Skyhigh 20 Mad On - Mag On

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Mad On - Mag On

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Oh joyous days!!!

I'm back on this funky little breadboard after a long
long break in PC land...

Yes, it is the irrepressible, irresponsible and (not)
irresistable MAD, writing from the wet and windy
shores of the UK...

SO, what is this MAD and MAG thing? Well, this is a
combo-chapter of my 'usual' (or should that be rare)
MAD ON... chapter and a sprinkling of Mag reviews.

Losing touch...

It has been at least a year since I have used this
machine to code, paint or compose, and I can say
with a hand on my heart, that I have really missed it.
I've missed the very good friends I have made, and
the scene itself (even if it hasn't missed me!!!).

As I mentioned before, I've been working with PC's
(in a year placement from University), and I need a
break from computers when I go home.
I've had to give up something very dear to me...

But here is the sad truth, from someone who knows-

PC's haven't got a fraction of what the C64 has!

Every time you play a new game, you need more RAM,
or a faster chip - WHY?
It is because crap coders cannot be bothered to
squeeze every last drop of RAM out of the machine,
like they used to (have to) do on the C64.
There is a new console coming out every couple of
months, (and the cost keeps rising...).

I'm getting sentimental...

Stick with it guys, you don't know what you've got
till it's gone.

(There's a song there...).

I'm already planning my return!

Anyway, on with some MAG REVIEWS!!
Before I begin, please note that (as an artist) I will
be favourable to well designed mags (regardless of
text) - I refuse to read a mag I don't like the look
of... (isn't that mean of me - har har harrrr!!!).
I also admit that I prefer the 'demo' aimed mags -
that isn't being biased, that's being honest!

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Quite a nice intro starts of the proceedings to what
has always been a recognised magazine.

Unfortunatley, the first thing you notice about the
mag is the quite average outfit.

The actual content seems quite large for a 1 sider,
although it did seem aimed directly at the cracking

Overall - Quite average.

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Hmm, no intro. Is this a new trend? (Nah...)

The outfit is immediately striking. There is a nice
(and colourful) logo, the (standard) proportional
font and very unusual music...

In fact the music is VERY unusual (bordering on the
'Oh dear, I've swallowed an Acid Tab' type thing), but
it is original!

The menu looks nice, with a background pattern to
the foreground menu. Add to this the usual bordered
page count etc, and the new look PULSE does justice
to the previous ones.

The content is (again) aimed more towards the crack-
ing scene (are there no demos anymore?!?!!), but the
text is substantial and well presented.

Overall - Not a great deal of style difference, but
if it ain't broken - don't fix it!

--- ---- ------

Oh dear.
I hate to be mean to anyone, but I'm afraid that if
TIDE want to be up there with the likes of SKYHIGH,
THE PULSE and UPDATE (sorry, I couldn't resist that),
they really must look at the design of their mag.

Is this the only mag to use an un-proportional font?

There does seem like a lot of text there, but I am
so easily put off, I didn't read much.

Unless you want to read about Australia (in which
case you should be reading Vandelism News) then
steer clear.

Overall - Sorry TIDE. This is a real wash up. (Sorry I
couldn't resist that either...).


Because I've been away, I'd not heard of this one.
The intro didn't do much for me ('zooming' logo and
scanned IFLI pic) and I found myself thinking bad and
obscene thoughts...

But then, as if by a miracle, the main outfit came on.
The logo is a very stylish and colourful one indeed,
and the music - funky and fitting to the mood. I also
liked the fact that the (standard) proportional font
featured colours (much more interesting than the

So, could I have been wrong? - Yes! The screen
changing is fast, the choice of exclusive music
seemingly endless (and worth listening to) and the
control bar a little different to the usual thing.

The text seemed varied and well presented, covering
a good balance of demo/cracking scenes.

Overall - Certainly worth a look. A good looking mag
with very good potential!

- OH BUGGER !!! -

I've got to leave this lot here... Deadlines are near.

Incidentally, do not judge my pic too harshly (if it is
used!) - It was drawn two years ago!!!

It is also my last ever picture on this machine...

Yes, I was hoping to reach chart status (especially
with my graphics in Torture 5), but I guess I am not
as good as I would have liked...
It seems dead old favourites still get the vital

The debate on whether or not I return will continue!

Here's till next time (hopefully more DEMO REVIEWS!)


(p.s. I will return, in SKYHIGH at least!!!)

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