Jamaica 10 ch15 Mixed
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
mixed iopop ---------------------------------------- hi! this chapter is just a collection of some small articles that i've written the last month. read and react! EUPHORIA 1992 + EUPHORIA 1994 ------------------------------- well, i cleaned up a disc box today. and on one disc there was EUPHORIA #1. yes, you know the mag from NOICE. but to give you some more info about this thing. the mag was from 1992 released on 920504 to be exact! huh! it wasn't a noice mag. no, that mag was made by an australian group called JUSTICE. and the editors was streethawk and dynast. and i'm not sure if there came any more issue's. as it's the only issue i've seen. so now i wonder is it just a coincidence that the noice mag has the same name like the one from justice. or, have the noice'ers also heard the album STATE OF EUPHORIA by anthrax. which was the thing that inspirated the australians to the name. well, STASI i don't blame you, or anyone else in noice, for a name-theft. but i just wanted to inform you and the scene about this. - -- --- -- - SID DAMAGE ------------ have you ever been to a party? and on your trip home your are very lucky because you have copyed all the stuff that was released. but when you come home and shall listen to the winning tune in the music competition then the tune sounds terrible. the samples don't sound at all. at the party they used a c64 with an old sid chip(6581) and you have the new one(8581) in your computer. the reason is that in the first sid chip there was a bug. there was always lying an electronic voltage on the sound output, even if there wasn't any sound played. you could generate waveforms, like with a d/a converter, only if you changed the volume. unfortunately commodore removed that bug on the new sid-chip. but the new sid have a sound input. so if you connect a resistor on 470k ohms between ground and the sound input (pin 26) then you'll have an electronic voltage on the sound output again. now the samples should sound good. if you use a variable resistor then you also can change the volume on the samples. if you don't know where to find the sid or if you don't know which pin 26 is then just read on. on my c64 (a c64c) then the sid is in the middle of the computer. the sid has 28 legs. 14 on each side. and the half moon thing on one of the shortsides is placed from you. to find the right pin. if you place ic like this, where the half moon thing is the "u", then the pins numbers is like this. (seen from the upper side.) 1i-u-i28 2i i27 3i i26<solder the resistor to this 4i i25 pin and connect the other -------- part to ground(gnd). 13i i16 14i---i15 remember that the chip has 28 legs. and that the left side have the numbers 1-14 and on the right side 15-28. hope you'll understand what i mean. be very careful when you are soldering. as the chips in the computer are very sensitive for static electricity. if you are doubting on any point or if you never have done a soldering before. then i recommend that you let somebody else to do that. d REMEMBER that neither i or any member of the jamaica-staff take NO responibility if you destroy anything in your computer while operating if you think this isn't enough! if you say, i want more! then there might be a whole chapter about what you could do with your computer. how to make a drive- reset,dma-stopper (pause-switch), turbo- switch and some other easy things. I'VE NEVER THRUST A STATIC AND I NEVER WILL! hehe...... -- -- -- THE REAL ELITE ---------------- have you read about the thing between DUKE/regina and NTI/entropy in issue#45 of THE TRIBUNE? if not then read it. well, that article made me think about what's really elite? duke listed up the background of him, crossfire and the other editors. and he said that he calls the states and has many friends there. is he elite because of that!? you know, i have relatives in the usa!? am i elite because of that? actually, i would be more elite then him because i have relatives there and he just have friends! i have never understood what makes a dude elite when he calls the states? well,this was not just meant to duke but to the whole board-scene. but i took duke's text as an example. take a look at this story. xxx is a cool and elite dude. he have never swapped as he thinks that it's just for lamers. but he calls the boards sometimes. right now he is uploading some new cracks on a board. after he has done that he writes the normal notes to his friends on that board. now, he has traded a bit and now he is very cool and elite. the whole thing took about half an hour. then we have yyy. he is a normal swapper with around 50 contacts. he has got his group's latest demo. it fills up 2 disc sides. so he is just sending stuff from his own group. as he is a very friendly dude he always send a big note with personal stuff. and as he just owns one drive, the copying of discs will take a long time. so, he is ready with every- thing at 1.00 am. and he started at 5.00 pm. eight hours of work. will he get more elite because of that? no it depends on the demo. but i believe it's all like in real life those who clean toilets and work hard won't get that much salary while those politicians get at least twice as much payment. well, this text was just written to tell you my opinion of the thing called "elite" thanx for your attention!