Mamba 02 ch09 Reactions and Credits

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 at the beginning i should say, that we
 got very many reactions (about 100).
 there were $only# positiv reactions,
 but one ( of censor). the
 second thing i have to say, is that
 you should not try to contact us for
 swapping, as soooo many people did. i
 think that i would be the world's best
 swapper if i would swap with all of

 you are right when you say that some
 informations we gave to you in the

 first issue were no true, but nobody
 is perfect. or? the second thing is,
 that you were a little bit angry about
 our opinion of the "fatal news". i
 think that you have to apologize that
 the first and the second issue of your
 mag did not contain many informations.
 the second thing is, that i think that
 censor has real cool demo coders, but
 the layout of fatal news has really
 nothing special. you wrote that you
 think our mag can be cool later. so,
 let's both try to raise our standart
 and don't tell shit about eachother.
 o.k.? i think that's the right way.
 hope to hear from you $soon#...

 now here are some reactions :

 - yes, mamba is the best mag.

 - the first issue of your new mag
   mamba is really awesome.(the force)

 - mamba is no. 1.(powell/sodom)

 - congratulations to your brilliant

 - very nice mag (no.1).(atom/hq)

 - your mage is supercool.(make/???)

 - your mag is the best i ever saw.
   (danny/the force)

 - mamba no.1! yes, really the best!

 - mamba is great, better than sex and
   crime. (cronos/afl)

 - mamba is nearly perfect. cool sound,
   great ideas. (lashion/hurricane)

 - yar mag is the best ever, ya'll beat
   amok on miles.(jacky/ex-ahead)

 so, i will stop here, because i can't
 write down all reactions. it would get

 now something different:
 tat apologized for ripping old intros.
 but they also said, that these intros
 were ripped a long time ago. rough/tat
 did not know, that these intros were
 ripped and used them in some
 productions.they also said that they
 don't need to rip (watch soft pizza).
 now they want to realize a demo and
 apologize for everything.

 dear spitfire/action,
 i think you should better think about
 what you say. you declared ud to
 $nobodys# or something like that in
 your cracks. i think you should better
 look at your own versions.a little
 example: you cracked rock'n'roll and
 we did so,too. your version was two
 sides long and not levelpacked. we did
 a one side version (140 blocks free or
 so) with $9 trainers# and levelpacked
 the whole shit. maybe you shall
 compare our cracks with yours, and you
 will see, that you are not the fastest
 and best. you looser think you are
 no.1??? haha, i can only laugh about

 this.we don't say, that $we# are the
 no. 1, but we know that you are n o t
 the no.1. so, maybe you think about
 what you say (or write) next time,

               $the whole crazy team#

 now you reached the end of the
 reactions and statements.keep up
 sending so many letters and reactions,
 because that motivates us to go on
 with our mag.send to : XXXXXXXXXXXXX
 (you can also write    XXXXXXXXXXXXX
  if you want to        XXXXXXXXXXXXX
  give a statement
  or so...)           $the mamba stuff#

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