Brutal Recall 13 ch04

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yes,here's tch/brutal again to show you
who's ruling and who's not.i must thank
all voters,those who dropped their vote
on our boards (every elite-modemtrader
voted,so the charts are really telling
the truth this time!) last time a lot of
lamers voted,because the votesheet was
spread so well...this time we produced
a board-chart,all elite could vote there
and now no lamers had chance to take
part in it!

we made more to vote on,that's a little
more fun.but you all should know this
mag invented it all! yes,all!!

we counted no ranking points,only the
first place got 4 points,second got 3
points,third got 2 points and the rest
1 point.we got 500 "votesheets" back,
that's a record! thanks to doxx/noice
for the cool vote-program!!!
shit crackinggroups   pts  active since:
-------------------   ---  ------------- in ass......540  a few days
02.dry at.............320  billion years
03.sucksex............280  just died!
04.the rape company...260  just dead too
05.alpha crash'40-'45.200  w.w.2
06.france.............177  several years
07.pission............140  one hour
08.edragtnave.........100  unknown
09.exsexx..............75  never active!
10.i am nesia..........60  10 minutes
11.illumination........40  prehistory sector inc.....20  just rebuilt!
13.may hymn.............0  two months
14.motivation 9.......-10  doesn't exist
15.elysium asylum.....-50  communism
16.leg end...........-120  9 years
17.egg-rated.........-200  their birth
18.fair lied.........-220  mama met papa
19.idem ditadel......-300  unknown
20.ex-non............-540  dutch indepe-
comment:like i expected...why isn't our
        brutal in? strange...     joy!!
best recrackers     pts amount recracks
---------------     --- ----------------
01.boss on fire.....600 every release!
02.cunt zero........540 all firsties
03.burgfart.........460 two
04.derby shy mam....430 unknown
05.highn............380 all polish games
06.supper cream.....240 all game-on shit
07.machine rum......230 103485638562846
08.puwurplunt.......180 out of scene rock........160 1994 ypso.........75 a few
11.kkk...............20 all cart-games
12.lack of aliens.....0 still none
13.fatwife...........-2 died yesterday
14.sealed witha kiss.-8 all iffl-cracks
15.crispy chips.....-80 too many to name

comment:yes,boss on fire still rules!!!
        anyway,cool to see that fatwife
        is in,he's a good introlinker!
        but can anyone tell me why
        nieh designs or tri-art isn't
        in? kkk is the biggest faller!
worst demogroups   pts    last demotitle
----------------   ---    --------------
01.france..........760    i'm in france
02.come light 37...500    oxyron
03.lied............480    me oh me
04.flat    papa unbound
05.elysium asylum..380    orbone ix
06.fokiss..........300    virtual dreams
07.noise...........246    our goat died
08.original line...220    2 long ago!!
09.crashed.........170    15 years
10.beyond doors....100    no more doors
11.shampoo..........80    lame in space
12.censored sex.....75    wonderland 78
13.sextend..........60    orbid fart 9
14.fair lied........20    kanoland 2
15.silicon tits......0    we are dead!
16.topas colaline...-8    graveyard nose
17.a stick.........-60    part seventy
18.camel a lot....-100    shower power
19.dry at.........-300    mind is gone
20.audap..........-500    unknown......

comment:france is here out of nothing,
        their demo is really great!
without-art-painters   pts        uses:
--------------------   ---        ------
01.yo..................870   koalapaint
02.dragun..............590   basic lines ruin............500   dmc 6.5
04.jeanne d'arc........470   afli death............280   hackpack 3
06.ogami salami........390   fliconvert
07.creep...............188   nothing
08.electrician.........100   electricity
09.nieh designs.........76   3 colors
10.ans inc..............60   voicetrack rage..............42   his hands
12.alladin..............20   font editor
13.waving rob...........10   hires boat...........0   no screen
15.oxi die.............-80   turbo ass.
16.danish enad........-106   hairdryers
17.salamander.........-270   his brain?
18.boss kid...........-300   razpainter
19.copkiller..........-370   facepainter ypso..........-430   dutch cheez

comment:highest new entry is nieh des.
        with his new gfxcollection!
foolest coders         pts  worldrecords
---------------        ---  ------------
01.eddie murphy........800  first scroll
02.walt disney.........400  shadebobs shit.............380  glenzvectors
04.slimmer.............319  none
05.cross or bow........240  most dycps
06.hcl,hso4 or hno3?...200  fli-border
07.biebob..............190  unknown
08.zoo diac............150  sinusscroll nose..........120  cosinusscrol
10.jeanne d'arc.........99  tangesscroll
11.steven spielberg.....80  schindlers
12.deeper...............34  raytracing
13.bmx...................9  eating shit
14.tronlego..............0  longest dick
15.axe is...............-5  diskthrowing
16.brush your teeth....-30  teethbrushin
17.doubt one...........-80  lazyness
18.razor edge.........-120  game coding
19.queen fisherman....-300  raving  egoism

comment:have you seen schindler's list?
        vote for steven! yes!     joy!!
puking composers        pts       uses:
----------------        ---       ------
01.j0r0n telll..........900  j0r0n 9.0
02.pc hah!..............500  jch 14.2
03.b-man................370  unknown
04.come to pod..........238  dmc 18.5
05.down syndrome........149  basic
06.edwin eats sand......101  synthesizer
07.thanko................90  jeff 9.2
08.jeffrey lund..........80  thanko 1.3
09.the dungeon mister....45  music-ass. logical disease....8  flipainter errored..........0  errors of brian........-11  grawbowsky dos...............-43  dmc 1.2 life.............-80  unknown,dra.............-100  future com. rom..............-202  koalapaint
17.i am j..............-203  cruelcrunch
18.oliver klee.........-300  nothing
19.bigmac 2............-301  his hair
20.yourself............-800  other ones

comment:j0r0n takes the first spot,well
        done active dude!        joy!!!
bullshit writing mags     pts last issue
---------------------     --- ----------
01.sitback................970  nine  12.5
03.the rip unit...........306  444
04.lamers guide...........260  got lost
05.extacy is no drug......210  one
06.dipshit................154  two
07.a headache.............124  five
08.ortin..................102  twenty
09.scriptogram.............98  billion
10.the push................50  zero
11.slyhi...................45  monster
12.sexplorer...............24  forgotten
13.splashing pumkins.......15  0.3
14.remarkable shit..........0  not out
15.eggy booze.............-50  dead
16.mortal flash..........-130  fifteen
17.jamaica islands.......-200  6x2
18.reincarnation.........-239  bugged
19.blind date............-405  long ago
20.reveal eddie murphy...-481  seven

comment:i miss ingenious frame!biggest
        tumbler is slyhi!!        joy!!
slowest swappers           pts   delays:
----------------           ---   -------
01.fatwolf/revelation pro..804  3 years ypso/i am nesia....457  1 hour
03.nightshit/sucksex.......385  unknown$h/???................275  3 second
05.bisexual/france.........249  8 years
06.backlater/ex-non........147  a time
07.acidgrandpa/shampoo.....104  2 times
08.boss on fire/motiv.9....102  always
09.kbs/repunica.............87  1 month
10.who is?/many axe.........40  just rip rom/a stick...........25  2minutes in ass.....18  5 km
13.authority/many axe........3  19 m/s
14.xyts/rebuilt secred.......0  88 kg
15.say low/???.............-32  too long
16.boss kid/coma light 37..-70  2/3 week
17.bullshit/spiral.........-99  46 years
18.code 81/changes 2much..-131  18 month
19.asslife/revelation pro.-285  always!
20.raven/dry at...........-362  none

comment:much changes,like always!
paperbag papergraphicians   pts    style
-------------------------   ---    -----
01.junkfood/mama fans.......659  horror
02.daddy/topas colaline.....537  lines
03.copkiller/face it........395  happy
04.electrician/sextend......285  unknown
05.zapotechno/france........194  shit  weird
07.backlater/ex-non.........109  hard
08.sdie/amiga 1200...........85  pencil
09.moonquake/comic style.....70  comics
10.whwhat design/owo.........33  indian
11.citoahc/white code design..6  dark
12.peas/jack uzzi............-7  hazy
13.bambi/just anotha mama...-24  points
14.huccip/great ures........-69  ink
15.elephance/???...........-134  the
comment:biggest climber is junkfood,
        bambi falled 48 places down and
        dog stayed on the same spot.
        elephance just is back in the
        scene,i don't know yet in which
nostalgic antidemos        pts  needs:
-------------------        ---  --------
01.japanese breeze/bml.....990  2 sides storm/dry at......537  1 side
03.shower power/cml........495  5 mb
04.i scream castle/crashed.457  6 disks
05.wonderland 83/censored..344  1.66 mb
06.legally 2/bonzai tree...302  3 sides
07.epical dreams/epic......241  64 mb
08.lame in space/shampoo...174  6 blocks
09.behind image 2/a stick..103  ibm pc
10.dry dreams 2/paradies....97  one disk
11.dying chips/kissmos......54  4 blocks
12.c64waster 2/sexfactor....32  1.8 side
13.audiolity 4/virtual r.....8  unknown
14.justine/grave-ty.........-2  c16
15.looks shit/slush ltd....-70  amiga

comment:japanese breeze again the 1st
        spot,will it ever lower? i
        heard bml will release a demo
        again soon,named 'german beer'
        looks shit is the highest new
        entry here.
laziest scenecountry pts king/president
-------------------- --- ---------------
01.antartica.........540 nelson mandela
02.untied states.....305 cindy crawford
03.southafrica.......295 malcom x
04.gigantic britain..274 john lennon
05.india.............247 gandhi
06.australia.........137 jazzcat/rebels
07.germany...........122 steffi graf
08.italy.............100 mussolini
09.holland............79 tch/brutal
10.liechtenstein.......1 anarchism

comment:we thought of scratching these
        charts,but since they are quite
        serious (i heard from gandhi)
        i let them take part again.
        you see,i just got the empire-
        ship of holland,so get readdy
        for a biiig scene in holland!!!

now read the next page carefully........

this was it!!!
if you have any comment,reaction etc.
then write to the supervising brothers:

'brutal recall'

'brutal recall'


   press fire to go back to the menu


if you have more ideas for what to vote
on (we've got now 11 subjects) then
leave a message on the highway,thanks!

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