Corruption 04 ch05 Interview

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welcome to the INTERVIEW of
this month. and like usual we
have another exclusive inter-
view, this month with:


read it all, and enjoy it.
pk = paul kessels (atg)
mz = mario van zeist
PK: please tell us something
    about yourself.
MZ: i was born on 03-07-'67 in
    oldenzaal (holland). with
    my 13th year i started with
    programming on a texas in-
    struments 99/4a. 7 years
    ago i changed to the c64.
    my 1st group i've been in
    called the AMATEURS. i
    started to program a game
    called atlantis, but i
    never finished it.
PK: what happened before you
    participated in the real
MZ: like i told you, i started
    on my friends ti 99/4a. i
    had to write an administra-
    tive program for a school-
    inspector. the inspector
    showed it to the board of
    education, and that was my
    1st real succes.
    after the amateurs i have
    been in the GOONIES. i
    started to make 2 games:
    both games were after some
    time already released by
    ocean, so i never finished
PK: some people are saying that
    you're one of the better
    or the best programmer.
    what is your point of view
    about that?
MZ: it's nice when people are
    saying that. but thinking
    about it myself, i don't
PK: which games did you finish?
MZ: the most famous is HAWKEYE.
    i also have made 2 games on
    amiga, but i won't mention
    you the names, they're too
    bad. now i'm making some
    other things on amiga.
PK: is it true that you have to
    make HAWKEYE 2?
MZ: yes, but that's future.
PK: isn't it boring to make a
    second hawkeye?
MZ: no, when the business is
    going allright, it should
    be stupid not making a
PK: what is the difference
    between making demos and
    making games?
MZ: i only made 2 demos in the
    past, it was boring and you
    couldn't get any profit out
    of it. but the big diffe-
    rence between making demos
    and making games is that
    you've enough raster-time
    and enough memory by making
    demos. by making games you
    haven't always enough of
PK: in hawkeye there was enough
    raster-time left, but the
    memory was full. if you
    have had more memory, would
    you have improved your game
    because of you're lot
    unused raster-time?
MZ: no, i wouldn't get more
    profit out of it.
PK: what are you doing at the
MZ: i just made a copy-protec-
    tion on FLIMBO'S QUEST on
    c64 and amiga. it is im-
    possible to copy it. and it
    will be very hard to crack
PK: many people are saying that
    the 64 is dead. the softw.
    companies won't make new
    games because they can't
    get any profit anymore.
    what do you think about
MZ: no i don't believe it. wait
    till x-mas and you'll see
    the 64 isn't dead at all.
PK: who do you think is the
    best programmer?
MZ: JOHN TWIDDY: he's very good
    in hardware, and it's a
    good personal friend.
    DAVID CRANE: he made about
    30-40 games on the activi-
    sion game-computer. really
    DAVE COLLIER: he made some
    very good conversions.
PK: and who do you think is the
    best graphic-artist?
PK: and the best musician?
PK: tell us what your future
    looks like.
MZ: very sad: maybe there will
    be some difference, but i
    will continue making games
    in the future.
PK: how did you get in contact
    with the soft.companies.
MZ: the soft.companies found
    me. i was on a commodore
    meeting, and i showed some
    examples. thalamus was
    interested and in 2 weeks
    i got my contract.
PK: are you working for germans
    now? why are you living in
MZ: no i don't work for them. i
    have here in germany very
    many friends, and there are
    nice girls there.
PK: what do you think about
    this interview?
MZ: yes, i liked it very much.

            THE END
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