Skyhigh 13 ch09 About Fanta

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        about fanta of plush/aps

welcome to another interview from the
scene. this time i bring ya an interview
with one of the new but already well-
known composers: fanta!

          but read for yourself

 ? skyhigh
 ! fanta/plush/aps

  yo fanta.
  first of all thanx for sharing your
  personality with the rest of us.
  -but let's get started the boring way!

? please tell us your handle and group.

! hello jesper! my handle is fanta and
  i'm in plush and art project studios
  (game producing group). but hopefully
  i will join a music label soon. i do
  some musics for the game label bad
  bytes entertainment software, too.

? and your real name ?

! i don't know it exactly. but i always
  wonder why all people call me
  alexander rotzsch. it's really
  confusing, isn't it?

? when were you delivered to the earth?

! i was born on the 1st of august in
  1977 at 15.35 in the biggest scene
  city on world (i think) called

? ok that was the most important things.
  but pleaz give us a small introduction
  of yourself.
  (personal facts : hight - hair colour
                    eye colour - glasses
  sparetime, other interests, job/school
  hobbies and so on!!)

! well, i'm 17 years young, 1,87 high,
  my wight is about 73 kg, i got black
  hairs, blue eyes and i don't need
  classes. i just began an education as
  motor mechanic and therefore i
  won't have so much time for computing
  left anymore. but i try to be as activ
  as possible! my hobby no.1 is of
  course football! i played about 4
  years football (goalkeeper), but at
  the moment i make a little break. i go
  to every home game from dynamo
  dresden. i also like to play table
  tennis or volleyball and watching tv.
  furthermore i collect beermates and
  all bmw-stuff!

? for how long have you been into the 64
  scene. or in other words : please tell
  us when you entered the world of the
  commodore 64 - and it's scene?

! it all began in july'91. at this time
  i got my c64 with 1541 ii and as the
  most of the beginners i played some
  games. later i also got some pd stuff
  with demos and similar things.
  especially i was impressed of all the
  cool musics and i decided to get in
  this scene, too. i made my first (and
  very bad) music on 1st of june'93. so
  i'm about 1 year and 3 months in the
  scene. not much, but anyway...

? in which groups have you been before?

! my first group was maitec. then i
  joined crossline as second group.
  when maitec died, crossline was my
  first group. but as crossline was very
  lazy i joined plush as second group.
  later on crossline got lazier and
  lazier so that i decided to left them.
  some weeks ago i joined the game label
  art project studios and i also do some
  musics for bad bytes entertainment
  software. but i don't want to bore you
  with this stuff anymore...

? your handle fanta!
  is there a special story to it?
  please tell how you got it!

! hmmm, i'm a really hardcore fanta
  boozer! that's why i gave me this

? wauh what a surprise!! he-he
  what is your memberstatus and job in
  your current group ?

! the current memberstatus of plush is:

  map            - lead, code
  mip            - gfx
  tecmo          - code
  seba           - gfx, swap
  caprice design - gfx, swap
  honk           - ideas, swap
  fanta          - music, swap
  cosowi         - music
  gangstar       - music
  the free man   - code, swap

  the current memberstatus of art
  project studios is:

  dj bobo       - gfx, code
  mistadobalina - code
  quiss         - code
  sonic         - code, gfx
  pvcf          - music
  half-elf      - gfx
  smiling guru  - code
  fanta         - music, swap

  i'm mainly a musician. but i do some
  little swapping, too.

        tell us about your faves!

? what do you prefer to eat?

! fast food, although it isn't good for
  the health.

? and what do you like to drink?

! guess what?  (could it be coke? -ed!)

? to what music do you listen?

! i prefer trance, ambient and music
  with good melodies!

? your favourite girl(s)?

! anna nicole smith is cool. but the
  most important think of a girl is
  of course the character.

? what movie was the coolest you ever

! otto rules!!!

? and your c64 favourites

     demogroup : camelot, crest

     crackergr.: -

     coder     : crossbow, druid, raz

     magazine  : skyhigh, ing.brain

     composer  : the syndrom, pri, jeff
                 scortia, metal, laxity
                 drax, deek, shark
                 and so on..

     grafixer  : electric, rob, ivan,
                 fazee, earthquake,

     cover des.: electric, duce, fx,
                 earthquake, mr.friese

     sceneland : poland, denmark,
                 holland, sweden,

     demo      : unpleasant ways to die

     game      : soccermaster

? and last :
  your favourite friend(s) in the scene

! i don't want to name a favourite one,
  because all are cool.

? yeah a whole lot of things you liked.
  but what about things you dislike!

  is there any particulary phenomena or
  mayby dudes you do not like in the
  scene. give us the story!!

! i try to avoid wars and all such crap,
  because it's senseless and childish!
  but i dislike dudes which claims to be
  the greatest or dudes which everywhere
  write "vote for me" down and have only
  the charts in mind.

? what is your plans for the future ?
  both in the scene and in private !

! at the moment i want to complete my
  education, make my driving licence and
  hit the german lotto jackpot (hehe).
  in the scene i try to be activ and
  make some fine musics in the future.
  just wait...

? the c64 scene unfortunately can't live
  forever !
  when it dies (in a lot of years!!)
  what will you then do?
  jump to the (l)amiga or pc, or simply
  quit the entire compy-scene?

! as long as there is a c64 scene i will
  stay on this machine, that's for sure!
  but in case the c64 scene dies, what
  will not happen in the near future,
  because there are still many freaks
  left, i will think about buying a pc.

? people often talk about a lamer.
  but what is a lamer?. please give me
  your definition !

! well, a lamer is a guy who does uncool
  things, for example diskstealing, talk
  shit about others or cheat votesheets.
  he does things which destroyes the
  scene. that's my opinion about this!

           about your contacts

? do ya have a lot of contacts ?
  (how many - name a few.)

! i have about 40 contacts, and that's
  enough for me! i will name them later.

? do you prefer legal stuff or cracks
  from your contacts.?

! i prefer legal stuff! but i also like
  to get a good game now and then.
  by the way, a short message to all you
  crackers outthere: it's nearly
  impossible for the game companys to
  sell their games, if you crack, spread
  and release them as fast as possible!!
  so don't wonder about the lack of good
  games on this machine and don't wonder
  about the dying c64 scene, too!

? do you use cheated stamps ?

! not anymore! in the past time i
  cheated my stamps.

? why not?

! because i don't want to get trouble
  with the post or the police!

? magazines! some people say there's too
  many - some say there's not!!
  what do you think?

! for sure there are too many! nobody
  are able to read them all. and there
  are too less quality magazines.
  the best thing for the scene would be
  a supermag, where the outfit and
  chapters are created by several
  groups. the mag should be released
  every month and spreaded to every
  scener. everybody fills a votesheet,
  month by month, and we would have the
  most objective charts, the hottest
  news, tons of addys and lots of
  interesting articles. what do you
  think about this, jesper?

! well to be honest then i don't think
  this is possible!! i know how hard it
  can be to get the chapters in time for
  skyhigh. (and that's only from oxyron
  members!!) so don't tell me it will be
  easier withmore groups!!
  and who should do the last touch up on
  the mag before it's released ? somehow
  they can manipulate a bit if they want
  to.. no i don't think it's such a good
  idea after all!!!!
  i would prefer if the editors (not all
  editors ofcoz - but some of them!)
  spend more time perfecting the mag,
  before releasing it. otherwise i think
  they should leave it!!!

  ok back to the interview. we were talk
  ing about magazines!
  they for one thing sure keep the scene
  alive, but what about demos?
  what do you think about the quality of
  the demos produced nowadays?

! there is no doubt. the demos get
  better and better and it's amazing to
  compare demos from the 80'ers with
  demos from 1993/94!

? what is your advice to all the demo -
  producing groups, concerning their
  future productions?

! make good styled and funny demos!
  and why don't ya code some nice games
  now and then? the best coders on c64
  are for sure demo coders, so you could
  take over some nice demo effects in
  your games. try it!

? if you had the opportunity to build up
  a new group - which persons would you
  like to join ?

! coders       : crossbow

  musicians    : p.r.i., scortia

  gfx'ers      : rob, electric

  swappers     : acidchild

  modemtraders : -

  others       : biz kid as mag editor
                 (no ass licking!)


? what do you say when i say :

  group      : group!

  coca cola  : fanta!

  friendship : most important thing!

  c-64       : legend!

  amiga      : record company in ex-gdr!

  girls      : vital!

  beers      : fanta!

  magazines  : letters'n numbers!

  groupwars  : senseless!

  sex        : vital!

  parties    : hope to be on the genesis
               or camelot party this

  interviews : it's my first one!

  and last 'skyhigh' : it's my favourite
  mag, because there is a good mixture
  of text, music, gfx and outfit!

? yo we are getting closer to the end

  i'll hereby give you the word to say
  what's on your mind.
  the word is free !

! to all ya votesheet fillers out there.
  many mag editors have said it before,
  but i will remember you once more:
  we want monthly charts and no all time
  charts in the mags, so stop voting for
  inactive groups'n guys like blackmail,
  hein holt, jeroen tel and so on and
  give the newcomers & quality/quantity
  producing groups/dudes a chance. think
  before filling a votesheet!

? if there's some guys you want to greet
  or give a special message then why not
  use the opportunity right here?

! as always some 1,5 litre fanta bottles
  fly to biz, the syndrom, acidchild,
  happymaker, warp 8, pvcf, earthquake,
  zorc, pandaco, mr.friese, amadeus,
  snooze, mr.perfect, volunteer, b.i.o.,
  prof.megabyte, baertram, little john,
  scare, dr.kaos, bitbreaker, sinister,
  joker, p.r.i., garth, druid, hitman,
  anesthesia, t.m.g., fireball, all my
  groupmates and the rest of the scene!

? yeah that's it..
  we reached the end of this interview.
  so i better let you of the hook for

  i'll end by thanking you for taking
  the time to help me with this.

  i hope you'll stick to this beautiful
  scene for a long time!
  have a cool time in the future.

  thanx homeboy!!

! thanks alot for interviewing me!
  stay as friendly as you are and i wish
  you much luck for skyhigh in the

  do you need some kicking musics and
  jingles for your games or other
  projects? then simply get in contact
  with me, denn fanta ist doch fuer alle


  please don't write only for normal
  swapping! thanks, ciao & bye bye...

   that's it for now! - so better load
          another chapter now!!

                                BIZ KID
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