Skyhigh 08 ch01 Editorial

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feel warmly welcomed to another issue of
the oxyron magazine  S K Y H I G H

this is allready the 8th issue of my mag
well i can't belive it!! -eight issues!
wauh man. i just can't believe it!!!
especilly when i wasn't even sure if
there was going to be a 2nd issue.- back
then i was in a little 'nobody' group
called ozone. we were only two members
in that group yedo as coder and me as
gfx'er!!   man we really was lame!!
but i wanted to have a mag to edit..
so i kicked yedo so hard that he couldnt
see anyway out than code a outfit for me

i guess you all remember that outfit!!
i used it for issue 1 to 5..
man that really was a lame outfit..
no fast loader, no packed chapters, and
except for the 1st issue there was only
one tune installed!!!

but things have changed since then!
first i joined oxyron and got more known
to the scene.. that was the best move in
my entire computer-life!!  but i still
used that boring outfit.. ok what could
i do?   well i asked some oxy coders if
they had the time to code a new one. but
things went wrong or the coders couldn't
find any time to do a new outfit for me!

so i was forced to release another issue
with the same boring outfit..

i really hated myself for doing that;coz
i had promised a new outfit a long time
ago.. but then i started to talk to raz
of camelot. he sounded like a cool dude
and i knew he had coded the game :

         - hagar the horrible -

so i knew he was able to code. i asked
him if he would like to code the new out
fit for me!!
he had just finished the code for their
own mag 'revealed' one week before, and
he told me he was pretty fed up with the
mag. revealed had been on its way for at
least a year or so. but i told him my
ideas and told him that he would have
allmost free hands. he really sounded
interessted and inspired, so he agreed!!

well we all know the rest of the story.
(if not then check out issue #6 and #7)

      but why do i write all this??

i'll explain why! - i feel that what the
scene need is guys like raz.. i know he
is a friend of mine but he makes a per-
fect example!!
what we need in the scene is people try-
ing 2 help eachother instead of bragging
of their own work!!!
why not help eachother doing even better
programs.make the quality go even higher
than it allready is!!

let me give you an example!!

dude x make this cool directory-routine!

dude y make a cool char-editor but he
can't make a decent dir.routine. this
means that u can't make a directory from
the editor. so everytime you have to get
a font from the disc you have to remem-
ber the name in your head, or write it
down on a piece of paper!!
well i don't think people would use this
editor then. mayby the editor itself is
fucking cool but the missing dir-option
makes it very un-userfriendly.

presume dude x and dude y was swapping
source-code, guess what!!
now dude y could install the cool dir-
routine and make his own editor perfect!
he would (or should) then credit dude x
for the directory routine, and in the
ame time make a cool tool for the scene!

             get my point!!!

what i mean is that by helping eachother
we could do some really ass kicking
i would therefore encourage all coders
to consider this: why not start swapping
mayby some non-coders would get some of
the source code but what the hell..
that might even be the way for them to
start up coding!!

but please get me right. you don't give
away your new : 'all-border-fli-vector-
ofcoz you don't!!! but helping-routines
for tools, or even specialdesigned tools
for gamemaking. mayby you have coded the
ultimate game-sprite-editor. maybe other
dudes could use it for their new game.
i really belive that the quality of
games could get better again. we just
have to help eachother!
- stop beeing so 'elite' that you only
can think about yourself and your new
world-record routines..

let us show them, that the thing which
really keep this scene alive is :

           F R I E N D S H I P

coz everybody says that friendship keep
the scene breathing. i say we can make
the scene even better and more friendly!

ok no more words on this subject for now
but if anyone really reads this (i guess
almost any mag-editor does) and have a
reaction to it then please drop me a
line. it could be that you think i'm to-
tally wrong or mayby you have something
to add!!!

grap an upscroll-editor or faces-noter
to write your reaction. and mail it to
me and i'll bring it in next issue!

   (noe)    biz kid of oxyron   (noe)


     or reach me at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

      (i speak english and german)


ok time for something different. now i
will talk about the mag it self. what i
have changed or will be changed in the

i got a reaction which i took to me as i
got it. (check out the reaction-chapter)
one dude opened my eyes to the fact that
we had forgotten to install the possibi-
lity to control the mag with the keyz!
i admit that it was a big mistake, but
now it's corrected.

so from now on you use the cursor-keys
instead of your joystick! the keys you
should use is!


 crsr left.........move pointer left

 crsr right........move pointer right

 crsr up...........move pointer up

 crsr down.........move pointer down

 space.............choose chapter/music


 crsr up...........scroll text up

 crsr down.........scroll text down

 crsr left.........scroll text up fast

 crsr right........scroll text down fast

 space.............return to menu

for those who still don not know how to
return to the upscroller :

in menu move the pointer up in the top.
in the left side is a star (*) move the
pointer over it and press fire/space and
you'll return to the text

but more changes has been made. in the
previous issue the addies were sorted in
almost alphabetic order. what i mean is
that all the -a's- were in one row, all
the -b's- were in one row and so on....
but for this issue i sat down on my fat
ass and improved it! so from now on, the
addies is in 100% alphabetic order..

the reason for this is quite simple!!!

-1st you can now search direct for the
the addy you miss. just load the chapter
and scroll down. you don't have to check
out all addy chapters!!
-2nd there will not be any dudes which
has their addy in the mag more than one
time.(no doubles!)

i recently recieved the mag FLASHBACK
from PROXYON!!
a real nize mag but.....
hey gorefest and all the other flashback
editors better get your addy-chapters
updated..  i do belive i found the addy
of the syndrom 4 or 5 times.

one saying : the syndrom/tia
another    : the syndrom/padua
and a 3rd  : the syndrom/tia/crest

this is not the only example. more dudes
has their addy in several times.

just remember one thing!!!!
i'm not saying this to offend you!! no
fucking way! - i'm just using you as an
example. i hope and belive that you will
not get offended becoz of this.
but seriously you have 4 addy-chapters
and so have i. i might have some addys
which is not updated. but i only have
them once.

to the entire proxyon-posse please don't
feel attacked, and keep producing your
mag..   see ya!!!
(hope to get a reaction from you!!)

but as mentioned in last issue then i am
no god who knows everything about the
scene. every month lots of dudes change
group,handle or what groups are
seeing the daylight,and others are dying
i've no chance at all to update my addy-
chapter without your help. so i got one
wish to you all!!
please check out your addy to see if any
thing is correct. if not, then please
let me know so i can correct it for next
issue. --thanx!!--

           -  -- ------- --  -

next step should be the board numbers.
in last issue i asked for the help to
edit and update my boardnumber chapter
but no one reacted on this.

so i'll give it another shot!!!

i'm looking for a dude who can edit the
boards chapter in this mag.

i myself have no modem so i can't keep
the numbers updated!! so i need someone
with a modem or a board who can help me!
your job will be to update :

 -which boards is down
 -which group(s) have the board
 -details like : sysop
                 time (24 hrs ???)
                 baud and so on!

furthermore i could imagine you writing
a report on what have happended on the
boards. but it's up to you. i'll give ya
absolut FREE hands!!!!

if you think you're the one then please
contact me and let me know (addy above)

           -  -- ------- --  -

another thing is music.last time i could
bring you 3 exclusive tunes. and i'm
proud to reveal that: once more i'm able
to bring you 3 exclusive tunes..

i would like to thank the 3 composers:

  jvd/focus - t.error/tia - echo/excess

i really appriciate the job you're doing
for me!! thanx alot pals.. you help me
kick even harder!!!!!!!

but i'm always looking for more tunes!!
so please consider making one for me!!
i appriciate all music i get!!! so pleaz
think about it!!!

   just remember : tune : $1000-$1fff
      single or double player is ok

           in advance thanx!!

-red devil of fairlight has allready
promised to make a tune in the future.
(i'm looking forward to it emil!!)
-also zyron of antic has promised one.
cool johan!

           -  -- ------- --  -

votesheets. well yeah that is another
problem of mine..     i need some dudes
who'll spread some sheets for me!!
if necesseary i'll provide you with all
the sheets you can spread..
so i need some megaswappers to spread 4

some dudes has allready started 2 spread
a bit for me. i thank them later or in
next issue!!!!

if you are interested in spreading some
sheets then drop me a line!!(addy above)

every help is appriciated. so please do
not be shy. i need your help to make the
charts better and more fair, and ofcoz
to higher the quality of skyhigh!!

           -  -- ------- --  -

talking about help from you! all your
news, addies, reactions or things for :
'spread the word' are highly appriciated
maybe you really would like to make a
reaction for me but are too lazy to find
a piece of paper and write it down.
well no problem! just find face-noter
and write whatever you want to. i will
then convert it to my up-scroll editor.
see you have no excuse then!  just sit
down and drop me a few lines..


ok i guess it's time to tell you what to
read about in this issue.

besides the usual stuff like news,charts
reactions and so on; i proudly present
you 3 interviews with sceners.

i would like to send som wet ladies and
cold beers to following three guyz for
answering my questions.

        ** red rock of excess **

      ** awa of the second ring **

        ** romulus of creatues **

check out these three personalities some
were in the mag.

actually i should have brought a chapter
written by my good buddy raz of camelot.
as promised last time he should start up
a coding chapter in skyhigh!!
but he simply had no time to do it in
time. so i present you a exclusive inter
view with my turkish friend :

             smile of clique

also tha biz-mix is worth a look,but see
for yourself.

and as promissed in a previous issue, i
now have the honour to bring the invita-
tion to the x-mas party in denmark.
             THE PARTY 1993

but load 'spread the word' for more info

well i guess most guys has stopped read-
ing for now so all i have left is the


 raz/camelot......code,design,1 chapter

 biz kid/oxyron..all text+gfx,crunching

 t.error/tia.......1st tune : "WARM UP"

 echo/excess..........2nd tune : "BAH!"

 jvd/focus......3rd tune "TRACE TRENDY"


          now enjoy this issue

                                BIZ KID
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