The Best 05

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 introduction                      p:01 
 welcome to the fifth issue of the best 
 zine. best wishes for the new year and 
 we all hope this will be a kick ass    
 year for the commodore 64!             
         1. intruduction                
         2. games a-g                   
         3. games h-o                   
         4. games p-z                   
         5. game of the month           
         6. coming soon                 
         7. group quizz                 

 introduction                      p:02 
 as this is a game zine we tought it    
 would be good for this zine to create  
 it's own chart. and so it happened.    
 you all can vote for game makers at    
 one of your local the best contact!    
         + for the first time +         
         1. new entry....... 47         
         2. taboo prods..... 45         
         3. inflexion....... 32         
         4. electric boys... 29         
         5. electric brains. 12         

 introduction                      p:03 
 to contact the best please send a disk 
 to one of the following adresses:      
 ream/afl          calypso/afl/amnesia  
 as we are looking for reliable game-   
 collecters you can also contact one of 

 introduction                      p:04 
 the credits for this zine are:         

games a-g

                games a-g               
 f......................number of files 
 c.....................number of cheats 
 fx........................ntsc/pal fix 
 end..........from end back to game fix 
 h......................highscore saver 
 i........................iffl or miffl 

 ace pro                f    l    c     
 chromance/jaydee       1   94   --- fx 

 actionauts 2           f    l    c     
 onslaught/vengeance    1   98   ---    

 amnesia                f    l    c     
 alphaflight/ream       1h   99   +3    
 laxity     /didi       1h  110   +5    
 hardcore   /nebula     2h  117   +4    
 chromance  /bolee      3h  143   +4    
 paradox    /donar      4   215   +4    
 onslaught  /veng+shad. 3h  223   +4 fx 
 fx by peacemaker/hitman                

 battle of thurn        f    l    c     
 alphaflight/ignorance 12*  313:)---    
 avt+f4cg   /sneaper   14*  390:)--- fx 
 hardcore   /rap       13*  401:) +2    
 * intro included                       

 bomber                 f    l    c     
 u-turn   /dr.doom      1    64   +2    

 brain disease 2        f    l    c     
 chromance/mr.wax       1   104  --- fx 

 break it               f    l    c     
 chromance/syco         1   58   +1  fx 

 buisness man           f    l    c     
 f4cg /morris           1   54  ---  tr 

 bburago rally          f    l    c     
 chromance/jaydee      44  662   +2 fxt 
:(1: can't buy a new  car               
:(2: wrong car change in race 7         
:(3: graphics in race 16 fucked  up     

 coldarius              f    l    c     
 genlog  /mad mat       3   219  ---    
 laxity  /didi          4   222  ---    
 acrise  /bordeaux      3h  228   +1    
 dle     /dr.doom       4   247  ---    

 colony                 f    l    c     
 u-turn   /dr.doom      1   95   +4     

 colonial trader        f    l    c     
 avantgarde /suicide   14   315  +1     
 alphaflight/ignorance 26   425  +1  fx 
 laxity     /didi      14#  427  +3     
 excess+acr./sentinell 34   459 ---     
 u-turn     /dr.doom   27   503  +3     

 colora 2               f    l    c     
 alphaflight/ream       1   57   ---    
 excess     /red rock   1   57   ---    
 atlantis   /kirby      1   63   ---    
 scs+trc    /h-bloxx    1   63   ---    
 laxity     /didi       1   64   ---    
 onlsuaght  /donar      1   66   ---    
 triad      /dr.disk    1   68   ---    
 avantgarde /jack alien 1   71   ---    
 ascraeus   /moloch     1   81   ---    
 onslaught  /kinley     1  110   --- fx 

 deadly crystals        f    l    c     
 f4cg/playboy    100%   1   58   +6     

 dioroid                f    l    c     
 triad      /dr.disk   1h    64   +1    
 delta      /quorthon  1h    69   +2  :(
 laxity     /didi      1h    70   +1    
 scs+trc    /h-bloxx   1h    71   +1    
 excess     /red rock  1h    72   +1    
 u-turn     /dr.doom   1h    73   +1    
 ascraeus   /moloch    1h    79   +1    
 avantgarde /derby-ram 1h    79   +1    
 acrise     /sentinell 1h    81   +1    
 alphaflight/ignorance 1h    95   +1 fx 
 onslaught  /vengeance 1h   108   +1    
 ntsc/pal fixing by hitman              
 :(saves highscores in cheatmode        

 dodgeball              f    l    c     
 tbt/jason              1    61  ---    

 dropper                f    l    c     
 scs+trc/moren          1   97   +1  fx 

 doris                  f    l    c     
 atlantis   /kirby      1    98  +5     
 avantgarde /jack alien 1    98  +5     
 laxity     /vaque      1   100  +4     
 u-turn     /dr.doom+ad 1   115  +3     
 ascraeus   /moloch     1   131  +3     
 success+trc/cba        1   166  +3  fx 

 dungeon warriors       f    l    c     
 f4cg       /smasher    2h   95   +1    
 alphaflight/ignorance  1h   97   +6    
 triad      /sailor     1h  100   +2    
 hardcore   /nebula     2h  102   +2    
 paradox    /donar      2h  104   +2    
 laxity     /didi       1h  105  ---    
 atlantis   /kirby      1h  108   +3    
 x-rated    /danzig     1h  109   +4    
 role       /dennis     1h  110   +4    
 success+trc/h-bloxx    2h  113  ---    
 onslaught  /tmm        1h  114   +3    
 avantgarde /jack alien 1h  116   +3 fx 
 acrise     /bordeaux   1h  118   +4    
 u-turn     /dr.doom    1h  119   +2    

 dungeon warriors       f    l    c     
 dle        /dr.doom    2h  125   +1    
 chromance  /mr.wax     1h  146   +3    

 duomato                f    l    c     
 f4cg  /morris          1   105  ---  :)
 :)fixed and translated                 

 erotica                f    l    c     
 success+trc/count-0   12   527  +1  fx 

 final conquest         f    l    c     
 motiv8 /crossfire      1   88   +1     

 flare                  f    l    c     
 chromance/jaydee       1   72   --- fx 

 fred's in trouble      f    l    c     
 alphaflight/ream       2if 253  +2     
 laxity     /didi       2i  291  +7     
 hardcore   /rap       20   295  +2     
 triad      /dr.disk   20   297  +4     
 atlantis   /kirby     20   299  +5     
 scanners   /kouros    20   298  +2     
 onslaught  /donar      2i  310  +5  v2 
 avantgarde /j.alien   20   314  +5     
 onslaught  /veng+jol. 19   327  +4  fx 
 u-turn     /dr.doom   20   328  +2  v1 
 acrise     /sentinell 20   369  +2     

 fuzzy fisherman        f    l    c     
 dle/dr.doom            1   134  ---  :(
 :(this game is frozen,can't you guys   
   find a regular startadress ???       

games h-o

                games h-0               
 f......................number of files 
 c.....................number of cheats 
 fx........................ntsc/pal fix 
 end..........from end back to game fix 
 h......................highscore saver 
 i........................iffl or miffl 

 hangman                f    l    c     
 number one /gangrene   1   42   ---    
 atlantis   /kirby      1   44    +1    
 delta      /quorthon   1   45   ---    
 scs+trc    /techno     1   45    +2    
 avantgarde /intruder   1   46    +1    
 quest.mark /chris      1   46   ---    
 hardcore   /dr.disk    1   47    +1    
 genlog     /mad mat    1   48    +1    
 amnesia    /calypso    1   49    +1    
 cult       /lunatic    1   49    +1    
 dle        /dr.doom    1   49   --- :( 
 avantgarde /derby-ram  1   57    +1    
 ------------------------------- more > 

 hangman                f    l    c     
 alphaflight/ream       1#  59   --- fx 
 acrise     /sentinel   1   73    +1  :(
 nofx       /vio+frenzy 1   90   ---    
 :(introlink,no crack!                  

 jailbreak              f    l    c     
 gods/smooth            1    67  ---    

 joe                    f    l    c     
 alpphaflight/ignorance 1   88   +1 fxt 
 fixed and translated!                  

 kindergarten kids      f    l    c     
 meyham/met             1   126  +3     
 seuck game!!! ofcause from meyham      

 laced tiles            f    l    c     
 alphaflight/calypso    2if 439  +1p    
 alter      /lynchbit  11   446  --- :) 
 laxity     /didi       2i  449  +1p    
 atlantis   /kirby     11   450  +1p    
 avantgarde /j.alien   11   453  +1p fx 
 chromance  /jaydee    12   454  +p     
 f4cg       /smasher   11   474  +1p    
 onslaught  /donor      2i  474  +4p    
 role       /simple    11   492  +p  *  
 u-turn     /dr.doom   12   619  +p  :( 
 :(no levelpacking                      
 * no irq-loading                       
 :)100% version                         

 las vegas              f    l    c     
 avantgarde/jack alien  9hf 241  --- *  
 scs+trc   /burglar    16h  278  ---    
 * all bugs removed                     

 lazertech              f    l    c     
 alphaflight/ream       1   55   ---    
 acrise     /bordeaux   1   56    +1    
 scs+trc    /lcf        1   61   ---    
 atlantis   /didi       1   64    +1    
 motiv8     /crossfire  1   64    +1    
 onslaught  /ministry   1   64    +2    
 avantgarde /renegade   1   68    +1    
 dle        /dr.doom    1   70    +1    
 f4cg       /solar      1   99   ---    

 leppard                f    l    c     
 alphaflight/ignorance  2ih 308   +6    
 alphaflight/ignorance 13h  394   +4 fx 

 logic                  f    l    c     
 laxity/didi            1h  86    +2    
 f4cg  /mr.alpha        1h  99   ---    

 lost dwarfs            f    l    c     
 f4cg       /smasher    1   124  ---    
 alphaflight/ream       1   130  ---    
 ascraeus   /moloch     1   166  ---    

 lotti                  f    l    c     
 scs+trc/cba            1   66   ---    

 lucky egg              f    l    c     
 chromance/jaydee      6h   393  +7  fx 

 lunar blitz            f    l    c     
 alphaflight/ream       1   22   ---    
 riff raffs /f'n f.     1   23   --- fx 
 atlantis   /kirby      1   36   ---    
 nofx       /dior       1   42   ---    

 mad ball               f    l    c     
 tbt/brian-igen-igen    1   93   ---    

 magazine               f    l    c     
 laxity     /didi       1   77   +3p    
 alphaflight/ignorance  1   84   +3p    
 paradox    /kinley     1   84   +2     
 dytec      /dodger     1   92   +3     
 acrise     /sentinel   2  100   +2p    
 atlantis   /kirby      2  155   +2     
 mental     /tale+n.boy 2  191   +2p    

 mayhem 3               f    l    c     
 mayhem/mat             1   96   +3     
 seuck game!!! ofcause from meyham      

 mc.rat                 f    l    c     
 laxity     /vaque      1    74  +4     
 delta      /quorthon   1    77  +4     
 onslaught  /tmm        1    78  +4     
 success+trc/h-bloxx    2    80  +1     
 ascraeus   /moloch     1    86  +2     
 u-turn     /dr.doom    2   100  +1     
 alphaflight/ignorance  1   101  +3  fx 

 mega space             f    l    c     
 gops/smooth            1   73   ---    

 memory                 f    l    c     
 chromance/jaydee       1   130  --- *  
 * fixed and translated                 

 micze valdgire         f    l    c     
 f4cg/hain              4  297   +2  fx 
 fx by avantgarde                       

 mines                  f    l    c     
 riff raffs/the yokel   1h  51   ---    
 rpk       /messiah     1h  53   ---    

 minitron               f    l    c     
 rpk /trk               1    40  ---    
 hcon/morbid            1    50  ---    

 monopole               f    l    c     
 gops/smooth            1    83  ---    

 morfix                 f    l    c     
 laxity     /manik  v2  1*  54   +3     
 alphaflight/ream       1   56   +1     
 paradox    /donar      1   58   +4     
 avantgarde /jack alien 1*  63   +2  fx 
 triad      /sailor     1   63   +2     
 laxity     /manik  v1  1   65   +3     
 acrise     /sentinell  1   69   +1     
 atlantis   /didi       1*  70   +2     
 noname     /madmat     1   72   +3     
 ascraeus   /moloch     1   77   +1     
 cult       /lunatic    1*  80   +2     
 chromance  /mr.wax     1  101   +2     
 * translated                           

 mr.egghead             f    l    c     
 gops/smooth            1   77   ---    

 murder in the monesrty f    l    c     
 riff raffs/frank'n f. 42   159  ---    
 atlantis  /kirby       2i  179  ---    
 onslaught /kinley     44   209  ---    

 mystery                f    l    c     
 cult       /lunatic    1h  151   +3    
 role       /simple     1h  151   +2    
 dytec      /dodger     1h  152   +2    
 atlantis   /kirby      1h  155   +3    
 laxirty    /didi       1h  156   +6    
 alphaflight/ignorance  1h  161   +1    
 acrise     /bordeaux   1h  164   +1    
 genlog     /mad mat    1h  165   +1    
 quest.mark /chriss     1h  166   +1    
 x-rated    /danzig     1h  167   +3    
 ed.1986 mario bros ripp-off            

 numm                   f    l    c     
 laxity     /didi       1   79   +4     
 alphaflight/calypso    1   84   +4  v2 
 paradox    /donar      1   86   +1     
 alphaflight/ream       1   90   +2  v1 
 avantgarde /jack alien 1*  90   +3  fx 
 motiv8     /crossfire  1   64   +2     
 delta      /quorthon   1   84   +4     
 acrise     /sentinel   1   93   +2     
 atlantis   /didi       1>  94   +4     
 cult       /lunatic    1*  96   +3     
 onslaught  /tmm        1   96   +3     
 * translated                     more> 
 > translated by avantgarde             

 numm                   f    l    c     
 u-turn     /dr.doom+ad 1  101   +2     

 ograton 2              f    l    c     
 riff raffs /ultra      1    49   +1    
 acr+excess /sentinel   1    49   +1    
 alphaflight/calypso    1    50   +1    
 fairlight  /moonchild  1    50   +4    
 laxity     /didi       1    58   +3    
 scs+trc    /h-bloxx    1    59   +1    
 u-turn     /dr.doom    1    64   +1    

 overload               f    l    c     
 laxity/didi            1   38   +1     
 u-turn/dr.doom+ad      1   53   +1     

games p-z

                games p-z               
 f......................number of files 
 c.....................number of cheats 
 fx........................ntsc/pal fix 
 h......................highscore saver 
 i........................iffl or miffl 

 party quest            f    l    c     
 atlantis   /kirby      2i  189  ---    
 question m./chriss     2i  190  ---    
 alphaflight/ignorance 43#  206  ---    
 paradox    /donor     43   213  ---    

 pinfaball              f    l    c     
 alphaflight/ream       1    88  +4  fx 
 u-turn     /dr.doom    1    91  +2     
 nofx       /dior       1    96  +1     

 planet pimlico         f    l    c     
 bingo team/??          1   75   --- fx 

 pong                   f    l    c     
 u-turn/dr.doom         1    45  +2     

 puzzle page            f    l    c     
 motiv8/crossfire      17   235  ---    

 quota                  f    l    c     
 onslaught/jolz         1   155   +3 fx 

 recoc-nice             f    l    c     
 avantgarde/derby-ram   1   80   ---    
 nofx      /violator    1   81   ---    

 relax                  f    l    c     
 avantgarde/jack alien  1   64   --- fx 
 ed.i recognize this one somehow        

 road course            f    l    c     
 ascraeus/moloch        1   127  +1     
 excess  /nasty boy     1   141  ---    

 roloid                 f    l    c     
 success+trc/cba        1#   89   +2    

 screenians             f    l    c     
 rr/action replay       1   117   +2    

 shaman                 f    l    c     
 scs+trc    /burglar    1   159  +4  fx 
 active     /trasher    1   172  +3     
 atlantis   /kirby      1   173  +4     
 laxity     /didi       1   173  +5     
 role       /simple     1   174  +4:(:(:(
 triad      /dr.disk    1   174  +3     
 delta      /quorthon   1   175  +6  :( 
 onslaught  /tmm        1   176  +6     
 alphaflight/calypso    1   177  +6     
 avantgarde /jack alien 1   181  +4     
 excess     /h-bloxx    1   183  +3     
 nofx       /phuture    1   188  +3     
 :(graphic bugs                  more>  

 shaman                 f    l    c     
 u-turn     /dr.doom    1   189  +1     
 acrise     /bordeax    1   190  +4:(:(:(
:(:(:( when sprite collision is disabled 
      you can't hit any enemies !!!     

 shifty balls           f    l    c     
 chromance/jaydee       2   143  --- fx 

 shoot out              f    l    c     
 alphaflight/calypso    1   68   +1     

 skyt                   f    l    c     
 m8+afl/ignorance       1    67   +1 fx 
 motiv8/crossfire       1   102   +1    

 space arena 2          f    l    c     
 onslaught/kinley       1   53   ---    

 speedy slug            f    l    c     
 avantgarde/jack alien  6hf 286  +6  :) 
 scs+trc   /count zero  6h  381  +5  fx 
 :(fix is only 80%                      
 :)bug fixed                            

 spherebrain            f    l    c     
 avantgarde /ja+scde   2h   122  +3  fx 
 fairlight  /moonchild 1h   154  +4     
 avantgarde /thorn     2h   166  +3p fx 
 atlantis   /kirby     1h   171  +4p    
 laxity     /didi      2h   173  +5p    
 alphaflight/calypso   2if  176  +4p    
 onslaught  /homeboy   2    186  +4  v1 
 onslaught  /tmm       2i   186  +6  v3 
 onslaught  /donar     1h   186  +4p v2 
 ascraeus   /moloch    6h   189  +4p    
 chromance  /jinx      2h   198  +4p    
 role       /simple    5h   203  +1     
 u-turn     /dr.doom   3h   211  +3p    
 ascraeus   /moloch    6h   235  +4p    

 summix                 f    l    c     
 hitmen/curlin          2   213  +3 fxt 

 superball              f    l    c     
 onslaught/jolz         1    94  +1  fx 

 temporal               f    l    c     
 motiv8/crossfire       1   122  ---    

 thief                  f    l    c     
 tbt/brian-igen-igen    1   74   --- fx 
 :(game is made with the activision     
   gamemaker, and i crashes on level 2! 

 time bomb              f    l    c     
 motiv8/crossfire       1   160  ---    

 turbo racer            f    l    c     
 alphaflight/ignorance  1   118  +3  fx 

 twin terrors 2         f    l    c     
 cult     /lunatic      1   60   +3     
 excess   /nebula       1   62   +2     
 acrise   /sentinell    1   64   +2     
 onslaught/vengeance    1  115   +3  fx 

 vari                   f    l    c     
 scs+trc+hitman/cba    1h#  207  --- fx 

 wall street 2          f    l    c     
 exc+arc/red rock       46  556  --- tr 

 wonky worms             f    l    c    
 alphaflight/ream        2i  169 ---    
 fairlight  /moonchild   2i  180 +12    
 avt+f4cg   /jack alien  1i  200 +5  fx 

 worly                  f    l    c     
 alphaflight/ignorance  1h  96   +2 fxt 
 fixed and translated                   

 worm                   f    l    c     
 avantgarde /jack alien 2ih 154  +2     
 alphaflight/ignorance  1h  168  +3  fx 
 atlantis   /kirby      3h  201  +2     
 u-turn     /dr.doom   16   248  +1     
 triad      /sailor     2i   95  +3     
 laxity     /didi       2h  160  +2     

 xavier                 f    l    c     
 u-turn    /dr.doom     1   133  +5     
 riff raffs/f'n f.      2   154  +2     
 s.e.u.c.k. game                        

 zinj complex           f    l    c     
 alphaflight/ream+igno  1    88  +2  fx 
 alphaflight/ignorance  1   105  +2     

 zynax 2                f    l    c     
 riff raffs/the yokel   1    96  +2     
 seuck game                             

game of the month

            game of the month           
 yes yes.. the so beloved chapter       
 called 'game of the month' is yet      
 again in your sight.                   
 this month, how could it be else, the  
 game chosen is:                        
               LAS VEGAS                
        by new entry productions!       
          (c) by magna media!           
 damn,  one monster of a poker game     
 this is. at first sight,this was just  
 'whow'. really fancy indeed.           

            game of the month           
 game like this dont get made too much  
 anymore on our little computer, so its 
 one to tresure.                        
 the game features 3 levels of          
 difficultie to play in, so no big deal 
 if your not such a great cardsman.     
 just take the easy level and have      
 your share of fun.                     
 also thee game offers you to choose    
 between 6 pair of cards motives. for   
 the front aswell as the backside of    
 the cards. some nice gfx is made for   

            game of the month           
 the design.                            
 yes, i must admit, this is a really    
 neat game to have in your collection,  
 even if your not a fan of cardsgames   
 (like me). still i think this is a     
 game that people will keep, instead    
 of the usual formatting!               
 the points are:                        
 coding by michal bacik......... 79%    
 graphics by vladimir kalny..... 88%    
 music by blues muzic........... 70%    

            game of the month           
 and so my overal points will be        
 ofcourse quite positive: 83%.          
 make sure to get a copy of this        
 and that's it again. i'll be seeing    
 you all in another chapter!            

coming soon

               coming soon              
 yet again you have chosen to load the  
 'coming soon chapter, but....          
 due to a lack of inspiration aswell    
 as a lack of preview games, this       
 chapter will be rather thin.           
 my apologies for that!                 
 still, the game chosen among all those 
 worthless previews, is a prv that      
 might have a change of becoming a nice 
                the name:               

               coming soon              
 i must start by saying that i have no  
 idea who coded this preview or who is  
 responsoble for the gfx. what i can    
 say is that the gfx do look really     
 good. more or less in the style of     
 nikaj eijk. i suppose it could be his  
 work indeed.                           
 anyhow.. the game idea is not very     
 original. once more of those shooting  
 games. you know, your some kind of     
 plane, and your mission is  to shoot   
 all that comes in your way.  but as ++ 

               coming soon              
 said, the game is stuck in a nice      
 jacket, which makes the game worth     
 playing for a while.                   
 about points i cannot judge to         
 fairly, so i will just give an overal  
 point which would be about 72%.        
 ofcourse all in all a good result.     
 i also think thiss will be a game      
 worthy for your collection. lets hope  
 it will ever see the light of day!     
 till next time........        CALYPSO  

the group quizz

              group quizz               
 and welcome to yet again  the group    
 quizz chapter. well, before we go on   
 with anything here, i must tell you    
 that the respond i got on this chapter 
 has been most dissapointing.           
 i did get a lot of positive reactions  
 about it, but i did not receive a      
 single disc with ANSWERS!! now this    
 can have 2 reasons. 1: the scene has   
 become too lame for such things and    
 people are not willing to give a go    
 and try to winn some prices. or....    

              group quizz               
 2: the questions i made up were too    
 difficult. in this case it would have  
 been my fault.                         
 therefor i will make this chapter one  
 more time, in order to see if i will   
 get the wanted response on the ques-   
 tions this time. this time the         
 quizzed group will be AMNESIA. this    
 was selected as it would not be fair   
 to take just any other group without   
 but first i will give you the answers  

              group quizz               
 on last issue's quizz, which were      
 about afl'70.                          
 1. what stands the 70 for in afl'70?   
  * the year of birth the founders were 
 2. skinhead used a different handle    
    for a while. what was it?           
  * supreme.                            
 3. name 3 groups ream was in.          
  * hotline, triad and accuse.          

              group quizz               
 4. who is the sysop of 'escapede'.     
  * xenox.                              
 5. who is the coverdesigner in afl and 
    what's his real name.               
  * zapotek and sveinung.               
 6. has afl an russian member.          
  * no longer.                          
 7. who coded the afl intro with the    
    flight simulator?                   
  * ream.                               

              group quizz               
 8. what's the official afl slogan?     
  * this flight will never stop.        
 9. is ignorance married?               
  * yes.                                
                                 much money did skinhead offer   
    for each better version than his of 
    the game 'amorphous'?               
  * 100 german marks.                   
                                 the 3 dutch afl members by     
    handle and real name.               

              group quizz               
 * ream/jorgo, styx/jurgen and calypso/ 
 and those were the answers. now was    
 that so hard!?  hmm.. perhaps it was,  
 well, than here are the questions for  
 this time. do send some answers this   
 the stuff starts at the next page...   

              group quizz               
 1. amnesia is a 100 percent dutch      
    group, did the group ever had any   
    foreign members? if yes, which      
 2. what's the end slogan that seal     
    ends his scroll texts with?         
 3. what's the name of the only demo    
    they ever released (the multifiler) 
 4. name 3 groups seal was a member of. 

              group quizz               
 5. who is the composer in amnesia?     
 6. amnesia has had it's share of wars  
    in the past. with which 2 groups?   
 7. some members in amnesia also work   
    as a game development team. what    
    is the name of that team? (games    
    released are f.e. mastermind and    
 8. the slogan is..?                    

              group quizz               
 9. what is the former handle of        
                                 the demogroup calypso was a    
    member of.                          
 and that's it... these questions are   
 not hard at all. well, perhaps for     
 some, but there are always people that 
 complain. as a famous writer once      
 wrote:you never can satisfie everyone! 
 i totally agree.                       

              group quizz               
 so send in all your answers to the     
 known adress. and c'mon guys..prove    
 me that there is still some life in    
 this old scene.                        
 we'll meet again next time!            

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