Splash 16 ch04 Reactions two

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Latest revision as of 19:00, 22 June 2007

   oh,i'm pleased to see you also
in the second part of the reacti-
ons.perhaps you can ask me why i
am seperating another chapter? the
reactions we have got are longer
than for one chapter.by the way
only 4 more rections have left now
but i want to answer them also as
i think that the reactions are the
most important things for a maga-
zine.yes,now we can continue from
the point that we have left.

   IBANEZ/NO NAME/MIGS:here comes
a reaction on your maximum mag
called splash.well the amount of
text is really cool.and i really
like your outfit but maybe more
music possibilities would make it
even better!in issue 15 the chap-
ter about gn'r was really cool i-
dea.keep it up with new ideas e-
very issue.nice work dudes!

   answer:thank you ibanez!we will
try to find original ideas and
improve the amount of text.we have
changed the musics again.i hope
you like them too.

   SCOW/ELYSIUM:stop taking the
scene too seriously and start be-
ing more friendlier,peace man!

   answer:hey,pal thanks for your
reaction but are you thinking that
we are non-friendlier? i don't
think so.yes,sometimes there are
some points that we become serious
but all of our work is just to
solve the problems or bring new i-
deas and solutions.our aim is to
gain something to the scene.sorry
if we have done something hard.

   HIBISCH/DUEL:hi there falcon!i
was a bit suprised to see a double
sided issue of splash!honestly i
think it's too much!some chapters
are total block wasters.if i want
to read about any world evert(war
or other) then i buy a newspaper
and i don't see the use of non-
computer chapters in splash.one
side is enough,two side is rock'n'
roll.the scene puzzle is really o-

   answer:thank you hibisch for
your reaction.well,i think i'm a
bit suprised to get a reaction li-
ke this.yes,this mag must be main-
ly scene-mag but i think that we
must have non-computer chapters
too.because we must also share the
non-computer events inside us as
we are also a human near our scene
life.the real life effects all of
us and  we have something to tell
you.where would you read my opini-
on in a newspaper in your country?
so i think we mustn't see this
scene as only a scene but in total
a life area of us.just read my ar-
ticle about this subject.i think
you will understand me.ok,enjoy
this issue and support us.goodbye!

   CONDOR/MADHOUSE:the last issue
of the cool mag splash was really
the best which i ever see of the
c64.thanx for the publication of
the party-note in the mag.it was a
big help.next time you get a party

   answer:yippi!these reactions
really makes me very happy!i'll
try to deserve this reaction also
in the coming issues.so keep on
supporting us.thank you.

   allright guys!these were the
all reactions that we have got.i
hope to get your cool reactions
for this issue too.so never forget
to send them.i wish to meet you in
another chapter.

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