Brutal Recall 08 ch08
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
"THE YEAR IN CHARTS..." -- --------------------------------------ye p,yep,yep... as this good year came to an end we now present to you the list of the best guys/groups of the past year. "T we've counted all points of every issue and written down the result for you. just have a look at the europe -- rulers ofhis goar c!! -- you needed 100 pointso yoenter!! ---- ------------------------------------ye ---- ------------------------------------ye "TweCRACKING GROUPS "Tnr .oups "Tweints o:-- ------------------------------------ye 1 .LEGEND "Twe4363 2 .DOMINATORS ----3766 3 .IKARI+TALENT ----3157 4 .genesis projec ye 2982 5 .action "Tnr1789 6 .enigma "Twein1764 7 .censor design "Twein1660 8 .triad "Tnr1523 9 .illusion "Twe431363 10 .brutal "Twe431296 11 .talt to "Twe431200 12 .f4cg "Tnr996 13 .x-ra is "Twein179 714 .hotlin --ru "Twein17725 15 .bonzai "Tnr156861660 .hitme "Tnr17 5581764 .paramnted "Twe4312508 18 .fairligh "Twe43454 19 .victims "Tnr99435 20 .chromanc --ru "Twein179 308 21 -ra +transcom "Twein1772295 22 .ligh "Twe4312 288 23 .depredators "Tnr17 55272 24 .extas is "Twein179237 25 .x-fact yo "Twe4345218 26 .hysteric "Tnr9943207 2p arandor "Twein17661 28 .verdi ye 29 "Twe4313634295 .succes "Tnr9943109---- ----------------------------------ye TA LENT should ba lookt higher,s thise is also did aood yejob ithe rei+t coop, bute nodecid 10toountedhe em seramnt--ru syou thcan see which oups of r coop ve a beenulering in 1991.. as ------ ----------------------------------ye "TweCR ------ ----------------------------------ye "TweCR DEMOROUPS "Tnrnr.o ups "Tweints o:---- ----------------------------------ye 1.L ECREST is "Twein179235004 2.D OBONZAI ------4003 3.I KFLASH INC. ------3565 4.g egh "Twe4312 22471 5.a cnsor design "Twein1623---- 6 riad "Tnr152146 7.c enosmosesign "Twein16649 5.8 .beyondor --ru "Twein17146 5.9 .horiz "Tnr1129210.b rpanoramicesign "Twein8295 11 .origo "Tnrnr.o74712.f 4nesis projec ye 29 65 12.3 .padu "Twein1766 61214.h ome tt hi "Tnr17 5586915.b oface "Tnr994310454 960.h imnt-diz--ru "Twein17742764.p ablackmai "Twe4336718.f aiocu "Tnr994310 322.f49 .megastyle inc 27 26.0 .housdeci "Tnr1 1321 .babygan "T17 22.l ifact yo "Twe43452114 23.d etopazeenurn --ru "Tw13324.e xoreg "Tnr17 117---- --------------------------------ye ES T isofcourseering inhereas --------- --------------------------------ye "TweCR -------- --------------------------------ye "TweCR SWAPPG GROUPS "Tnr.o ups "Tweints o:---- ----------------------------------ye 1.L EBRUTAL "Tnr17 111422.DOB OTRIAD --------722.IKF LGENESIS PROJEC ----686.geg hbrainbomb "Tnr994315 8.5 .dominors "Tnr17 5527 523.d 6 .warris the pawasteld wrn17742705.cen olegd we "Tnr994310 32285.ac8 nigma "Twein17 225.ac9 onzai "Tnr15682 18.c hromanc --ru "Twein179 3019 11.o r +d al "Twein17661 28.f 4cg "Tnr9915 10.3 igh "Twe4312 2813 18.4 sor design "Twein1623 1 251a ction "Tnr172921.him nct yo "Twe43452114 24.ho7 .pawaancit to emplru "Twei9----18 -ra is "Twein179 103---- ------------------------------ye UT AL ising inhe goarchart,ute nlet' e whhowd yejoe i'll do without r.c.s.-- ------------------------------ye "TweCR MAGAZINE "Tnrnr.ooup sne to"Twein179 10 o:------ --------------------------------ye 1.LEB RMAMBATwein179 10/ENIGMA "Twe436640.DOB ONRUTAL RECALL /BRUTAL ----376409KFLG ECORRUPTION179 10/DOMINATORS--356071eghb rhothoul /flashnc 25.ac9o5 .bild zeitu /cces 1715.b 6 .shockein179 10 / designn17661 28- 6r7 .rock'n rou /rou "Tw15 23 8 .gams ofguid"Twei/d 14 5.9 .remarkin179 10/ENgast industrie 838.f40 .emanuelu /t.a.t -------7 2011 .sanfiz l /boyz "Tnrnr.o7471 15.2 .scrip /cliqu"Twein179 526.0ig h ethal new /ai 53-18-4 .vinew "T/tme 5.f49.5 .immorl ashnc /atlanti 17498.4s6 .propagand /sis proj0 3228590.3i7 .ier!!n /w.o.w -------7 370.3i8 .world new 1/cro 342.3.9 .bad new /bad tteld12 288 28.0 .smooth crinorsl / 222.li1 .arenodee best g?/manc --ru 224.ex2 .soulw "T/compagnio 1795 .3 .magasce-ru /steric 118-424 egast madn /???Twein1623 1 22.li5 .independto / --------- 1 6r726 .cemety w /??? "Tnr17 117-2---- ----------------------------ye UTMB ATwe inhe , nleUTAL RECALL oe rei+ e whcdor spotithou only 8ssue as -- ------------------------------ye "TweCR ---------- ------------------------------ye "TweCR SWAINGLERACKINER "Tnr.oup s to"Twein179 :-------- ------------------------------ye 1.LEBRM ADOC "T/coGEND 345DOBON RPOWERPLANT /LEGEN 3405LGEC OBOD "T/coLENT 2163hbrh osnack is is proj0 ec ye 2063 8.5 .saur /ma 1345.9.6 .ti traein1/gd we "Tn1 26.0.r ock'nstan176is proj0 ec ye 8 24.g amobli is proj0 ec ye 823 8.9 .nme (jade) /dead --ru 810.3i0 .tch /badtal 610.3i1 .jih proj0 ec ye 20 6 7.c12 .xxx "T/coLElt to 572.3.p adogfri /minors "T42714.h oarrog-ru ces 17 1749811.or5 .fletch is gd we "Tnr4 12.6 .sthe g /ma li12 288 -----7 370.764.p akhe gfisher 14 342.-18-r acru /a /ai 53 34214.ho9 .cris ?? "Tnr17 117- 2245 2par omanysa / is 25 11-- ----------------------------ye 1.LEBRMC st habe al WERPLANT / -- --------------------------------ye "TweCR -------- --------------------------------ye "TweCR DE COD "Tnr.oup.ooupsn e to"Twein179 : o:------ --------------------------------ye 1.LEC RESOSSBOW ?? EST is 43OBONRP OZODIAC ?? FLASH INC. 340153.IKF LASHMINGO ?? LIGH 216404rhos nkjen17661 2/riz 19.b 6.5 .wal /fl 53 341724.ga6 .mc.spr2 288/smosesiTwe43452114 2.ho9 7 .s.e.s ------is proj0 322859 8 2 8.t rvion /crt gu "Tnrnr.o747 26 9 .glasno y/ tt hi 699.5.0 .bob79 10 / designn17661 220 6 7.1.or scrol ast iyle in 57210.br2 .maduple /crt gu "Tnr4 .3i8.3 .t.h.a ------ 53 3424 15.4 .clf "T/tmigo 3.himn5 .yabb 229 308 or5.6 .sa "Tw/yondor --ru 2.3i1.7 .tra 53 34225f40.8 .unifi17661 lashnc 2517 225.8-ra9 .olav m0rkrid/noramicesi 19.b0arom ari is is 53 3424 1 921 .lubb17661 2/du "111---- ------------------------------ye EST SBOW ,who else? --yo---- ------------------------------ye "TweCR ---------- ------------------------------ye "TweCR DE CAPPG "Tnr.oup.ooupssn e to"Twein179 1 : :-------- ------------------------------ye 1.LECRE SR.C.S. "T/coGEND 1176RPOZ OASLIVE is BRAINBOMB 840ECOB ODAZE "Tw/yoBRUTAL ------3566 4.g edeathstralkertal 3.or5 5 .n shaTwei/s 17 1749 18.cri ad /badadtal 18 7.c edukwein179 1 inors "T1 5.9.8 .stormlor .o.w -------7 37"111.ac8n9 i trchrt of proj0 322859 8 1 714.0 .razis d we "Tnr 23.d11 anorth661 2/du emari "T/coLEltiqu"Twein179 52"111----13 .jan /c--is proj0 322859 8 298-4.v ijin1/danielsminors "T490.8.5 .sodapo ?? hnc 2517 225.1660.h ibg "T/coLElt 14 34285.4.7 .airwo "T/ proj0 322859 8 27c12.8 .mr.wa "T/coLEanc --ru 22747 2a9.o ltyrein179 52"s 17 17498 8.t-- ----------------------------ye 1.LECREC. S. "T inhe goarchart,u -- ----------------------------ye " TweCR ------------ ----------------------------ye " TweCR DE CAPMUSICIAN "Tnrnr.ooupsn e to"Twein179 10 : --------- ----------------------------ye 1.LECRESR .JCH --/VIBRANT 4438 2.D OMRAXn179 10 / dVIBRANT 8301FLGEC OJEROEN TE ---/BLACKMAI ----2222.ged ereyn ouwehwrn17/ackmai 21 5.9.5 .deein179 10 / doj0 322859 8 16 5.ac6 .linin179 10 / dvibraso y 8 1 7139 7.s .a-ma 1?? "Tnr17 117-26r5 5.8 .me 3. 53 34214 8.5.9 .laxit d wvibraso y179 103-.or 0 .dank signn17661 220 691764.1 .mo 19nc 2517 2258.ho7.2 .guy shavit y/ tsidchipofgu17 5581764.3 .t,u lesignenen --------- 1 5 8.914 .grif "T/tminc --ru 22747 5.915 .edwin vanfidtenckmai 21 382.6.s tdungeon mld12r 14 34214.0.7 .scorti 53 3424164.7.8 .xayu rt gu "Tnr41 19.v imozicar 2/t-diz--ru 4.ho7-- --------------------------ye 1.LECRESRH as alwayse reiopthe pawast ---- ----------------------------ye " TweCR ------------ ----------------------------ye " TweCR SWAIr41 ARTIS 44 "Tnrnr.ooupsne to"Twein179 10 : :--------- --------------------------ye 1.LECRESR.J CGOTCH "Twe4366/COSMOS DESIGN 43OB87OBON RUIZZMO rt GENESIS PROJECT 3311ECOJ EREDSTAR 2/t-ASH INC. 235geder edr / signn17661 21.him 5 .gbfn gu "Tnr41 7.c12 6 .di- 2/tackmai 21 1412.f 7 .foT/coLElti inors "T12----.s toc proj0 ec ye 20814.h 9 awaansarg /roirligh 728.f40 .thund17661 2/ 14 3426 10.1 .mirag179 52"s design 6.914.2 .cre /nc 2517 225.51 13.x -ogam53 34241/irligh 415.bo4 .chor 14 342315.2.5 .sparkl1 2/du gastyle inc 1.3i7.6 .red wi"Tnrnr.o/offe 22747 2162.8.7 .creep661 2/ c 2517 225.1 8.518 .elect 1/ext "Tnr 160.hir emabel m /c--is/nhe goampagnn 112.320 .tp /x-alru "Tw115.421 .perno 14 3iz 11------ ----------------------------ye EST TC H "Twkice gfisupreme ass -------- --------------------------ye "Tw eCR -------------- --------------------------ye "ok ay,tha nodre best ofhis goar c!! as thcam a benoticed,e list o "T PG isnter!!ablehou on50ointso y of r more " whhothcain abt r.1r c!! -- ------------------------ye "TweC