Mamba 14 ch04 The Charts

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              the charts

  hello !!!
  let me start with this :

  did you know that still 80% of the
  incoming votes are invalid, because
  80% seem to be too stupid to
  understand how to vote. (now i know
  why kohl won)
  check the last issue (#13) for a
  detailed 'how-to-do-it' pattern !!

      european cracker groups top 20
     --------------------------------                       pts
  01. dominators                  8.62
  02. legend                      7.85
  03. ikari + talent              7.82
  04. illusion                    7.41
  05. extasy                      6.52
  06. censor                      6.50
  07. crazy                       6.47
  08. genesis project             6.21
  09. paramount                   6.05
  10. x-ray                       5.52
  dom on the #1 position, further no
  exciting movements...
      european cracker groups top 20
     --------------------------------                       pts
  11. f4cg                        4.85
  12. bonzai                      4.80
  13. action                      4.55
  14. x-factor                    4.23
  15. class                       3.94
  16. fairlight                   3.88
  17. alpha flight                3.71
  18. brainbombs                  3.55
  20. dynamix                     3.40
  whoops, bonzai got many votes...
  x-factor entered...
       european demo groups top 20
      -----------------------------                       pts
  01. crest                       134
  02. bonzai                      107
  03. origo                        68
  04. horizon                      65
  05. censor                       57
  06. the voice                    53
  07. flash inc.                   44
  08. black mail                   36
      crazy                        36
      light                        36
  crest still unbeatable !?!
  crazy entered the top 10...
       european demo groups top 20
    --------------------------------                       pts
  11. triad                        29
  12. padua                        28
  13. megastyle                    27
      panoramic                    27
  15. cosmos design                25
  16. tat                          21
  17. groovy bits                  16
  18. buds/nato                    12
      paragon                      12
  20. wot                          11
  cosmos from 7 to 15...
    groovy bits entered...
            top 5 music bands
           -------------------                        pts
  01.  vibrants                    76
  02.  20th century composers      39
  03.  maniacs of noise            33
  04.  prosonix                    18
  05.  moz(ic)art/shape            12

    european single composers top 10
  pos.guy             group       pts
  01. jens c. huus    vibrants    110
  02. drax            vibrants     89
  03. deek            vibrants     65
  04. jeroen tel                   63
  05. reyn ouwehand   blackmail    60
  06. edwin v. santen 20cc         54
  07. link            vibrants     51
  08. laxity          vibrants     29
  09. charles deenen  mon          25
  10. m.schneider     x-ample      22

     european graphic-artists top 15

  pos.guy             group       pts
  01. gotcha          crazy       105
  02. diart           blackmail    91
  03. bizzmo          genesis      77
  04. fox             bonzai       37
  05. the sarge                    36
  06. hobbit          tcom/flt     29
  07. sparkler        megastyle    28
  08. tpa             x-ample      27
  09. redstar         logic        24
      gbf             crest        24

     european graphic-artists top 15

  pos.guy              group      pts
  11. dragon           censor      22
  12. richard          panoramic   21
  13. scrap            genesis     20
  14. jorge            aa          17
  15. bob stevenson                11
  dragon entered, scrap out of the
  top 10...

    european single crackers top 20
  pos.freak         group         pts
  01. snacky        genesis        92
  02. doc           ikari          86
  03. sauron        illusion       59
  04. bod           talent         53
  05. powerplant    legend         45
  06. jade          dominators     44
  07. antitrack     legend         42
  08. rockstar      extasy         37
  09. arrogance     x-ray          34
  10. dogfriend                    32
  snacky back on #1, arrogance entered.

    european single crackers top 20
  pos.freak          group        pts
  11. weasel                       31
  12. goblin         genesis       30
  13. xxx            talent        30
  14. richie         illusion      25
  15. psycho         censor        23
  16. mao            f4cg          21
  17. unknow         transcom      16
  18. excell         ikari         12
  19. macro nit      dominators    11
  20. crush          bonzai        08
  some guys entered for the first time.
  (crush, unknow...)
      european sinlge coders top 15
  pos.dude           group        pts
  01. crossbow       crest         97
  02. kjer           horizon       73
  03. maduplec       buds          43
  04. hannes sommer  cosmos d.     42
      magic man      crazy         42
  06. zodiac         flash         41
  07. colourfull     origo         39
  08. ivo herzeg                   37
  09. scroll         megastyle     36
  10. tha            bonzai        35
  magic man's a shooting star ???

      european single coders top 20
  pos.cracker        group        pts
  11. bob            censor        34
      flamingo       light         34
  13. human autofire megastyle     31
      walt           bonzai        31
  15. olav morkrid   panoramic d.  29
  16. icc            the voice     28
  17. badger         horizon       22
  18. wim            f4cg          14
  19. mr x           the voice     11
      trap           bonzai        11
  the voice raised its voice...

     european importer groups top 10
  pos. group                      pts
  01.  culture                     57
  02.  crazy                       55
  03.  ikari + talent              42
  04.  censor                      29
  05.  legend                      26
  06.  extasy                      25
  07.  illusion                    19
  08.  genesis project             15
  09.  manowar                     14
  10.  paramount                   11
  what to say ??? more votes, please !

     european single importers top 5

  pos.guy           group         pts
  01. krs#1,skater  culture        42
  02. pyle          crazy          37
  03. bod,excell    i+t            35
  04. nam           extasy         31
  05. joe cool      paramount      27

  on account of too less votes we
  decided to gather the group-mates...

          the brillboard charts

  01. grim reaper/exodus
      "tsm should buy ntsc computers !"

  02. excell-scrooge-/i+t
      "x-mas sucks !!!"

  03. censor
      "kicking ass on x-mas"

  04. illusion
      "money makes the world go round
       and gene drop out"
  05. x-ray
      "oh no !!! outta schnaps"

  the american charts are on the way...

  but first i want to remember every-
  body of sending votes to the mamba
  box! don't miss it...especially if
  you don't agree...your vote could
  change everything...



   the american overall-charts top 10
  ------------------------------------                       pts
  01. north east crackers/nei      88
  02. exodus                       54
  03. lords                        51
  04. random                       34
  05. the shaolin monastery        32
  06. destiny                      26
  07. lamers 'r us                 21
  08. fantasy      (last time)     19
  09. mirage                       13
  10. havok                        10

     american importer groups top 5
  pos. group                      pts
  01. exodus                       67
  02. north east importers         61
  03. random                       43
  04. the shaolin monastery        31
  05. destiny                      22
      american cracker groups top 5
  01. north east crackers          78
  02. lamers 'r us                 34
  03. random                       17
  04. mirage                       13
  05. the shaolin monastery        10
       american demo groups top 3
      ----------------------------                       pts
  01. lords                        56
  02. havok                        31
  03. shade                        28

     american single cracker top 3
  01. horizon        nec           45
  02. pudwerx        random        21
  03. master kracker inc           09

          america's best coder
            eclipse of lords

      america's best graphic-artist
           morrissey of lords

      america's best music-composer
            reverb of ??????

          american bbs's top 10
  pos. board        group(s)       pts
  01.  warez castle ikari+talent    74
  02.  2nd to none  legend/nec      69
  03.  forum        random          51
  04.  wild wares   exodus,gp       37
  05.  disk shoppe  nec,c,xds,lords 32
  06.  myst.cavern  censor,culture  31
  07.  channel 0    fantasy,action  29
  08.  shaol.temple tsm             21
  09.  tunnel o.w.  genesis         15
  10.  banned in... b-bombs,destiny 12
  not much movement in here...
  warez castle number one again...

   ok, so far the monthly charts...
   we dropped the most hated/most liked
   charts, as most of the guys have
   to think several minutes about that
   kind of charts to gather 5 dudes...

   places 2-5 usually aren't really
   hated or liked by the voters...

   go on for more...

            the demo reviews

  only a few demos were sent in this
  time, we got the new blackmail &
  cosmos designs cooperation demo,
  big fun 3 by triumwyrat, digital
  excess and a fairlight production.

  if you want to have your demo
  reviewed here at this place just send
  it to the mamba box !!


  cosmail by cd and black mail wasn't
  the expected success, but the demo
  contained some quite nice graphics
  by di-art and a new sprite-record
  by who sprite (118).
  cosmail also contains some great
  exclusive tunes, further some average
  coding skill was shown.
  maybe black mail wants to keep the
  stunnung parts for 'dutch breeze' ??

  coding   ^ 74%
  graphics ^ 69%
  design   ^ 58%
  music    ^ 81%
  total    ^ 71%
 the triumwyrat demo was surprising !!
 not because of the graphics or
 brilliant coding, but because of
 really nice ideas !

 vector scrollers, animated vector
 graphics and a cool raster-trick
 see that the entertaiment never falls.

 further the 6 parts contained average
 graphics and music.

 coding   ^ 76%
 graphics ^ 60%
 design   ^ 82%
 music    ^ 58%
 total    ^ 69%

  digital excess, made for the asm-
  democompetition, is the best demo
  this month ! although the idea of
  this demo is old (bonzied), it is
  composed of great ideas, cool
  graphics and a nice sound.
  it contains only 1 part + 1 intro !
  many pictures, sprites etc. change
  in the rythm of the music, like a
  video-clip, just a bit faster! great!

  coding   ^ 80%
  graphics ^ 83%
  design   ^ 90%
  music    ^ 70%
  total    ^ 81%

  the last demo comes from fairlight,
  it contains 3 parts! the first part
  (intro) contains a nice picture and
  an flt-sound remix(dm dm d d
  dm, you know), the second part an
  interesting scroller and the last
  part a flexable scroller and an
  average logo ! on the whole it
  contains no special ideas or skills,
  but it's kinda entertainment though.

  coding  ^ 55%
  graphic ^ 67%
  design  ^ 70%
  music   ^ 75%
  total   ^ 67%                 -return
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