Skyhigh 19 Spread da word - part 2

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Spread da word - part2

Yep, this time a second chapter of Spread da word.

As mentioned then I am very happy and proud that SH
is able to bring this. If you would like to say some-
thing to the scene, do you need some programs, have
you lost contact with some friends, or ..... Why not do
it via this magazine? I can assure you that your text
will reach a great deal of the scene. Meaning that a
lot of people see your message. Well think about it.
When you do a public note and spread it to your con-
tacts, how many will copy it to other disks ??? And
when you do your public note and send it to me, how
many will copy it when they spread this magazine to
their contacts??? Yep that's right; the answer is
simpel... So if you have something on your mind then
send it to :



Ok, enough advertising for now, let's go on with the
public notes.

Holland is about to change a bit concerning da phone
numbers. Her's my man Sph with a small note about it.
Take it away homes!!

Word up geez,

Splatterhead is back with some important stuff which
you'd eventually spread all over the scene...
As from 1o October all phonenumbers in Holland will
change into a 1o-digit number.The old numbers can be
dialed for the next 6 months to come, but just to
make it easier it is better if you would change the
numbers in your contactbook as from the 1oth of Oc-
tober, before you forget and miss out on someones
new number...

Phone#s in the Hague,Rotterdam,Amsterdam and Al-
mere won't change,but further on this counts for com
plete Holland. Almelo,Wierden and Vriezeveen did get
a new number already as of the 4th of June so those
numbers won't change anymore!

Well,if you want to find out a number of someone
which you can't get a hold of you can call me and I'll
seek the new code for you...

O.k., that's it!
My new number as from the 1oth of October will be:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX for foreigners
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX for the dutch guys...

See you later and take care of yourself!


Cheating the post. Not always a good Idea. Especially
not for this person!

They warn you.. But you will not listen.
And then comes the day you

- have to listen!! -

Hello my dear friends...

Some years ago it happened to my dear Friend Syco/
Chromance and now it's my turn to pay the price...

All of you shall know what I'm talking about.... Yesz!
It's the post; the guyz we can't live without!

Many guyz get busted on cheating stamps, do not pay
bills etc. etc...

And now, 6 September, it was my turn.. Yesterday I
used the old trick by sending unpayed sendings back
with putting another un-readable disc instead! Any-
way it was the last time this trick worked as they
call me today! They told me the exact days when I
had send those post pieces back! And how many un-
payed bills I have! Argh they came on the amount of
+/- 35 Guilders that includes about 6 sends of 4.50,
1.90,1.10 Guilders! All in all i didn't pay for months!
Notice that in Holland they send your send including
the bill, just open the sending carfully remove the
disc and re-close it! and tell them you will not pay
for it! This old trick worked good till yesterday!

All in all.... They told me that I had opened the send-
ing and removed some papers (votesheets we call'em)
so that means they always open my sendings!!!! And
that can be true as I get sometimes some fucking
strange sendings with tape from the Dutch Post Com-
pany!?!?!? Ofcoz they didn't claim only about the un-
payed sends, they also told me that some stamps
were very strange and vlat! Slimely or whatelse they
say! They asked me what the hell was done with this
stamps! Ofcoz I told them that we cheated them with
glue NOT!!!!

Ofcoz I didn't know what the hell they were talking
about"strange stamps? How!???"

But what does this all effect me!?! As I never pay
those lame bills, and they know that ofcourse! They
will keep all sendings which are unpayed! that means
that I will never get those sendings so will loose you
as contacts! also you are not able anymore to cheat
in any way to me!

Now you are asking what they will do with all those
sendings who are underpayed?!?! They told me that
they will send them back from where they come from
that means for the outsiders not that big problem....
But for the Dutch guyz.... I'm almost sure they will
check everything! as it is really easy to get a swap-
per if they do something for it! Gosh you all are lucky
that I'm not working there!! hahah!

Germans, I know it's a cheap way to do that 1 mark
trick but it won't work anymore atleast not here!

Notice that I have to pay for the Germans the most!
So use enough stamps or I will never know if you had
send me or not? I just don't get the sending.!!.!!

As my name is now very famous here in Alkmaar I will
ask you not to write my prename on the envelop just
write something like 'M.van Beek' ofcoz NO HANDLES!!!

Ok, this will be all... Just have a nice day and you all
know that there will be one day they catch you too!!!

Just one last message for the guyz who are swapping
with Torture/Acs,(he lives in Alkmaar too) use enough

STAMPS BACK!!!!!!!!!!





Another Demolover is asking for the help of all you
out there. If you have the requested demos then why
not give'em a helping hand.

You know : scratch my bag and I'll scratch yours!!!

Hello everybody...

This is 'Deff of Avantgarde' writing!!

Even when I'm a member of a cracking group I'm maybe
one of the biggest demolovers/collectors around!

My demo collection already consists of about 850
demos. But still I'm missing this or that demo. Those
can be found in this note.

If you got one or even more of those demos listed
below... Please mail it (them) to me. You can be 100
per cent sure that I'll return your disc(s)!

Here're my demo-requests:

Antic/Lunacy 1,2,4
Black Mail/So-phisticated 1
Beyond Force/Attack of Stubido 1
Bones/Larch 1
C64cg... any demos from C64cg!
Censor/Wonderland 1 (Triad?), 5
Crest/Blow Job 1,2
Dual Crew/Gunnar 1
Flash Inc./Legacy 1
Flash Inc./Moon collection 1,2
Flash Inc./Summer Code 1,2
Flash Inc./Deviltracks
Genesis/Delirious 1,2,3,5,7,8,9
Groovy Bits... Any demos!
Injun Inc./Looks Sharp 1
Impulse/Bone Harder
Impulse/Poison 1
Impulse/Solostyle 1,2
Last Science/Confusion 1
Megastyle/Brainstorm 1
Megastyle/Piece o' Cake 2
Orion/Ice-cold 1
Oxyron/Coma Light 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10
Padua/Torture 1
Papillons... Any tpi demo!
Paradize/Wet Dreams 1
Prestige/Congeal 1
Ratt/Rattdemo 1,2,3
Remembers/David Wittaker coll. 1,2
Remembers/Martin galway coll. 1
Science 451/Sonic Sounds 1,2
Shining 8/Madness 1
Shining 8/Welcome to hell 1
Sidchip Scratchers/Sidchip score 1-14
Silents/Supply us 1,2
Smd+Iceball/Flower 1-6
Starfrontiers/Krabat's intro 1
Taboo/Ritual 1
Tetragon/Psychodelic 1
The Judges/Crazy Sample 1
The Judges/Hubbard track 1,2,3
The Voice/Troublescroll 1
Tmmb/Grey in grey 1,2,3
Topsy Turvey/F.a.m.e. #2
Triad/Incubator 1
Triad/Xecution 2,3
Vision/Mist 1
Wot (+Zenobits)/Ruthless 1
Xakk/Bound to be best 1

That's about it. Please do me a big favour and spread
this note to all your contacts. Maybe this special
contact can help me... Thanks ahead!

Send to:


Next one is for my good hungarian buddy Cubehead.
It's all yours gabor!


The note

During the hot summer of 1995 Chaos & Exile decided
to fusion and form a new group called Resource.

As the inactive members of Exile have been left out,
we give you the full memberstatus of Resource here.

Resource  memberstatus:
(in alphabetical order)  (ex-Chaos)
Dale....................code  (ex-Exile)
Edhellon................code  (ex-Exile)  (ex-Exile)
Foe.....................swap  (ex-Exile)
Jaydee..................swap  (ex-Exile)
Lion....................code  (ex-Chaos)
Oscar...................code  (ex-Exile)  (ex-Chaos)  (ex-Exile)

Cubehead left Onslaught by this time, Jaydee, Lion
and Pete are also Chromance members and Foe is also
a member of Leader.

In the near future we will release the first (beta)
version of Lion's multinoter and another graphics

Ofcourse we are working on demo too. just be patient
:-) We will release only legal wares ofcoz and we'll
continue editing Widobet the hungarian Exile diskmag.
Among our plans are the creation of a new outfit with
lots of new ideas and chapters.

You can reach us on Internet :

- Resource 1995 -

Once again my good friend in Switzerland has moved.
better update your addybook.

As all of you already know I have been moving to a
new apartement.

The address goes like this:


My phone-number changed aswell:

the same # for POWERENGINE

Keep yourself straight...

Out and over

Avalanche of Atlantis


Ok that's it for this issue. Hopefully we will be able
to bring you lot of public announcements in the next
issue as well. 'Till then.....


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