World News 17 News & Rumours
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
news - A CHANGE - A CHANGE - A CHANGE - - A CHNAGE - A CHANGE - A CHANGE - Yes! As you all can read is that this chapter is called "News and Rumours", but how can you know which news are "News" and which are just rumours? So we in World News will tell which News you can believe and which one aren't so sure! +--------------------------------------+ |Everytime when you see a "|" then you| |can be absolute be sure that this news| |are 100% right, because then we got| |all from the group themself!| +--------------------------------------+ C H R O M A N C E C H R O M A N C E - New members:|Warhead (FACES,cracker) -|Don't call "Infectious" anymore as it's down forever! -|As I heard from the germans they've already found a new HQ but they're just about to change the BBS program right now! ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- F 4 C G F 4 C G - New members: Calypso (CHRYSTAL,???) Stranger (???,Musician) Pacific (TRIAD,???) Strider (WOW,swap,crack code) - After Strider joined he changed his handle to Sneaper. - Nit1 had a little break. - ADF/F4CG left the scene! - Some new boards! Call... WHQ:Planet Aeris... XXXXXXXXXXXX HQ :The Lost Paradise...++XXXXXXXXXXX It might be that the WHQ soon goes private... ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- G E N E S I S * P R O J E C T G E N E S I S * P R O J E C T - Rumours said that Airwolf is back. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- H I T M E N H I T M E N - New members: Death (OXYRON,GFX,crack) Silver(BABOONS,GFX,swap) Flatline (NDC,swap) Sony (RADICAL,musician) So the memberstatus looks like this: Racoon : Leader,Vinews Ed.,swap, code,crack Death : Leader,GFX,Raddings Ed., swap,crack,covers,originals Curlin : crack,code Thunder : GFX,covers Hypnotist: Code,crack Elektor : Crack,swap,code Lynx : Megaswap,crack Demon : Code,swap,GFX Hooper : Megaswap,covers The Gee : Musician,swap Slayer : Code,crack Silver : Megaswap,GFX Magic Eye: Modem trader,swap Flatline : Swap,GFX Sony : Musician ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- H Y S T E R I C H Y S T E R I C - Craze left the scene. - New members: Warlord (TAT,megaswap) - "Forplay" (The HYSTERIC WHQ) is private now! If you want to get on this board, then leave Psychobilly and Dense a post on any other BBS!? ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- I L L U S I O N I L L U S I O N - Sauron left for one year to the army, but will probably be active at the weekends to call out,... - Illusion status: Euro: Richie,Fist,Hero,Baze,Gene, Freestyle,Rebel,NME,Ice Cube, Derbyshire Ram,Creif. USA : Pudwerx,Prodigy,Ceberus, + Ruinedmaster,Despier, Kanada: Primiereal,Jazzman -|Freestyle also supports now Immortal Flash so it's a ATLANTIS+ILLUSION mag as Doc (the maineditor) said. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- I M A G E I M A G E - New members: Chotaire (POISON,?) - Nasty rumours saiy that Exory is back! Yes Exory alias Dimitri alias Dystan alias Coldcut calls now Crossfire! Other rumours says that he even re- cracked some ILLUSION cracks! (red. As I know Crossfire I won't take any responsibility and I repeat it's just a rumour!) ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- L E G E N D L E G E N D - New members: Baze (ILLUSION,megaswap) - "Shock" is now a Legend mag, after some Shock editors joined. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- O F F E N C E O F F E N C E - At this point I must tell you that I have made a big mistake in issue 16! I wrote that Jup has got a new phone but I wrote 2 times the same wrong phone number so I correct this here. |Jup prefers to get his calls to his own phone at: ++/XXXXX/XXXXX. You can also reach him at ++/XXXXX/XXXX but he don't like that much! So, it's all corrected now. (red. Sorry Andreas for my mistake!) 2--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- O R I G O D R E A M L I N E O R I G O D R E A M L I N E - New members:|Wildstyle (?,GFX) -|After Wildstyle joined he changed his handle to "Frame One"! Some insider facts about him: He has been outta scene for a long time (drawing e.g. game GFX) but made a comeback now!) ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- O X Y R O N O X Y R O N -|New members: Kirk (TOPAZ,GFX) Caprix (TOPAZ,?) ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- P A R A D I Z E P A R A D I Z E - Reyn Ouwenhand has quitted the scene! But he will still make musics for game-companies! ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- R E D S E C T O R R E D S E C T O R - They are back after Irata rebuilt them. Minutes after that all illegal HYSTERIC guys joined! ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- T H E R U L I N G C O M P A N Y T H E R U L I N G C O M P A N Y - New members: Mc-T-Fly(TRIAD,code,swap) ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- T O P A Z B E E R L I N E T O P A Z B E E R L I N E -| Rolez renamed to Addict. -| AMJ or Anvil NEVER left TOPAZ! ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- T R I A D T R I A D - New members: Tech (WOW,swap) Wingo (WRATH DESIGN,?) - Pacific is in TRIAD and not in TRC as we said in WN #16. Sorry! ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- V A G A B O N D S V A G A B O N D S - New members: Starkiller (ACRISE,modem, swap) Tesla (ACRISE,swap,GFX) Predicant (NDC,originals, megaswap) Voyage (REBELS,megaswap) So the VAGABONDS memberlist looks like this: Don Promillo, Batman, Mindcrime,Morac, Executor, El'Connor, DJ, Predicant, Splatterhead, Starkiller, Tesla, Tardox, Firefly, Voyage, MVA, The Trasher King - Tanis was kicked out. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- W O N D E R L A N D W O N D E R L A N D - There were many rumour spreaded about the memberstatus of WONDERLAND so here is the 100% correct one: | Robin - Audion - Pigeon ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- S I N G L E N E W S S I N G L E N E W S - Dizzy/CRYSTAL joined IMAGE. - Andre is in ANTIC and OXYRON now. - BRAINBOMBS are back again! - Truse/??? joined CLIQUE. Also Torch of IMAGE joined. - Deff/DOMINATORS is at the holidays. - Silver left BABOONS and NIRVANA and joined HITMEN. - BABOONS are dead again. - KLF joined GENETIX - Criscid joined UNICESS after he returned into the scene. -|"Pink Prophet" (the papermag by Defjay/PANDORA and Megabyte/CREST) isn't released at the moment! You know we told you that it will be out after the LIGHT party. After a call with Megabyte it isn't so sure if it will be released at any time! - Adventure/ex-ARCADE, SGT. Pepper and Block Angel joined EXCESS. - Betrayer,TBM and Electro joined Mayhem. - Luke/ex-SUNRISE renamed to Master Jay. - Nestle/X-BIT is looking for a new group to join as a mega-swapper. If someone need a great mega-swapper in your group contact him. He's also on Amiga. - Phobia of NDC joined MANIAX. Also The Camp joined. - Static rejoined the 10th time GOTHIC. - JUSTICE and ORBITAL are dead. - Dr. Baker left EPIC to join Sap. - Oracle/JTC joined TSR. There will be soon a Euro section of the Australian "TSR" (The Second Ring), including the remaining PULSAR members in Europe: Illyan, The Wise Man, Transect and fanatic (ex-SUNRISE). - Ruster left PULSAR to rejoin TSR. - PULSAR is dead as the Australian members left to form "OPTIMA" and the euro members are unactive on 64 any- more. - Vengeance left SUICIDE to join The Force. - Nothingface is now in CLIQUE, Transfer and Sentinel are said to left the scene, while Subway quitted a while ago. - Host/ex-PARALAX joined TSR. - Quetzal/PARALAX is actively cracking again after a long delay. - 2 new New Zeland groups are born, FLAME and FUNGI! - Andy/ASTRAL changed his handle to The Zimbo. - Kik is now the Israel HQ of TRINOMIC. - Trice/CLIQUE+OXYRON joined RUSH as a third group. - RUSH+WOW swedish board "Wasteland" runs only for swedes! (red. What a great idea! Pah...) - RUSH is searching for more members like gfx-men,musicans or M-swappers! Contact: RUSH H.Q. XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX - NEBULA is a new polish group which showed their first work with a mega- demo called "Omednikufesin". - ASPHYXIA will hold a big 64-paddy, in Poland this summer. It starts 28 Aug. and ends 30 Aug. in Gtogow, Poland! All top Polish groups like: PARADOS,SKYLIGHT and ELYSION will be there for sure. - The Champ joined MANIAX as megaswapper and coder. - Phobia/ex-NDC joined MANIAX as GFX- man. - Degas joined MANIAX as GFX-man for papers! - Dylan left MANIAX and joined SHINE as swapper. - The war between MANIAX and WRATH is is over. - Amputator/ex-POISON left the scene for Amiga! - ORBITAL is closed, but the leader of of this project "Stigs" will re- open ORBITAL later this year again! - Twoflower/ex-FLAME joined GOTHIC DESIGNS. - Rave/ex-ORBS joined HERCULES. - "Bribed" is a new mag by SLITA DES. It'll name all lamers in the scene! - Decoy,Steel,Master all ex-ORBITALS tals joined TSR. - "The Link" is new mag by TSR. - "Arise" is a new paper-mag (made in Sweden!) with Twoflower/G.D. as main editor! For the an issue,write to: ARISE H.Q. ---------- XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX - The Corsair left HEARTBEAT and joined EXTACY. - Floppyman is kicked out of HEARTBEAT. - IMPACT is reformed again by the old old leader Ninja.