Skyhigh 04 ch11 Spread the Word

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Latest revision as of 16:11, 4 August 2007

    this chapter is dedicated to the
  purpose of getting 'THINGS' spreaded

when i say THINGS i mean a lot of diffe-
rent subjects.

it could be a search for a special demo,
  an old game,or any kind of programs.

    it also could be a search for new
         members for your group.

 or mayby just some announcements about
 a upcomming party,demo,mag. or or or..

    as you see the only limit is your
          i m a g i n a t i o n


would you like to make an exclusive tune
for this mag ?

this could be a chance to get famous if
you're new in the scene...

everything is dearly welcomed...

  just remember to locate the tune at:

             $1000 to $1fff

               init $1000
                jsr $1003

       send the tune or grafix to:

             BIZ KID/OXYRON


        hi ho and be welcome !!!

this is andre (as) of antic/oxyron with
        a great offer for you...

 but what for an offer could it be ???
 before i'll tell you that offer i will
remark that you'll never get it cheaper
 then from me (at least i think so)...
    press space to read the offer...

i am able to print everything on cloth,
in black/white and also in colour...
so if you e.g. send a logo of your group
on paper (in colour or b/w) then i can
zoom it up to 3 different sizes and then
i can print it on cloth...
the cloth is white and especially colour
patterns look great on it...
just everything can be printed on cloth,
-also photos etc...

don't think that i am able to print on
t-shirts or pullovers as i am unfortu-
natly not able to do that, just on cloth
in 3 different sizes...
if you need it bigger, then you have to
ask if it is possible and we'll make a
price for that...
before i give you the prices i'll say
that you will immidiately get the cloth
when it's ready...

          prices for one piece:

size: B/W price:       COLOUR price:

a-5    7.5dm/5dolloar  10.0dm/ 7.5dollar
a-4   10.0dm/7.5dollar 12.5dm/10.0dollar
a-3   12.5dm/10dollar  15.0dm/12.5dollar

all prices are inclusive surcharge !!!
if you want bigger sizes,then just write
and we'll make a price...

i hope you understand that non-germans
have to pay more but notice that also
the surcharge is higher...
also if you want extremly much then it
will take a few more days to finnish,but
you will get it as fast as possible.
which is maximal 10-15 days...

also notice that you firstly have to pay
'cause the risk for me is to big !!!

if you want to buy an extremly cool
piece of cloth (remember that everything
can be printed like photos, paper-art
posters, covers etc...) then send a
pattern (or more), the money to the
following addy (send without money won't
be answered, so don't try it !!!)
you can read on the following addy:
(believe me that you'll get the cloth+
everything else you send back !!!)

        andre(as) of antic/oxyron

                 or call

     for further info after 5pm/cet:

you can also write to this addy for:

           hot legal swapping
          tool/utility swapping
        pagefox gfx/char swapping
           graphics and music
         the antic/oxyron mag(s)
     buying all kinds of printworks
   a cool new friend and long letters

especially contact with composers wished
     100 percent reply to discs !!!

 hello outta there,

this is just MR.BRAIN OF ACCURACY typing
a note for you!yeah,the aim of this note
is that i am searching for some old game
s and i want your help.if you have some
of the games below,please contact with
me! now the games i'm searching:

 1-sinbad(cinemaware)            i
 3-raid over moscow              w
 4-indiana jones 1               a
 5-battle of britain             n
 6-maniac mansion(%100)          t
 7-elvira 1-2(english versions)
 8-western games                 t
 9-caveman ughlympics            h
10-u.s.s. john young             e
11-war in middle earth           m
12-superman"man of steel"
13-typhoon of steel              a
14-ultima series                 l

yeah,that's it!only 14 games.i hope you
will help me.also you can try my address
for a cool swap:

MR.BRAIN/ACCURACY  (write'em truely!)

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   -%100 back on disk
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   -friendship swap
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   -all acy releases

i'm waiting your help.if you help me,
i'll send my best wishes with my friend-
ship.of course it's possible to get a
surprise gift from me.if you are inte-
rested in helping me then send me your
game list.not only for game-swap,you can
send me everything!!! just do it and
contact with me,i'll send you the latest
acy warez! i PROMISE to %100 send back
cos i need more contacts!
i'm waiting your help!

                       MR.BRAIN is off..

             Howdy hackers!

 This note is ment for all you so-called
 MEGASWAPPERS... so if you are claiming
   to be one of that kind, then please
  lean back and take your time to check
       out this note carefully...

 Before starting to explain what I want,
    let me first introduce myself...
I'm Matt of the WOW and as you all know,
  or you don't know, I'm one of the two
    chief-editors of the diskmagazine
  INTERNAL: The Next Generation, and I
       have a request to you all..

  I just want you to send me your full
 list of your contacts, as we (Einstein
  and me) decided to make a chapter for
Internal which shall print ALL the names
  of ALL the dudes who are involved in
 the C64-scene. And therefor we thought
   it would be a neat idea to ask the
  megaswappers for their contactlists,
  because they are in the best position
 to know how many and which dudes are in
    the scene. So, it's quite simple:
  And I already want to say now: Thanks
   in advance to all dudes who want to
 help me... Let me say that all the guys
  who helped us with this project will
  be thanked, greeted and mentioned in
      the issue which will show you
 (hopefully) all the names of ALL dudes!

         Send all your lists to:



nerds are looking for more members! - if
u're interested and u're a very active
code,cracker,musician or grafician then
send a letter to :

              POISON/NERDS        s
                                a w
             XXXXXXXXXXXXXX     l a
             XXXXXXXXXXXXXX     s p
             XXXXXXXXXXXXXX     o p
             XXXXXXXXXXXXXX       i
             XXXXXXXXXXXXXX     4 n

there will be a party in kristiansand
(norway)on 30/7(or 31/7 dunno) - 1/8 in
1993.this will be an amiga party,but
there'll be some c-64 aswell,write to


for more info..addy in contact-chapter..
          be there or be square

i haven't heard frome following dudes
for along time (or ever)

              micke/clique !
             prophet/starion !
              rune/hoaxers !
           count zero/x-rated
         bitnapper/comic pirates !
              calt/graffity !
          bordeaux/acrise/shine !
               tech/triad !
               anarchy/rsi !

      ! = never heard from this one

if some of you see this then please send
back (even if you don't wanna swap)

 i know i have sent for all these dudes

               see ya           BIZ KID
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