Propaganda 24 ch05
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
+------------------------+ |One of the Transformers | |was called Hound and the| |other one Jazzcat, the | |latter a name he fancied| |so much he decided to | |use it himself. | +---------------FROM TRANSFORMERTOYS FROM TRANSFORMERTOYS TO ONSLAUGHT TO ONSLAUGHT. PROPAGANDA MEETS JAZZCAT. EARLY SEPTEMBER, 1997. Our Australian friend has been active on what seems to be a 24-hour basis over the past years. When Propaganda met up with him we met an openminded Austral- ian who speaks of his past, the setup of ONSLAUGHT and the eternal 1OO%- version-debate. ______________________________________ JAZZCAT has been on the boards on an al- most daily basis since 2 or 3 years back - An admirable effort in itself. Doing so, JAZZCAT has established him- self as one of the powerful institutions of the modern market. He is organizing ______________________________________ ______________________________________ and leading ONSLAUGHT, a big group from the new generation. He edits one of the public's favorite magazines. There have been 8 juicy issues of DOMINATION. As if that wasn't enough he helps his friend and partner VENGEANCE with VANDALISM NEWS. On the legal side, he edits a mag- azine called COMMODORE FEVER and further helps with COMMODORE SCENE, a Brittish magazine. And of course, as with every crackinggroup today, he is also involved in gamesales. So this is old news. This is JAZZCAT today. What was JAZZCAT like yesterday? ______________________________________ **........ \/\/--/\>< JAZZCAT describes himself as a typical hangaround in his early days on the scene. His sources of software were limited and he swapped pirated games on a local level. TRIAD, FAIRLIGHT, GENESIS and LEGEND were great fascina- tion to the young JAZZCAT and he was intruiged with the idea of taking part in the scene himself. Back then, TRANS- FORMERS were popular toys and JAZZCAT happened to be owner of two. One of the TRANSFORMERS was called HOUND and the other one JAZZCAT, the latter a name he fancied so much he decided to use it himself. +----------------------------------+ |"..WHICH LED BOTH DEFF/AVANTGARDE | | AND WESTBAM/LEGEND TO OFFER | | HIM MEMBERSHIPS." | +----------------------------------+ His first groups were POWERCREW and CPG, unknown to the wide masses but it was also here he met some of the people we'd later see in ONSLAUGHT. GRIZE (cre- ator of MISFORTUNE) and SHADES were both part of the two groups and not long af- ter he ran into VENGEANCE, then in THE FORCE. VENGEANCE adds into the story later, as we all know. JAZZCAT expanded quickly and as the Australian group BODYCOUNT started, he was let in on trial with his 15O contacts. VANDALISM was also published under the BODYCOUNTlabel. It may come as a surprise for many of you, but it was in fact JAZZCAT'S job to edit the magazine. From BODYCOUNT the story moves on quickly. JAZZCAT enters his first European journey REBELS and gets a modem from SUBZERO/CODERS and from REBELS into ALPHA FLIGHT. JAZZCAT re- members the days with ALPHA FLIGHT as pleasant ones, and recalls the fierce competition with RED SECTOR at the time. +----------------------------+ |" ..WE WERE ALL FED UP | |WITH OUR GROUPS AND NEEEDED | | SOMETHING DIFFERENT. " | +----------------------------+ It would still prove that ALPHA FLIGHT was not all glitter and flash. Sceners among many groups must have been start- led by the Australian around-the-clock scener which led both DEFF/AVANTGARDE and WESTBAM/LEGEND to offer him member- ships. For many, the decision would pro- bably have been fairly obvious. AVANT- GARDE still had a couple of years of activity ahead of them while LEGEND were hanging on to the last mile and had put their more active days in the past. JAZZCAT however still had an old respect for the will of God and decided to jump on the the train, even though it was their last. The decision must have upset DEFF who was used to getting served on silverplate. Since that day, they have never been on a friendly basis, JAZZCAT adds. [P] PUTTING ONSLAUGHT TOGETHER MUST HAVE BEEN EXCITING LOOKING AT WHAT YOU'VE ACCOMPLISHED WITH IT NOW. WHAT WERE THE INTENTIONS AND MAINGOALS OF THE NEW GROUP? - Yes, it was rather exciting in several ways, one of the mainreasons was to sh- rug this "Australian only" type feeling and have a big break ino the scene on an international level. ONSLAUGHT was created by myself, VENGEANCE/SCS*TRC and MAJESTY/TALENT. At that time we were all fed up with our present groups and needed something different. [P] SPEAKING OF VENGEANCE, HE IS SOME- WHAT YOUR SECOND HALF IN PUBLIC. IS YOUR FRIENDSHIP VALUABLE FOR PRODUCTIVITY? - Yes our friendship is very valuable, it gives you reliability and it also gives you a reassurance of getting the job done. I know Matt has relied on me seveeral times with helping him with his magazine. With other people he can- not ask this as the friendship is not as strong so neither is the responsi- bility level. In ONSLAUGHT it is an im- portant thing that all members are fr- iends. I don't want the group to be like a business but a productive hobby. If thingswent inactive the frienship would still be there to hold the group to- gether, ready for another day to strike again. [P] SO WHAT WOULD A NORMAL DAY BEHIND THE ONSLAUGHT-CURTAINS LOOK LIKE? - Normally we just laugh and talk about what's going on in real life. Sotimes I ring up Matt (VENGEANCE) and we don't even speak of anything that is scene- related. We just have conversations on matters of real life interest and girl problems and ways of solving them. Scenewise, we urge members to get work- ing hard on current releases that are in the pipeline - there is always some- thing happening in the crew, hence it's name. HOLY MOSES. MY DISKS ARE ALIVE. +-----------------------------------+ |" ..HE IS NOT THERE TO SEE WHAT | | TAKES PLACE AND HAS TO GET | | INFORMATION FROM HIS SO CALLED | | "RELIABLE SOURCES".. "| +-----------------------------------+ [P] AS PART OF A CRACKINGGROUP, THERE HAVE LATELY BEEN SEVERAL INFECTED DE- BATES BETWEEN THE GROUPS ON THE BOARDS. ULTIMATELY, IT ALL COMES DOWN TO RE- LEASES, FIXES AND 100%-VERSIONS. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON THE ENTIRE AFFAIR? - I think because originals are getting more scarce that groups are wanting the points so much that 1OO%-versions are becoming more and more evident. Groups like AFL criticize others for hunting points when they are the ones who poorly crack and rush releases such as MAGICAL FORMULA to try and steal some points. They are the ones who do the majority of the 1OO%-versions, yet when it is done to them (URINE) they cry like children. Why I react so much on this particular group is because of it's habit in contradicting itself. People should just learn to get originals from elsewhere, or make their own and sell them and then crack them, like we do sometimes - where there is no harm done. I would also like to add the fact that some magazines like RELAX are used by ALPHA FLIGHT as a tool for their con- troversies and problems they find with the majority of the crackinggroups. I feel that the editor, RRR, only sticks up for them and what they do so much because of being a former member of the group and because a large number of the RELAX editors are members of AFL. When criticized about this RRR awlays ex- plains about his wishes to keep the magazine objective and so on. He should not be a spokesman on the subject of 1OO%-releases or any topics that are board-related. Fact is, he never calls any C64-boards, the only one he called was EDGE OF MIDNIGHT when it had a a O13O-German tollfree number routed to it and that was only for a couple of months. He has therefore not enough knowledge and experience to make any judgements or even try and write an article on any situations that are caused by AFL. He is not there to see what takes place and has to get info- rmation from his so called "reliable sources" and all of these are either in- volved in argumentative situations with me or my group or are willing to take side of the idiots who are trying to bombarde the scene with lies and actions that simply just never took place in the past. [P] I SEE. SPEAKING OF RELAX, YOU ARE EDITOR OF THE MUCH ACCLAIMED DOMINATION. HOW WOULD YOU GRADE YOUR WORK AS A JOURNALIST? - As an editor you see your own mistakes more than the reader. I have noticed my errors in the past and I think I am getting better and better at what I do. I am not someone that is over modest so it is a hard question you ask. I prefer other people judge me. But I also think that before you judge others, you must jusge yourself first. [P]THE MAGAZINEMARKET IS PROBABLY THE ONE THAT HAS BEEN EXPANDING THE MOST AND GROWING IN TERMS OF QUALITY. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE MAGAZINES AND COMP- ETITION TODAY? - Competition is still there today. it was fun and fierce in '94 and '95 when THE PULSE and SKYHIGH were still around, but as you said the quality is still improving. VANDALISM, RELAX, PROPAGANDA and DRIVEN and the other mags offer good competition as far as breaking news and getting that special original chapter across. Other mags that I see that will eventually also be ones to watch out for are EMPHATIC, VITALITY, NEWSPRESS and PALLADIUM. [P] I AGREE, AND IT IS GOOD WE ARE FIN- ALLY SEEING A NEW GENERATION OF MAGA- ZINES COMING ALONG. ANY SPECIAL JOURN- ALIST-FAVORITES ON THE SCENE? - I respect the work of SKATER/CENSOR, he was very objective and his chapters were very understandable and entertain- ing. Another editor I like is JACK DANIELS from CORRUPTION and REMIX from CLIQUE for his work on the SCRIPT-mag- azine. He would probably be the friend- liest editor in the scene. ..- RRR: I AM ANGRY. -- MARC: ME TOO. LET'S MAKE SOME CHAPTERS. [P] THE C64-SCENE IS CONSTANTLY CHANG- ING BUT NEVER SEEMS TO GO AWAY. WILL YOU LEAVE THE SHIP OR STAY PUT WITH ONSLAUGHT AND YOUR MAGAZINE? - I think I will be in ONSLAUGHT until either the group dies (which I doubt) or the scene does. My magazine will con- tinue as well as our other productions unless some wild circumstances in rea- lity give me other reasons. I have thought of other projects and things I could do, but I am happy with the cur- rent circtumstances and look forward to the future. +------------------------------------+ |.. RRR: MAKE SURE THEY'RE 100%. | |-- MARC: URINE WILL TAKE CARE OF IT.| +------------------------------------+ [P] IS THERE AN IDEAL GROUP AND HOW WOULD THAT LOOK? - CENSOR have always been one of the groups I looked up to, they were great in the magazine-, cracking- and demo- scenes. These days I don't think there is any ideal group. I could say my own, but that would be a lie. But, we are working on a demo. It will come! Then I could say ONSLAUGHT. 8) [P] FUTUREVISIONS FOR ONSLAUGHT AND THE C64? ANY PLANS TO EXPAND TO ANOTHER FORMAT LIKE F4CG AND HITMEN? - I doubt it. The only true scene is C64. Other scenes are just for wares and that's why they suck. If were to venture onto another platform it would be under a new name anyway. But I don't see this happening, at least not with the inner organization anyway. [P] BUT WHAT ABOUT THE LEGAL MARKET? HOW MUCH INVOLVED ARE YOU? - Actually I have been involved with quite a lot of projects. I hooked up John and Steve Rowlands from APEX with Phil Thorton/SYSTEM3 and they now (or did have) a 3D PC-project with 18-month contract. Also I have some gameprojects of my own in the pipeline, like GOD- FLESH, a beat'em-up game with the same type of play as IK+ from SYSTEM3 and MORTAL KOMBAT. It features graphics by CRUISE/TABOO and DEEKAY/CREST/ONSLAUGHT and also music from GEIR TJELTA and MORBID/BASS/ONSLAUGHT. Coding is being done by JOLZ, but the delay of the productions is the sprites, which I wish to be very well animated and detailed. ______________________________________ JAZZCAT in a nutshell, that may be. He has to rush of to his parttime job now. STAR BAR CAFE consumes time, as does his girlfriend and studies. Where he finds time to do strolls on the scene, we still do not know. By the way, did you know JAZZCAT is one mother at mart- ial arts. Kung fu is a great hobby of, so make sure to keep that in mind if you meet him in a dark alley at night. Or after several rags at a copyparty. Don't say PROPAGANDA didn't warn you. +-----------------+ |JAZZCAT FAVORITES| +-----------------+-----------------+ |GROUP................LEGEND, IKARI| |DEMOGROUP.....CENSOR, CREST, FOCUS| |BOARD.................TST, DBL, TO| |MAG........SHOCK, REMARK, REVEALED| +----------------------------------+ "I RESPECT ALL IN THE SCENE. FOR STAYING WITH THIS ANCIENT COMPUTER. KEEP IT ALIVE! THE COMPUTER IS NOT THE SCENE, THE WARES ARE NOT THE SCENE - THE PEOPLE ARE." JAZZCAT, SEPTEMBER 1997