Brutal Recall 11 ch09

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 XYZÅÄÓ                          XYZÅÄÓ
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 $%&'()      about glasnost      $%&'()
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 012345                          012345
 here's the third interview!   and it's
 one with glasnost/camelot!

 - tch and r.c.s./brutal recall
 + glasnost/camelot

 -yo glasnost, please give us some facts
  about yourself!

 +hi! my real name is peter elbaek
  rasmussen, and i'm 19 years old.
  i live in a town named randers, in

 -when did you get your c64 and in
  which groups have you been in?!?

 +i got my c64 in the summer of 1989,
  and joined my first group in spring
  1990 (vision). later on i joined light
  and now i'm a member of camelot.

 -where did you get your handle from and
  why did you pick this one?

 +when i had my first relations to the
  scene, i made a demo with spinx.
  i thought that we should call it
  "glasnost", but since spinx did'nt
  to give the demo that name i decided
  that it was too cool to be wasted(!?)
  so i took the name "glasnost".

 -who are the members of camelot and
  what are their job(s)?!?

 +trix    =gfx(haha)+swapper
  vic     =gfx+alternative texts
  flexi   =r.i.p.
  tgd     =in spain for 1.5 years
  cruzer  =code,gfx
  slammer =code
  spinx   =code
  rex     =thinking of coding!
  dan dare=gfx

 -what is your opinion about the scene?!

  why are so many people users, instead
  of creators??


  brutal party...  kaos
  cracks...        bvadrk
  lamers...        no comments
  girls...         yes yes yes
  sleeping...      yes yes yes
  amiga...         stupid invention
  charts...        always wrong
  food...          sovs og kartofler
  dildos...        why do kwon have one?
  music...         hiphop+techno suxxxxx

 -what do you think about the so-called

 +i admire all demo-elite groups, becau-
  se they do something to make the scene
  worthy of the c64.
  they have become elite on making good
  demos, and not by spreading cracks as
  fast as possible

  you can always make an elite-cracker-
  group if you have got enough money for
  originals, modems, etc.

 -what are your favourites...

  food...         pizza
  drink...        jaegermeister+red soda
  computer...     power 2000
  music...        mike oldfield/madonna
  movie...        aliens(1+2)
  demo group...   horizon
  cracker group...ha! go home!
  magazine...     playboy!?
  cracker... they all make me wanna puke
  coder...        kjer/hz
  graphician...   trix! (ed. what?!?)
  musician...     boogaloo/hz

 -do you have any enemies?!?

 +i don't know. atleast i don't hate
  anybody like hell.

 -what about your future plans,or do you
  live from one day to the next...

 +i'm going to study mathemathics some-
  day. untill then i don't really know.

 -do you have a girlfriend, if yes,could
  you tell us something about her?!?


 -do you have any other hobbies?!?


 -if you could rebuild an old elite
  group which would it be then?!?

 +vision for sure!

 -i can't remember any interview with
  you.  have you ever been interviewed

 +yes, to recall/bronx

 -where do you get the ideas for your

 +tv,amiga, and my sick brain

 -at the moment camelot is on the nr.6
  position in the megacharts...  do you
  think this is the right place for ya
  to be?!?

 +no we are the #1 ,right?!

 -camelot used to crack some time ago.
  these days i don't see any cracks at
  all...  will you start again,or just
  leave it?!?

 +hopefully we'll leave it, and maybe
  even forget our dark past!!

 -denmark just got european champion in
  soccer... did you party like lots of
  other guys,or don't you care about
  football that much?

 +i like football, but i had to finish
  the graphics for a preview version of
  spinx's and my game.

 -have you ever felt like doing anything
  else besides coding?

 +when i started on this computer i
  painted some graphics too, and i still
  like to draw once in a while

 -you've got a lot of active members,but
  you can't say that about trix...
  what will you do about that?

 +have we got lotsa active members??
  i did'nt know.
  a good solution to this problem would
  be to kick him out! maybe he might
  stop calling me 2 or 3 times a day,
  but you know, i really feel sorry for
  him and his lameness, so it would give
  me a bad consciense if we kicked him,
  so as long as he pays 250 kr a month
  to stay in camelot, we won't kick him!

 -what do ya think is the most important
  thing to make a good demo... the code,
  graphics,music or design?

 +to me, code, gfx and musics and the
  way they are put together is the same
  as the design, and the demo only kicks
  if all these things are good.

 -thanks for this nice interview!

 well this is the last interview for
 this issue but of-coz there'll be more
 in next issue, if you wanna be
 interviewed then send to:

            'brutal recall!'
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