The Link 09 Reactions

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(Created page with "<pre> reactions £££££££££££ FROM ENDURO/FAIRLIGHT try to get a musician for the LINK. nice zaks improves a mag,beleive me. keep the oz scene alive guys. ]...")

Latest revision as of 12:15, 9 January 2013


 try to get a musician for the LINK.
 nice zaks improves a mag,beleive me.
 keep the oz scene alive guys.

 thanks martin for your thoughts on our
 mag,its nice to know that you EURO'S
 think enough of the OZ scene to offer
 some very good advise at times.  in
 regards to our musician ATOM.  he has
 been very busy with his band.  when i
 spoke to him a couple of weeks ago he
 said that he was going to produce some
 more releases for us shortly.

 a ntsc fix wouldn't be a bad idea for
 your mag!

 funny you should mention this idea HANS
 as i was talking to ELWIX/STYLE,who has
 offered to NTSC fix all our demos and
 mags from now on,so the rest of the USA
 scene can see our wares.

 this offer is for all AUSTRALIAN AND
 NEW ZEALAND groups.  so you can either
 send them to him direct,his add is on
 a file at the end of the LINK.  or you
 can send your wares to me and i will
 pass them on.  as he doesn't need any-
 more contacts.

 the graphics by ORACLE a few issues ago
 were good.  hope you can do them again.
 how about an option to load in your own
 music,like the latest issue of BRUTAL
 RECALL.  also when the music on the
 LINK is turned off,it automatically
 comes back on after disk access.

 thanks for the comments GREG,but it has
 come as a shock to me to learn that our
 friend ORACLE has decided to leave TSR
 and go out on his own.  we wish him all
 the best at what ever he wants to do,
 but for the love of me i can't under-
 stand why he wants to go it alone.

 we are looking into the matter of the
 music loader.  i hope that we can fix
 it,if not we will ask for some help.

 thats all the reactions we have had for
 this issue,if you have any further
 comments to make please fill out the
 vote sheets you are sent and send them
 back to whom you got them from and we
 will print them for you.

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