Mamba 09 ch03 Reports

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Latest revision as of 02:07, 29 June 2007

 there will be a party organized by the
 editor(s) of action news.
 if you have any questions how to get
 there or if you want to bring your
 computer along with you, then contact:
 the price for entry will be 5 dm and
 there will be a demo competition.
 remember that it is a legal party! the
 party will be held on 22nd of july and
 you can buy something to eat and drink
 the party will start at 1.00 p.m.
 untill 11.00-12.00 p.m.

 we recieved a report concerning about
 phreaking, which might be very inter-
 resting for those people, who are not
 that keen on it. so here we go (report
 by new order! thank you...):

 i wrote this article to give an idea
 to piraters, crackers ect. overseas on
 what phreaking is like in north
 america. you all have read the shockin
 article on carding, how about this? to
 start i'd like to begin with the most
 safest (if any) and the most dangerous
 ways to phreak. there are countless
 ways to phreak in north america. some
 of which are at+t's, dailups, 950's,
 divertors, credit carding, but people
 never really know how safe any of
 these are. to tell you the truth, no
 phreaking method is always full-proof.
 with any phreaking you are taking a
 chance. dangerous phreaking ways:
 blue boxing and boxing in particular
 are the most dangerous ways of
 phreaking in north america. you still
 hear of lame shits using them but i
 can tell you now, blue boxing is just
 asking for a fine. at+t's are in my
 opinion the next dangerous of all. (+)
 it might be surprising to europeans
 that numberous people have been billed
 i myself and about ten other canadians
 have been billed and i have no know-
 ledge of how many americans have been
 billed with them. to put it plainly,
 you never really know for about 3-5
 months if you ever got caught for it
 or not. the company lets you dig your-
 self, they slap you with a 600 dollar
 phone bill! i forgot to mention that
 if you're caught blue boxing, you are
 caught right away.
 the best phreaking ways:
 for the americans who have access to
 950's, i say you guys are damn lucky.
 (canadians don't have access to 950's)
 based on inside information i hear
 that 950's have been the safest method
 so far. 950's are pretty foreign to me
 but what else can i tell you. 950's
 are good dialups, that is if you know
 what you're doing! 1-800 dailups are
 dailups where they can be safe or
 drastically unsafe. with these dailups
 rumors spread like shit and you don't
 know what to believe. for instance the
 dailup: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX is said to be a
 federal dailup in order to catch
 hackers/phreakers. (maybe another seg-
 ment of operation sundevil). i think
 the best way to use 1-800's is to dail
 1-800's from it. better yet dail out
 to a fed dailup and fuck that code to
 pieces! so to conclude 800's, you can
 probably guess which ones are safe and
 which ones are shit. divertors are
 great for calling overseas but never
 ever dial it direct. dial it trought a
 950 or something. if you dial it
 direct you're looking for a kick in
 your bank account and your criminal
 record! good thing is that most
 divertors don't need codes. just hit 9
 and area and number. problem is
 finding the damn things.
 using credit cards for calling out is
 possible but not greatly used in
 north america. cards as high tide
 wrote is carding hardware and

 basically anything you want to buy and
 don't want to pay for.
 carding is tide's department, not mine

 everyday problems with phreaking:

 in this business you never know what
 to believe. rumours spread like shit
 and if you are smart, take some of the
 more realistic ones seriously! some of
 you maybe thinking that a certain
 section in this article is bullshit.
 you are maybe right. things change.
 i have heard that the dialup XXXXXXXXX
 XXXX billed and 950's traced. but you

 have to remember that with any
 phreaking, safe or unsafe, you are
 always taking a chance. be prepared
 tp pay.

 canada and phreaking :

 phreaking is so damn difficult up here
 it's not funny. we don't have 950's,
 we can't reach most american 1800's
 and local dialups are shit here.
 the positive aspect of it is that when
 we find a cool phreaking way or dialup
 we will never get caught. in all the

 days i've been doing this, not one
 single person got busted for dialups,
 and only one person got heavily fined
 fined for using at+t's. 1000 dollars
 to be exact! the reason why we don't
 get burnt is that there are only a few
 good phreakers up there. the lame ones
 get busted for using at+t, because
 they don't know any other ways...

  well, that's about it ! if you
  have any questions about this
  article or phreaking in general call
  my bbs at :  XXXXXXXXXXXX

      that's it...

 uff, it's really tough to print tose
 long articles !

  ok, here we go with some party-
  announces :

  the blasters inc. will organize a
  party in spain at the 21. - 26. of
  july '90 ! you can expect some
  sports-competitions !
  for invitations write to :


   the chromance part in hungary !!!

  the party will take place in hungarys
  capital budapest on the 25-26th of
  august !!

  details :

  - space for 200 men !
  - you need a sleeping bag !
  - huge film screens !
  - c64 and amiga demo-cometition !
  - no danger of cops, because of no
    law against that !

  it is very cheap to live in hungary !

  for example : 1 big mac
                1 big pommes
                1 0,5l coke

  all together 200 forints or 4 dm or
  about 2,5 us-dollars !!

  it costs about 200 forints or 10 dm
  to enter !
    call any of these lines for
    requests :

  report about the luxembourgish scene
  the luxembourgish scene in fact is
  not very expanded. there is only a
  small circle of groups and also
  single crackers in the whole country.
  the fact that many luxembourgish
  freaks have joined to foreign and
  bigger groups contributes to this
  'staying-small-circle' of crackers
  in the luxembourgish scene. some of
  the biggest groups in luxembourg are
  for example: the high society, the
  red lions, the great wizards luxem-
  bourg (tgwl), dame, soft-sector,
  duck-soft, madness and domination
  and crystal. of course there are
  still some others like: hawk in-
  dustries, black silver, all time
  heroes (ath), in the name of the
  rose and blue lightning. but they
  are all rather lame. for five months
  there is a new group now. a group
  with complete girl-occupation. their
  groupname is 'anonym girl' equip
  (age). in my opinion they are really
  great! they have already released
  two mega-demos and a lot of cracks
  in this short period excisting.
  (ed.:why does no body know them yet?)
  but the most important thing is that
  they already have held a party, which
  was held in romelange.
  (ed.:meldet euch sofort bei der
  mamba-redaktion, wenn ihr huebsch
  there were about 115 people who
  showed up there but most of them
  were lame. there was also a demo-
  competition and games like operation
  thunderbolt, dan dare iii, e-motion,
  sonic boom and tie-break were re-
  leased. the first place of the demo-
  competition was won by a belgian guy
  who called himself 'the brain'. the
  party had begun at 2 o'clock in the
  afternoon and ended at 7 o'clock in
  the morning. the computer-action had
  already ended at 11 o'clock, then the
  party turned out to real party with
  great music, hot girls and different
  drinks. age's first party was a great
  success and the number of 115 people
  was a real record for luxembourgish
  conditions. (ed.:if we get no invi-
  tation for the 2. we will publish no
  more articles from luxembourg!!!)
  duck-soft is going to held a party in
  november diz year in wiltz/luxembourg
  everybody is welcomed to this party.
  there'll be a demo-competition and
  lots of other attractions...! (ed.:
  send invitation!) now, i would say
  this was it for the scene i luxem-
  bourg. i hope it was a little bit fun
  for you to read it.
  report: atom of madness & domination
  supplied by deff of crazy, thanx...
  the chaos-energy-copy-meeting...
  partyplace: weltz by innsbruck
  time      : too short
  organizers: chaos c-64
              energy amiga

  saturday, 6th of july, we decided to
  drive to innsbruck some weeks before
  we expected only(!) to get some crax
  on the amiga and some demos on the
  good old 64! 5 hours it took to get
  there in buddy axiom's little nissan.
  (we:cure,deejay,modern bob and me,
  gotcha of crazy and lotus).
  the party-place itself was hard to
  find, these damn streets in austria
  and those irritating signs have lead
  us often wrong in the little village
  weltz. but we arrived (as the last)
  at the hotel where the meeting was
  held. strange, but there were only
  about 60-70 people, actually i did
  not count them, but i think i'm right
  anyway, i decided to enter first, or
  better was pushed by these damn
  lotus-lamers and was caught up by a
  heavy-metal-lookin' organizer who
  wanted me to pay for the entrance.
  the price was shockin', i don't know
  how much he took, but my remaining
  money was just enuff to go for beer
  and eat a cheap pizza...
  i hate heavy's!!!
  anyway the meeting was going really
  slow and 64-demos,... forget it.
  ah, yes the preview for a soon coming
  chaos demo was worth to be mentioned,
  but nothing else.
  so we decided to reach for the pub
  that was in the same house only one
  room beside. thanx god they took ger-
  man money!
  i met some old friends like att of
  cosmos, hannes and panther of cosmos
  design and learned to know some cool
  buddys like big ben, floyd, marc of
  subway (cool mag!), negative of chaos
  and alot more i cannot remember...
  later there was some trouble, cause
  the key to a vine-vitrine was stolen
  and the owner threaned to finnish the
  party immidiately if the thieve would
  keep this damn key...
  what else, it was found, the thieve
  of course not and the meeting went
  on. at it's end, somewhere around
  3 or 4 o'clock all local guys decided
  to go home, some had taken a room in
  the hotel for the night like cosmos
  designers did, but poor c+lt didn't
  have enough money...
  but luckily awsome who just joined
  lotus and who had made it to the par-
  ty too invited our whole gang to stay
  at his place, promising it would be
  he,he,he, what a crazy guy they took
  in lotus, i'm not saying anything a-
  gainst him, no,no, he is cool but we
  had to follow his car in the middle
  of the night, we were sleepy and i
  wanted to reach for a bed soon.
  but ralley monte carlo was nothing
  compared to our midnight race. and
  after one hour of high-speed-indica-
  tor-searching-eye-stress we managed
  to reach his home in the middle of a
  forest somewhere in austria...
  at this night little gotcha slept
  very well and dreamed of better mee-
  tinx like this one, looking forward
  to venlo,
               yours gotcha of crazy
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