Mamba 15 ch08 Different Things alt1

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Latest revision as of 21:33, 5 July 2007

  different things

  oh well, this is really an occasion
  to celebrate (at least for us person-

  the first-ever dude from the ex-gdr
  wrote to us, since mamba< exists.
  and we have waited 15 long months for
  a letter from 'overthere' !

 a big special thanx to you, christian!

  'boss & co' is the name of the first
  ex-gdr group i've ever heard of.

  the group comes from 'dresden', and
  also had some news for us, that is
  an announce of the first copy-party
  ever in the eastern parts of germany!

  the party will take place on the 16th
  of february 1991, beginning is
  10 o'clock am !

  the party is held in dresden, if you
  come by train, leave it at dresden
  main station. now take the tram #9
  (in front of the main station!)

  and leave the tram at station 'wasa-
  platz' and ask for the 47th school !

  bring your compy along with you !

  ok, here are the facts again...

  date: 16.02.91
  place: 47th school, gostritzer str.19
         o-8020 dresden - germany
  time: 10 am to ?? am
  entrance fee : 2 german mark

  * food and drinks available at the
    party place

  you all should know that whenever you
  call a board by using at&t, the board
  number will show up on the at&t bill
  that the legal at&t-owner receives.

  the i+t headquarter warez castle is
  besides a few other boards a
  spotlight for europeans using illegal
  at&t calling cards.

  now here is a letter which the sysop
  of the warez castle received from
  at&t !
  special thanks to crumbsucker to make
  this letter available to us (all).

  'dear mr. xxxxx (warez king)

   we have been unsuccessful in trying
   to reach you by telephone to discuss
   internation telephone calls that
   have been received at your telephone
   number (XXXXXXXXXXXX) from (XXXXXXX)

   at&t investigators have determined
   that these calls were places with an
   an authorized calling card.
   acceptance of these calls at your
   number may result in financial and
   legal liability on your part.

  this letter serves as a notification
  that upon its reciept and from that
  date forward you will be held
  responsible for charges of this

  ok, just some additional words...

  warez king got this letter about 2
  months ago, and since that he didn't
  hear anything else from at&t.

  apparently warez king won't react on
  this letter as it's outside of any
  validity anyway.

  ok, here's another of those board-
  reviews, it might be the last one,
  we are not sure...

  board  : mystic cavern
  group  : censor
  sysop  : sorceress & sorcerer

  the sysop's are running the board for
  about 2 years now. it has been the
  headquarter for extasy, censor and
  culture. the sysops decided not to
  stay with extasy for some reason...

  culture just split up, the board is
  only censor hq now.

  the board is running cbase 2.0, also
  containing online games like empire..

  the board has three subboards...
  general, warez and magazine, in which
  the lastest group news and other
  gossip is posted.
  everyone posts every call, if the
  callers don't, the sysops remind them
  only once.

  the transfer-section is based on a
  12.5 megs hardrive.

  four drives are available (for the
  normal users), three for new wares,
  one for oldies/requests.

  the board got about 100 users, half
  of them europeans. the board gets
  about 20-25 call per day.

  about 35% of all users got unlimited

  about my question why they decided to
  put up a board...
  'when i know, i'll let you know...
   it's in our blood!'

  and some additional words from the
  sysops about themselves...

  '...we both used to call a galacticom
   system, after talking for a while
   we exchanged pictures and soon after
   that we met. so we have been
   together since then and running the
   board together is cool!!'


  users              78%
  speed              80%
  sysop's character  84%
  subboards/posts    60%


  ok, only a few words...
  the board is really worth to be on,
  the only thing i dislike is, that
  everybody is forced to post every

  call. that explains my low valuation
  for the subboards, which are actually
  quite good,but only under compulsion.

  please note that the final judgement
  is the editor's own biased opinion.
  other users might have a total
  different opinion about all mentioned

  well, everybody who is calling out
  knows that problem...the line is
  busy ! now we've got an interesting
  letter from a guy in holland how to
  solve that problem...

  'i was just reading your board review
  and then i thought of a cool idea.
  if all usa dudes upload their stuff
  to a major board in europe (i mean
  all big groups in usa like nec,dmx,
  random,tsm etc) if they just upload
  it on 12 or 13 different phonelines,
  then every euro-dude can download new
  stuff on 12/13 empty phonelines (the
  other 12/13 are busy).

  the same we do in the usa. we upload
  eurostuff to their major board with
  also 12/13 phones and they can down-
  load our eurostuff. so we don't have
  got the problem with dialing to the
  usa. and if one dude want to show his
  cracks on an us-board, then he just
  dials the number of the euro major
  board. so i think this can be written
  in mamba. maybe my idea could be the
  solution.  '

  (ed. maybe...)

  ok, so far the letter from sensei !
  thanx, dude, you really had an
  astonishing idea ! if you ever have
  such a brilliant idea again, then
  simply write to us, because we just
  have to fill our magazine with some-
  thing !

      write to

  ok, a last word in this sub is
  dedicaded to omg/antichrist...
  ...and to any other person who tried/
  tries to quarrel (hi bandit)

  we just wanted to point out that we
  don't have to stand for cheap
  accusations which are based on
  rumours/lies anyway !

  this is the reason why we seldom
  reacted on those offends...we only
  made a fool of those people by using
  veiled (more or less) hints, but
  never by abusing this magazine !!

  if you want to see us giving our
  opinion on these things in detail
  then just write a personal letter
  to the mamba<-box or call/contact any
  (ex) crazy-member !

       mamba< staff/(ex-) crazy staff

  ...but, then don't forget to add
  some facts to your argumentation...

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