ArachnoPhobia 04 Jokes

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Latest revision as of 22:56, 13 February 2009

|@@@@@@@@@@@WONDERFULL JOKES@@@@@@@@@@@|
|@@@@@@@@@@@WONDERFULL JOKES@@@@@@@@@@@|


Here's Carnage again with some jokes.
Hmmm I think I've talked to much
allready, so here are the jokes.


When may you slap a woman?

When her mustage is on fire.


A teacher asks the children in her class
what their fathers do for kind of job.

'Linda, what does your father do for
 a living?'

'My father is a carpenter, miss.'

'And what does your father do, Ina?'

'My father is an electrician.'

'And your father, Harry?'

'My father is dead, miss.'

'Oh.. What did he do before he died?'

'He did, "Aaaaaaarrggghh", miss."


Why do siameesh twins go to England

So that the other can also drive.


Suspect -> Judge

"Please give me some more time to prove
 that I'm innocent."

"Than I sentence you to 20 years, I
 think that that should be enough."


A young pilot is busy with his first
flight in the night and he tries to be a
bit popular with the air-traffic
controller, so he says: "guess who?",
when suddenly all the landinglights
disappear and someone says: "guess


Some time ago, a person goes to a shop
in West-Berlin and parks his bicycle
against a wall, an hour later he
walks out again towards his bike, and
yes, you guessed it allready, the wall
was gone!!!


I am sorry to say this, but these where
all the jokes that I could get.
Please, if you have some good jokes,
then put them on the ARACHNOPBOBIA
votesheet for me.

                       CARNAGE IS OFF+++

                       MUSIC BY B.A.D.
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