Skyhigh 10 ch08 The Charts

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Latest revision as of 17:01, 25 June 2007

               the charts

         the charts february '94

welcome to the most liked chapter in a
mag 'THE CHARTS'. this time for the 1st
time done by scrapper/oxyron.
as first i would say, try to fill out
all places for each cathegory. as i be-
gan to count the sheets i saw that many
of you vote for one group/guy in a cath-
egory where you should vote for ten.
i think it's unfair if you vote just for
one group/guy. so try to fill out some
more places next time.
but now let us start with the most liked
demogroups in february.

  most liked demogroups in skyhigh #10

pos  groupname                 pts  last
 1.  CREST ................... 573  (01)
 2.  CENSOR .................. 490  (02)
 3.  TRIAD ................... 373  (03)
 4.  camelot ................. 340  (06)
 5.  topaz beerline .......... 292  (04)
 6.  antic productions ....... 252  (10)
 7.  fairlight ............... 244  (05)
 8.  taboo ................... 233  (09)
 9.  focus ................... 189  (11)
 10. noice ................... 186  (08)
 11. flash inc. .............. 169  (07)
 12. visual reality .......... 143  (12)
 13. light ................... 137  (--)
 14. origo ................... 116  (13)
 15. elysium .................  99  (14)
 16. cadgers .................  54  (16)
     charged .................  54  (24)
     blackmail ...............  54  (--)
 19  beyond force ............  50  (17)
 20  padua ...................  47  (20)
 21  fatum ...................  45  (18)
 22  extend ..................  43  (28)
 23  offence .................  41  (--)
 25  spirit ..................  39  (18)

the top 3 is the same as in the last is-
sue. ANTIC comes with big steps closer
to the top 5. focus entered the top 10
at place 9. as FLASH INC. is very unac-
tiv they falled out of the top ten. the
last i would comment is SPIRIT,they lost
some places. but i think next issue they
will climb up to the top.
but now no more crap lets go over to the

  most liked crackergroups in february

pos  groupname                 pts  last
 1.  RED SECTOR INC. ......... 232  (02)
 2.  SUCCESS ................. 228  (01)
 3.  ILLUSION ................ 101  (03)
 4.  chromance ...............  80  (06)
 5.  alpha-flight '70 ........  77  (10)
 6.  trance ..................  60  (16)
 7.  excess ..................  53  (10)
 8.  legend ..................  51  (04)
 9.  triad ...................  50  (05)
 10. the ruling company ......  39  (12)
 11. epic ....................  27  (09)
 12. talent ..................  26  (08)
 13. avantgarde ..............  21  (--)
 14. atlantis ................  18  (--)
     amnesia .................  18  (13)
     fairlight ...............  18  (07)
 17. rebels ..................  13  (17)
 18. vision ..................  11  (--)
 19. extacy ..................  10  (14)
     dytec ...................  10  (--)
 21. vagabonds ...............   7  (18)
     digital design ..........   7  (--)
     wow .....................   7  (--)
 24. sacred ..................   6  (--)
 25. f4cg ....................   5  (18)

well, RSI entered the first place, but
as they are dead now, SUCCESS maybe re-
entered the 1st place next issue (look
at the points). alpha-flight, trance and
excess jumped some places up and kicked
legend and triad down to place 8 and 9.
the highest new entry was done this time
by the dudes in AVANTGARDE. some more
groups entered or re-entered the charts
this month. don't vote for dead groups!!

  most liked graficians in skyhigh #10

pos  name       /group         pts  last
 1.  CREEPER    /antic ....... 232  (02)
 2.  ELECTRIC   /extend ...... 229  (01)
 3.  JOE        /wrath design. 161  (03)
 4.  ogami      /fairlight ... 134  (04)
 5.  hein holt  /focus .......  87  (06)
 6.  cruise     /elysium .....  82  (05)
 7.  dragon     /censor ......  48  (08)
     rob (wave) /camelot .....  48  (07)
 9.  death      /topaz b. ....  40  (10)
 10. mirage     /focus .......  38  (09)
 11. atte       /extend ......  36  (13)
 12. ans        /spirit ......  28  (16)
 13. dane       /triad .......  25  (11)
 14. carrion    /elysium .....  23  (11)
 15. d'arc      /topaz b. ....  19  (15)
     bizzmo     /crest .......  19  (19)
 17. compyx     /focus .......  17  (18)
 18. redstar    /octabits.....  16  (--)
 19. smd        /motiv 8 .....  14  (--)
 20. sander     /focus .......  13  (14)
 21. sensei     /censor ......  12  (--)
 22. cronos     /.............  11  (23)
 23. luka       /excess ......   9  (16)
 24. calypso    /amnesia .....   7  (21)
 25. scope      /genesis p. ..   4  (26)

CREEPER dropped ELECTRIC from the top
spot, but with 3 points more only.
REDSTAR re-entered this time the charts
as highest new entry. some more entered
the charts, too. it seems to me that
focus is a gfx-lable, coz 4 dudes are in
here this month. now let's go over to...

    most liked coders in skyhigh #10

pos  name      /group          pts  last
 1.  CROSSBOW  /crest ........ 171  (01)
 2.  ZODIAC    /flash inc. ... 112  (02)
 3.  BOB       /censor .......  83  (03)
 4.  d'arc     /topaz beerline  64  (04)
 5.  flamingo  /light ........  44  (07)
 6.  kingfisher/triad ........  41  (14)
 7.  mms       /taboo ........  39  (08)
 8.  hcl       /censor .......  32  (11)
 9.  tron      /fairlight ....  28  (05)
 10. walt      /visual reality  27  (13)
     glasnost  /camelot ......  27  (06)
 12. slammer   /camelot ......  25  (--)
 13. brush     /elysium ......  20  (14)
 14. raz       /camelot ......  17  (--)
 15. bx        /origo ........  16  (16)
     x-byte    /focus ........  16  (--)
 17. maduplec  /crest ........  14  (09)
     yup       /offence ......  14  (16)
     unifier   /spirit .......  14  (19)
 20. swoffa    /noice ........  11  (12)
     clarence  /cadgers ......  11  (22)
 22. giorgio a./tsr ..........  10  (--)
     grabowsky /graffity......  10  (30)

no changes at the top. but kingfisher is
comming up from place 14 to 6. HCL en-
tered the top ten for the first time.
glasnost/camelot goes down after relea-
sing nothing since ages. but another
dude of camelot called: SLAMMER entered
the charts as highest new entry at place
12. i think he will raise the charts in
the comming month. raz/camelot, x-byte
of focus and giorgio armani/tsr entered
the charts, too.

   most liked composer in skyhigh #10

pos  name       /group         pts  last
 1.  THE SYNDROM/tia/crest.... 182  (01)
 2.  JEROEN TEL /phyzics ..... 138  (02)
 3.  DANKO      /censor ......  79  (04)
 4.  a-man      /legend ......  75  (06)
 5.  drax       /vibr./crest .  61  (03)
 6.  jeff       /camelot .....  52  (14)
 7.  zyron      /antic .......  49  (08)
 8.  tdm        /triad........  48  (10)
 9.  compod     /charged .....  45  (09)
 10. jch        /vibrants ....  40  (14)
 11. jvd        /focus .......  39  (--)
 12. brian      /tia/graffity   31  (21)
 13. dos        /spirit ......  30  (07)
 14. red devil  /fairlight ...  28  (12)
 15. guy shavitt/sid chip scr.  27  (--)
     edwin v. s./20cc ........  27  (16)
 17. reyn o.    /.............  25  (10)
 18. moon       /flash inc. ..  23  (19)
 19. cane       /spirit ......  22  (12)
 20. metal      /vibrants ....  21  (--)
 21. chubrock   /cadgers .....  17  (17)
     deek       /vibr./crest .  17  (05)
 23. yoko       /fiction .....  16  (24)
 24. zardax     /origo .......  14  (24)
 25. geir tjelta/moz(ic)art ..  11  (18)

DRAX falled out of the top, while DANKO
entered after some month again. JEFF did
this time the megajump. he win 8 places
comming from 14. jch/vibrants re-entered
the top 10, but remember he isn't active
on c64 anymore. the highest new entry
was done by j.v.d./focus. brian pushed
up some places while dos lost his top 10

  most liked magazines in skyhigh #10

pos  name          /group      pts  last
 1.  SPLASH        /accuracy . 383  (01)
 2.  NETWORK       /comic p. . 319  (03)
 3.  THE PULSE     /regina ... 318  (05)
 4.  nitro         /excess ... 301  (02)
 5.  a-head        /trance ... 295  (04)
 6.  miracle       /maniax ... 213  (08)
 7.  revealed      /camelot .. 207  (09)
 8.  reformation   /fairlight  190  (07)
 9.  jamaica       /jam ...... 175  (06)
 10. arise         /triad .... 171  (13)
 11. newspress     /rebels ... 155  (10)
 12. ing. brain    /equinoxe . 136  (18)
 13. update        /padua .... 117  (12)
 14. propaganda    /genesis p.  97  (24)
 15. immortal flash/atlantis .  89  (16)
 16. shock         /..........  83  (14)
 17. internal      /wow ......  81  (11)
 18. gamers guide  /triad ....  78  (14)
     flashback     /..........  78  (25)
 20. vandalism news/lithium ..  75  (20)
 21. impulse       /spirit ...  73  (17)
 22. extacy-land   /extacy ...  65  (19)
 23. narcotic      /entropy?..  63  (--)
 24. remark        /mega ind..  55  (23)
 25. insider       /reflex ...  48  (22)

THE PULSE entered the top3 just 1 point
between NETWORK. miracle win 2 places
and is now on 6. but revealed is close
to it, look at the points. from place
18 coming to 12 jumped INGENIOUS BRAIN
edited by the dudes in equinoxe. the one
and only new entry is the mag narcotic
at place 17.

   most liked swappers in skyhigh #10

pos  name          /group      pts  last
 1.  CALYPSO       /amnesia ... 34  (02)
 2.  LEECH         /comic p. .. 24  (--)
 3.  NIGHTSHADE    /success+trc 22  (01)
     THE SYNDROM   /tia/crest . 22  (--)
 5.  apis          /equinoxe .. 20  (--)
 6.  acidchild     /taboo ..... 18  (04)
 7.  bizarre       /alphaflight 16  (07)
 8.  derbyshire ram/........... 14  (03)
 9.  dr.kaos       /reflex .... 12  (--)
     l.o.c.        /cadgers ... 12  (--)
 11. master s      /........... 10  (--)
     happymaker    /reflex .... 10  (--)
     starlight     /extacy .... 10  (13)
     pandaco       /maitec .... 10  (--)
     kbs           /regina .... 10  (05)
     wozio         /elysium ... 10  (16)
 17. mav           /equinoxe ..  8  (--)
     spermbird     /excess ....  8  (--)
 19. red rock      /excess ....  6  (--)
     splatterhead  /avantgard .  6  (--)
     condor        /reflex ....  6  (--)
     dave          /rebels? ...  6  (--)
 23. zyron         /antic .....  4  (16)

totally different as last time.

most liked cover designer in skyhigh #10

pos  name      /group          pts  last
 1.  ELECTRIC  /extend ........ 59  (01)
 2.  DAVE      /rebels? ....... 15  (03)
     JUNKIE    /astral ........ 15  (02)
     DEATH     /topaz beerline. 15  (05)
 5.  elegance  /ex-enigma ..... 14  (04)
 6.  mr.friese /maitec/x-line . 11  (--)
 7.  cop       /faces ......... 10  (05)
 8.  franco    /creatures .....  9  (--)
 9.  d-signa   /...............  5  (05)
     silver    /ex-rsi ........  5  (--)
 11. cruise    /...............  4  (09)
     exult     /acrise ........  4  (11)
 13. tgi       /paralyze ......  3  (--)
     earthquake/cosmic style ..  3  (--)

many changes!!!

  most liked scenelands in skyhigh #10

pos  land                      pts  last
 1.  GERMANY .................. 95  (01)
 2.  HOLLAND .................. 51  (03)
 3.  SWEDEN ................... 43  (02)
 4.  denmark .................. 30  (04)
 5.  poland  .................. 14  (05)
 6.  england ..................  8  (--)
 7.  hungary ..................  6  (--)
 8.  antarktis ................  2  (--)
     norway ...................  2  (06)
     new zealand ..............  2  (--)
     australia ................  2  (07)
 12. paraguay .................  1  (--)
     finland ..................  1  (08)

well, what's up here? hhmm, antarktis at
place 8. there the 64 must run in freeze
mode everytime, i think.

well, this was it for this issue. now
grap a pen one of our sheets and fill
it out. then post it to one of the fol-
lowing addresses.

             biz kid/oxyron

                 or to


 write always NO HANDLE on envelope!!!

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