Splash 15 ch22 Peace Sells
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
PEACE SELLS,BUT WHOS'S BUYING? oh my god,are there some people that can understand this very fa- mous 'new world order'? that's in fact nothing more than 'new world order of exploite!' fuck... take a look at the europe...in the middle of the 'most civilized' continent,the serbians are massac- ring the bosnians and everybody is just watching! the thing the serbs are doing are not a bit different than those of nazis,only the players have ch- anged,the roles stay the same... yes,the bosnians are being des- troyed(yes,destroyed!) just beca- use their religion is different!! can your stomach handle this? mine can not! this is fashizm,racism or what ever you call it but the max- imum amount dishumanizm that can be applied.that is disqusting... is there anyone that can not remember the gulf war? is there anyone that can not remember the reasons...now please try to compa- re the situations in kuwait and i- raq...is there a difference? yes, there's a differnce: the poor peo- ple in bosnia could not escape a- way like the wealthy arabians and certainly the conditions that the bosnians face are much worse in anyway... so if the situation is worse in bosnia,then why does the united nations and the united stated do not move their asses to make some- thing effective? well,because there's no petrol in bosnia!!! so,why should they do something that the usa won't gain a shit! of course they will move,when all the people die and their bodies turn into oil under the soil.but then it will be too late... THIS MAKES ME SICK ! take a look at germany.i will never understand why racizm is so much popular than in other country in the world.they aren't the only country with a lot of foreigners, but they are the ones to dislike them most! just take a look at the activities of the neo-nazis in ro- stock! i just can not understand how they were so cruel to kill in- nocent people just because they were turks!..this is disqusting! of course,in fact the nazis are the very minority but the german goverment tolerated really too mu- ch to those suckers! the price of it was the murder of three innoce- nt people.they woke up when the majority reacted extremely negati- ve(thanks to the real germans!) but it was again too late.a hope, that this kind of things will be much less in the future... then turn to africa.the people of somali are starving to death while we are throwing half of the food on our plates to the dustbin! they are experiencing a period of great hunger because of the civil war that is done with no reason at all.just the personal profits of their leaders and that's all! sad, or what? in the past,there were battles between nations,countries.and in our great new world order,we have a new way,civil wars... so,new world order? thanks,i won't take it! look at your young men fighting, look at your women crying, look at your young men dying, the way they've always done bfore look the hate we are breeding, look at the fear we are feeding look at the lives we are leading the way we've always done before my hands are tied, billions shift from side to side and wars go on with brain washed pride,with no love of god or human rights and all things are swept aside by bloody hands time can't deny and washed away by genocide history hides the lies of our civil wars. ... i don't need your civil war, it feeds the rich while it buries the poor, your power hungry selling soldi- ers in a human grocery store ain't that fresh, i don't need your civil war look at the blood we are bleeding look at the world we are killing the way we've always done before. look at the leaders we follow, look at the lives we swallow and i don't need your civil war, I DON'T NEED ONE MORE WAR! civil war/guns n' roses this chapter was written not 2 fill the disk,but to wake some pe- ople that may still be sleeping... the boss/accuracy!