Network 03 Tops and Flops

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Latest revision as of 01:38, 3 February 2008

 *Tops and Flops

 What's the difference between Governor
 Barilla,his Wife,a Pirate-Hunter and
 a scoop full of shit? Ha ! The Answer
 is quite simple.. The scoop !
 Well,if you think this is a bad joke
 be told,that this is no joke for the
 Governor,because we forced him to do
 his signature under a letter which
 contained exactly this theory. The
 letter was supposed to be published in
 the Book of science.. and I think it
 will be a great shame for 'Barilla' to
 see it published !! Rushing his
 residence and having fun with his
 female butlers we again found a little
 piece of paper which contained the
 latest list of the most wanted men
 and crews..
 I think you're all interested in it
 for it got longer than last time.

 O.k. now showing you the....
     <        Most wanted

 01. Legend***************** Votes:875
 02. Illusion............... Votes:612
 03. Talent................. Votes:534
 04. Enigma................. Votes:396
 05. Dominators............. Votes:350
 06. Image (Now dead!)...... Votes:287
 07. Success................ Votes:253
 08. Triad.................. Votes:249
              Most wanted

 09. Arcade................. Votes:240
 10. Chromance.............. Votes:112
 11. Red Sector incorporated Votes: 64
 12. Genetix................ Votes: 53

 ..sorry this time I won't give my
 personal comment to the charts,because
 we're in a fucking hurry !!
 [£]^<        Most wanted         [£]^<
 ;<=>?     Democoding Groups      ;<=>?

 01. Light****************** Votes:493
 02. Crest.................. Votes:483
 03. Flash incorporated..... Votes:443
 04. Triad.................. Votes:379
 05. Blackmail.............. Votes:356
 06. Camelot................ Votes:336
 07. Oxyron................. Votes:305
 08. Faces.................. Votes:294
 [£]^<        Most wanted         [£]^<
 ;<=>?     Democoding Groups      ;<=>?

 09. Offence................ Votes:286
 10. Fairlight.............. Votes:284
 11. Censor Designs......... Votes:261
 12. Origo Dreamline........ Votes:249
 13. Beyond Force........... Votes: 97
     Horizon................ Votes: 97
 14. Graffity............... Votes: 66
 15. Antic.................. Votes: 51
              Most wanted

 01. Script***************** Votes:870
 02. Brutal Recall.......... Votes:851
 03. Shock.................. Votes:542
 04. Internal............... Votes:374
 05. Hot Shot............... Votes:348
 06. Addybook............... Votes:341
 07. Corruption............. Votes:272
 08. Explorer............... Votes:171
              Most wanted

 09. Update................. Votes:156
 10. Bitmania............... Votes:142
 11. Immortal Flash......... Votes:128
 12. World News............. Votes: 84
 13. Independent............ Votes: 66
 14. Genetic dreams......... Votes: 59
 15. Impulse................ Votes: 54

              Most wanted
            single Crackers

 01. Powerplant************* Votes:279
 02. BOD.................... Votes:240
 03. DOC.................... Votes:118
 04. Sauron................. Votes:111
 05. Chrysagon.............. Votes: 91
 06. XXX.................... Votes: 72
 07. Crossfire.............. Votes: 37
 08. Dogfriend.............. Votes: 33
              Most wanted
            single Crackers

 09. Antitrack.............. Votes: 28

 ..Still Powerplant is on the top..
 I wonder how long,because it is said
 that he went PC !!

 [£]^<        Most wanted         [£]^<
 ;<=>?       single  Coder        ;<=>?

 01. Crossbow*************** Votes:220
 02. Zodiac................. Votes:205
 03. Flamingo............... Votes:189
 04. Glasnost............... Votes:154
 05. Yabba.................. Votes:102
 06. TTS.................... Votes: 56
 07. Yup.................... Votes: 48
 08. Tron................... Votes: 38
 [£]^<        Most wanted         [£]^<
 ;<=>?       single  Coder        ;<=>?

 09. Walt................... Votes: 23

 ..Flamingo should fly up a bit to No1
 and also Yup should be higher (take a
 little rest in a coffee-shop , is my
 personal tip). Walt will surely dis-
 appear soon,as he quitted the Scene.
 It's a pitty,coz he's almost a legend.
              Most wanted

 01. Hein Holt************** Votes:229
 02. Ogami.................. Votes:214
 03. Dragon................. Votes:109
 04. Creeper................ Votes:106
 05. Gotcha................. Votes: 98
 06. Bizzmo................. Votes: 82
 07. Electric............... Votes: 65
 08. Mirage................. Votes: 49
              Most wanted

 09. Death.................. Votes: 45
 10. Redstar................ Votes: 44

 "I learned graphixing from Thunder ,
  and Thunder is the best !"
 ..this was said by Death on a private
 meeting. Unfortunately Thunder is not
 the best,as he doesn't appear here..
 [£]^<        Most wanted         [£]^<
 ;<=>?         Musicians          ;<=>?

 01. Jeroen Tel************* Votes:260
 02. Guy Shavitt............ Votes:212
 03. Reyn Ouvehand.......... Votes:143
 04. Drax................... Votes:134
 05. Danko.................. Votes:132
 06. A-Man.................. Votes:114
 07. Moon................... Votes: 79
 08. The Syndrom............ Votes: 68
              Most wanted

 01. Aslive***************** Votes: 95
 02. Baze................... Votes: 94
 03. RCS.................... Votes: 86
 04. Code 18................ Votes: 45
 05. Incubus................ Votes: 40

 ..Swapercharts,seem to be fruitless,as
 there are too many swappers voted once
 [£]^<        Most wanted         [£]^<
 ;<=>?       Cover-painter        ;<=>?

 01. Elegance*************** Votes:136
 02. Cop.................... Votes:119
 03. Electic................ Votes: 64
 04. Satan.................. Votes: 34
 05. Death.................. Votes: 31
 06. Exult.................. Votes: 22

 Strange!Dead men can reach the charts.
             Most watched

 01. Red Storm************** Votes: 49
 02. Justintime............. Votes: 46
 03. Dreams................. Votes: 38
 04. Wonderland IX.......... Votes: 27
 05. 2 Years Faces.......... Votes: 26
 06. Digital Madness 2...... Votes: 21
 07. Royal Touch............ Votes: 19
 08. Produkthandler kom her. Votes: 12
             Most watched

 08. Comalight 6............ Votes: 12
 09. Sept.Celebration....... Votes: 10
     Comalight 7............ Votes: 10
     Crest Light............ Votes: 10

 ..sad to see a Comalight-demo equal
 with a Demo by Crest,but that's a
 question of Opinion,I guess.
             Most played

 01. Cool Croc Twins******** Votes: 28
 02. Creatures II........... Votes: 27
     The Locomotion......... Votes: 27
 03. Enforcer............... Votes: 21
 04. Scenario............... Votes: 15
     Toki................... Votes: 15
 05. Slicks................. Votes: 13
 06. Winterchamp............ Votes: 10
 Yum,Yum !   Now introducing:

 ----:                            ----:

            The Lamest of all

 01. Trinomic (Hi Holgi!)... Votes: 10
     Cat/Excess............. Votes: 10
 02. Morac.................. Votes:  9
             ..that's all !
 ..Ha ! Now I really finished this
 Chapter.. and I'm really glad about it

 A big Thanx to A-Bomp for counting our
 Votesheets and another to all Pals who
 Spreaded them. Let's meet again in
 another Chapter..
 And now I'm gonna lose myself in an
 unknown Chantey and think about the
 next Battle out there. It will pro-
 bably be somewhere near Havana and it
 is going to be very hard. -Brix,A-Bomp
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