Domination 01 ch14 The Summary

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Revision as of 02:51, 28 July 2007

The Summary

Finally it has been finished, after many hours of key pressing on this old computer I'm satisfied at last. With the next issue I hope to get a bigger help out with the staff and recruit some talented sceners to help me with this mag. Some more exclusives such as interviews with some big names. If you wanna do some gfx or music for Domination this is the format:

- music speed: any, length: 1000-2400 - gfx: obviously two 16 colour logos for the text displayer and main menu with the mag name. Intro pages are very welcome; any gfx format, such as FLI, Super FLI interlace, Bitmap etc.

With more support and help I hope to make this mag popular, I fully understand by releasing this that I am automatically put in competition with leading magazines such as The Pulse, Revealed, Reformation and Vandalism News. But my goal is the satisfaction of the reader and an up-to-date nice presented mag that serves as the latest gossip for the pure c64 enthusiast. I hope you all enjoyed this issue and wait for the next one in two months time, stay tuned.


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