The Link 10 Charts

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(Created page with "<pre>welcome to the 64 CHARTS. we would like you,the readers to tell us if you would rather have the charts as they are here as we change them every MONTH,or would you rather...")

Latest revision as of 12:27, 9 January 2013

welcome to the 64 CHARTS.  we would like
you,the readers to tell us if you would
rather have the charts as they are here
as we change them every MONTH,or would
you rather have a PROGRESSIVE chart that
has the running totals of every group &
fellow scener.

please fill in your vote sheets and get
them back to us.  if your name is not on
any of the charts,please don't complain
to us. speak to your contacts.

to those who doubt,we at TSR don't cheat
the charts.
 oz groups
 ---------                       T  S  R
   name            pts           h  o  e
   ----            ---           e     a
 1.TSR             119              b  d
 2.HYPE             97           g  i  e
 3.PARALAX          95           a  g  r
                                 p     s
 4.the cure         79 * (dead)     a
 5.battery          75 ?         i  n
 6.lithium          66           s  y
 7.offence          60              m
 8.fury             59           n  o
 9.bodycount        56           o  r
10.msr              53           t  e
 oz swappers                     H Y P E
 -----------                     e o l a
   name          groups      pts l u e s
   ----          ------      --- p r a y
 1.UPTONOGOOD    TSR          92     s
 2.GOP           PARALAX      89 b v e t
 3.MASTER        TSR          73 y o . o
 4.deb           battery      67 s e   f
 5.bright light  paralax      66 e   i o
 6.decoy         lithium      64 n s t r
 7.deadbone      hype         61 d h s g
 8.megazzap      paralax      61 i e   e
 9.rebel         tsr          59 n e s t
10.witty         lithium      59 g t o !
 oz coders                      i  t  b
 ---------                         h  e
   name            pts          d  e  e
   ----            ---          o     n
 1.QUETZAL          79          n  c
 2.ICEMAN           79 * (dead) '  o  s
 3.CAINE            74          t  d  o
 4.roadrunna        71          t  r  c
 5.metro            71          h  s  l
 6.slarti           69          i     o
 7.slice            68          n  h  s
 8.slash            68          k  a  e
 9.tbh              67             v
10.giorgio armani   66             e
 oz grafix                     c H D t o
 ---------                     o Y E h n
   name          pts           n P S e e
   ----          ---           g E I r
 1.DEADBONE      110           r   G e c
 2.CAINE          94           a & N   a
 3.METRO          92           t   S i t
                               e B   s c         68           s R b   h
 5.dan            66 * (dead)    E u s i
 6.stalker        65           t E t o n
 7.roadrunna      64           o Z   m g
 8.megazzap       60             E o e
 9.witty          58               u - u           55               t   p
 oz muzaks                  P a p y o h
 ---------                  E r l o n a
   name               pts   A e e u e v
   ----               ---   R   a r   e
 1.ATOM               129   L t s   y
 2.GOP                 88     h e m o p
 3.PATTO               71   & e   i u t
                                m n   s
 4.messiah             70   M s a d w
 5.zorro               64   O a k   a a
 6.bat                 63   R m e w n d
 7.metro               60   B e   h t d
 8.caine               58   I , u i   e
 9.pearl               54   D   p c t d
10.megazzap            54         h o !
oz importers
   name         group         pts
   ----         -----         ---
 1.UPTONOGOOD   TSR           116
 2.GOP          PARALAX        73
 3.DEB          BATTERY        70

 4.erratic      paralax        69 * dead
 5.master       tsr            68
 6.decoy        lithium        62
 7.bright light paralax        58
 8.rustler      tsr            55 * dead
 9.cruze        lithium        55
10.deadbone     hype           55
oz crackers                   t o k c
-----------                   h r e r
  name          pts           a r e a
  ----          ---           n i p c
1.ROADRUNNA     119           k e   k
2.QUETZAL       117           s   o i
3.RAT            68 * (dead)    s u n
                              t u r g
4.cruze          67           o p
5.gumby          59             p b
6.madmix         54           a l o
                              l i y
                              l e s
oz magazines                   w b s C a
------------                   i a c L r
   name              pts       t c e A e
   ----              ---       h k n S
 1.THE LINK          136           e S l
 2.VIOLATION          88 *dead V o   I o
 3.VANDALISM NEWS     75       A n & C o
                               N       k
 4.form               72       D t F t i
 5.epic               60       A h O h n
 6.tainted            57 *dead L e R i g
 7.bubble gum         57       I   M n
 8.classic            55       S m   g u
 9.wanted             55 *dead M a & s p
10.weird crud         53 *dead   g     !
oz sceners
   name           group     pts
   ----           -----     ---
 1.UPTONOGOOD     TSR        65
 2.GOP            PARALAX    63
 3.MEGAZZAP       PARALAX    58

 4.deb            battery    57
 5.erratic        paralax    57 *dead
 6.scooby         fury       56
 7.giorgio armani tsr        55
 8.blackwidow     gothic     54
 9.incubus        tsr        54 *dead
10.omen           tsr        53
nz groups          good to see some new
---------          movement in the NZ
  name       pts   scene.  look forward
  ----       ---   to some new stuff to
1.FURY        93   come out.
2.TSR         80
3.ROTEC       79   message to all,don't
                   forget to vote for us
4.system      75   too!
5.lithium     73
6.bad karam   59

nz swappers                      g d r
-----------                      o i e
   name         group      pts   o f p
   ----         -----      ---   d f r
 1.THE ROGUE    TSR         96     e e
 2.BLADE        SYSTEM      78   t r s
 3.THE HEGG     BAD KARAMA  76   o e e
                                   n n
 4.midromin     fury        65   s t t
 5.tyrant       lithium     60   e   e
 6.titanium     lithium     58   e g d
 7.nighthawk    lithium     56     r
 8.machette     rotec       55   3 o
 9.hurricane    lithium     54     u
10.epik         fury        53     p
nz coders            a c c c t d D
---------            s h o l h o E
  name         pts     a d o e   M
  ----         ---   i r e s   s O
1.MIDROMIN      85   n t r e g o '
2.THE HEGG      77     s s . o m S
3.HURRICANE     75   t       o e .
                     h t a   d
4.machette      74   e h r k   m
5.devil         64     e e e w o
6.rastan        60   O s   e o r
7.genesis       53   Z e v p r e
                         e   k
                       N r u
                       Z y p &
nz grafix             nice cross section
---------             represented here.
   name         pts
   ----         ---   we look forward to
 1.THE ROUGE     95   seeing some more
 2.THE HEGG      82   great piccy's
 3.BLADE         80

 4.nighthawk     66
 5.axe           61
 6.midromin      59
 7.devil         56
 8.wal           54
 9.genesis       54
10.chamelion     54
              euro groups
                        name         pts
mmmm. still not much    ----         ---
changes. flash inc.   1.LEGEND       110
is catching up alot.  2.TRIAD         90
                      3.ILLUSION      74
oxyron should be
higher though. what   4.flash inc     71
do you think?         5.crest         67
                      6.talent        63
                      7.success       63
                      8.oxyron        62
             sector    61
                     10.light         61
             euro swappers
 name             pts
 ----             ---    here's the
 1.REMIX           64    australian
 2.INCUBUS         63    favourite
 3.MR AMMO         63    contacts in
                         euro i suppose
 4.nightshade      60    ???
 5.radical         60
 6.dr j            59
 7.pacific         59
 8.rcs             59
 9.mace            59
10.derbyshire ram  56
              euro coders
           name           pts
           ----           ---
         1.CROSSBOW       109  ACE
         2.ZODIAC          96  KING
         3.FLAMINGO        76  JACK

         4.yup             69  where is
         5.glasnost        67  CASE/TAT!
         6.tron            65
         7.tts             63
         8.kingfisher      61
         9.bob             61
        10.wap             58
              euro grafix
yes, all the        name             pts
best gfx man        ----             ---
are on the        1.OGAMI            105
chart and         2.CREEPER           90
there is no       3.THUNDER           67
doubt about
where they are    4.dragon            65
on the chart.     5.hein design       62
                  6.crest             60
well deserved!    7.chortaire         59
                  8.zoris             59
                  9.jfk               58
                 10.d'arc             57
             euro crackers
   name              pts    the big guys
   ----              ---    dominated
 1.POWERPLANT        106    the chart
 2.XXX                82    for another
 3.DOC                75    month.

 4.bod                73    way to go!
 5.crossfire          70
 6.burglar            62    any serious
 7.sauron             60    contender
 8.chrysagon          57    out there?
 9.dmc                57
10.antitrack          57
             euro magazines
we should have       name            pts
a world mag          ----            ---
chart so that      1.SCRIPT          132
LINK may be        2.BRUTAL RECALL    92
able to compare    3.INTERNAL         75
with the rest!
                   4.splash           71
brutal recall shot         63
caught cheating    6.addybook         63
the chart, is      7.shock            60
this right?        8.milestone        57
          be on top     56
                  10.earthshake       56
               euro demos
   name              pts   the new flash
   ----              ---   demo is hot
 1.PROMETHEUS UNB     77   on the chart!
 2.RED STORM          70
 3.DUTCH BREEZE       70   dutch breeze
                           is still up
 4.wonderland 9       63   there after
 5.comma light 8      55   so long... in space     54 cream castle   54   problem child
 8.problem child      54   is going to
 9.goatland           54   climb. watch
10.changing           53   it!!!
            euro demo crews     T i t
 runs       ---------------     R t h
 like a    name           pts   I ! e
 -------   ----           ---   A
 r.royce 1.TRIAD           70   D m t
 benz    2.FLASH INC       69     a o
 bmw     3.CREST           63   h d p
                                a e .
 jaguar  4.light           63   s
 lexus   5.censor design   56     t
 saab    6.topaz beerline  55   d o
 ford    7.oxyron          54   o
 holden  8.dominators      53   n
 toyota  9.camelot         53   e
 mazda  10.panoramic       53
G J n          euro musos
U E o          ----------
Y R t      name           pts
  O        ----           ---
i E f    1.GUY SHAVITT    104  DIAMOND
s N a    2.JEROEN TEL      96  GOLD
    r    3.DRAX            81  RUBY
t T
o E o    4.danko           73
p L f    5.jch             69
    f    6.moon            66
  i !    7.chortaire       63
  s      8.r ouwehand      63
         9.the syndrom     59
        10.a-man           56

ok, you have reached the end of the
chart. please send us you next set of
favourite votes to those who deserves
and we'll see who is the best in the
next issue.

               <THE END<
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