Mamba 17 ch04 The Interviews

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  the interviews

  this time we made rockstar of extasy
  and xxx of talent telling us a little
  bit about themselves...

  first interview made by fletch,
  second one by bod...


   m : mamba

   r : rockstar


  m : hi rockstar

  r : hi.

  (ed. great opening eh?)

  m : tell us something about yourself

  r : well, i'm 20 years old, 190cm
      tall and i live in finland.

  m : in which group have you been in
      before and what is your job in

  r : i have been in byterapers, contex
      fairlight and finally extasy.
      and my job is cracking, coding
      and some modem-trading. in that
      particular order.

  m : what do you think about the scene

  r : well it is getting more and more
      boring, the 64 scene certainly
      lacks wares compared to amiga
      for instance. but still i prefer
      the 64, it's not so much about
      making money and all that.
      otherwise, the european scene is
      pretty much the way it has always
      been forming around 90% of the
      scene. the american scene has
      turned into shit, if it hasn't
      allways been that. still to many
      assholes who brag about things
      they know nothing about...
  m : what are you favourite...

  r : cracking group : ikari + talent
      single cracker : antitrack
      board          : forum

      movie          : total recall
      music group    : public enemy
      food           : fast food
      drink          : wodka-russian
                 (russian is a mixer..)
      and woman      : laura
                       (ed. palmer??)

  m : if you could change anything in
      the scene today what would the

  r : as many games released as for the
      amiga and boards only 9600bps
      only! haha.. well seriously, i
      just wish that the commie would
      last forever, which it won't. and
      more competent crackers...

  m : what has been your hardest crack
      so far??

  r : hmm.. i don't know really, i
      never failed to crack a
      protection properly. but paperbag
      writer was pretty tough and then
      there was this utility i don't
      remember the name of, protection
      by pure-byte in 1987 i think.
      i can't remember any real hard
      protected games right now. but
      cartridges are really fun to
      crack, i wish there were more...

  m : do you have an amiga and if yes
      what are you doing on it?

  r : i don't have an amiga and i'm not
      planning on getting one. maybe
      a 386 instead. i have lots of
      friends in the amiga scene though
      (incl. my littlebrother..) but
      basicly i don't like what i see
      in the amiga cracking scene.
      people just trying to make big
      bucks by selling games and only
      very few competent crackers.

  m : do you have any future plans???

  r : well in a week my matriculation
      exams will start, when that's
      over, i have about 2 months left
      before i will have to go and do
      my military service! i have no
      idea of what will happen to xtc
      then but it seems my 64 career
      will reach its end then. but
      but actually i don't even care
      that much, i have been in the
      scene long enough to have done
      a lot of things, cracked a lot
      of games, many of them real fast,
      many of them real short. i also
      coded many things i can be proud
      of, made some real from the scene

  r : it's been fun but other things
      in life are just getting more

  m : well since i have to go out in
      in like an hour ill have to leave
      now, so anything you wanna say
      before i go?

  r : just keep up the good work and
      keep both mamba and i+t in the
      top.   bye.

 now we present to our readers the long
 awaited interview with xxx of talent!
 enjoy the interview. m:mamba.. x=xxx!
 m:hi paul, tell all the readers a bit
   about yourself?

 x:well, i am 21 years old! don't work
   with computers! i work as a timber
   machinist and i am fast at getting

 m:how long have you been in the scene?
   and how did your career start?

 x:i've been in the scene about 5/6 yrs
   first of all me and a local lamer
 x:airborne started a small group
   called the nfl(not ths usa group?)
   we started trading with honey/1001
   and sledgehammer/hotline and a local
   group to me called bcs! after a
   while trading sledgehammer asked us
   to join hotline. i was doing all the
   cracking and airborne did not do
   anything. bod joined hotline a while
   after us. i bought myself a 1670
   from sledgehamme. to cut a long
   story short after a while of things
   going ok we had a big argument with
   sledgehammer over who we traded in
   the usa! it was after cracking the
   game aaargh! sledge wanted us to
   trade with asterix but me and darren
 x:wanted to stay with inc. the next
   day we got the game xybots! then we
   decided to quit hotline and form
   talent. sledgehammer found out about
   us quiting after seeing our first
   release 'xybots' we then started to
   crack/release a lot more wares. then
   hotline disintegrated from a good
   group to nothing. this was around
   september 1989. then around xmas 89
   ikari wanted to come back to the
   scene and thats where the legendary
   co-op was started! we were trading
   with inc. then when they decided to
   stop importing we moved between a
   few usa groups until we found tsm!
   that's where we are today!
 m:tell us where you got your handle

 x:well it started a long time ago. one
   day when i was playing space invader
   and i got the hi-score. i decided to
   just place 3 xxx's in there! and it
   has stuck ever since.

 m:what do you think about the scene
   today compared to the scene a year
   or so back?

 x:well, i think it is slowing down
   quite a bit. but since the carts are
   coming out. there is hope for the 64
   there used to be loads of games
 x:released and now there is hardly
   anything. all the programmers have
   gone onto 16bit machine and consoles
   most of the people left coding games
   now are ex-crackers.

 m:have you any regrets about your
   years on the 64?

 x:not really, it is enjoyable and
   challenging to get the cracks out
   first. especially now that the
   cartridges have arrived.

 m:what do you do in your spare time?

 x:i spend most of my time working.
 x:i play a lot of snooker and sleep.
   i also watch quite a few movies.

 m:what are your favourites?
 music:j.m.jarre,hip hop.
 food :it's gotta be pizza.
 drink:pepsi (bleerrrrggghhhh!)
 sport:soccer and snooker.
 game :lemmings and lotus turbo espirit
       on amiga. welltris on 64.
 movie:home alone, kindergarten cop,
       total recall.

 m:now tell me some of the things that
   you dislike?

 x:i dislike getting up early in the
 x:morning, i hate the poll tax.

 m:anyone you would like to greet at
   this point?

 x:all the guys in ikari and talent
   (especially bod), tsm, excell.

 m:any last words?

 x:i must thank mamba for the interview
   and goodbye.

 m:thanx for the interview.
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