Network 02 Inauguration

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Latest revision as of 01:22, 3 February 2008


          Sail Ho,Buccaneers !!
 Welcome to the 2nd Issue of Network..
 Although a special guy thought that
 Issue #01 will be the first and also
 the last Issue (Ed.: Hi,Holgi!),we
 finally managed to give you this one..
 As always with some nasty Stories of
 Piracy and the usual (?) crap.
 Well,we're just coming back from a
 Battle somewhere near Tortuga and we
 plumdered so many Bottles of pure RUM,
 that we're forced to drink,till our
 stomach grows like the one hanging
 in front of our pirate 'A-Bomp'..
 Perhaps it will even grow to the size
 of Helmut Kohls.. Ahhh ! What an
 incredible nightmare ! Would be
 something like Grandpa 'Francis Drake'
 or perhaps..  Imagine yourself.

 But swing your cannon to the right and
 read on..
 *During the making of this Issue we

 *Many gallons of Salt-Water for the
  slaves ruddering our ship..
  (We promised them normal 'not-making-
  any-thirst-water,if they work faster)

 *5 totally broken-down Copy-shop-

 *10 tons of plundered Gold to pay the
  uncauntable ammount of Votesheets..


 *5 or 6 loads of Cannonballs for our
  Guns (We fired them at those fucking
  Copy-shop-owners,who didn't want to
  see ANY Network-Votesheet anymore). on !

 *During the making of this Mag we also
  produced some thing like:

 *About 1 Kilo of wasted Chips-Bags.

 *Uncountable nerve-sick Greenpeace-
  Members,who were forced to pick all
  the empty Mail-Bottles out of the

 *Many emty Coke and Beer-Cans for
  "Fred's Junk-Yard".
 *8000 hours of hard work for "Harry's

 *An extremely depressed Defense-
  Minister.(We sank all of his ships)

 *Large Telekom-phonebills.

 *A Dutch-Border-checkpoint flooded
  with stinking spit-out Food from Brix

 *Another totally UNinteresting thing
  are the Credits for this mag..
  You have to understand,that they are
  necesssary,because we simply HAVE to
  Blame someone for it..

 *Credits for the Intro:

 *Coded by PJ Dynamix, with grafix from
  him and Flim Flam.
  Music by BRIAN of GRAFITTY!

 *Credits for the part...

 *Coded by PJ Dynamix, with grafix by
  Flim Flam and music by KRISTIAN
  R0ST0EN, bla, bla, bla....

 *Credits for the magazine...

 *Coded by PJ Dynamix, with grafix by
  Flim Flam and music by SCORTIA of
  STARION. Loader-system by Vortex and
  Text by BRIX, FLIM FLAM AND the
  captain PJ Dynamix, bla, bla, bla.
  (still alive, dude?)

 Puh ! Boring Credits,or what ??
 Just try to survive the following

 Weigh the anchor and hoist the sails !

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