Skyhigh 10 ch06 RRR to Sundancer
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
rrr to sundancer while reading the demo reviews in 'the pulse february' i've found a passage i didn't liked that well. in my opinion a little lamer who has never presented an almost average graphic tries to review the graphics of qualified artists. the review of "coma light 11" is a personal attack against my person. "the pulse" was an objective (except for the chapter "monthly releases) magazine that contained a lot of interesting and scene concerned texts like for example the unbeatable chapters called "profile" and "special assignment". unfortunately a little lamer joined the staff and this person is trying to review graphics. i think it is not necessary to mention here that this person has never shown his artistic skills. he only tries to impress his group pals and the readers with unqualified critism. i like fair critism, but i don't like if someone tries to ruin my reputation. have a look at his text, reformatted to be used in a normal 40 chars wide text displayer. sun dancer about the graphics: it is okay when people like blackmail demos. it is also okay if you like sado- masochism. however, it is not allright to make as direct style-copy as rrr does asmodis presents some really nice single colour graphics, in this demo. biz kid also proves to be a better graphician, than a mag-editor. all in all, too bad this demo wasn't ranked any higher at the party, it deserves it. with a single exception, oxyron has a talented gra- phics-posse. let's hope the public starts voting for them, at future par- ties - and a 56% rating for the graphics 1) without any doubts i admire the work of the dudes in blackmail 2) direct style-copy from blackmail? in "coma light 11"? who? where? me? in "cl 11" the following graphics of mine have been used: - a landscape - 5 metamorphosis objects - a logo - a 1x1 characterset the landscape was painted in 1992 and i haven't seen a landscape like this so far on the cbm 64. where's the di- rect style copy? the metamorphosis objects mainly pre- sent the credits, a joystick and a cross. these objects have been drawn at the oxyron meeting at december, 26th and i can imagine that some guys had the same idea to include the cre- dits into the objects. maybe. where's the direct style-copy? the logo was painted live at the tcc 1993 in sweden. i painted a candle with some kind of light reflection in the "cl" logo. where's the direct style-copy? the 1x1 character set was painted somewhere in 1992 with a little in- spiration from a "scorpions" cover. where's the direct style copy? my contacts got a sending with an extra file showing a "cl 11" intro/ title pic. the letters of the logos are painted in the well known "elite" characterset. some of you might re- member the software company "elite" from england. in their adverts in va- rious software magazines you were able to see that kind of characters. i have to agree that bml has painted a full characterset out of this idea, even fox/bonzai picked up that idea and in the demo "europe" by touch you could find similar characters. i'm missing here aswell a direct style- copy as there was a lot more then only these chars! where's the problem? how do you call artists that try to convert graphics from all those airbrush/fantasy ar- tists? do you charge them aswell for direct style-copy? then you've to attack nearly the all graphic artists all over the world. 3) asmodis hasn't painted single colour graphics for "cl 11". show me one. you won't find one! asmodis has pain- ted two logos, one for the end part and one for the turn disk part. both logos were painted in amica paint so it can't be a single clour graphic. 4) biz-kid is a very cool graphician but what's the problem with his magazine? a lot of people like his magazine called "skyhigh". is it a problem for you that "skyhigh" is ranked much higher in most of the charts? 5) please show me the single exception! there are a lot of dudes that like my graphics, otherwise i wouldn't be ranked in almost an every chart in top twenty. what's your problem? what's the reason for trying to ruin my reputation? definately it's not ever so easy to pre- sent a hitting argumentation but when unqualified persons try to work in a subject without any knowledge it can happen that it'll be proved that they're wrong. maybe it's a problem for you that duke asked to join the forces of regina due to the fact that regina needs a quali- fied and good artist instead of a lame pretender who wants to take a sunbath in the spotlight of the public interest. please do us a favour: come back if you learned something about graphic formats, the past of the cbm 64 and the might of written texts in so-called elite magazi- nes! maybe you're jealous that my "the pulse" logo looks quite excellent compared with your graphics. i had to take the light- grey (#$0f) background to make it easier to use in the magazine as the background is lightgrey. shall i say sorry commo- dore for using the given colours? or sorry commodore for using the graphical limits concerning the format? duke is well known for his professional attitude so i personally can't under- stand that a lamer like you is allowed to edit an own chapter in "the pulse". i'm waiting for an apology from you in the next issue of "the pulse" otherwise you can be sure to meet me at the next major parties in sweden or denmark. signed: rrr/oxyron /alpha flight 1970 february 1994 ---------------------------------------- i, biz kid, would like to end the chap- ter like this: 1st i haven't read the article written by sundancer! but!!! i am willing to say that, rrr is kinda right in his words! at the same time i must correct rrr, and say that asmodis DID make a hires-single colour logo!!! the one who says some- thing like : ' fractals realtime ' (the intro-thing for realtime calculated fractals!) 2nd you(sundancer) say that i'm a better graphician, than a mageditor!! well i guess it's your opinion, it's not my opinion at all!! on the contreary, i get a lot of good reactions about my way editing skyhigh!! but thanxs for the nize words anyway! maybe rrr has got a point when he said that skyhigh gets ranked higher than the pulse!! i dunno!!! but let me say something.i myself am not so fond of the pulse. the outfit is cool, the the updated text shower is also much better now!! you have removed the stupid topics from the side-border(a very good improvement) the text is ok aswell!! then what the fuck's the problem you ask your topics is in my eyes, booooooring!! your mag is more or less based on boards and i find that boring!!! what i would like to say/tell with this, is that we (pulse & skyhigh) is covering two different sides of the beautyful c64 scene today!! and that is the way i should be!! you think i'm a better graphician than a mag-editor. and i find the pulse a bit boring! fine, and that's it - right! i didn't feel offended by your words. and i don't hope you'll by mine!!! the same goes for the scene : some likes your mag better than ours and vice versa get the drift??? said a bit more direct: i (biz kid) have no intention to slag on neither 'pulse' or 'sundancer'! i've just tried to show a third angle to look on the situation! and to the entire regina - posse i would like to say : keep doing your superb mag, and i'll do the same..then we should let the readers decide which one the prefer to read! ok? i hope that you, sundancer will write a reaction to this chapter!! either you put it in 'the pulse' or mail it to me!! then i will bring it in the upcomming issue of skyhigh!! i hope you will react like this instead of writing stupid back stabbing notes.. i'm looking forward to your respond! best of luck BIZ KID