Domination 03 ch18 Reactions

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Latest revision as of 16:00, 4 September 2007


Welcome to the chapter where the ego of this magazine is heightened and sometimes lowered to unrealistic proportions! Here the reader's say is written down for all to see. It is good to get constructive comments on ways to improve this mag, so keep sending them in!

Let's see what various sceners had to say after Domination issue #2

Stake/Chromance: no doubt that your magazine is cool and belongs to the five worth reading mags in the scene. I mean you have very good and substantial chapters and also it's a good point that you were quite correct in the release-list! So keep on doing it and follow the style you have started. Try to release it monthly please! The outfit is ok, but maybe you should use the favourite proportional style.

Domination: nice comments, yes we will definitely switch to a proportional font before issue #5, its just most magazines that are board related use this style along with the left to right text swing, so I am trying to make its a bit different! Every month?!! argh! perhaps you could take over as organizer? :) maybe one day when the Dom-staff has expanded to a degree where the workload could push a monthly release. at the moment with the scenes activity and the speed rate of organizing each issue, only a bi-monthly schedule is available. hope you enjoy this and other issues, all the best for Chromance!

Total Chaos/Noice: I guess this is it David... will you marry me? Domination is the best magazine I’ve read so far on the 64 scene. I liked everything about it. the outfit was just perfect, easy to read and contained a lot of interesting text. keep up the good work.

Domination: oh! my darling Ingemar, yes I will. oooh kiss me... um, hmm yeah! thanks for the positive thoughts. hopefully they're not changed with these issues changes. with more different editors of varied fields, things will get a lot more interesting. stay tuned and long live all you goats!

Spectator/SCS*TRC: thanks for domination #2. yeah a nice issue indeed! although I was shaking when I saw that you interviewed JCH. you know, I’m a bit old fashioned when it comes to old sceners and I think you are pushing it when you keep interviewing such old legends. of course on the other hand it's great, but make sure you do not interview more than one old legend an issue. else the crowd will get greedy... hehe spoiled you know. I guess you don't understand a shit of what I mean. oh well, it was a nice issue :) the illegal chapter wasn't that great this time (looked much the same as first one) but I liked the improvements, so keep it up!

Domination: yes, I understand about the interview section. I don't interview people just because they're famous or in a well known group. I interview those that have one way or another proved themselves in the scene, silently or publicly. this issues illegal chapter is hopefully more to your taste, I try to vary it quite a bit with each issue and submissions are welcome from all. hope you enjoy this issue.

Shockwave/System/Extreme: a brilliant mag, I like the outfit! I’ll say it was a shame to drop the Aussie charts and the Metal charts, but I guess you didn't have a lot of choice with it! a great start though!

Domination: thanks for the comments Simon. the Australian charts were dropped because I hate the segregation of the Australian scene compared with the rest of the world. I want an international approach where Australians can be seen for their own achievements along side their European counterparts in various charts. hope you like this issue and a very merry Christmas.

Chaotic/Rebels: hey Jazzcat! first issue of your mag was really "kicking"! keep up that cool work.

Domination: I hope you enjoy this and the second issue. hope you have the second by now.

Neotec/Rebels/F4CG: (editor of Newspress) the first issue of your domination made a favourable impression on me. I especially enjoyed the charts, list and news, although a few statuses looked quite strange to me. the outfit is great, very clear, easy to handle and eye-catching. what I disliked was that 'mixed' chapter, it was useless and only lowered the average quality of your mag, try to write some scene related articles instead. all in all and with a bit more support this magazine has to be taken account of. (ed. concerning issue #1)

Domination: thanks for the comments Michael, yes I have excluded most non-scener material, with the exceptions of certain stories which have significant interest to most people. there have been several modifications with this issue that may heighten your taste, although there were also some comments to be made on the second issue which I hope you have as well. enjoy this issue.

Diamond/Gothic Designs/Inzane: dear staff, issue #2 was very good. I haven't any comments to it. I can only say hold it so.

Domination: short and sweet! hope this issue will show signs of further improvement from it's predecessors. enjoy.

Primus/Lithium: cool first issue of domination. I thought the text amount was good and of a good quality, especially the illegal chapter. the outfit and the music was also good. keep up the good work.

Domination: yes, hope you like this issue. concerning the illegal chapter, hopefully I will also include other texts that are more than hack/phreak related. I would like to include regular IRC and internet articles, with each issue. the outfit this time has had some maybe un-noticeable improvement and some bugs have been removed. I hope this gives you further reading enjoyment. new outfit next ish!

Wideload/Dragon: wow! another cool new mag hits the scene. too many mags these days are developing their own attitudes and opinions, good to see that domination is "sitting on the sidelines" as such. the text and graphics are of both a high quality. another good point is that the reader, not the program, determines what music is playing. domination has huge future potential. it certainly gets the thumbs up from me!

Domination: nice comments Brendan! most magazines these days I have found, are "copying" the Sh0ck feel of things. the proportional font, menu and loading styles are very similar. this is one of the reasons why I used the up/down text display. the music choice of this mag is quite substantial as I see it. mainly because the program can also choose the music as well as the reader! I hope to develop my own style, which will progress further, as time proceeds.

Styx/Alpha Flight: ha! okay, well ehmmm, nice mag? yea, nice mag. good text (all kinds of subjects), perfect English (one of the most important things). understandable for every normal moron. the music sucks, but that’s just a minor thing. definitely worth voting for as it has got a chapter for every type of scener. (demo, crack, lamer etc.)

Domination: I appreciate the comments Jurgen. I wouldn't say that my English is perfect, but I assure you if there’s an error, its a typing one. the music sucks?!! well everyone has their own taste, I have tried to collect different styles with each issue to expand the variety for the listener. with the new outfit next issue hopefully there will be an improvement in the actual text presentation. but I think the most important part of the magazine is the text and you made a good point saying that the music is a minor thing. anyway enjoy issue #3 and good luck with Relax!

Comments: and that's it for this issue, hopefully I will get more constructive comments in your reactions. next issue we change outfit, so a lot of improvements hopefully which you, the reader will benefit from.

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