Are We The Best 06

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Latest revision as of 22:40, 24 July 2008


[edit] Editorial

Welcome to the sixth edition of your    
favourite cracker mag' "ARE WE THE BEST"
Sorry for the mega delay (4 months) but 
it was caused by extremely lazyness!    
BUT we are BACK after few days of almost
no sleep,private life. (NO SCHOOL ED.)  
if you want your cracks reviewed in AWTB
then remember to send 'em to us in time.
In the last issue we made some mistakes 
with the SPIRIT versions.               
I corrected it so SORRY!  (YO Insider! )
Instructions:Use your stick in port 2 to
move the pointer.                       
Use left or right arrow to select the   
page you want to read.                  
In case a page is longer than one screen
you get the possibility of scrolling it 
by highlighting either the upperlower   
Remember to use the AWTB disc voter and 
to return it to your CHROMANCE contact. 
The AWTB voter is available from your   
local CHROMANCE dealer or from AJ/TRC.  
Here are some addresses where you can   
reach the staff:                        
XXXXXXX X.XX               XXXXXX X.XXX.
XXXXXXX                    XXXXXXX      
or contact our foreign comrades at:     
XXXXXX XXXXXXXX            Rough        
XXXXXXX                    XXXXXXX      
or if you prefer telefaxes then call :  
Credits for this issue goes to:         
all coding by Alex/CHROMANCE            
music by Griff/CHROMANCE                
AWTB logo by Exat/CHROMANCE             
1X1 charset + sprites by Alex/CHROMANCE 
the rest of the gfx are unknown...      
Loader improved by Painkiller/CHROMANCE 
All text by Mr.Wax/CHROMANCE            
Call 'GATE OF WARES' for the NTSC/PAL   
version of ARE WE THE BEST? at this #:  
also for the latest dopes.              
The whole CHROMANCE posse wish you a    
End of EDITORIAL,load another chapter!  

[edit] News'n'Rumours

            News 'n' Rumours            
- Here's the story about the VERDICT 1st
  release HISKADO.                      
  Harlequin/SILICON had HISKADO because 
  AUDIAL ARTS made the music for it.    
  Falcon/VERDICT (now SUCCESS ED.) asked
  for the original and promised to      
  release it when AUDIAL ARTS gets the  
  money from the company for the music. 
  But HISKADO was 1st released before   
  they got the money and AUDIAL ARTS    
  kicked Harlequin out.                 
  Because of thi Harlequin left the c64 
- The 1st release of ZEROGRAVITY RACE by
  Delta/EXTREME was given to a friend of
  him King/DEPREDATORS to crack it and  
  to make a 1st release for DEPREDATORS.
- Did you know that RUCK ZUCK is the    
  cheap label of DEPREDATORS?           
- Did you know that PANDORA had the REAL
  1st release,and NEI kept their crack  
  for 2 days and imported the LEGEND    
  version instead?                      
- The danish cracker Drake/GENESIS was  
  asked to join FAIRLIGHT but he refused
- 2 new members joined to the new group 
  DELTA : an ex. DEATH SECTOR coder     
  FUSION: their new swapper             
  God of EXTREME asked FUSION to change 
  his name because of group FUSION.     
  hq anymore.                           
- Did you know that the game CRASHER was
  not coded by INFOCOMIE as we said but 
  ZYBORG/ex.ATRIX instead.              
  CODEMASTERS refused to buy this game  
  when they saw a preview from a video  
  tape. (I really don't wonder why! ED.)
- Did you know that HOMOSEXUALS is the  
  cheap label of OREGON?                
- Scorpie/F4CG had problems with the    
  newly rebuilt ORION.                  
  He warned the guys who rebuilt ORION  
  to stop it as he and the other old    
  ORION'ers didn't allow them to use    
  COLOURS' from AKRAK!  Laaaaaame!      
  the name.                             
  Rumours are saying that it was rebuilt
  by some POWERS OF PAIN members.       
- Did you know that Mcd/SILICON asked a 
  few people to steal his computer to   
  get money from the insurance company? 
  He used to buy DRUGS for that money.  
- TRAITORS worldhq DRAGON WORLD got     
- Did you know that BRUTAL's main trader
  RCS also cracks?                      
- Did you know that MASTURBATORS is the 
  cheap label of TRAITORS?              
- Have you noticed that BIONIC NINJA was
  a RErelease?                          
  WOW claimbed to have the 1st release  
  of it but in fact it was 1st released 
  by the golden coop IKARI+TALENT in '89
- The good old danish cracker HEWITT    
  (ex. DISCOVERY) left the C64 scene.   
- Did you know that MECHANICUS was a    
  Hungarian game?                       
  The graphics were done by a Hungarian,
  and the coding was done by an ex.     
  QUALITY member who lives in GERMANY   
  but he's a Hungarian,too.             
- The TRC+TBI coop is over.             
  The members from ODISSEY joined TRC so
  that means the death of ODISSEY.      
- Did you know that in ITALY the police 
  caught 120 people because of selling  
  cracked games?                        
- SPELLFIRE was a RErelease of the old  
  game WIZZARD WILLY released in 1990.  
  Unfortunately we noticed it too late  
  so you can find it in ARE WE THE BEST?
- Ironfist/ELECTRIC BOYZ left the C64   
  scene in order to join the ROCK scene!
  ELECTRIC BOYS is dead now.            
- Did you know that Trisect/TRIAD did   
  some graphics for TERMINATOR 2?       
  (all intro code and 4bitmap piccy ED.)
- 1000 Miles,Dylan Dog,Italian Nights   
  are new games coming soon from ITALY! 
- Crossfire/UNIQUE joined VISION as the 
  main cracker for VISION so UNIQUE is  
- Did you know that Mike D./CHROMANCE   
  has married,and he's a proud father of
  a girl? (he's only 18 years old. ED.) 
- Infocomie left BONZAI and joined the  
  group he formed years ago DEPREDATORS.
- The German groups STORMFRONT 'n LEGACY
  are dead.  They formed together a new 
  group called VAGABONDS.               
- Did you know that PAINKILLER/CHROMANCE
  is the 1st cracker who have made an   
  IFFL high score saver which works in  
  the SAME FILE?                        
  If you don't beleive this then just   
  try to get his amazing version of the 
  game LOST NINJA.                      
  The crack is IFFL'ed,+7 trained,high  
  score saver installed though there are
  only 2 files and also includes the    
  And it's only 387 blocks long.        
  That's QUALITY,man!                   
End of chapter.  Choose another one!... 

[edit] Interview

Yeah!  Another living legend interviewed
from England...  Guess who's he?        
Many of you asked an interview with him,
so we did it.                           
For you who haven't guessed it yet he's 
B means Bod/TALENT                      
A means A.W.T.B. interviewer            
This interview was done by AJ/TRC for us
A: Let us know something about your     
   private and computer live please.    
B: I got my C64 around 6 years ago.     
   I joined HOTLINE (my 1st real group) 
   in '87.  Me & XXX qiut HTL and formed
   TALENT early '89. The legendary co-op
   of I+T started dec. '89 (although the
   1st co-op crack was in september).   
   The co-op split out 1 month ago and  
   we are TALENT again.                 
   The rest is left to  the future.     
A: What's the coolness of a cracker?    
B: I am sure everybody has there own    
   opinions on what a kewl cracker      
   should be able to.  A kewl cracker is
   someone who can do a good,working and
   fast crack all in one.               
A: Please compare A.W.T.B. wiht GAMERS  
B: GAMERS GUIDE has been around longer. 
   I always see mistakes in both mags   
   (nobody's perfect ED.) so I'd say    
   there about equal.                   
A: What's the toughest crack you ever   
B: Erhm,I don't remember a game that    
   stands out from the rest.            
A: Why do YOU rule?                     
B: What a question.  If you or anyone   
   else out there thinks I rule then you
   must have your own reasons.          
A: Tell us your favourite crack,cracker,
   girl,group and demogroup.            
B: Crack:no special one     Cracker:DOC 
   Girl:Erhm,bleerrrgghh!   Group:TALENT
A: Wanna greet some friends perhaps?    
   all my many (?) contacts,PUDWERX,TRC,
   LEGEND and AWTB staff.               
A: What do you think of IFFL nowadays?  
B: IFFL is kewl as long as it is file-  
   copyable and sensible size.          
   2 sided IFFL's are useless.          
A: From who do you get your originals?  
B: XXX supplies all our originals.      
A: Has there been an original you could 
   not crack because of the protection  
   which was hard or something else?    
B: In a word,NO.                        
A: How is your experience with          
   cartridges?  (game cracking)         
B: I've never experienced cart cracking.
   I am sure I will sometime soon.      
A: What's the scene without you?        
B: The scene would be exactly the same  
   except no Bod.  I think I have made  
   quite a name for myself and TAlENT   
   along with XXX. I think I'd be missed
A: Do you go to copy parties or the big 
   PCW SHOW in London?                  
B: I went to 1 party (HZ '90) but it was
   lame.  Being so close to London I    
   attend all PCW shows.  This years was
   a dissapointment.                    
A: Tell us your opinion about A.W.T.B.  
   at least.                            
B: The idea behind AWTB and the other   
   same mag is good as long as the crax 
   are listed accurately.  Keep it up!  
A: Let's close here,do you still want to
   say something special here?          
B: Firstly thanx for the interview.     
   It has been quite interesting.       
That's it.                              
Maybe this interview was a bit short,but
that's not our fault.  Just look at some
short answers and you'll see why.       
Anyway,I hope you know a bit more about 
your favourite BOD now.                 
If you have some tips who to interview  
or simply wanna be interviewed then just
write to : XXXXXX XXXXXX                
           XXXXXXX X.XX.                
           XXXX XXXXXXXX                
or simply get in touch with any A.W.T.B.
editor.  (also AJ/TRC as he's working a 
lot for us.  THANX MARCEL!)             

[edit] Adverts

Welcome to the business part of ARE WE  
THE BEST?                               
- If you wanna swap originals,tools and 
  other useable things with Hungary's #1
  cracker then contact:                 
  X/X XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX                
  XXXXXXXX XX                           
  XXXX XXXXXXXX                         
- For originals contact Wildcat/ICS at: 
  XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX                   
  XXX X. XXXXXXXX XX                    
  XXXXX XXXXXXXX - XXXX                 

- CHAOS is searching for new members.   
  They neeed crackers,coders,artists and
  original suppliers.                   
  If you think you're the right one,then
  write to:                             
  XXX XXXXXX X                          
  X-XXXX XXXXXXX XX                     
- For origial swapping contact:         
  XXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXX                  
  XXXX XXXXX                            
  board at: +XX-XX-XXXXXX               

- For the latest orginals write to:     
  XX XXXXXXXX XXXX,                     
  XXXX XXX                              
  +XX-XXX-XXXXXX (Gavin)                
- If you wanna swap hot originals then  
  contact Captain Tas/STELLA at:        
  XXXXX XXXXXX                          
  XXXXXXXXX XX                          
  XXXX XXXXXXXX                         
- For swapping originals with LIGHT try:
  XXXXX XXXXXX                          
  XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX                      
  XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX                      

- For hottest originals contact BAZE of 
  BRUTAL at this address:               
  XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX                      
  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX                    
  XXXX XXXXXXX                          
  +XX-XX-XXXXXX (XXXXXX)                
- If you wanna swap originals with FACES
  then contact Dr.Hector at:            
  XXXX XXXXX                            
  XXXXX XXX X-X  X/X                    
  XXXX XXXXXXXX                         
  100% REPLY!                           
  at XXX-XXX-XXXX.                      

- Swap originals with HELLRAISER/PARAGON
  XXXXXXX XXXXXX                        
  XXXXX XXXXXXXX                        
- ARM is still seeking for members to   
  join them,send a letter with your     
  contact list and what you're able to  
  do to :                               
  ARM HQ                                
  XXX XXXXXX XX                         
  XXXXX XXXXXX (XX)                     
  All over the world!  No lAMERS,ofcoz! 
- Call X-FACTOR's bbs 'BACKDOOR' for the
  latest X-F wares at XXX-XXX-XXXX      
  Don't call SPLIT INFINITY anymore coz 
  it's DOWN!                            

- PUBLIC CHANGE searchs for new members.
  XXX XXXXXX X                          
  X-XXXX XXXXXXXXX                      
- For getting originals from PANDORA try
  XXX XXXXXX X                          
  X-XXXX XXXXXX X                       
- Wanna swap VHS with the BEST in       
  HOLLAND then send a tape to:          
  Action Jackson/TRC                    
  X/X XXXXXX XXXXXXXX                   
  XXXXXXXXXXXX. XX                      
  XXXX XX XXX XXXX                      
That's it.  Load another chapter...     

[edit] Cracker Charts

             CRACKER CHARTS             
Welcome to the kickin' charts.          
It was a fucken' lame thing to count all
these silly votes!                      
Some guys seems to be really stupid as  
their votes were total lame! (No names!)
We've got enough votes for this chart,  
but still we need more to make this shit
much objective...                       
The COMMENTS are my PERSONAL opinions so
don't take it too seriously!            
If you have something to say then feel  
free to react on this address:          
XXXXXX XXXXXX                           
XXXXXXX X.XX.                           
XXXX XXXXXXXX                           
          Speedcracking groups          
Group            Points   Place last mo.
-----            ------   --------------
1.ACTION          214            6      
2.LEGEND          211            3      
3.DOMINATORS      205            2      
4.ENIGMA          197            4      
5.TALENT          155            -      
6.CHROMANCE       142            9      
7.CENSOR          137            A      
8.F4CG            125            B      
9.X-RAY           119            D      
A.GENESIS PROJECT 107            8      
B.X-FACTOR         90            F      
  BONZAI           90            C      
C.HOTLINE          84            D      
D.HYSTERIC         79            -      
  TRIAD            79            E      
E.LIGHT            68            -      
F.DEPREDATORS      67            -      
COMMENTS:TALENT should be higher coz    
they released lotsa 1st releases lately!
         Quality cracking groups        
Group            Points   Place last mo.
-----            ------   --------------
1.LEGEND          186            3      
2.CHROMANCE       165            2      
3.FAIRLIGHT       154            -      
4.BONZAI          153            9      
5.HOTLINE         150            8      
6.ENIGMA          146            7      
7.DOMINATORS      145            6      
8.X-RAY           139            A      
9.ACTION          137            D      
A.TRIAD           124            4      
B.TALENT          120            -      
C.CENSOR          115            B      
D.BRUTAL          104            -      
E.GENESIS         100            E      
F.F4CG             95            -      
COMMENTS:CHROMANCE is too high,forget   
about simpathy if you're voting!        
BONZAI is on place #4.though they havent
released anything ages ago.             
Some groups entered the TOP 15.         
             Single crackers            
Name/Group             Points  P.l.m.   
----------             ------  -----    
1.Doc/LEGEND            220      2      
2.Powerplant/LEGEND     208      1      
3.Antitrack/LEGEND      192      3      
4.Bod/TALENT            171      5      
5.Bacchus/FAIRLIGHT     154      F      
6.Nme/DEADLINE          153      8      
7.Sauron/ENIGMA         152      6      
8.Rockstar/GENESIS      151      4      
9.Chrysagon/X-RAY       135      C      
A.C&C/HOTLINE           127      -      
  Crush/BONZAI          127      -      
B.XXX/TALENT            118      -      
C.Gollum/FAIRLIGHT      108      -      
D.Sting/ENIGMA          105      D      
E.Mao/F4CG              101      -      
F.Spitfire/ACTION        96      -      
F.Cba/TRC+TBI            53      -      
NO COMMENT!                             

[edit] E.C.E.S Report

       TRC at E.C.E.S. in LONDON        
Date: 6-9 September 1991                
Written by: Action Jackson of TRC       
You all heard it from the magazines,the 
E.C.E.S. is cancelled! No way!          
There will be two trade days,only for   
business people (V.I.P.) with tradepass.
I and CBA had already booked our trip to
the heart of London at Picadilly Circus.
We went to our great looking regent     
palace hotel by airplane from Rotterdam 
to Heathrow/London. Wow,the flight was  
so cool!  Better than a LAME and CHEAP  
boat trip!  It was only 40 minutes to   
fly! We kicked some lame businesspeoples
ass and asked our way to Picadilly Circ.
to some good looking girls.             
We went there by underground.           
At friday 6th,we went to the 'VIRGIN    
MEGASTORE' to find out if there were    
some new releases but our luck was gone,
we only find the ZZAP tape with a prv.  
of TERMINATOR 2.                        
This game store is really big,no wonder 
the english crackers are on top.        
Lots of releases there!  So if you go to
London then go to VIRGIN.               
The friday night we also went to        
'TERMINATOR 2',really the best movie    
ever made!  (in Hungary the movie was   
shown at cinemas in August! ED.)        
The next day we went to E.C.E.S.,earls  
court,together with some dudes from     
COSINE and ABIGAIL of F4CG.             
It was fuckin' easy to enter the place, 
you only needed a V.I.P. ticket + a     
tradepass (which looks like a small self
made card like TRC DESIGNS+address).    
When we entered we saw aprox. 40 stands 
with all famous software firms.         
You'll find more details with what the  
firms have to offer at the end of this  
Ofcoz there were some pirates presented 
at the E.C.E.S. like: TRC,DOMINATORS,   
dudes from QUARTEX,ANARCHY,UTOPIA.      
OF COSINE) offered SYSTEM 3 the music on
AMIGA for LAST NINJA 3. The music was   
very col,so SYSTEM 3 accepted it.       
MARC is a rich guy now!                 
Next to SYSTEM 3,MINDSCAPE offered the  
public a look into the big screen       
showing 'WING COMMANDER 2' on PC!       
It was worth a look and the game is     
certainly one of the biggest hits on the
The OCEAN stand was fuckin' lame this   
year,no posters or discs!  They offered 
the public a look at some cardboards    
SIMPSONS and TERMINATORS.  But one thing
was cool.  They showed up with a 'get a 
life' BARTMAN of 1.80 meter tall.       
Ofcoz he shaked hands with me,CBA and   
U.S. GOLD arranged a special cab. This  
taxi came from the United States with an
U.S. GOLD sign on the cab. At the show  
you could get some posters,bags,info and
demodiscs of games.                     
On sunday I and CBA went again.         
We only saw FOGGY of BABYGANG in here.  
We had some fun about his name,coz whats
the difference between FOGGY and FUGGY? 
Together with FOGGY we went to SAlES    
CURVE,the makers of SWIV.  I spoke with 
BOB HENDERSON (SWIV coder) about our    
game SYNEX.  Ofcoz he was curious to see
the game.  We showed it ofcoz together  
with some demos. He told us that he only
needs games on AMIGA in future,but he   
really liked our game,good introduction 
as well.  He also said that our music in
SYNEX was a national hit in the english 
hitparade!  How funny,coz we made the   
music for SYNEX 1,5 years ago. He told  
us that we can't release the music.     
I rather think that he liked the music  
very much but wanted to give some       
critism like they always want.          
So we went to ZEPPELIN GAMES and later  
on to CODEMASTERS.  We also showed our  
game+demos there and we'll get an answer
soon from them for a possible sell.     
So you see we had a nice time at E.C.E.S
although it was a bit empty at earls c.!
Monday the ninth was the date we went   
back to Holland again!  CBA abd I also  
went to see BACKDRAFT and ROBIN HOOD in 
the cinema.  Monday we did some shopping
in Oxford street and at 6.OO o'clock we 
went to Heathrow airport. We checked in 
and ofcoz my bag was stopped.           
The officer in duty looked into my bag  
and I told him I had no drugs at all.   
He checked my bag and saw I didn't lie. 
So,we took off at nine and we arrived a 
half hour later in Rotterdam airport.   
Next time we'll be there again...       
It was really a kick!                   
And now here's a full description with  
ratingpoints of the software firms at   
Ratingpoints:(1-5 stars) are submitted  
for the following points:               
-the stand                              
-free gifts                             
-chance of playing games                
Also half stars can be given. (·)       
ACCOLADE had a good looking stand with  
the chance on playing games for example 
the great 'HOME AlONE',which looks      
really cool!  They also gave out some   
posters and a small catalog of games for
the 1991.  The new games from ACCOLADE  
STAND - ***                             
DECORATION - **                         
FREE GIFTS - ****                       
PROMOTING - ****                        
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - ***                 
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES - ****          
OVERALL - ***·                          
Yeah,the makers of KICK OFF were        
presented too. But that was all!        
You only could take a look at a new     
poster of TIP OFF,a basketball game.    
STAND - *                               
DECORATION - *·                         
FREE GIFTS -                            
PROMOTING - *                           
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - *                   
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES -               
OVERALL - *                             
A small firm,but certainly not the worst
at E.C.E.S.!  They were promoting EXILE 
and G.G. WORLD CLASS CRICKET.  They also
gave you a chance to play those good    
looking games.                          
STAND - **                              
DECORATION - **                         
FREE GIFTS - ***                        
PROMOTING - **·                         
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - ***                 
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES - ***           
OVERALL - ***                           
The budget firm was also presented!     
They didn't show a lot,maybe the only   
thing they wanted to do was to          
conversate in future products.          
STAND - **                              
DECORATION - **                         
FREE GIFTS -                            
PROMOTING - *                           
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - ***·                
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES - *·            
OVERALL - *·                            
This firm had a private meeting.        
No fuckin' ENTRANCE at all!             
The new warez they will bring out soon  
are:THUNDERJAWS (already cracked ED.)   
and JAMES BOND collection with all the  
old JAMES BOND releases.                
STAND - *                               
DECORATION - **                         
FREE GIFTS -                            
PROMOTING - *                           
KINDNESS/HELPFULL -                     
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES -               
OVERALL - *                             

GREMLIN GRAPHICS                        
GREMLIN had the stand in the middle of  
earl's court.  They managed to put in   
some AMIGAs to play their new games.    
I played already LOTUS ESPIRIT 2 and    
HARLEQUIN. There were some more releases
of GREMLIN like the SHOE PEOPLE,etc.    
STAND - ***                             
DECORATION - **                         
FREE GIFTS - *                          
PROMOTING - ***                         
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - **                  
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES - *****         
OVERALL - ***                           
One of the silent firms in here.        
But they created a well-designed catalog
with their latest releases whereunder   
ETERNAM,a graphical adventure,another   
L'EMPEREUR and SIM CITY collection.     
STAND - **                              
DECORATION - *                          
FREE GIFTS - **                         
PROMOTING - **                          
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - **                  
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES -               
OVERALL - *·                            
One of the best firms in creating       
promotion of games.  They up with the   
idea to take a look at 'WING COMMANDER2'
on a big tv screen.  At the little      
restaurant they made promotion with 3 tv
moniters with full review of their up-  
coming releases like PAPERBOY 2,        
DRIVING.  So,a lot of releases from     
MINDSCAPE soon!  You could also collect 
all posters of their new releases!      
That's what the public likes!...        
STAND - ***                             
DECORATION - ***                        
FREE GIFTS - ****                       
PROMOTING - *****                       
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - ***                 
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES -               
OVERALL - ***·                          
MIRRORSOFT + IMAGE WORKS                
These firms are cooperating a lot,so I  
take 'em together.                      
Their stand was a bit empty,but they    
released two catalogs.  One catalog with
a free competition and the other one    
with their new releases as:CISCO HEAT,  
SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE.                      
CINEMAWARE is also under MIRRORSOFT now.
and ROLLERBABES.                        
STAND - **                              
DECORATION - **                         
FREE GIFTS - ****·                      
PROMOTING - ***·                        
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - ***                 
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES -               
OVERALL - ***                           
It wasn't really a stand from the staff.
You just could get hold of a cool       
NINTENDO catalog to entertain.          
Some information about the gameboy was  
included together with some HAND-HELD   
game news.                              
NO RATING GIVEN!                        
The name with FAME!  Ofcourse they were 
presented  at E.C.E.S..  They build up a
very big kinda house with around the    
walls designs of their soon coming      
releases:THE SIMPSONS (on C64 / lot of  
Hungarian dudes are working on it. ED.),
TERMINATOR 2 and WWF.  On saturday they 
showed a BARTMAN around 1.70 meters.    
COOL FELLOW!  As gifts you could get a  
nice colorful bag of OCEAN and watching 
some tv shots of TERMINATOR 2 and       
ROBOCOP 3.                              
STAND - *****                           
DECORATION - *****                      
FREE GIFTS - **                         
PROMOTING - ***·                        
KINDNESS/HELPFULL  - **                 
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES -               
OVERALL - ***·                          
The best firm to build up coin-op's!    
Unfortunately there were no coin-op's in
here.  They build there stand with all  
their new fancy warez like : GAME GEAR, 
ATTRIBUTES and their master system.     
STAND - **·                             
DECORATION - ***                        
FREE GIFTS - *                          
PROMOTING - **                          
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - **·                 
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES - *****         
OVERALL - **·                           
STORM + THE SALES CURVE                 
The makers of SWIV 'r in full production
Good looking stand with chances of      
playing RODLAND.  Behind that,was a     
sitting room where I could show SYNEX to
the public.  It's possible that SALES   
CURVE will do the conversion of 'PIT    
FIGHTER'.  The other release of STORM is
'FINAL BLOW'.  Coming soon are DOUBLE   
DRAGON 3,BIG RUN and INDY HEAT.         
The special thing from STORM was that   
you could get a free disc of RODLAND    
playable demo.                          
STAND - ****                            
DECORATION - ****                       
FREE GIFTS - *****                      
PROMOTING - ****                        
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - ****                
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES - ****          
OVERALL - ****                          
SYSTEM 3                                
The firm with the most quality was      
presented too!  They promoted some new  
AMIGA releases only like : LAST NINJA 3,
sold his music he made for the LAST N.3 
to SYSTEM 3.  He also made the music for
ELVIRA,remember that?                   
STAND - ***                             
DECORATION - ****                       
FREE GIFTS -                            
PROMOTING - **                          
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - ***                 
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES - *             
OVERALL - **                            
U.S. GOLD                               
U.S. GOLD was probably one of the best  
promoters of the E.C.E.S. in my opinion.
First you could take a special U.S. GOLD
TAXI to the E.C.E.S. earls court.       
They also entertained you with two new  
good looking catalogs.  And also you    
could grab a poster of the godfather to 
carrie in your U.S. GOLD bag which was  
designed with names of their new        
LINKS (golf game),JETFIGHTER 2,G-LOC,   
FINAL FIGHT (already cracked! ED.),     
GAUNTLET 3 and if that was not enough   
you could get some discs free for PC    
and AMIGA!                              
STAND - ****                            
DECORATION - ****                       
FREE GIFTS - *****                      
PROMOTING - *****                       
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - ****                
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES - *             
OVERALL - ****                          

VIRGIN games the biggest shop in London 
was present at E.C.E.S..  Here you could
play at 10 ARCADES/TV's.  Among them you
could find STARBYTE's hit ROLLING RONNY.
Infront of this,there were 2 beautifull 
girls for decoration and supplying      
informations and posters.               
STAND - *****                           
DECORATION - *****                      
FREE GIFTS - ***                        
PROMOTING - ***                         
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - ****                
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES - *****         
OVERALL - ****                          
ZEPPELIN GAMES                          
Another budget firm was there!          
The stand looked really budget,like     
black-white sheet of new releases and no
hot girls.  But they were friendly and  
invited us to show SYNEX and our cool   
demos 'DEELITE' and 'SUMMERPACK'!       
The3 game me their contact address and  
have deep interest to put SYNEX on tape 
as their new release.  The new releases 
from ZEPPELIN on C64 are : F1 TORNADO,  
DUCK and SANTA'S X-MAS CAPERS!          
IMPULZE,the full price label of ZEPPELIN
STAND - ***                             
DECORATION - **·                        
FREE GIFTS - **                         
PROMOTING - **                          
KINDNESS/HELPFULL - *****               
CHANCE OF PLAYING GAMES - ***           
OVERALL - ***                           
There were also some stands like the    
'JOYSTICK DESIGNERS'.                   
New dicks are : THE TERMINATOR,THE      
Another stand was filled with magazines 
like ACE,C+VG,CU AMIGA.                 
After all it was a pleasant and         
entertaining show if you consider that  
it's only for businesspeole.            
Here's finally the rating of the firms :
1. U.S. GOLD                    ****    
2. VIRGIN                       ****    
3. STORM + THE SALES CURVE      ****    
4. ACCOLADE                     ***·    
5. MINDSCAPE                    ***·    
6. OCEAN                        ***·    
7. MIRRORSOFT + IMAGE WORKS     ***     
8. ZEPPELIN GAMES               ***     
9. GREMLIN GRAPHICS             ***     
A. AUDIOGENIC                   ***     
B. SEGA                         **·     
C. SYSTEM 3                     **      
D. CODEMASTERS                  *·      
E. INFOGRAMES                   *·      
F. ANCO                         *       
10.DOMARK                       *       
* = 1 star                              
· = half star                           

[edit] Games

       Apoxoly (C) Double Density       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CONIC          Exulans        240     +7
COMPAGNIONS    Jim&Pete       253     +4
BONZAI         Crush          255     +6
X-FACTOR       The Company    256     +3
DEPREDATORS    Slator         260     +3
THE FORCE V2   Stephen        265     +7
CHROMANCE V1   Jazzy D        270     +6
PROXYON        Zar            271     +6
COCOON         Jack A.&Steel  272     +6
VICTIMS        God            273     +4
CHROMANCE V2   Mr.Wax         273     +2
WEIRD          Ctb            277     --
CHROMANCE V3   Syllinor       278     +5
TKC+DELTA S.   Tomcat         280     +4
MASSIVE        ???            282     +2
X-RAY          Chrysagon      284     +6
A-TEAM         B.A.&Dannie    286     +4
WOW            Sorex          289     +6
HOUSE DESIGNS  Chesoner       289     +4
ELECTRIC BOYZ  Ironfist       290     +3
COMPAGNIONS    Techno         293     --
HYSTERIC       Benson         294     +5
GHOST          Biff           298     +2
AKRAK          Sodom          301     +5
ENIGMA         Sting          301     +4
VANITY         Section        309     +4
THE FORCE      Weeys          312     +3
High score added saver installed by     
2 double cheats by Sorex/WOW.           
The CHROMANCE posse has made 3 versions.
Ridicolous or what?                     

     Banger Racer (C) Cult Software     
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
LIGHT          Shade          70      --
BONZAI         Infocomie      71      --
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         74      --
FACES          Dr.Hector      74      --
CYBERPUNX      Count Zero     75      +1
X-FACTOR       Ecco           78      --
TRAITORS       Numskull       80      --
ACTION         Spitfire       84      --
BAMBOO         Michael Angelo 84      --
STORMFRONT     Betrayer       85      +4
DISCOVERY      Zoolook        88      --
AWESOME        Hellraiser     90      --
UNIQUE         Crossfire      90      --
TRC+TBI        Action Jackson 91      --
COCOON         Jack Alien     92      --
WOW            Joker          94      --
BRUTAL         Rcs            95      --
ULTIMATE       Poebeljonny    96      --
PARADOS        Tj jsl         105     --
DOMINATORS     Nme            123     --
COMMENTS:1st release by DOMINATORS and  
their version also includes the EMPIRE  
import intro.                           

       Beatball (C) Double Density      
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
LIGHT          Shade          90      +1
GULAS          Narrow Pussy   93      --
TRC+TBI        Cba            94      +2
CROSS          Anarchist      95      +5
SLIME          Betrayer       95      +2
CONIC          Satan          95      +1
TRIAD          Bismarck       96      +2
FACES          Dr.Hector      97      +3
FAIRLIGHT      Harlekin       98      +2
X-FACTOR       The Company    99      +2
ARM            Ex-m           100     +4
X-RAY          Chrysagon      101     +5
VISION         Mayday         105     +2
WOW V2         Sorex          107     +6
STELLA V1      Nought         107     +2
BONZAI         Enjoy          107     +1
BAD DUDES      Mad            109     --
LASER INC.     Flower         110     +2
PROXYON        Gravedigger    110     +1
THE FORCE      Daniel         111     +2
FART           Fast Eddie     114     --
BRUTAL         Rcs            117     +3
UNIQUE         Crossfire      121     +1
STELLA V2      Wildfire       124     +4
COMPAGNIONS    Techno         124     --
VIRGIN         Ray            127     +2
WOW V1         Joker          127     +1
COCOON         Jack Alien     128     +8
DOMINATORS     Derbyshire Ram 129     +1
HYSTERIC+INS.  Benson         131     +2
BRAINBOMBS     Gangstar       133     +3
A-TEAM         Cst            137     +2
COMMENTS:1st released by the germans in 
HYSTERIC+INSIDERS in coop with mirage.  

      Cj In The Usa (C) Codemasters     
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CYBERPUNX      Elektor        131     +3
DOMINATORS     Dogfriend      132     +3
STELLA         Captain Tas    135     +2
DISCOVERY      Zoolook,Rooze  139     +2
LASER INC.     Flower         141     +2
CONIC          Satan          142     +4
FACES          Dr.Hector      142     +2
X-FACTOR       The Company    142     +2
VAGABONDS      Bartman        143     +4
SUCCESS        Arrogance      144     +2
UNIQUE         Crossfire      146     +2
DEPREDATORS    Infocomie      147     +2
BRUTAL         Rcs            148     +2
HYSTERIC       Benson         159     +4
A-TEAM         Dannie         170     +2
TALENT         XXX            182     +2
COMMENTS:1st release by TALENT,so their 
version includes a TSM intro.           
Unfortunately the music in the 1st      
release from TALENT bugs.               

      Coalminer (C) Double Density      
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
BONZAI         Enjoy         119+1    +4
CROSS          Anarchist     119+1    +3
DYNAX          Cane          121+1    +3
TRAITORS       Topic         121+1    +3
CONIC          Satan         121+1    +3
VISION         Mayday        121+1    +2
FACES          Dr.Hector     122+1    +4
TRIAD          Bismarck      122+1    +2
FAIRLIGHT      Harlekin      123+1    +3
PROXYON        Zar           123+1    +3
THE FORCE      Daniel        123+1    +2
X-FACTOR       Dexter        124+1    +3
LRU            Jellyfish     125+1    +3
ARM            Ex-m          126+1    +4
WOW            Sorex         131+1    +5
BAD DUDES      Mad           131+1    --
STELLA         Nought        134+1    +2
LASER INC.     Flower        135+1    +2
PULSAR         Transfer      138+1    +3
A-TEAM         Cst,Dannie    138+1    +3
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax        139+1    +3
VICTIMS        God           140+1    +3
UNIQUE         Crossfire     141+1    +2
COMPAGNIONS    Techno        142+1    --
BRAINBOMBS     Gangstar      143+1    +5
ENIGMA         Sting         143+1    +4
VIRGIN         Ray           143+1    +2
GHOST          Biff          145+1    +3
OREGON         Sentinel      145+1    +3
X-RAY          Chrysagon     148+1    +8
DOMINATORS     Derbyshire R. 150+1    +2
HYSTERIC+INS.  Psychobilly   155+1    +2
STELLA V2      Wildfire      204+1    +3
COMMENTS:1st released by the germans in 
Double cheating from X-RAY.             
The STELLA crack also includes the game 

           Craft (C) Magic Disk         
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
STELLA         Captain Tas    60+1    +1
TRAITORS       Numskull       62+1    +3
WOW            Slash          63+1    +4
TRC+TBI        Cba            66+1    +3
CYBERPUNX      Count Zero     66+1    +3
FACES V1       Dr.Hector      74+1    +3
PULSAR         Transfer       78+1    +2
HOMOSEXUALS    Koitus         78+1    +2
FACES V2       Lanoline       80+1    +3
X-FACTOR       Exulans        83+1    +3
UNIQUE         Crossfire      85+1    +2
GULAS          Chip Chip C.   86+1    +2
ELECTRIC BOYZ  Ironfist       90+1    --
STORMFRONT     Betrayer       94+1    +3
SUCCESS        Arrogance      95+1    +3
CRACKER DUO    Hercules       95+1    +2
BRUTAL         Rcs            96+1    +2
A-TEAM         ???           100+1    +3
GENESIS        Roy           106+1    +2
and their version includes a BLACK REIGN
intro.  The WOW version is ONLY +3!     

        Cubulus (C) Software 2000       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CHROMANCE V1   Mr.Wax         36      --
PROXYON        Zar            38      --
BONZAI         Infocomie&J.   39      --
CHROMANCE V2   Rough          40      --
ODISSEY        Sparkey        43      --
WOW            Vinzz          50      --
COCOON         Jack A.&Steel  52+1    --
ACCURACY       Falcon         60      --
HOMOSEXUALS    Sir Penis      61      --
PANDORA        Arrogance      67      --
CHINA SYNDROME ???            83      --
COMMENTS:Official 1st release fron CSI  
and imported by LRU. And also PANDORA   
claimbed to have a 1st release of it and
they even documented the game.          
CSI,PROXYON,CHROMANCE V2.               
The guys from COCOON added a high score 
file. Nice!                             
The HOMOSEXUALS version contains the    

             Darkman (C) Ocean          
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
FACES          Lanoline       553     +5
HOTLINE        Custard&C.     558     +3
BONZAI         Crush          585     +4
FAIRLIGHT      Bacchus        595     +1
CONIC          Exulans        597     +4
ARM            Robin Hood     598    +28
CHROMANCE      Syllinor       603     +3
X-RAY          Chrysagon      604     +4
GHOST          Biff           619     +1
DEPREDATORS    Blockbuster    624     +2
LEGEND         Powerplant     625     +3
IKARI+TALENT   XXX            634     +2
COMMENTS:1st released by LEGEND in coop 
with NEI.                               
Documented by FAIRLIGHT and ARM.        
Check out ARM's MEGA VERSION with +28!  

       Decstone (C) Logo Software       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
SUCCESS        Arrogance      90      +2
X-RAY          Ignorance      108     +2
COMMENTS:1st release by X-RAY,so their  
version includes a TSM intro.           

         Final Fight (C) Capcom         
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
FLT+TRIAD      King Fisher    423     +4
CHROMANCE V2   Syllinor       428     +4
FACES          Dr.Hector      437     +2
LEGEND         Doc,Fletch     443     +3
GENESIS        Rockstar,Roy   444     +4
X-FACTOR       Exulans        458     +4
PULSAR         Transfer       472     +3
OREGON         Sentinel       475     +3
CHROMANCE V1   Painkiller     498     +3
PANDORA        Amnesty        506     +3
ENIGMA         Sauron         512     +5
COMMENTS:1st release by LEGEND.         
IFFL'ed by FACES and CHROMANCE V1,V2.   
The CHROMANCE V1 also includes the game 
Fastloader insalled by OREGON,PULSAR and
CHROMANCE V2.                           

    Guldkorn Expressen (C) Silverrock   
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
X-FACTOR       ???            396     +2
GENESIS        Drake          415     +1
COMMENTS:1st release by GENESIS.        
This game was cracked from cartridge and
it was made by the same team who made   
the cool game HUGO!                     
Both versions are ofcourse with INTRO.  
GENESIS also documented the game. Nice! 

          Hammerboy (C) Dinamic         
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
TRIAD          Tracer         99      +4
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         99      +1
PROXYON        Zar            100     +4
BONZAI         Infocomie      101     +5
CROSS          Anarchist     100+1    +3
CONIC          Exulans        101     +1
COCOON         Jack Alien     106     +4
TKC            Violent        107     +4
GHOST          Biff           110     +1
TRC+TBI        Blach Hole     114     +3
WOW            Slash          116     +4
BRUTAL         Tch            118     +6
X-FACTOR       The Company    120     +4
INCERIA        Une            126     +3
DOMINATORS     Derbyshire Ram 127     +3
X-RAY          Chrysagon      131     +7
THE FORCE+DOM  Gabriel+Jack D.132     +5
ODISSEY        Jrc            142     +4
COMMENTS:1st released by ODISSEY with   
EMPIRE. The GHOST version bugs. (MUSIC) 
High score saver installed by CROSS.    

   Hero Quest 2 (C) Gremling Graphics   
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
DOMINATORS     Dogfriend      164     +1
A-TEAM         Dannie         182     +3
TALENT         Bod,XXX        184     +1
BAD DUDES      Mad            184     +1
CHAOS          Exorcist       186     --
STELLA         Warhead        188     --
FACES          Lanoline       199    +10
COMMENTS:1st release by TALENT.         
IFFL'ed by FACES and A-TEAM.            

I Play Football Champion! (C) Simulmondo
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CHROMANCE      Alex           470     --
ICS            Wildcat        660     --
COMMENTS:Both versions includes the game
In the CHROMANCE version you can choose 
between ENGLISH or ITALIAN language.    

   I Want More Diamonds (C) Magic Disk  
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
X-RAY          Chrysagon      297     +5
CHROMANCE      Syllinor       300     +5
TRC+TBI        Jester         303     +5
STORMFRONT     Betrayer       307     +2
BAD DUDES      Mad            307     --
COMPAGNIONS    Techno         321     --
ACTION         Spitfire       326     +4
HYSTERIC+INS.  Benson         348     +4
COMMENTS:1st release by HYSTERIC+INS.   
but also ACTION claimed to be the 1st...
Both versions includes the import intros
The HYS+INS version was imported by the 
guys in MIRAGE and the ACTION version by
EMPIRE. (Who else? ED.)                 
IFFL'ed by X-RAY and CHROMANCE          

    Jumping Jack (C) Double Density     
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CHROMANCE      Jazzy D        109     +3
VAGABONDS      Betrayer       117     +6
VISION         Crossfire      123     +2
FACES          Dr.Hector      125     +2
SUCCESS        Arrogance      136     +2
STELLA         Warhead        148     +2
TROPIC         Bravestar      170     +3
COMMENTS:Intro included in the TROPIC   

        Killozapp (C) Golden Disk       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CROSS          Anarchist      187     +3
PULSAR         Transfer       221     +3
CHROMANCE      Jazzy D        224     +4
OREGON         Sentinel       228     +3
FACES          Lanoline       255     +2
WELLA          Ruebezahl      627     --
DUPLEX         Klf+Emf        635     --
COMMENTS:1st release by MEDINA,but their
version got lost somehow. SORRY!        
The WELLA crack also includes the intro.

           Le Parc (C) Tritech          
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
HYSTERIC       Mr.President   214     +2
FACES          Dr.Hector      217     --
TRC            Cba            218     +1
CHROMANCE      Jazzy D        219     +1
X-FACTOR       Exulans        222     --
BRUTAL         Tch            224     +5
SKID ROW       Amnesty        239     +1
X-RAY          Chrysagon      255     --
SUCCESS        Arrogance      276     +2
HOUSE          Chesoner       301     --
COMMENTS:1st release by SKID ROW.       
The TRC and HOUSE version also includes 
the game intro.                         
Picture included in the SKID ROW version
Fast loader installed by CHROMANCE and  
HOUSE. Documented by SUCCESS.           

     Lethal Zone (C) Double Density     
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CHAOS          Exorcist       195     +1
CHROMANCE      Jazzy D        236     +6
X-FACTOR       Exulans        236     +4
HYSTERIC       Benson         248     +6
CONIC          Exulans        248     +3
PANDORA        Amnesty        254     +6
CYBERPUNX      Count Zero     259     +8
BRUTAL         Tch            265     +9
LEGEND         Doc            270     +6
GENESIS        Tyger          271     +6
A-TEAM         B.A.           275     +3
X-RAY          Ignorance      276     +7
ACTION         Crisp          327     +6
PULSAR         Transfer       339     +3
COMMENTS:1st release by ACTION,so their 
version includes an EMPIRE import intro.
In the CHAOS version the main menu is   
removed that's why it's so short. CHEAT!
IFFL'ed by CONIC,BRUTAL,X-RAY and <C>.  
Picture included in the LEGEND,ACTION   
and GENESIS PROJECT version.            
FASTLOADER installed by PANDORA.        

     Lost Ninja (C) Double Density      
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
HYSTERIC       Benson         313     +3
CHROMANCE      Painkiller     387     +7
PULSAR         Transfer       436     +2
COMMENTS:High score saver installed by  
CHROMANCE,though there are only 2 files 
and the saver works in the SAME file    
with IFFL. That's QUALITY!              
Also IFFL'ed by HYSTERIC.               

       Madness (C) Double Density       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
FAIRLIGHT      Harlekin       51      --
CHROMANCE V1   Jazzy D        52      +1
TRIAD          ???            53      +1
X-FACTOR       The Company    53      --
WOW            Vinzz          53      --
DEPREDATORS    Slator         54      --
CHROMANCE V2   Rough          56      +1
TRC+TBI        Cba            56      +1
VANITY         Double Jam     59      +1
BONZAI         Enjoy          60      +1
PROXYON        Zar            60      +1
COCOON         Jack A.&Steel  60      --
GIANTS         Tsb            60      --
PARADIZE       Jayce          60      --
GHOST          Biff           63      +1
AKRAK          Sodom          63      --
NAVY SEALS     Crossfire      65      +1
WEIRD          Ctb            66      --
X-RAY          Chrysagon      67      --
MASSIVE        ???            69      +1
COMPAGNIONS    Techno         70      --
HOUSE DESIGNS  ???            72      --
ODISSEY        Jrc            75      --
A-TEAM         B.A.           76      +1
HOTLINE        Ayatollah      78      +1
VICTIMS        God            80      +1
HYSTERIC       Psychobilly    86      --
THE FORCE      Weeys          111     +2
ENIGMA         Sting          116     +1
COMMENTS:1st released by ENIGMA in coop 
with TSM.                               

         Mechanicus (C) Game on         
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
HYSTERIC       Benson         272     --
CHROMANCE      Syllinor       273     --
CYBERPUNX      Count Zero     284     +5
SUCCESS        Arrogance      287     +1
OREGON         Sentinel       303     --
PULSAR         Transfer       305     --
EXTREME        God            307     +1
ELECTRIC BOYZ  Ironfist       328     --
COMPAGNIONS    Rambo          335     --
GENESIS        Tyger          347     --
COMMENTS:1st release by GENESIS,so their
version includes an EXCALIBUR intro.    
The CHROMANCE version is IFFL'ed.       
Picture included in these versions:GP,  
Graphics bug in the HYSTERIC version.   

       Miami Chase (C) Codemasters      
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
DOMINATORS     Dogfriend      113     +5
DISCOVERY      Zoolook,Rooze  125     +4
BABYGANG       Patriot        126     --
COMMENTS:1st release by TALENT,but we   
couldn't test their version due to a    
broken disc.  FUCK THE POST!            

       Mindbreaker (C) Magic Disk       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CHROMANCE V2   Syllinor       63      --
TRC+TBI        Cba            64      --
FART           Flatliner Narc 64      --
ENIGMA         ???            65      --
FACES          Dr.Hector      67      --
PROXYON        ???            72      --
CHROMANCE V1   Mr.Wax,Jazzy D 74      --
THE FORCE      Stephen        75      --
BAD DUDES      Mad            78      --
COMPAGNIONS    Techno         79      --
SUCKERS        Mistsau        80      --
A-TEAM         Dannie         81      --
X-RAY          Chrysagon      83      --
DOMINATORS     Derbyshire Ram 83      --
AWESOME        ???            84      --
STELLA         Nought         86      --
UNIQUE         Crossfire      86      --
GHOST          Biff           89      --
WOW            Joker          94      --
BRAINBOMBS     ???            95      --
ROTZ KOTZ      Mr.Drunk       110     --
COMMENTS:1st release by ENIGMA.         
The ENIGMA intro includes a TSM import  
intro,but the ENIGMA intro was removed. 
The ROTZ KOTZ version includes the cards
and the picture.                        

     Moonfall (C) 21th Century Ent.     
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CYBERPUNX      Elektor        142     --
STELLA         Captain Tas    147     --
DISCOVERY      Rooze          150     --
SUCCESS        Arrogance      150     --
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         154     --
FACES          Dr.Hector      156     --
DOMINATORS     Dogfriend      159     --
HYSTERIC       Demented       163     --
DEPREDATORS    Infocomie      163     --
GHOST          Biff           166     --
ACTION         Hok            202     --
COMMENTS:1st release by ACTION,so there 
is an usual EMPIRE intro linked in front
of their own one.                       
They also documented the game. COOL!    

      Nibbly '92 (C) Double Density     
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
VISION         Crossfire      99+1    +3
SUCCESS        Arrogance      121     +4
COMMENTS:High score saver installed by  

        Outrun Europa (C) Us Gold       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
TALENT         Bod,XXX        798     +4
CENSOR         ???            831     +1
LEGEND         Powerplant     839     +4
COMMENTS:1st release by LEGEND,so their 
version also includes a NEI intro.      
Intro included in all versions.         

       Panic Dizzy (C) Codemasters      
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
TRIAD          Alfatech       54+1    --
PROXYON        Zar            58      --
FAIRLIGHT      Bacchus        72      --
AWESOME        Hellraiser     78      --
SHARKS         Zap!           88      +1
TRC+TBI        Action Jackson 90      --
UNIQUE         Crossfire      93      +1
DOMINATORS     Nme            101     +1
BONZAI         Enjoy          102     --
BAD DUDES      Mad            115     --
WOW            Joker          121     +1
BRUTAL         Rcs            123     --
IKARI+TALENT   Bod            133     --
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         142     --
COMMENTS:1st release by IKARI+TALENT and
their version also contains a TSM intro.
High score saver installed by TRIAD.    
The SHARKS version contains these things
There is a picture linked in the DOM    

        Plural (C) Double Density       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
FACES          Dr.Hector      198     +2
STELLA         Warhead        221     +2
CYBERPUNX      Count Zero     223    +16
COMMENTS:1st release by DISCOVERY,but   
due to disc error we couldn't test their
1 level is missing from the FACES crack.

     Pro Team Manager (C) Grandslam     
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
STELLA         Captain Tas    86      --
SUCCESS        Arrogance      90      --
FACES          Dr.Hector      91      --
TRAITORS       Numskull       92      --
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         97      --
A-TEAM         Dannie         98        
PANDORA        Rough          99      --
X-FACTOR       Exulans        99      --
TROPIC         Bravestar      116     --
UNIQUE         Crossfire      135     --
NO COMMENT!                             

         Rator (C) Loric Design         
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
LIGHT          Shade          119     +3
TKC+DELTA S.   Tomcat         145     +5
X-FACTOR       The Company    154     +3
TRIAD          Tracer         154     +1
CHROMANCE      Jazzy D        156     +5
FART           Jesus Christ   167     +3
BONZAI         Enjoy          169     +5
GULAS          Pizza Puker    178     +5
PROXYON        Zar            182     +4
DYNAX          City           182     +2
WOW            Sorex          186     +5
COMMETNS:1st released by TITRON,but     
infortunately their version couldn't    
reach our HQ. IFFl'ed by the hungarians 
Double cheating by Sorex/WOW.           

          Reaction (C) Magic Disk       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
LIGHT          Shade          43+1    --
CHROMANCE V1   Mr.Wax         44+1    --
BONZAI         Enjoy          44+1    --
CROSS          Anarchist      44+1    --
CONIC          Exulans        45+1    --
CHROMANCE V2   Rough          46+1    --
TRIAD          Curlin         47+1    --
TRC+TBI        Action Jackson 47+1    --
PROXYON        Prowler        47+1    --
TRIUMWYRAT     Sylvio         48+1    --
A-TEAM         ???            49+1    --
WOW            Sorex          50+1    --
BRUTAL         Tch            58+1    --
DUNEX          Spikes         58+1    --
BAD DUDES      Mad            59+1    --
STASH          Jayce          61+1    --
HYSTERIC       Benson         63+1    --
COMPAGNIONS    Techno         65+1    --
DOMINATORS     Derbyshire Ram 69+1    --
X-RAY          Chrysagon      71+1    --
XENTRIX        ???            75+1    --
COMMENTS:1st released by HYSTERIC with  
BRUTAL and XENTRIX also ducumented the  

        Robozone (C) Image Works        
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
DOMINATORS     Dogfriend      272     +4
X-FACTOR       The Company    287     +4
TALENT         Bod,XXX        301     +5
DISCOVERY      Zoolook        310     +2
COMMENTS:1st release by TALENT.         
Fastloader installed by X-FACTOR.       

[edit] Games 2

            Rodland (C) Storm           
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
ARM            Ex-m           283    +11
BRUTAL         Tch,Rcs        290     +6
X-RAY          Chrysagon      290     +4
EXTREME        God            316     +4
F4CG           Fen 1          317     +4
LEGEND         Doc,Fletch     322     +3
UNIQUE         Crossfire      389     +1
COMMENTS:1st release by LEGEND,so their 
version also includes a NEI intro.      
Every version is IFFL'ed except the     
LEGEND and UNIQUE version.              
BRUTAL also documented the game.        

     Rolling Ronny (C) Virgin Games     
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
HYSTERIC       Mr.President  556+1   +13
BONZAI         Crush          564    +11
DOMINATORS     Dogfriend      581     +5
VICTIMS        Drake          585     +5
CONIC          Exulans        650     +3
CHROMANCE      Painkiller     650     +3
GHOST          Biff           651     +4
PROXYON        Zar            661     +4
BRUTAL         Tch            664     +8
GIANTS         Tsb            664     --
DYNAX          City           667     +2
LEGEND         Poweplant      673     +5
THE FORCE      Stephen        703     +7
X-FACTOR       Ecco           755     +5
STORMFRONT     Betrayer       761     +4
UNIQUE         Crossfire      794     --
COMMENTS:1st release by LEGEND.         
The game intro left in these versions:  
High score saver installed by HYSTERIC. 
Game picture included in the DYNAX and  
GIANTS version.                         

      Round The Bend! (C) Impulze       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
DOMINATORS     Dogfriend      130     +1
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax,Jazzy D 136     +1
SUCCESS        Arrogance      136     +1
VISION         Crossfire      146     +1
GHOST          Biff           151     +1
NO COMMENT!                             

     Rugby The World Cup (C) Domark     
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
TRC            Cba            93      --
CYBERPUNX      Elektor        102     --
DUNEX          Spikes         107     --
RADICAL        Lynx           109     --
BRUTAL         Rcs            109     --
STELLA         Warhead        110     --
FACES          Dr.Hector      117     --
SUCCESS        Arrogance      123     --
SPIRIT         Klf+Emf        124     --
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         126     --
STORMFRONT     Betrayer       127     --
LEGACY         Jack Alien     131     --
X-RAY          Ignorance      132     --
A-TEAM         B.a.           136     --
ENIGMA         Fist,Sauron    145     --
ACRISE         Mendrake       145     --
ICS            Wildcat        146     --
TRC+TBI        Action Jackson 149     --
HOTLINE        Gazza          155     --
ANARCHY        Troy           156     --
COMMENTS:1st release by ENIGMA.         
Their version includes the picture,too! 

      Second World (C) Magic Bytes      
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
VICTIMS        God            361     --
ACTION         Hok            382     --
X-RAY V2       The Ignorance  389     --
X-RAY          Chrysagon      416     --
SPIRIT         The Insider    427     +3
PANDORA        Sky+Maniac     548     --
VANITY         Section        548     --
COMMENTS:1st release by VICTIMS and they
also documented the game...             
All version except the VICTIMS one also 
contains the game intro.                
In X-RAY V1 there's a fastloader.       
PANDORA,INSIDERS and X-RAY V2 translated
the game to ENGLISH!  Thanks,guys!      
In X-RAY's V2 you can choose between    
ENGLISH and GERMAN language.            

       Sentence (C) Double Density      
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
PROXYON        Zar            105     +3
TRIAD          Bismarck       109     +2
CROSS          Anarchist     108+2    +3
FACES          Dr.Hector      112     +3
TRAITORS       Topic          113     +4
CONIC          Satan          118     +3
BONZAI         Enjoy          119     +1
OREGON         Sentinel       120     +3
THE FORCE      Daniel         120     +1
PULSAR         Transfer       122     +3
SLIME          Betrayer       122     +3
MEDINA         Schweinepoke   127     +3
WOW            ???            130     +5
STELLA V1      Nought         131     +3
COMPAGNIONS    Techno         142     --
UNIQUE         Crossfire      143     --
HYSTERIC+INS.  Benson         147     +3
STELLA V2      Wildfire       147     +3
GULAS          Holed Condom   147     +1
BRUTAL         Rcs            148     +3
A-TEAM         Cst            148     +3
COMMENTS:High score saver installed by  

       Shoikan (C) Double Density       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
LIGHT          Ice Cube       52      +1
FAIRLIGHT      Bacchus        53      +1
CROSS          Anarchist      53      +1
BONZAI         Infocomie      54      +2
PRIDE          Szab           54      +2
PROXYON        Zar            54      +1
FACES          Dr.Hector      54      +1
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         55      +1
TRIAD          Alfatech       56      --
WOW            Joker          56      --
ARM            Ex-m           60      +3
PARADOS        Brush          61      +1
COCOON         Jack Alien     65      +1
STELLA         Nought         67      +1
BAD DUDES      Mad            67      --
DYNAX          City           68      +2
LASER INC.     ???            71      +1
A-TEAM         Dannie         72      +1
CONIC          Exulans        73      +1
UNIQUE         Crossfire      77      +1
TRC+TBI        Don Promillo   80      +1
GENESIS        Antichrist     84      --
GHOST          Biff           98      +1
ACTION         Spitfire       111     +2
COMMENTS:1st release by ACTION,so there 
is an EMPIRE intro linked in front of   
their own one.                          
Documented by BONZAI,CONIC,ARM and the  
CHROMANCE posse.                        

          Shuffle (C) Moonlight         
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         143     +2
SUCCESS        Arrogance      163     +2
TROPIC         Bravestar      170     +3
EXTREME        God            174     +2
ACTION         Spitfire       214     +3
COMMENTS:1st release by ACTION,so their 
version includes an EMPIRE intro.       

    Skyhigh Stuntman (C) Codemasters    
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
LIGHT          Ice Cube       149     +3
GENESIS        Drake          150     --
DOMINATORS     Dogfriend      151     +2
CYBERPUNX      Elektor        152     +3
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         154     +2
X-FACTOR       Exulans        159     +3
SUCCESS        Arrogance      160     +2
PUBLIC CHANGE  Executer       164     +2
STELLA         Warhead        169     +1
LEGACY         Jack Alien     171     +2
EXTREME        God            174     +2
HYSTERIC       Benson         175     +3
A-TEAM         Dannie         176     +2
TROPIC         Bravestar      177     +2
PANDORA        Rough          179     +3
WOW            Vinzz         184+1    +4
COMMENTS:High score saver installed by  
WOW. They claims to have a JEWEL version

      Sliding Skill (C) Moonlight       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
SUCCESS        Arrogance      156     +4
TROPIC         Bravestar      161     +3
ACTION         Spitfire       192     +4
EXTREME        God            227     +2
COMMENTS:1st release by ACTION,so their 
version includes an EMPIRE intro.       

     Slightly Magic (C) Codemasters     
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CYBERPUNX      Elektor        128     +2
UNIQUE         Crossfire      131     +1
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         132     +1
DOMINATORS     Nme            135     +1
STORMFRONT     Betrayer       147     +3
BRUTAL         Rcs            151     +1
DUNEX          Spikes         153     +1
A-TEAM         Dannie         154     +1
TALENT V2      Bod,XXX        166     +3
TALENT V1      XXX            198     +1
COMMENTS:1st release by TALENT,so their 
version includes the usual TSM intro.   

           Smash Tv (C) Ocean           
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
DOMINATORS     Dogfriend      158     +1
TALENT         Bod,XXX        163     +1
COMMENTS:1st release by TALENT.         

      Snake Mania (C) Twice Effect      
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
HOUSE          Chesoner       90+1    +4
TRAITORS       Numskull       90+1    +3
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         90+1    +2
CYBERPUNX      Elektor        93+1    +2
STELLA         Warhead        94+1    +2
HYSTERIC       ???           101+1    +2
DUNEX          Spikes        102+1    +2
LEGACY         Jack Alien    106+1    +3
FACES          Dr.Hector     107+1    +3
BRUTAL         Tch           111+1    +5
SUCCESS        Arrogance     112+1    +6
A-TEAM         Dannie        117+1    +4
EXTREME        God           117+1    +2
BEAST          Csiga         117+1    +2
SKID ROW       Amnesty       127+1    +2
HOTLINE        Gazza         143+1    +2
COMMENTS:1st release by SKID ROW,and    
their version also includes an EXCALIBUR
Double cheating from TRAITORS!          

        Spellfire (C) Codemasters       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         90      +3
STELLA         Warhead        93      +3
STORMFRONT     Betrayer       96      +5
VISION         Crossfire      101     +6
THE FORCE      ???            102     +5
A-TEAM         Dannie         106     +7
WOW            Vinzz          108     +3
CRUSH          Sector-D       110     +1
EXTREME        B-Wyze         114     +3
ANARCHY        Troy           118     +6
GHOST          Biff           120     +3
GARBAGE        Kampfkotzer    167     +3
COMMENTS:1st release claimbed by CRUSH, 
but in fact it's only a RErelease!      

       Stack Up (C) Zeppelin Games      
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
LIGHT          Ice Cube       73      --
BONZAI         Infocomie      76      +2
TRIAD          Tracer         77      +1
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         80      +2
FACES          Dr.Hector      82      +3
TRAITORS       Numskull       84      +2
X-FACTOR       Ecco           85      +1
HYSTERIC       The Dememted   87      +2
AWESOME        Hellraiser     89      +2
DUNEX          Spikes         89      +1
PROXYON        Prowler        90      --
STORMFRONT     Don Promillo   91      +2
COCOON         Jack Alien     91      +2
DISCOVERY      Zoolook        93      --
BRUTAL         Rcs            97      --
UNIQUE         Crossfire      109     +2
TRC+TBI        Cba            117     +1
WOW            Joker          122     --
PARADOS        Tg jsl         127     +2
TALENT         XXX            130     +2
COMMENTS:1st release by TALENT and their
version also includes a TSM import intro

          Stratego (C) Accolade         
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
ENIGMA         Fist,Hero      135     --
TRC+TBI        Cba            135     --
PROXYON        Zar            135     --
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         139     --
TRAITORS       Numskull       146     --
DUNEX          Spikes         146     --
SUCCESS        Arrogance      151     --
FACES          Lanoline       151     --
X-FACTOR       Exulans        151     --
WOW            Slash          153     --
A-TEAM         Dannie         153     --
LEGEND         Narc           156     --
CYBERPUNX      Count Zero     156     --
X-RAY          Chrysagon      160     --
BRUTAl         Rcs            166     --
ACTION         Spitfire       196     --
COMMENTS:1st release by ACTION,so their 
version also includes an EMPIRE intro.  
Documented by LEGEND.                   

       Su Sweet (C) Double Density      
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
OREGON         Sentinel       174     --
PULSAR         Transfer       186     --
CONIC          Exulans        222     +1
ENIGMA         Rygar          287     --
X-RAY          Ignorance      307     +3
SLIME          Betrayer       334     --
COMMENTS:1st release by ENIGMA.         
Their version includes the passwords,the
intro,documents,TSM import intro and is 
The X-RAY version is also IFFL'ed.      
You can find the passwords in the CONIC 

    Super Trucker (C) Double Density    
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CYBERPUNX      Elektor        121     +3
STELLA         Warhead        125     +3
HYSTERIC       Benson         126     +3
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         127     +3
X-FACTOR       Ecco           127     +3
UNIQUE         Crossfire      136     +3
BRUTAL         Rcs            137     +1
VAGABONDS      Don Promillo   139     +3
A-TEAM         B.a.           143     +4
SUCCESS        Arrogance      144     +4
DEPREDATORS    Blockbuster    146     +4
X-RAY          Chrysagon      147    +10
LEGEND         Narc           148     +3
EXTREME        God            148     +3
GENESIS        Antichrist     150     --
EXCESS         Quick X        180     --
COMMENTS:1st release by LEGEND,so their 
version includes a NEI intro.           
Tripla cheating from X-RAY!             
Graphics bug in A-TEAM's version...     

             Swap (C) Palace            
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
LIGHT          Ice Cube       91      --
CHROMANCE      Rough          94      --
TRC            Action Jackson 94      --
FACES          Lanoline,Dr.H  95      --
UNIQUE         Crossfire      97      --
THE FORCE      Captain Tas    102     --
CONIC          Exulans        111     +1
GULAS          ???            112     --
DUNEX          Spikes         112     --
ACTION         Spitfire       113     --
BRUTAL         Rcs            121     --
LEGEND         Narc           158     --
COMMENTS:1st release by LEGEND,and their
version includes an EXCALIBUR intro.    

          Sysiphus (C) Game on          
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
LIGHT          Ice Cube       82      +4
ANTIC          Exalt          84      +2
ELECTRIC BOYZ  Ironfist       84      --
TRC+TBI        Cba            86      +3
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         88      +3
CYBERPUNX      Count Zero     90      +5
STELLA         Captain Tas    91      +3
SUCCESS        Arrogance      98      +5
X-FACTOR       Exulans        98      +3
FACES          Dr.Hector      100     +3
COCOON         Mr.Disc        101     +3
TITRON         Marc           101     +3
WOW            Vinzz          108     +3
OREGON         Sentinel       109     +4
TAT            Beast          109     +3
BRUTAL         Rcs            111     +4
PULSAR         Transfer       111     +4
A-TEAM         B.a.           116     +4
UNIQUE         Crossfire      116     --
HYSTERIC       ???            119     +3
COMPAGNIONS    Rambo          125     --
TRAITORS       Numskull       128     +7
GENESIS        Tyger          162     +3
COMMENTS:1st released by A-TEAM,but they
couldn't upload it so GENESIS was the   
1st who uploaded it on the boards.      
Their version also includes a BLACK     
REIGN intro as well as HYSTERIC's one a 
MIRAGE intro.                           
Double cheatings by TRAITORS.           

     Tarzan Goes Ape (C) Codemasters    
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CHROMANCE      Jazzy D        112     +1
DOMINATORS V2  Dogfriend     113+1    +2
OREGON         Sentinel       115     +2
STELLA         Captain Tas    116     +1
GENESIS        Drake          117     --
X-FACTOR       Exulans        118     +1
CYBERPUNX      Elektor       118+1    +1
FACES          Dr.Hector      123     +1
PANDORA        Rough          131     +1
EXTREME        God            143     +2
HITMEN         Curlin         143     +1
HOTLINE        Ayatollah      146     +1
TROPIC         Bravestar      147     +1
SUCCESS        Arrogance      148     +1
DOMINATORS V1  Nme            183     +2
COMMENTS:1st release by DOMINATORS,and  
their V1 includes an EXCALIBUR intro.   
High score saver installed by DOMINATORS
V1 and CYBERPUNX.                       

         Terminator 2 (C) Ocean         
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
FAIRLIGHT      Bacchus,Gollum 584     +3
CONIC          Satan          624     +1
ENIGMA         Fist,Hero      629     +2
CENSOR         P.C. LTD       633     +2
X-RAY          Chrysagon      711     +2
COMMENTS:1st release by TALENT,but      
unfortunately I couldn't find the TALENT
version. SORRY!                         
High score saver installed by CENSOR and
they also installed a fast loader.      
Documented by FAIRLIGHT.                
The X-RAY version includes a few extra  
pictures,and you can choose between     
GERMAN/ENGLISH languages.               

      Tetroid (C) Digital Marketing     
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
UNIQUE         Crossfire      145     +1
X-FACTOR       Exulans        154     +5
HYSTERIC       Benson         165     +3
LUTCHERS       Ernsteiswerfel 166     +2
CHROMANCE      Alex           184     +2
PANDORA        Rough          197     +2
BEAST          Csiga          200     +2
CYBERPUNX      Count Zero     209     +6
A-TEAM         ???            212     +6
lEGACY         Jack Alien     223     +4
SPIRIT         Klf+Emf        276     +2
STORMFRONT     Betrayer       370     +2
COMMENTS:1st release by HYSTERIC,so it  
contains a MIRAGE intro.                
On the original there was a bug so these
versions are buggin' like hell:HYSTERIC,
UNIQUE and SPIRIT.                      
Intro included in these versions:A-TEAM,
and LEGACY.                             
IFFL'ed by LUTCHERS and X-FACTOR.       
Fastloader installed by CHROMANCE.      

     The Ball Game (C) Electric Zoo     
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
TRIAD          King Fisher    95      --
THE FORCE      Daniel         107     +2
CROSS          Anarchist      107     --
CHROMANCE      Rough          108     --
VICTIMS        God            108     --
LEGEND         Narc           109     --
WOW            Vinzz          109     --
PROXYON        Zar            111     --
TRIUMWYRAT     Sylvio         120     +2
COMMENTS:1st released by LEGEND in coop 
with NEI. Timecheat from TRIUMWYRAT is  
pure crap since it's already in the game

         The Cycles (C) Accolade        
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
TRAITORS       Numskull       606     --
ACTION         Spitfire       639     --
COMMENTS:1st release by ACTION,and their
version also includes an EMPIRE intro.  

         Thunder Jaws (C) Domark        
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
FLT+TRIAD      Tracer         335     +6
ENIGMA         Fist           335     +5
X-FACTOR       Dexter         343     +4
X-RAY          Ignorance      352     +9
GENESIS        Roy            355     +4
FACES          Lanoline       361     +6
A-TEAM         Cst            382     +4
DOMINATORS V2  Dogfriend      383     +4
DOMINATORS V1  Nme            408     +4
ICS            Wildcat        451     +8
F4CG           Fen 1          484     +2
THE FORCE      Daniel         597     +4
WOW            Vinzz          608     +3
COMMENTS:1st release by ENIGMA.         
IFFL'ed by FACES,GENESIS and X-RAY.     

       Tiffany (C) Double Density       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
PANDORA        Amnesty        75      --
FART           Flatliner Narc 77      --
ACCURACY       ???            78      +1
CHROMANCE V2   Syllinor       77+1    --
FACES          Dr.Hector      78      --
LIGHT          Ice Cube       79      +2
THE FORCE      Captain Tas    79      --
PROXYON        Prowler        81      --
SPALTERS       Pipifax        82      --
A-TEAM         Dannie         86      --
BRAINBOMBS     Pseudomist     89      --
BAD DUDES      Mad            90      --
DOMINATORS     Derbyshire Ram 90      --
STELLA         Nought         90      --
STORMFRONT     Betrayer       94      +1
COCOON         Jack Alien     95      +1
ROTZ KOTZ      Mr.Drunk       97      --
HYSTERIC+INS.  ???            98      --
AWESOME        ???            98      --
X-RAY          Chrysagon      98+1    +2
CHROMANCE V1   Mr.Wax         100     --
DUNEX          Spikes         101     --
SUCCESS        Arrogance      104     +3
WOW            Joker          105     --
PARADOS        Tg jsl         111     +1
BRUTAL         Rcs            123     --
COMMENTS:High score saver installed by  
X-RAY and CHROMANCE V2.                 
Double cheating from SUCCESS!           

        Turbo Charge (C) System 3       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
DOMINATORS     Dogfriend      947     +5
FlT+TRIAD      Alfatech      1205     +3
ENIGMA         Sauron,Fist   1208     +6
LEGEND         Powerplant    1296     +4
COMMENTS:1st release by LEGEND,so their 
version includes a NEI intro as well.   
ALL versions contains the game intro.   
Fast loader installed by DOMINATORS.    
FLT+TRIAD documented the game,but WHY?  

    Twinky Goes Hiking (C) Cp Verlag    
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CHAOS          Exorcist       66      +1
TRIAD          Bismarck       70      +3
TRC+TBI        Cba            75      +3
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         75      +2
PROXYON        Prowler        80      +3
WOW            Sorex          84      +5
XENTRIX        ???            85      +3
STASH          Jayce          87      --
ODISSEY        Jrc            90      +2
COMPAGNIONS    Techno         91      --
X-RAY          Chrysagon      93      +6
A-TEAM         Dannie         94      +4
ENIGMA         Sting          95      +4
NO COMMENT!                             

            Volfied (C) Taito           
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         143     +2
CYBERPUNX      Elektor        144     +5
CENSOR         ???            156     +2
X-FACTOR       Ecco           158     +3
PUBLIC CHANGE  Dj             161     --
EXTREME        God            162     +2
VISION         Crossfire      162     +2
COMMENTS:1st release by LEGEND but their
version wasn't sent to us so we couldn't
test it.                                
Some graphics are missing in the CENSOR 

       Warrior (C) Living Colours       
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
TRIAD          King Fisher    389     +3
PULSAR         Transfer       441     +3
GENESIS        Tyger          527    +10
SPIRIT         The Insider    665     --
COMMENTS:A "NICE" 1st release by GENESIS
and imported by NEI. Their version also 
contains the intro. PULSAR installed a  
fastloader.  IFFL packed by TRIAD and GP

    World Class Rugby (C) Audiogenic    
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
X-FACTOR       The Company    143     --
DOMINATORS     Dogfriend      145     --
A-TEAM         ???            170     --
HOTLINE        Gazza          175     --
TROPIC         Bravestar      175     --
TALENT         Bod,XXX        198     --
COMMENTS:1st release by TALENT,so their 
version includes a TSM import intro.    

     Zoomerang (C) Atlantis Software    
Group          Cracker       Lnth.   Trs
-----          -------       -----   ---
CONIC          Satan          60      --
CHROMANCE      Mr.Wax         61      +1
DOMINATORS     Dogfriend      62      +2
X-FACTOR       The Company    74      +1
BRUTAL         Rcs            81      +1
DISCOVERY      ???            90      +1
STELLA         Warhead        101     +1
A-TEAM         Dannie         103     +2
DEPREDATORS    Infocomie      108     +2
COMMENTS:1st release by DISCOVERY,and   
their version includes an EMPIRE intro. 

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