Skyhigh 19 Cupid Corner

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Cupid Corner

Yes,once again you switched to the channel,where
you can read about my viewpoint. While Chirac acts
the same way some overcycled south-american dic-
tator would,while the last days of summer pass a-
way and puting some personal problems aside,I will
write down,what came to me as a surprise,or some
"Hmmm..."-feeling inside the scene lately. Welcome
to the


Well,well,looking back in time,I do recover two se-
perated scenes,the legal one and the illegal one.
This picture seems to fade lately. This is not a bad
thing at all,don't you misunderstand me there,I see
it as a nice thing to happen,as,thus,the legal guys
prove to show some interest in the cracking-biz and
not just condemning the crackers as "intro-linkers"
while the illegal guys can prove their skills in the
legal sector the same way. Now,you might say,what
is the new thing in there? Genesis*Project used to
be active both legal and illegal,yes,even Crest once
did a crack (North Sea Inferno,cracked by Heat-
seeker,nice 90 degrees rotated intro!)... I can just
agree with that,but the new thing is,that a lot of
legal guys lately join illegal crews! Take Lord Red
as an example,and his work for Chromance's X'95
competition,or Morris,Devil and Draz joining F4CG!
This somehow puzzled me... I think,that in a time of
lacking high-class games,this is the only thing to
do,when trying to keep up a constant warez-flow
and it surely proves an "Elite"-status of the crew,
when they are both active illegal and legal. With
the danger of being busted by the cops decreasing
constantly,this barrier is also not that powerful
anymore,as it used to be in the ol'days (Hmm,sounds
as if I'm getting old?).  To wrap this all up,just jump
that train,show respect for the works done in the
illegal scene,and don't just get too cool,when be-
ing in the illegal modem-scene...
It's always a tricky thingy,the scene always keeps
being not at ease with itself,there is the quarrel
or whatever,just think about that,it's senseless!
Unity is the trick,the scenes surely do not differ
that much,or do you think a fixer does an easier job
than a coder?


What? Yes,the Assembly'95 warez and some older
warez lately received by me,made me think about
this phenomena. It's strange,whenever you think,
that a group from there is dead,you will be proven
wrong by a ware coming from them. Finland surely is
not an active country (Now that Lemming ceased his
64-activity),but they have style. Just think of old
groups like Origo Dreamline or Extend! Now we have
Byterapers,Beyond Force &  Panic from up there,not
mentioning the paper artists,who constantly put out
shocking stuff. And contantly means in this case,
about a year. It seems,as if the finnish scene is al-
ways relaxed,they just do their work,and from time
to time,they put something out,that shocks totally,
without making a big fuss about it... Ok,we need the
hectic guys,constantly being ambitioned to put out
something as first,too,but this way it surely shows
some great results,too. May this be a kind of remin-
der for all you out there,just take your time,as a
rushed release with a lot of bugs and flashes is not
too good for your reputation either...


Well,I do not recover correctly now,wether I alrea-
dy waffled about this or not,but some points there
really got me pissed off!
When seeing some games , or let's say previews l8-
ly,I thought,what the fuck this may be,games with no
style,with no idea or unplayable at all! For example
I saw a shoot-em-up that long time ago Crossline
wanted to release as an intro,and they even were
proud of it! Back in time,a game-company would have
laughed in your face,when you would have come up
with crap like that! Well,the reason is simple: Money!
Everyone wants to make the big cash with games
these days,not recognizing,that with this flood of
2-day-work games the prices will sink dramatically,
too! So,please think before doing a game like that,as
you deceive everyone,that wants to release quality
with this business! Also people get rejected buying
them games,who wants to give out money for shitty
gfx,senseless gameplay and strange music when
there are still old,cool games to play! Another thing
that annoyed me,was,that noone seems to think a-
bout game-ideas anymore! Face it,who needs another
Tetris-clone,being worse than the original? Lately
both Coldiarus and Mayhem was released,both cool
games,gfx and soundwise,but considering the idea of
them,it's nothing new,but good old minesweeper! I a-
gree,that it's fucking hard to think about new ideas
these days,as nearly everything has been done so
far,but hey,guys,a bit of thinking won't hurt,does it?
So,don't allow the game biz to decrease to a warez
flow without creativity just to gain some bucks...


Ayeah,here we go again... Reading them last issues of
the Vandalism News,this chapter caught my eye,
claiming that the scene should also fight Satanism
the same way it did fight fascism. Well,it's true,that
there havn't been any releases containing fascisitic
shit lately (Though Scorpion/Vermes made me doubt,
as the upscrolling scorpions had the arrangement
of a swastika,prove me wrong,or call me paranoid
there),but personally I consider this Satanism-fight
senseless or overrated. It's true,Lord Red,Satani-
sm and satanic sects are a big threat up in Norway
and even in Germany. Having insight into the Music-
underground by being involved in a Record-label,I
can also justify that, Bands kill each other,Church-
es are being burnt down,people are sacrificed,what-
ever,but I guess it takes more than a turned cross
or a Devil's face in a Logo to get someone to go out
and beat the shit out of anybody else,or to open a
grave and have some necrophile fun... To me,using
satanic symbols in a logo is just a trick to attract
viewers,and to get your group a mean/powerful
attitude,and not a threat whatsoever... I think,that
religious things should be put aside when the talk
is about the scene,as this surely is something sub-
jective... So,to me,this is nothing but exagurrated,
next time someone will come up and tries to fight
people using red in their logos for communism?

Now,this concludes it once again, in case,that you
want to react on any of that,just stick to the addy
below,but don't expect a send back,sorry!



by the way
coz individuality rules,right Bizzie? :)

(Fuck you Christian, he he he - BK!)

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