Brutal Recall 08 ch10

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 enjoy this nice interview with ENIGMAs
 only swapper.. DEFF!
 enjoy it!

 r: r.c.s./brutal
 d: deff/enigma

 r: yo DEFF! please tell us something
    about yourself?!?

 d: well, my real name is MARIO and i'm
    half italian and half german. on
    july 16th i got 19 years old!

 r: for how long did you have your c64
    and which groups have you been in?!

 d: i got my first c=64 back in 1983 and
    i've been in groups like.. powerrun,
    alabama, crazy, illusion and ENIGMA.

 r: do you have any future plans?!?

 d: certainly! i want to go to the eces
    show when it gets for the public
    again. some time in a few years i
    wish to work at lloyds (insurance-
    company) in LONDON!

 r: what do you think about the scene

 d: i still enjoy it otherwise i would
    stop immediately!

 r: if you could change something in the
    scene.. what would you change?!?

 d: i would like to see some guys/groups
    returning to the scene like.. PYLE,
    fantasy, mr.zeropage, strike force,
    the wanderer group, papillions,
    fantasy cracking service, contex etc

 r: how did you get your handle?!?

 d: i don't know exactly. it's too long
    ago. but i guess i got inspirated
    by def jam recordings.

 r: what do you think about mags?!?

 d: it has been a good invention but at
    the moment there're really too much
    lame ones on the market.

 r: if ENIGMA died which group would you
    join, and why?!?

 d: perhaps i would join my first legal
    group. flash inc. would be the right
    one i think!

 r: what's your favorit...

    food... all italian food
    drink... frueh koelsch (german beer)
    music... led zeppelin, guns'n'roses,
             the who, rolling stones,
             2 live crew, public enemy,
             n.w.a., blues brothers etc.
    cracker group... legend
    demo group... nato, flash inc, crest
                  censor design, bonzai,
                  pretzel logic!
    graphician... gotcha
    musician... xayne, metal, evs,
                tim follin, jch
    magazine... shock, corruption,
                hotshot, immortal flash,
                frontpage, brutal recall

 r: how many members are there in ENIGMA
    what are there names and what is
    their job?!?

 d: all in all we have 15 members. they
    are in germany:
    deff... main-swapper
    frank... modem
    joe cool... modem
    magic man... coder
    peter... modem, mamba
    rygar... cracker
    sebio... coder
    weasel... cracker, modem

    and in norway:
    fist... cracker, modem
    hero... cracker, modem
    sauron... cracker, modem

    in the usa:
    basilisk... sysop of gee-spot
    pudwerx... sysop of the forum
    wrath child... sysop of gee-spot

    in england:
    richie... cracker, modem

    and finally in belgium...
    ninja... modem

 r: alot of coders think that swapping
    is the easiest thing.. what do you

 d: well, those coders should try to
    manage about 100 contacts (cheat the
    stamps, write long personal letters
    etc.) as a coder you nearly have
    unlimited time to finish your work.
    but as a swapper you are under a
    huge time pressure all the time!!

 r: do you have a girlfriend, if yes
    then tell us something about her!!

 d: yes,i've a girlfriend for TWO YEARS
    now. her name is BEATE and she's 18
    years old.

 r: do you have any enemys?!?

 d: nope, not really! i guess curlin
    didn't like me that much! eh?
    (TCH:yeah,but who likes curlin!?)

 r: wanna greet or say hallo to anybody?

 d: cheers to all in ENIGMA, elite, dom,
    bonzai and all those guys who know
    and love me!

 r: wanna say anything to the readers
    before we end this interview?!?

 d: don't take the computer too serious,
    it's a hobby and nothing else!
    enjoy your live and party on...

 r: thanks for the interview!
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