ArachnoPhobia 04 Reactions

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Latest revision as of 22:56, 13 February 2009


Welcome to the third edition of the
REACTIONS chapter. So please enjoy, and
give me more reactions. My addy is:

             XXXX XXXXXXX
             XXXXXXXXXXXX XX
             XXXX XX XXX
             The Netherlands

ArachnoPhobia#2 was better then the
first issue, but still it had a poor
out-fit & lame gfx. Musix were cool.
More texts, better outfit and gfx and
the rest  was of higher quality.



          Dark Zone



ROJ: This is an old reaction but I
personally think that you must see
this reaction.

Sapper do you like the GFX now? I
personal like them much. So I want to
thank Ecsic, Unlock and for their gfx's.
He' Sapper please give me a reaction
again in the future.


1) Nice but too long intro (too quiet
2) too little articles
3) good musics

I'm waiting for next issue. Goodluck!


Thank you Rammy for your reaction.
Allright I always give a reaction back.
Is this a reaction about
ArachnoPhobia #1!?!? Too long intro let
me see, oh yeah, yes that was Ara#1. You
are right about the intro. But if you
had read the scroller you could have
skipped the intro whenever you wanted
with the restore-key. This time we have
much more articles than in #1.I hope you
will receive this mag. in time ofcourse
and give me a reaction again...


I've seen last week #2. Poor gfx, but
nice outfit. So, good "look" in the
future... STAY ALIVE

                        Yourz Snippy

Same story as last reaction
I hope you like the GFX now!!!
And we certanly stay alive you can count
on us in 1997.

thanx for the reaction!


Arachnophobia is quite cool, but you
should change the load pics>they suck!
Texts are good second issue was much
better than first one!!! And the intro
-logo by Flash kicked my butt aswell!
Improve outfit, rest should be O.K.



We know that Arachnophobia is cool, but
thanks to tell us this again we need
it!! About the load pics you didn't like
it! Mmm, some were strange, but there
were some nice pictures. I liked the


WHOW, your magazine is getting better
each issue (2nd unfortunately wasn't
that good, either).
The idea of marking the already read
chapters is a sign for the good menu!
Even the chapter-reader looks a bit
different (nice tooth brushing-logo-
The all in all design belongs in the Top
7 of mags.

                  Dasheele/SMASH DESIGNS

Hey, we'll see that as a compliment!
We try to improve everytime!

      till next issue!


Hey Spiders!!!

This magazine is very good! I wish you
many readers. I will hope that you make
many other issue's

                   Doc of Desire/Willow

We also hope that we will make many
other issue's. Thank you for your


The mag is getting better and better by
each issue. But please get some nice gfx
for the mag. As the gfx you use are
really sad to look at.
                                   : )
A big + TO BREN for his nice cover :-)

           Best of luck


He VIOLATOR, a new record!!! Why?,
because every issue had a reaction from
you. Let me prognosticate your next
reaction: The GFX are getting better and
better. And this time you have it right
the gfx's are better this time. And of
course did you like the new-cover from


The last words about this chapter. This
time we had a total amount of 6
reactions. And that is a little bit
disappointing. But you could do
something about this, send us more


            music by Trident of Active.
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