Reformation 05

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Reformation #5 FairLight

Editorial Issue #5

Reformation #5                  FairLight

	Some dictators felt progressive
	and lay down in the sun
	but his people were agressive
	they killed him with a gun

And welcome to another issue of your favorite mag...

As you probably already saw the quality of the mag beginns to 
fall, for various reasons. The main point seems to be that I (Black
Priest) got a bit tired of all this editor works, and I guess that´s OK
after I made now 25 issues of mags. (World News and Reform.)
Well, of course I´ll continue my works, and so I guess it´s the  
time for some new power for this mag that we can get the old

This means we´re currently searching for new co-editors. 
The "work" is not hard and when you know other co-editors you 
know what fun it is. 

OK, to get a co-editor you just have to drop a letter to my adress,
or give me, or any other FairLight member an e-mail on Warez
Aquarium. The great thing is that I´ll give everyone a chance so it
doesn´t depend if you´re elite or not. In the end, I´ll deciede which
articles get in the mag and which not. Well, you don´t need a 
modem, but it would be great if you have one as the co-operation
would be much faster and better then, you know. 

There is also another possibility as a free-lancer. That means if 
you don´t want to be a stady co-editor you also can write articles 
(if possible in OUR editor) and send it to me through mail or if 
you´ve a modem call me on SUNDAY by voice (+43/02852-54060) 
and you can transfer your articles through modem to me too.
Just as you like. 

Now the chapter Introductions

Editorial		Black Priest
News and Rumours	Black Priest, TG-ACME
Future News		Black Priest, TG-ACME
Reactions		Black Priest
Adresses		Black Priest
Reviews			Black Priest
Bigfoot again		Enduro
Interview		Black Priest
Normal Charts		Black Priest
Mega Charts		Enduro
Half year megacharts	Enduro
Disco chats		Black Priest
Dying C64 again?	Surfer/ACTIVE
The Reformation               FairLight

Credits for issue #5

Programmings.........................Mikael "Tron" Olsson

Concept..............................Mikael "Tron" Olsson
.....................................Gerald "Black Priest" Weissensteiner

Graphicial works.....................Kim "Creeper" Nordstroem

Acoustics............................Emil "Red Devil" Helldin

Text-editors.........................Gerald "Black Priest" Weissensteiner
.....................................Martin "Enduro" Cedergren
.....................................Tonny "TG-ACME" Gundersen

Outfit...............................Gerald "Black Priest" Weissensteiner
The Reformation               FairLight

Headlines of this issue

- Dying C64? Nope some statistics in this article will show the
   other side!

- Some more disco chats...

- Again troubles with Bigfoot/ex-Paramount..

- Exlusive and fucking hot interview with Tricket/VISUAL 

- Half year megacharts! Of course also normal and mega charts.
The Reformation               FairLight

How to reach us???

For any supply for this mag reach us on these ways:

Through Board:

Sysop: Sledge

Through phone:

	++XX / XXXXX-XXXXX 		(Gerald)
	++XX / XXXXX-XXX 		(Tonny)
	++XX / XXXXX-XXXXX 		(Martin)

Through mail:

The Reformation HQ
Black Priest / FairLight


Enduro / FairLight


TG-ACME / Epic


Airwolf / Genesis * Project

The Reformation               FairLight

Respect this...

This magazine is a 100% Fairlight production. For any official 
use you have to ask Black Priest first! 
The Reformation               FairLight

News and Rumours


Euro board news 				page 2
European News A-F				page 3
European News G-M				page 4
European News N-Z				page 5
Newsflash 					page 6

Well, as always we mark 100% correct news with a ">" sign, just
to mentioned. 

Btw, if you´ve or got hot news then post in on our board WAREZ
AQUARIUM under +XX/XXX-XXXXX in "Reformation" sub or mail
it to me (Black Priest).
The Reformation               FairLight

Euro Board News and Rumours


Trickets board might be soon private, so hurry on calling it!
The Reformation               FairLight

European elite news A-M


>Artlace a hungarian musician joined and is now in 2 groups as
  he´s also in LETHARGY.


>Artix/SCS joined them, what everybody already knows. Or?


Rumours said that they´ll arange the HERING party!


>Cop joined them as second group, so he´s now in Faces and 

>Cop is now in a graphician curse, where he is 3 times per week.
  (red. Hey Akos, means that, that the scene will get a second Red-
  (star? Hehe..)


>Sonic started to call out again, after a little break.

>Freshprince/LIGHT joined. So did Stephen/AFL ´70 and cracked
  Nobby the Aardvark and Physic Kaos. This were his comeback
  as a cracker as he hasn´t cracked anything for a long time.

>Flower renamed to Doom.

>They also got a new modemtrader from Bastards called Vortex.


>Bacchus is soon done with his education, and a work as a lawyer 
  is hard to combine with a life as a cracker and groupleader. His
  plans are therefore to still be in the group, but hand over the 
  leadership to someone else! Possible persons would be Surfer
  of ACTIVE, Trasher, Tron, Spirou/LIGHT and some swapper 
  and spreaders.
  Don´t think now that Bacchus will quit! He´ll keep going as a 
  leader and perhaps let others take care of things he does today.

>These days we received half a dozen requests for membership 
  from all around the world. Most of them are uninteresting. Only
  Blackdroid/WRATH DESIGN (GFX) is on trial in FLT.

>Mendrake - This german cracker was a member on trial for 
  some weeks, which he told all the mags. He promised to send a 
  lot of hot originals to us, but the only thing he sent was a 
  cracked version of FistFighter, which he got from Roy of
  X-RATED (now MAYHEM). Bacchus sent him a letter
  concerning him and also his political views, as he was told from 
  several sources that Mendrake is a nazi. He has seen no reply,
  but he has read that Mendrake is now in another group.

>Duvel - Our old sysop in Holland. We don´t know if he is still in 
  the army or not, but for now we kick him. If the board will be 
  back up running and kicking, we might reinstate him on 

>HCI & Vodka/both BOOZE DESIGN got members on trial. They
  are both very good, well motivated and highly active. Vodka will
  now be called VDK as this has a more serious touch, but is still 
  short for Vodka.

>Also Bappalander joined us as a testmember. (red. Btw, have you
  known that Ove was the brain behind the TCC partty in 

>Maybe some members got kicked because of lazyness like Aaron
  and Grayhawk.

>Now some intern FLT members news:

The Alchemist - Adrian and Bacchus are currently coding a 
graphic converter for Amiga pictures to C64 pictures.

Dino - David has coded a special packer for Bacchus which is not 
quite finished yet as a his pretty lazy at the moment.

Ogami - He´s painting like hell at the moment! After the ones in
"Visual Orgasm" some now ones appear to our great enjoyment.

Oxidy - He´s working on an ULTRA DESIGN demo with Ogami!
No release date set yet, but it seems like a winner from what he 
has leaked out so far. His troubles with his drive trafo should be
fixed now.

Tron - Micke has just finished TronMon 2 and will soon do the 
same with some stunning parts for a coming demo 

>OK, as you see many things happand these days in FLT I guess
  the 100% memberlist should be printed now: (17.9.1993)

Aaron,Black Priest, Bacchus, Dino, Enduro, Gerwin, Ayatollah,
Grayhawk, Harlekin, Ogami, Oxidy, Red Devil, Rowdy, Sledge,
Tron, Watchman, (Bappalander, HCI, Lexi, Spirou, Vodka)
The Reformation               FairLight

European elite news G-M


Rune/HOAXERS/SUNRISE has left Trondheim to study in 
Skeirkjer. This will mean that he will be more unactive on C64. 
He is slowly going over to the PC, but he´ll stay on the 64 for some
years after all.


Sauron has moved from Moss to Trondheim to study. He will 
start at the NTH, and he will study to become an engineer. It 
unsure about the cracking, because he will live on a place where
he can´t use the phone!

>Freestyle did quit because he has been voted out. That happend 
  because he released some explanation files and tagged them as
  ILLUSION warez which they´re not!


>They will soon get into deep trouble. BOOZE DESIGN joined up, 
  but are not at all pleasent with where they ended up, as they 
  found up that they joined a STIFF! Mattias af Jocknick (Goblin) 
  who runs LIGHT has bored quite a few of the members, so some
  of them will drop out. Some of the members don´t even have 
  C64´s anymore. They ones leaving are the active parts of LIGHT!
The Reformation               FairLight

European News N-Z


They got a danish section which contains of 5 members.. They´re

	Idol/DOM (Pulse editor)
	Duke/DOM (Pulse editor)
	KBS/NERDS (swap)
	Sundancer/SYSTEM (GFX)
	Dr.Zivaga (code)


Rumours said that Crisp/ACTION is back and joined them!


Decoy Design is back after a one year break, joined SCL and 
renamed to Sander. (red. Well, we´re not sure if that is right as I
also heart now that he joined FOCUS!)

They organized a private party at Jesus place.

Scout returned to the scene after a break and released a digi 
demo named "Rave the Scene". Also Astray is again back on C64, 
but he´s also active on PC, SNES and Amiga.

Bad luck for the Spider who lost his addy list, so re-contact him 
if you want to continue swapping.

Tuynn/ACRISE joined as a coder and musician.

Earthshaker dropped a lot of his contacts, and swaps now only 
with pure elite. (red. Who is "pure elite" these days?)

So after all this changes to total memberstatus looks like that:

	Earthshaker, TPM, Spider, Coolrock, Milly, Ratman, Jesus
	Scout, Astray, Nightdog, Tuynn, Sander


>Hain and Brush/both from ELYSIUM joined as cracker and

>Raze is back and rejoined them.

>Atmos/ILLUSION joined as card and original supplier.

>Arrogance is active again!
    Yes, after his wintersleep he finally woke up and already did a 
    first release!

Rumours said that Burglar will make a moviemag. Yeah another 
competitor to Frontpage and Widescreen.


Dane, Johan, Tango, 2 nerd / all TWILIGHT joined. => Arise is
now a TRIAD mag.

Btw, Alfatech is in Triad on C64 but in Censor on SNES!


>Amarok left his 2nd group OXYRON and is now only in TOPAZ.


>They are back with new power. Members are:

	Mr. Smart/ex-NATO/ex-BONZAI/ex-BRUTAL
	Dr. Jones 

And they still search for some more member.

>They´ll put up some boards SOON. (Guess they already have 2).

>Rumours said that Dishy has quit, but this is untrue. Fact is that
  he is a but out of inspiration because parties, homework, amiga 
  and all this shit, but he´ll not leave the C64 scene completly.
The Reformation               FairLight


Rumours! Ikari should be back
It´s really nothing sure here, also on some boards is confusion 
about that. Hope we can get some more details for the next issue.

Guy Shavitt left the C-64 scene in august.

Also another legend died; THE FORCE after 11 years in the scene!

Rune/HOAXERS/SUNRISE has left Trondheim to study in 
Skeirkjer. This will mean that he will be more unactive on C64. 
He is slowly going over to the PC, but he´ll stay on the 64 for some
years after all.

The Loverboy from the legendary MANOWAR came back to the 
C64 scene! He remaind groupless but started calling out again!

All rumours that Shock will be back are wrong, the mag is dead
on C64, but is ruling on SNES!

TOUGH, the winning group in 64´er demo compo, ripped all parts
from several old demos made by CREST, etc... Fuck off!

Some of the old BRUTAL members (TCH, RCS, Scent, Technoir
and Tarasque) formed a new group called INBREAD! They´ll 
maybe edit Brutal Recall again!
The Reformation               FairLight

Future News


Find here the future of the following groups:

Success - Hoaxers - FairLight
The Reformation               FairLight

Future News


They are working on their 5 year celebration demo, but as only 
one coder is coding it will take some time.


>They will soon kick some member as they´ve too much unactive 
  ones. Ayatollah seems to be fix as he left C64 to SNES. 3 others 
  are possible. The result is actually not finished and on Warez 
  Aquarium they just made a opinion poll about that subject.


They will soon come with a new mag called "Fever". They already
spreaded a prev. versiion of it all over the globe (red. Don´t under
stand why?). As We´re afraid when this issue is finished the mag 
will be already out we also print here the adress to get in contact 
with the main-editor:

- Fever -

The Reformation               FairLight

Normal Charts

European Charts                                

Well, the count system is like the one we always used. Send us 
your Top 10 charts in:

European Cracking Groups
Single European Crackers
European Demo Groups
Single European Coder
Best European BSS

US Cracking Groups
Single US Crackers

The #1 got 10 points up to #10 which becomes 1 point. Easy or?

Well, btw we still collect the so called "elite votes" so that we
hopfully soon can present you the elite charts.

The Reformation               FairLight

European Cracking Groups

   1.	(1)LEGEND			143
   2.	(3)Success			122
   3.	(9)Epic				102
   4.	(2)Red Sector Inc.		87
   5.	(4)Chromance			82
   6.	(6)Triad			74
   7.	(5)Talent			68
   8.	(10)Vision			62
   9.	(8)Illusion			55
  10.	(12)Fairlight			23
  11.	(14)Trance			12


	As Dominators died, we skiped them.
	Epic made a major jump..
The Reformation               FairLight

European Single Crackers

   1.	(2)Powerplant			172
   2.	(1)The Burglar			153
   3.	(3)Doc				128
   4.	(5)Crossfire			107
   5.	(4)Bod				83
   6.	(8)Antitrack			64
   7.	(9)Benson			53
   8.	(11)Jack Alien			50
   9.	(12)Bacchus			38
  10.	(15)Watchman			12


	Powerplant and Burglar changed their places.
	Antitrack raised althought he hasn´t cracked for ages now.
	Anyway he´s still one of the best!
	We skipped Chrysagon as he´s now on PC.

The Reformation               FairLight

European Demo Groups

   1.	(1)OXYRON			153
   2.	(8)Topaz Beerline		103
   3.	(4)Noice			97
   4.	(11)Antic			75
   5.	(10)Visual Reality		60
   6.	(2)Crest			42
   7.	(7)Camelot			32
   8.	(14)Origo			28
   9.	(5)Flash Incorporated		22
  10.	(13)Fairlight			14


	We skipped CENSOR as they moved to the consoles. Also 
	LIGHT is away now.
	TOPAZ raised 6 places, and ANTIC even 7!

The Reformation               FairLight

European Single Coder

   1.	(1)TTS			153
   2.	(3)Tron			124
   3.	(2)Zodiac		122
   4.	(5)D´Arc		109
   5.	(5)Flamingo		81
   6.	(10)Glasnost		73
   7.	(-)Graham		62
   8.	(7)Crossbow		47
   9.	(14)Swoffa		32
  10.	(8)Cruzer		21


	We skipped Bob as he´s on the consoles now.
	Graham/OXYRON entered...
The Reformation               FairLight

European BBS

   1.	(-)Warez Aquarium		97
   2.	(-)Future Zone			85
   3.	(-)Highway			63
   4.	(-)Dominic			59
   5.	(-)The Studio
     	(-)Cyberdome			32
   7.	(-)Gateway			21
   8.	(-)The last Empire		10
   9.	(-)Decadence			8
  10.	(-)Warez a la Carte		3


	Ha, WAQ,FZ and Cyberdome... FairLight rules...

The Reformation               FairLight

Mega Charts

Megacharts August ´93!                      

Some facts:

	All types of groups have the change to enter the charst,
	not only demo- or crackergroups!

	All members in the groups on the charts are at least 
	registrated in one counted magazine.

	I count each point a member or a mag receives in the 
	selected disc-magz!

Mags rereleased this period were:

A-Head #03
Nitro #12
Network #06
Newspress #10

(As you can see there´s some changes of the selection, but don´t 
blame me, blame the editors which haven´t released their mags 
under this period like: WOW, Oxyron...)

But the charts gives you a 100% fair view of the 20 strongest 
allround groups in the scene at the moment!


Euro Top 1-10

1. LEGEND (Europe)
Total: 5498

	Crackergroup			1855
	Shock				1376
	Powerplant			998
	XXX				548
	Doc				400
	Antitrack			273
	Fletch				37
	Junebug				11

2. OXYRON (Germany)
Total: 5494

	Demogroup			2201
	Addybook			1069
	Skyhigh				132
	TTS				1199
	Axis				195
	Graham				50
	RRR				69
	Bizkid				92
	Pri				459
	Peace				12
	Amarok				16

3. CREST (Germany)
Total: 4884

	Demogroup			1922
	Crossbow			973
	Maduplec			76
	Vision				13
	Bizzmo				56
	Drax				702
	Syndrom				905
	Deek				200
	MSK				30
	Xayne				7

4. FLASH INC. (Sweden)
Total: 3679

	Demogroup			1955
	Hotshot				349
	Zodiac				948
	Zoris				24
	Moon				403

5. ILLUSION (Europe)
Total: 3337

	Crackergroup			1851
	Immortal Flash			575
	Sauron				253
	Derbyshire Ram			647
	Enemy				11

6. SUCCESS (Europe)
Total: 3276

	Crackergroup			1975
	Burglar				669
	Dannie				22
	TSS				66
	Steel				26
	Nightshade			502
	Guzzler				16

7. TRIAD (Sweden)
Total: 3018

	Crackergroup			781
	Demogroup			1204
	Gamers Guide			149
	King Fisher			219
	JFK				86
	Alfatech			12
	TDM				279
	Thunder				72
	Incubus				193
	Wingo				23

8. FAIRLIGHT (Sweden)
Total: 2626

	Crackergroup			296
	Demogroup			520
	Reformation			433
	Bacchus				26
	Ogami				959
	Oxidy				34
	Tron				207
	Red Devil			12
	HCL				31
	Enduro				58
	Bappalander			41
	Gerwin				9

Total: 2225

	Demogroup			975
	Crackergroup			5
	Bob				184
	Dragon				345
	Danko				651
	Sensei				65

10. CAMELOT (Denmark)
Total: 2046

	Demogroup			961
	Glasnost			317
	Cruzer				163
	Metal				146
	Jeff				193
	Wave				266


Euro Top 11-20

11. ANTIC (Sweden)
Total: 2012

	Demogroup			347
	Explorer			156
	Depeh				38
	Creeper				943
	Joe				271
	Zyron				257

12. RSI (Germany)
Total: 1986

	Crackergroup			1565
	Benson				233
	Double-T			108
	Count Zero			61
	Mr. President			19

13. BLACKMAIL (Holland)
Total: 1664

	Demogrouup			664
	Hein Holt			992
	Orc				8

14. TOPAZ (Finland)
Total: 1639

	Demogroup			834
	D´Arc				481
	Scapegoat			50
	AMJ				14
	Amarok				16
	Calypso				244

15. LIGHT (Sweden)
Total: 1636

	Demogroup			1122
	Smooth Criminal			21
	Flamingo			468
	Goblin				25

16. COMIC PIRATES (Germany)
Total: 1611

	Network				1348
	T.Error				56
	Leech				93
	Venice				82
	Bitnapper			32

17. TALENT (Europe)
Total: 1562

	Crackergroup			897
	Bod				465
	Chrysagon			188
	Rockstar			12

18. ACCURACY (Turkiye)
Total: 1418

	Crackergroup			53
	Splash				1354
	Falcon				17

19. EPIC (Denmark)
Total: 1349

	Crackergroup			833
	Crossfire			374
	SMD				28
	Merlin				114

20. PSYCICS (Belgium)
Total: 1119

	Jeroen Tel			1119

Facts about charts

* Out of the charts:			* Near the charts:

	SPIRIT (728)		TRINOMIC (1087)
	WOW (941)		FACES (1048)

There are only 4 points between the ruler "Legend" and "Oxyron"!
next time probabaly Oxyron will take the #1, because Legend has
lost many points since 3 issues back!

Topaz could have been much higher is Death hadn´t quit, too 

Light is soon dead because only two or three members are left and
they hadn´t done anything for ages!

Fun to see groups like Comic Pirates and Accuracy on the charts,
but the only reason is there mags...

OK, hope you´ve enjoyed yourself with this 12 hours of work by
Enduro of course.

The Reformation               FairLight

Half year Mega Charts

Half a year megacharts!
Period: Mars - August 1993

Yup, it´s time to present the 20 most successful groups during
this period on the C-64 scene!


	All points are taken from Reformation Issue 1-5 and 
	counted all in one megapiece!!

	Even if a group could be dead today, so can it appear on
	the chart, because it has lived sometime during Mars-

OK, here comes the Top 20:

(P)	Group		Score	   TR: #1  #2  #3  #4  #5

01.	LEGEND		76419	       01  01  01  01  01

02.	Crest		52827	       03  03  02  02  03
03.	Flash Inc.	52067	       02  02  03  03  04
04.	Oxyron		40876	       06  04  04  04  02
05.	Censor		31863	       05  05  05  09  09
06.	Illusion	31527	       07  08  07  06  05
07.	FairLight	31283	       09  06  06  05  08
08.	Light		30081	       04  07  08  13  15
09.	Triad		26941	       13  09  09  07  07
10.	Success		24268	       17  11  10  08  06

11.	Blackmail	22742	       11  13  14  12  13
12.	Camelot		22621	       16  12  11  10  10
13.	Talent		22033	       12  14  12  11  17
14.	Clique		18089	       10  10  13  --  --
15.	Psycics		14060	       18  18  19  17  20
16.	Brutal		13026	       08  15  --  --  --
17.	Red Sector Inc.	11615	       --  19  16  16  12
18.	Antic		10520	       --  --  15  14  11
19.	Offence		10241	       20  17  18  --  --
20.	Topaz Beerline	9031	       --  --  17  15  14

Facts about chart:

* Brutal and Clique are dead. So they can´t keep their pos. till the

* Legend has been the #1 in all issues and won this fight totally
   without any struggle, well done, but till next chart, the one 
   year chart, maybe Oxyron will take the #1 spot, who knows?

The Reformation               FairLight

Contact Adresses


Maybe you asked yourself why we restarted the adress corner.
Well, easy question, easy answer. That´s because some guys asked
for it. No more words to be wasted here...
 The Reformation              FairLight


* Amiga (600) swap
* Reformation HQ

Black Priest / FAIRLIGHT

Gerald Weissensteiner



* For slow reply, but hot warez
* ordering cheap 512k Ram Expansions and 1200 baud modems
   /HAYS comp. (resp. fl. 250,- and fl. 95,-)
* Tool swapping
* For selling your games


Sixten Jansen



* For elite swap
* GFX and Cover swap (around 430)
* Graffiti photos
* Tekkno tapes


Akos Varga


* Elite swap


Jonas Nordin


* Elite swap

Depeh / ANTIC

Goran Johansson



* Cheat carefully or not at all

Calypso / TOPAZ ´n AMNESIA

Terry Wentinck


Nightshade / SUCCESS

Norbert v/d Laan


Dannie / SUCCESS

Reinhard Koenig


Interview with Tricket/Visual Reality

Tricket/VISUAL REALITY tells...    

This interview is fucking hot and made in a hurry through 
Jesper´s board "DOMINIC". But I guess you´ll enjoy it anyway.

TR = The Reformation

TR: Salute Tricket! Like always some short infos about you...

T: My Real name is Jesper. I´m soon 22 Years old. I´m currenly
    doing my DUTY in the danish army. I´m happily in love with 
    my Girlfriend TANJA. I´m the "PR" man for Visual Reality. 
    I´m running the VR Whq named "DOMINIC".

TR: Well, as we all know you opend a board called "Dominic" some
       times ago. In my eyes it´s a quite fine one but now some 
       rumours said something that the board will get private. 
       What´s the truth?

T: Well, Its true I had it in mind, But "NO" I´m keep it open for
    the public. 

TR: Let´s stay by the board problem. In europe many boards 
       closed while others opend. So which new board will be a 
       great one in future?

T: I´m Doing everything to keep DOMINIC special for my users,
    Maybe thats why my users loves it. But I Really don´t know.
    There are alot of good boards around in Europe. But most 
    boards has the same problem. A lack of active users and action.
    I´m glad I don´t have such probelms, YET!

TR: As you use your modem for a long time now. Which board 
       was in your opinion the absolute best (from the closed

T: A system I loved was DREAM PARK. Nowadays I really love
    In Living Color!

TR: OK, let give us some closer informations about the future 
       plans of Visual Reality.

T: We´re are currenly working with DOMINIC, and as soon as we
    are done with that, we´ll release some more demos. We will
    come back, and show the public, our newest stunning ideas. 
    with some stunning graphics, and coding.

TR: Do you know some further infos why Dominators died?

T: Sure, As 30% of DOM´s members joined the ARMY, all
our activities dropped to "0". Our plans was to crack like hell for
just 1 month, and then annonce ourself as dead, but we all was too
fucking tired in the weekends because of the army. Most of the
members lost all their interest in the 64, and decided to join the
PC scene instead. Thats what happend. The Dominators has moved
to the PC now, Where they are doing pretty AMAZING. I´ll join
up aswell. I won´t drop the 64, But stay in VR at the 64, And
Keep DOMINIC alive, while I´ll be in DOM at the PC aswell.

TR: Who are the best callers on your board?

T:HARD Question..My Best callers? Guys like: DEFF, Jack Daniels
   Peacemaker/Chromance, Crossfire/Epic, Majesty/Talent.
   I get approx 20 calls aday all in all.

TR: What´s your opinion to the US boards? What´s the diffrence 
       and why does most of the elite call these boards?

T: Its a pretty easy question, Its hard to call the European boards
   with credit cards, as the card dies faster by calling Europe than
   calling the states. Its hard for the phreakers to get good lasting 
   codes nowadays.


Tricket/VISUAL REALITY tells...

TR: What´s your opinion to mags?

T: HAHA..Plenty of mags, Less good mags. I hardly never read the
    mags, but okay..Sometimes I do take myself in reading one or 
    2 magazines once in a while.

TR: Wanna tell the scene something?
T: Sure, Grab a pen and write down the # for my system, its 
    where the action happens in Europe.
    +45/5577-6535, Running Cyborg with Special VR Modds.
    Greetings to my pals like : All VR members, Deff, Jack 

TR: So thanks for the interview...

Interviewer was Black Priest
The Reformation               FairLight



These months not many demos were released, and the ones which
come was mostly bull. So we´ve just the two best here.

Blaze of Glory / House Des.
Obornik / Elysium

Btw, maybe you know that in Australia was a TSR party but 
even the winning demo was low standart. No Offence OZ.

The Reformation               FairLight

Blaze of Glory / House Designs

Parts: 11    Rating:88%

This demo was done by the following guys:


Chesoner, Shez, Lead

Graphic works


Music works

NO-XS, The Syndrome/Crest, Phantom, FP, Lead (Sample), GH

Highlights of this demo:

Well, this demo hasn´t any very special routines, but it is great
designed! Yes, like the Wonderland demos! Superb music makes
this demo really good! 

In my eyes the best HOUSE DES. demo so far.!

The Reformation               FairLight

Obornik / Elysium

Parts: 1    Rating:80%

This demo was done by the following guys:


Brush, Jetboy

Graphic works

Biondi, GRYF, Carrion, Jetboy

Music works

Brian/Graffity, Longhair

Highlights of this demo:

Hmm, again Elysium proved who is #1 in Poland. This demo is 
spread as world first dentro. (note+demo in one file). It´s really a
nice idea and well done. The demo includes some nice code but
nothing really well done. 

- Swinging bars

- 20 char high DYPP (world 1st)

- unlimited double sinus shade bobs

The Reformation               FairLight

Disco Chats

Disco Chats                                         

Well, this month was quite sad. 3 of my friends died in a car  
accident, and I had much luck that I´m still alive. More details

The first accident happend near a disco called "Rustikal". 
This disco is really no nobel disco. It´s a meeting for punks, 
grufties and some more normal guys. Well, sounds strange but if 
you was there you´ll like it. Indeed it´s fun if you´ve drunk some,
because you have much fun there then. The girls are mostly 
"looking for a guy for a night" and the music is also my taste. 
That shouldn´t mean that I like these punks and grufties but I also
have some against them. 

OK, the first car accident happend around 3:30 am. Rainer K. was
already quite drunken and searched for a driver to bring him 
home. Unfortunately he failed because at this time all his friends 
already moved at home. So he decieded to walk home (alone!). 

Well, that was the last time I saw him. Some times later we heard
a loud "booom" and nobody knew what was happend! Some guys 
tried to find the reason for this noise (also I). And then we found 
it out. Rainer was liying on the street with much blood around 
him; a car crossed him. As I saw him there I already thought that
he must be dead as it wasn´t a nice picture. The driver of the car
Nagelmaier N.(21) (also a friend of mine) told me that Rainer was 
moving in the middle of the street and he saw him too late. Rainer
was thrown on the wind-shield and later then to the street. 
Fuck it was really not easy for me to forget this picture of the 
dying Rainer. 

Ok, let´s chance to the 2nd accident. 

It was also in Rustikal. Rene told me that he and a friend will  
drive to the near bordell. That was the last time I saw Rene alive.
On the next day I heard that they had a deadly accident. I don´t
know if the following is true as I heard it from some friends.

The accident should happend like this:

Rene the driver (who has boozed a bit) drove near the middle of 
the street due the fog which were at this time. There he crashed 
with an other car and in the crash they killed 2 guys who were 
also at the street. Rene died. The other 3 guys which were in the 
car were seriously wounded and one still lay in coma! The reason 
why I say at the beginning that I had luck that I´m still alive is 
because Rene asked me if I´ll go with him. Btw, this was the 2nd
time I had big luck! Maybe you remember that Charlie of 
VARSITY died in an car-accident. In the car were Charlie,
Andrea and Mr. Alpha. One day before this happend Mr. Alpha 
called me and asked me if I´ll go with them!!!!

OK, guess that´s enough for this issue, hope in the next one I can
tell you some more funny thing.

                                       /Black Priest
The Reformation               FairLight

Again troubles with Bigfoot/ex-Paramount

Again troubles with Bigfoot/ex-äPå  

Article by Bizarre/TRANCE

Today, August 21st, 9:40 pm, I gotta call some EXCESS pals, just  
returning from Venlo! They told me they got an antinote spread
by Bigfoot/ex-Paramount under the TRANCE label, where he 
attacks all groups with his bloody nazi-parols...
Red Rock even told me he spreaded cracks under TRANCE label..!

Well, I´m of course very upset, that´s why I write this note....
Believe me: This asshole never has been a TRANCE member, and 
will never become one of course...
So ..whenever you see one of his notes or cracks being spread as
TRANCE stuff remember: TRANCE has nothing to do with it,
and be sure, this pig won´t survive this! OK.. here I give you his
phone number. Yeah.. let´s do some phoneterror:

XXXXX / XXXX (Thomas)

The Reformation               FairLight

Dying C64?

Dying C64 (again?)                             

This article is for all of you that consider the C64 as a dying piece
of equipment.

Maybe you´re right, but still this article can be found in 
COMMODORE FORMAT September issue!

Lies damned lies and statistics

In a reasent national survey of 205 retail computer outlets the 
C64 software market comes up trumps. It´s at number seven in 
the best selling games software top ten, if you take it by revenue
or by the quantity of games sold.

Basically, 64 software brings in more money than the Game Boy,
Game Gear or Mega CD software! And more C64 games are sold
than the Game Boy, Game Gear or the Speccy. What´s more we
are catching up on the Atari ST; outselling it already in some 

So if your local retailer tells you that there´s no call for C64 
games anymore, don´t believe him. The format is alive and well,
lots of money for the shops that do stock it.

Enjoy the scene and please don´t vote for all "has beens", do a 
reality check.

                       yours, Surfer/ACTIVE



After issue #4 we got some nice reaction, so why not print it
The Reformation               FairLight

Monthly Reactions


Reformation mag rules man! Keep on doing it...

Black Priest

Nice to hear this from you Balazs, and as you see the show must 
go on...


Hey improve the mag! The texts ain´t good. The news are really

Black Priest

Yes, Jonas this happand in the last issue (#4), because some 
easy understandable reasons. Like sommer time, girls, alcohol,... 
to say it with one sentence.. "I wasn´t in the mood to fix this issue"
and therefore it got delayed a bit. Anyway if I look around the 
mags which got spreaded 1 (!) month later our news would be still
hot! So far to the news. 

I don´t think that the texts last time weren´t good! To be honest I
think they were pretty OK! Why not write an article for us to
show the world what in your eyes a real hot article is. 
Ha no time? Girls eh the old thing!

Nightshade / SUCCESS

The Reformation is one of the ruling mags at the moment, keep 
it up.

Black Priest

Well, Norbert, I guess it doesn´t need so much quality to be under
the top mags these days. Nearly every concurrence quitted like
Brutal Recall, Script,... so in my eyes The Reformation doesn´t 
have any concurrence and should be on #1, but I would never
say that as it would sound arrogant. Got it?
The Reformation               FairLight
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