Mamba 11 ch02 The Interview

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Latest revision as of 23:16, 29 June 2007

  the interview
  yes, you see right! the interview
  means the singular of the word and
  it is meant as such.
  we are sorry to give you only one
  interview as the european interview
  which should be held in this issue
  with laurens van der donk (flimbo)
  hasn't reached us in time.
  but you will expect it in our one
  year issue (12) next month.
  by the way the us-interview was held
  by pyle/crazy and his interview
  partner is pathfinder of survivors.

  press plus to proceed...


  let's start...

  m: hi dude, tell us something about
     your person.

  p: ok, my real name is deepack and
     i'm 17 years old.
     i'm 6 feet tall, my weight is
     about 210 pounds and i like to
     play football. some time ago i
     used to work in a drug store.

  m: ...and what about your computer

  p: well, i actually have a computer
     since i was 9 years old, but i
     didn't do anything with it till
     1985! in 1985 i got my modem and
     all started.
     one year later, prowl (sysop of
     prowl's place/ils) got me started
     in a bbs and i joined the survi-
     vors. my bbs was up and after 3
     weeks i left the survivors to join
     the old legend -eagle soft inc.-.
     for about six weeks i ran the
     esi-board and it was no.1 in the
     then i helped warez king (sysop
     of the warez castle/ikari/talent)
     with his board to become what it
     is now.
     after a few time i got pissed of
     the whole scene and i stopped for
     2 years!
     but now i'm back to put my bbs up
     it was up for 4 weeks and was al-
     ready in the charts (tunnel of
     wares: XXXXXXXXXXXX).
     then i watched out for the old
     surviver's members and i found
     now,... we decided to rebuild
     the survivors!
  m: nice story, but tell us, why have
     you come back into the scene?

  p: i'm back, coz i enjoy it!
     it's just a habbit!

  m: you have a real astonishing name,
     can you explain how you came up
     to your handle?

  p: mmmh, that's a good one...
     as i was younger, i played ameri-
     can football and i was quaterback,
     so i decided to name myself path-
     finder, coz i would find a path
     to the reciever and throw them the
  m: wierd... now, what do you think
     about the scene nowadays, compared
     to the scene you know, i might say
     the good old scene?

  p: back, then the scene kicked ass!
     now it's hard time for the scene.
     us-releases kicked ass and if you
     remember mitch/esi he kicked ass
     too, but today...?!

  m: well then, what do you think of
     europeans and americans...?

  p: well, yes, i used to know most of
     the cool euro-pirates from former
     times, like tri-dos/ikari,
     chuck and weetibix/scg, but most
     of them either quit or went to
     the euro-pirates of today are
     pretty cool too! (well, i'm talkin
     to you, marcus!).
     as for the americans back then,
     they were all fuckin awsome! like
     wanderer,hitman..., most of them
     did what the euros did, they eitha
     quit or went to amiga, but a few
     are still in the scene and i join
     with 'em.

  m: do you have wishes? what are they?

  p: mmmh.. to go back with my bbs as
     no.1 like it was!

  m: did you ever regret the years of

  p: not really man. i like it!

  m: do you have future plans then?

  p: well, hopefully i kick ass with
     the survivors and to marry my

  m: would you like to greet anybody
     of your friends in this interview?

  p: sure! first of all i wanna greet
     all the coolies in the survivors
     and then a few cool people who
     are not in ts, like prowl (hi!),
     paninaro, hitman, ratnuts, gold-
     fish, warewolf, neon judgement,
     sidearms, anchor, powerplant,
     sequenzer (he made my titlescreen)
     zoolook, x-man, butcher, goblin,
     lkj, magic, krs no.1, skater,
     daniel, illusionist, chovans,
     malibu, warez king, all other
     euros and you of coz, pyle!

  m: i had forgotten to ask you some
     more things, if you don't mind
     asking them...
     gimme just your favorites.

  p: movie: goonies!
     music: club- house music
     drink: coke classic
     food:  pasta with a fredo sauce
     others:football (ny-giants rules!)
            and of coz my girl!

  m: and what does your sparetime look

  p: i work out, going out with my girl
     and hanging out with my friends.
  m: ok, deepack, thanx for the inter-
     view, see ya pal...

  p: you are welcome, my pleasure!

           *        *   *
              *   *

  the only thing left to say is: return
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