Mamba 24 ch05 Different Things

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          the different things

  the success and dominators party,
  held in germany in dec 91.

  packed to be fact, by gotcha

  video reviews by deltar of tsm

  some announces...

  the success & dominators x-mas party

  quite some confusion about this
  party because when success announced
  details about the party, the dom-
  members didn't seem to know anything
  about their involvement.

  later it was found out that 3dk of
  dom germany gave his agreement to
  organize the party as dom germany and

       here the details...

  the party is held for the c64 and
  the amiga.

  it will take place on the 13th, 14th
  and 15th of december 1991.

  it takes place in europe's longest
  town, called papenburg, in germany,
  that is to find between groningen in
  the netherlands and bremen in germany

  party start is at 05pm on the 13th of

  the entrance fee is 4 german marks,
  eual to ca. $ 2.5

  the party place is a big hall, which
  can held nearly 1200 people.
  this hall is in papenburg's biggest
  sky-scraper, called ems-center.

  in the same building there are also
  many shops like a disco, pizzeria,
  pub etc.

    the exact address is

           2990 papenburg

  the organizers promise a cheap place
  to spend the night at, in a youth
  hostel nearby the party place.

    to book a place in advance
            youth hostel
            kirchstr. 78
            2990 papenburg

        or call +49/4961/2793

  in addition a few modem lines are
  announced to be there, also german
  tv-station will supposedly show up.

  for table-booking or any further
  information write to


          or call XXXXXXXXXX

  a demo competition is said to be held

  packed to be fact

  * if we can believe the rumours about
    the tel0p, then he was the guy in
    texas who ran amok in this cafe,
    where 15 people got killed.
    among the victims have been several
    genesis members. it was stated by
    a witness that the tel0p enterd the
    room with a fast-fire gun and
    shouted out 'why haven't you let me
    join amok!?!?!' when opening the
    fire at the panic filled group...

  * referring to polar-adventurers
    there are strange things going on
    in the icy north. people are re-
    porting on huge ice-masses melting
    and some of the questioned wit-
    nesses stated that a big igloo
    would be the source for all the
    confusion. with the water coming
    south from arctic regions several
    supermarket articles are drifted to
    the coasts...
    people talk about the biggest water
    polution since the existance of
    goldfish/legend... questions about
    the yet never proved to exist yeti
    'gene'haven't been answered so far!

  * statements about nme of dominators
    having sex with his beagle have
    been proved since his son 'jade the
    beagle' already calls the boards...

  * gotcha of cosmos designs bought
    himself a new pack of crayons, so
    he's back in buisness and again
    painting like hell, but don't ex-
    pect any new graphix from him on
    64 since all his digitizers broke.

  * roy of genesis project is no longer
    a nazi since his lady shaver broke,
    he now joined in with peter, the
    mighty 'happy hopping hippies'...

  * tristan of empire got once more in-
    volved in a street fight. this time
    he had even worse injures. it has
    not been for a group of blacks this
    time but a crowd of awful yelling
    house wifes around the 60's who saw
    his scar-face on one of the pic-
    tures shown all over his hometown.
    they say:
    wanted! dead or alive... tristan
    the kid for hacking on a local
    'how to cook my meal - line'.
    reward: one rice-dinner with tbb!

  * rumours say that mr.brownstone got
    billed on his board-line for the
    'huge' ammount of 5.- dollar.
    people wonder if it might have been
    roy calling a gay-sex-line in
    kentucky. the reason why mr.brown-
    stone's line is always busy though
    is that the gays now keep calling
    back, because they thought roy
    would have such a lovely voice and
    as they don't know that roy used
    mr.brownstones line to call them,
    they keep hitting it on there...
    bad luck, jay...

  * wolfgang/dream had a serious acci-
    dent last week. both hands got cut
    when he wanted to grab a piece of
    cake from the ground out of his
    wheel-chair which had just fallen
    down. it is yet not clear why he
    ran over both hands while doing
    this. nevertheless he still calls
    boards and admits that he types
    with his feet.

  * excell renamed himself. if you
    wonder why a well-known person like
    him changes names is simple to be
    explained. after loosing the very
    rest of his brain he's now ex-cell.

  * deltar of tsm started his diet 6
    weeks ago. he's happy that he al-
    ready lost 50 pounds of weight.
    why he started a diet? well, accor-
    ding to himself he got inspired to
    do that because his daughter got
    buddhist lately and was kneeling
    down infront of him to pray...

  * attraction/skid row had his voice
    number changed lately. "i don't
    know what happened but i always got
    calls and people were sending me an
    'adt' " he said (ed.: maybe they
    wanted to log in on a certain
    censor board...)

  * freddy of tritron, also known as
    this 'puppet' who claims to be the
    'master of the universe' had a bad
    crash with his space-ship somewhere
    behind 'pluto' or around...
    but luckily he is back healthy and
    explained, it all was because my
    candle went out as i came into this
    well, titron - a light in universe

  * referring to gene, rooze/discovery
    has a minority complex since he got
    his penis slammed in the door-way.
    that's why he always sets 'the man'
    behind his handle...

  * people who fell ill from this epi-
    demic which suddenly broke out at
    the last venlo meeting are lost!
    doctors speak of an illness sicker
    than aids.a serum against it is yet
    not found. but the source of their
    fate has been defined. it must have
    been powerplant/legend shaking
    hands with them.

  * new mamba hq's are:
    'shaolin the temple'
    'temple of shaolin'
    'shaolinian temple' and
    'the tsm headquarters'...that's all

  * one of the worst plane accidents
    took place last week when a boing
    747 was about to land on new york
    kennedy airport. people stated this
    had to happen and would have fore-
    casted, since spitfire and the
    extremist have been on board.

  * skater stops shock for a while.
    according to him his mother took
    away his computer because he would
    not tell her who made the holes
    into the cheese they had for break-

  * parson, the very well known traitor
    (ed.: he betrays people really?!)
    won a german 'speaking dick
    competition'. the task of the'cum-'
    petitors was to speak as much as
    they could think of. since then he
    can't find his brain anymore, so
    that the price he was about to get
    was spent on retarded childs.
    we like to congratulate antichrist
    and the group he takes care for...
    'his family'...

  * call gene's igloo construction
    line:    XXXXXXXXXX

  * here's a list of some new importing
    groups who hit the scene lately:

    black reign      excalibur
    fag shame        enthusiastic tour
    black lame       extasy pour
    drag pain        extra liquor
    black foreign    exact honour
    back insane      excali-boar!

    already a chapter in itself...

  * rebel of dominators quit the scene
    as he found out about another hobby
    of his: fox hunting with his new

  * all rumours about legend quitting
    the scene have been proven wrong.
    questions to their leaders have
    been answered like: " we will even
    keep on cracking when all mankind
    is wiped out! "

  * mantronix, also known as
    moan-on-dicks has built the 'acf'
    it's aims is to have forbidden
    rice-crispies and other easy to be
    crushed objects...

  * richie of enigma is in hospital.
    we spoke to doctor whorehans who
    has to take care of his injuries
    and he reported to us that he must
    have had a good patron when he hit
    the ground falling off that house.
    richie had worked on the roof as it
    is his job, now he already comes
    back to health,they just amputated
    his head, so he will be back
    cracking real soon...

  * last hot tip: the last pieces of
    gene's igloo are now available.
    make sure that such pieces are rare
    like the berlin wall. buy now!!!
       movie reviews  october 1991

 double impact     columbia pictures

 this should have hit the rest of
 europe by now, but france had it first
 anyway, van damme wrote, produced this
 action film, and has the customary sex
 and fight scenes in it...
 about 1965 two developers manage to
 finish a tunnel in hong kong. after a
 dedication ceremony the two leave in
 seperate cars. one is followed, which
 has the twin sons, back to the estate
 of the developer paul wagner. wagner &
 his wife are killed. a nanny takes (+)
 one of the boys to an orphanage. the
 other developer manages to escape with
 the other. -cut- twenty-five years
 later...both boys are grown and as you
 can imagine they are brought together
 to avenge their parents murder as well
 as reclaim their inheritance. the love
 interest is tossed in for relief, also
 the standard extended fight scenes...

 if you like action, it's in this. the
 story has merit, but overworked. bro
 meets bro, distrust, then compatible.
 nahhhh, time for a different twist...

 rating? a well rounded 75% good scenes
         good filming              (+)
 hearts of darkness:a filmmakers

 this offereing is shown on showtime, a
 cable channel. it documents the making
 of 'apocalypse now'. several feet of
 outtakes compromise this critter. i
 especially liked seeing dennis hopper
 blow his lines and not give a damn.
 brando was at his weightiest at this
 time, and it took its toll on him as
 well as coppolla. martin sheen nearly
 bought the farm with a heart attack
 during the filming. coppolla and sheen
 both persevered and continued...
 well worth the viewing if the chance
 arises...  rating 80%             (+)
 there must be something about my being
 able to see freddy's dead. i've tried
 three times to get to it and each time
 my continental has decided to belly up
 on me. so, until the mighty lincoln
 gets its spirit back, i'm gonna hafta
 wait on this flick...

 things to come this fall...

 house party 2 : yep kid 'n play are at
                 it again, only this is
                 at college level...
 freejack      : emilio estevez goes in
                 for sci-fi! huh?! (+)
 the fisher king :snuck in and watched
                  a bit of this. robin
                  williams is deranged
                  but likeable...
 other peoples money : danny de vito is
                  the '90s fairbanks. i
                  see more of de vito
                  in parts like this!
 ricochet : john lithgow wants to exact
            revenge on man that nailed
            him years ago. c'mon, new
            storyline puh-leaaasseeee!!
 late for dinner : semi-rude awakening
                   but without cheech.
                   looks interesting &
                   touching. we'll see.
 there are more, but why use them all
 up in one shot, gotta leave ya with a
 cliffhanger of some sort, don't i?
 worked for 'dallas' for years...

 i absolutely refuse to even look at
 ernest scared stupid! halloween or not
 i will not step foot in the theatre!!!

 if i'm not mistaken elvira is the
 spokesperson once again for either bud
 or coors light...gotta see a couple,
 errr, points of interest on that!!!!

 good luck brian...   deltar/tsm< [rtn]

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