""""""""""""""; 1. THE CURE 1206 6. lithium 374 2. battery 1017 7. msr 297 3. tsr 940 8. offence 245 4. hype 536 9. wow 117 5. the force 437 10. paralax 101 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;"""""""""""""; #top oz groups# ;"""""""""""""; 1. BATTERY 248 AT LONG LAST THE CURE HAS 2. the cure 241 BEEN CHALLENGED 3. tsr 199 4. hype 197 A GREAT EFFORT 5. msr 123 BATTERY 6. the force 116 7. offence 110 8. lithium 90 LITHIUM DOWN 9. breeze 43 HOPEFULLY EPIC 10. wow 42 MAY GAIN SOME 11. paralax 18 NEW INTEREST 12. clique 13 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;"""""""""""""""; #top oz swappers# ;"""""""""""""""; 1. RUSTLER 142 TSR 2. wasted 139 battery 3. streethawk 112 (dead) 4. 8-ball 96 the cure 5. master 81 tsr 6. vengence 79 the force 7. deb 75 battery 8. shocker 70 battery 9. incubus 62 tsr 10 cruze 56 lithium 11. caine 50 hype 12. truse 45 clique 13. razor 42 the force 13. decoy 42 lithium 15. erratic 41 paralax 15. iceman 41 the cure 17. uptonogood 34 tsr 18. witty 23 wow 18. slice 23 solo 20. slarti 19 battery well its RUSTLER again. WASTED is still fighting for that no1 position. its good to see STREETHAWK was voted highly this month. i am sure we will all miss him as he leaves the scene, never to return. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;"""""""""""""; #top oz coders# ;"""""""""""""; 1. ICEMAN 209 the cure 2. slash 188 the cure 3. solar 142 battery 4. tbh 134 msr 5. slice 130 solo 6. slarti 122 battery 7. dan 81 the cure 8. incubus 78 tsr 9. metro 63 hype 9. caine 63 hype 11. ziggy 44 the force 12. psycho 36 the force 13. max mix 26 lithium 14. roadrunna 23 offence the cure 1 & 2 again !!! watch SLICE and TBH over the coming months ? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;"""""""""""""; #top oz grafix# ;"""""""""""""; 1. DEADBONE 90 hype 2. dan 70 the cure 3. gothic 45 battery 4. metro 40 hype 5. oracle 36 tsr 6. caine 33 hype 7. witty 27 wow 8. mr walker 18 msr 9. roadrunna 17 offence 10. iceman 12 the cure DEADBONE for another month. well done and well deserved.. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;"""""""""""""; #top oz musaks# ;"""""""""""""; 1. ATOM 93 tsr 2. bat 84 suicide 3. patto 74 the cure 4. zorro 26 battery 5. caine 6 hype ATOM first for the third month. your music is getting stronger and the EURO'S love it !!! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;""""""""""""""""; #top oz importers# ;""""""""""""""""; 1. WASTED 54 battery 2. rustler 50 tsr 3. cruze 31 lithium 4. streethawk 29 dead 5. vengence 25 the force 6. shocker 20 battery 7. erratic 16 paralax 8. decoy 14 lithium 9. master 12 tsr 10. iceman 9 the cure 11. deb 8 battery 12. uptonogood 7 tsr 12. 8-ball 7 the cure well it happened. RUSTLER has been pushed off the top by WASTED!!! let the games begin ? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;"""""""""""""""; #top oz crackers# ;"""""""""""""""; 1. ROADRUNNA 70 offence 2. gumby 58 the cure 3. cruze 26 lithium 4. quetzal 23 paralax 5. max mix 17 lithium what a busy month for ROADRUNNA, releases day after day. top quality and lots of them. that what the scene wanted. watch QUETZAL,his pumping them out also! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;""""""""""""""""; #top oz magazines# ;""""""""""""""""; 1. VIOLATION 121 the cure 2. the link 87 tsr 3. vandalism 61 the force 4. tainted 60 battery 5. epic 45 lithium VIOLATION again of course and now they have decided to release more often it will be hard to beat !!! good to see THE LINK climb the charts maybe the new format will earn us some extra votes ? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" NEW ZEALAND CHARTS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;"""""""""""""""; #top n.z. groups# ;"""""""""""""""; 1. ROTEC 51 ROTEC by a pinch. 2. tsr 49 3. system 10 NEW ZEALAND 4. rat-pac 8 will get 5. flame 7 rolling now! 6. lithium 2 6. fungi 2 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;"""""""""""""""""; #top n.z. swappers# ;"""""""""""""""""; 1. ROGUE 47 THE ROGUE 2 months 2. the hegg 28 running. but 3. detonator 17 the scene over 4. titanium 14 there is now 5. nighthawk 11 growing SIMON 6. blade 10 6. machette 10 can you stay 8. hurricane 9 there ? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;"""""""""""""""; #top n.z. coders# ;"""""""""""""""; 1. MACHETTE 45 has NEW ZEALAND only got one 2. rogue 5 CODER ? 3. hurricane 4 3. the hegg 4 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;"""""""""""""""; #top n.z. grafix# ;"""""""""""""""; 1. THE HEGG 34 THE HEGG is a new force in 2. rogue 29 new zealand. 3. titanium 8 4. axe 6 lets see how 5. nighthawk 5 it developes ? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""; #fire button to return to main menu# ;"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""";