Skyhigh 09 ch04 Reactions

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Latest revision as of 02:25, 25 June 2007


the feedback from all of you is rather
small this time. but eventhen i feel
very happy for all the nize words!!

it looks like people seems very satis-
fied with my mag at the moment.
a lot of dudes writes me with words :

             keep producing!

and i sure will! main-reason is ofcourse
the major encouragement to continue my
work.i would like to use the opportunity
to thank all of you for reacting so posi
tive on skyhigh!
but more about it in my upcomming answer



very professional mag. lots of interes-
ting text. keep up the good work!

                     giorgio armani/tsr

  yo daniel!

  well a very nize reaction seen in my
  so you find skyhigh professional!!
  i'm flattered! and about the text :
  it feels great to know my 'hard' work
  gets appriciated!

  i would like to say that also the link
  is getting better and better!
  i honestly didn't like the 1st issues
  much. but that sure has changed!
  so to all you in tsr.
  you too keep up your good work!
                                BIZ KID


great that you added the key-controller.
issue #08 was really great. the music
could have been better if you compared
it with issue #07.
the fade on the music is not perfect.
try to improve it!
i really tried 2 find something bad with
issue #08 but i can't find anymore.
thanx for a REAL great magazine.keep the
work and the speed.

                     red devil/fairlight

  hi emil!!

  so you couldn't find anymore he-he!!
  no seriously, i'm happy that you like
  it that much!!
  concerning the music! well it depends!
  it depends on your taste of music!!
  or others taste of music!!
  some one liked the music in issue #08
  better than the music in issue #07,
  or the other way around. it depends!!!
  one thing is for sure - all the tunes
  are made exclusive for skyhigh!!
  this is a thing not many mags can brag
  about!! - but i do!!
  i love all the music composed for me
  and my mag!
  and i am proud of it.. thanx to all of
  you who have made me a tune!!
  keep 'em comming!!

  also you emil has made a tune for me!!
  thanx a lot!
  (for those of you who haven't heard it
  yet - better choose tune 2 now!!)

  ok and last the music-fade. yes you're
  right is sux!!
  but i need the help of all you music-
  composers out there!!!
  please send me information on which
  byte(s) you use for fading down the
  music (also remember to tell in which
  this is a problem which will be solved
  in the future..

  ok emil, enjoy this issue and your own
  tune hehe!!

                                BIZ KID


awesome mag! keep up the speed!
try to release it one's a month and it
will kick!
userfriendly outfit, good text - no bull


  yo peter.

  short but good reaction - no cow (eh?)
  you brought in another aspect in the
  reactions.. the release-dates
  once a month!! well i'll try. but i
  won't promise anything!!
  but expect a new issue every 4-6 month

  except issue #10!!!

  untill then have a cool life!

                                BIZ KID


the latest issue with the new outfit was
really cruel!
get some more votesheets in, and this
magazine will kick!
i wish you all the best!

                         tabasco of jam

  yo marcus!

  thanx 4 very nize words!
  concerning the sheets i can only say
  that i'm working on it!!
  and it is getting better by the minute
  i recieve more and more votesheets all
  the time!!
  so according to you i will soon kick!
  well i'm looking forward to it!

  all i can say is : look out for the
  upcomming issues and enjoy!

                                BIZ KID

i've never seen anything but votesheets!


  hi gunnar!

  well i'm surprised! 8 issues out and
  you haven't seen a single one!! i hope
  you'll see this one!
  (if someone has toft as contact please
  send it to him !)

  but i blame yourself!!
  if you had answered my 2 contacting-
  sendings you would have seen it 4 sure
  didn't you get both of the sendings or
  was i simply to lame!! he-he
  well just jokin coz i can't win em all

  hope to get a reaction for issue #10

  untill then have a cool time!
                                BIZ KID

the outfit is cool, the text is interest
ing (usually) and the graphix is good!
keep up the great work!!

                    yours verdict/fluid

  yo bjarne!

  a very small but direct reaction!
  well what can i say besides : thanx!
  and i'll sure continue skyhigh

  enjoy this one too..

                                BIZ KID

new outfit is nice. very userfriendly.
really nothing to complain about.

                       cyke of megaunit

  yo rob!

  a very short reaction from you.
  but it seems that everyting is satis-
  well really nothing more to say!

  enjoy this one pal!

                                BIZ KID
the last one is from leech and echo of
comic pirates..

            go for it dudez..

a small reaction...
by leech and echo/comic pirates...

leech starts with sum words,i guess...
here he goes:
ahoi amigo ! here's once more leech of
comic pirates with another reaction,but
this time with readable writing,hehehe !
hmm,let me think what to write.i mean
there isn't that much to write,because
there're nearly only positive things.
but let me start with the negative ones.
1st:it would be great if you'd have more
    than three places in the swapper-
    charts on the votesheet.but the
    sheet will also be ok when you
    would't do that.
2nd:as said last time,you need some
    sheets and as said last time i'll
    spread some for you.
3rd:it would be cool if it would be
    possible to choose the tunes by
    pressing the f-keys or any others
    in the chapter.i mean when a tune
    nerves me and i'm still not ready
    with reading a chapter,i have to
    return to the menu and load a new
    tune.this sux.if raz would improve
    that it would be much cooler.
4th:in the last issue(#8) there were
    four interviews.and they weren't
    live,either.better take in one
    live interview than some sheet-
    interviews.instead of that many
    interviews you could make reviews
    of mags,demos etc.
5th:please check the text after writing
    it,because there were some little
    mistakes,but that isn't that im-

ok,these were all the bad let
me come to the positive things in your
1st:thank you for writing the post-sux
    text in the spread the word chapter.
    i would be thankful if you would do
    that once more.
2nd:as always the text was cool and very
    good to read.some editors just write
    crap,but you only write the impor-
    tant things.
3rd:again three exclusive tunes.that's
    cool !!! especially the second was
    crazy,hehehee !!!!
4th:it was cool that raz improved your
    mag a's good to read skyhigh
    without using a joystick.
5th:hey man,it's great that you release
    skyhigh that often.delays suck (look
    at network!)
6th:writing the addys in alphabetical
    order is cool.if i want to search
    someone's addy,there is no problem!

i dunno know what else to write about
your mag.i better should write notes to
my contacts instead of writing reactions
for any the way,at the moment
your mag is the only one for which i
write a reaction.many guys want me to
write a rection for their mag,but i'm
too lazy to do that.i mean,a mag has to
be great,then i'll write a reaction for has to inspirate me,otherwise no
reaction.well dude,as i dunno what else
to write,i'll stop let echo of
comic pirates write some shit.i'm gone.
keep up your great work and that's it !

yo,guy...echo here...

hey,be proud... never before i've seen
that this lazy sucker wrote such a long
reaction,text,note or homeworks...
but i have still one thing to be
included.... the sheetspreaders !
i think they would be thankful.
atleast mention the five ones who
spread the most sheets...
but what else should i write more ?
leech wrote all i wanted to,and the
only thing i have to call him is a big
big asshole...'asshole!'...

hey,biscuit... i think i will stop here,
already,otherwise it will cost an extra
chapter only for this reaction...
stay clear,thanx for calling,write our
addys in the addies,send soon and greets
to all the guys... bye bye !
sincerely yours...
                  echo & leech
              da mighty comic pirates!

  hello you two dudes.

  first i must thank you for this small
  reaction  - hehe!

  honestly echo is sitting right beside
  me now, so i have to write a nice one
  for them - not!!

  ok let me answer you.

  let's start with the bad things!

- more swappers in the charts ?
  yeah maybe ! - i dunno. it do seems
  like a good idea. i'll think it over

- more sheets. yes you are right, i need
  a lot more of'em. and the amount is
  increasing all the time so just watch
  out. help like the one from you is
  ofcoz worth gold!

- changing tunes while reading the text!
  well i really don't know!!
  let's do it like this :

  if more people want this possibility
  i will ask raz to install it. deal??

- live interviews.. yes i guess it is a
  bit boring with no live interviews.
  i'll take a closer look on that in the
  by the way check out issue #10. there
  will be a lot of interviews made live
  on the party!!

- i will start checking the text for
  spelling mistakes next time!!

            and the good ones

- of coz i bring the text people send me
  that's the way it works!!

- cool text - important text!!
  well only one thing to say .. thanx!!

- exclusive tunes rulez!! - hehe!!

- yeah installing the key-controlling
  was a very good move! i think so too!!

- it is my opinion that people do not
  like delays - i sure don't.
  so i release skyhigh in every 4-6

- about my addies..  i myself think that
  it is the only way to do it!!
  you are always able to find the addy
  you're looking for!!

  well lots of nice word from you two
  once again thanx!

  keep spreading and enjoy life!

                            your friend
                                BIZ KID


             ok that's it..

hope to meet you all in the next issue
of skyhigh!!

                                  c ya!
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