Splash 11 ch04 News and Rumours

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Latest revision as of 16:24, 22 June 2007


    waoow!what a fast month.lots
of things changed from our previo-
us issue.i tried to collect lots
of news for your knowladge.thanks
for supporting us by your latest
news.never forget to support us,
please.here are the news of this

    *because of some problems i
had to change my addy.yes,alert!
also the addy of this magazine al-
so changed.from now on the addy
will like that:


    *morac joined vagabonds.

    *bulldog/ex-trax joined spi-

    *princes died after they rele-
ased  their  demo as  their coder
left them.

    *at the end pasific joined the
guys in triad.

    *orbs is dead.tango,jason and

vain joined gothic design.

    *trance also joined gothic de-
sign as a graphician and fozzie
joined as a musician.

    *a swede called psycho fox/be-
ast left and joined heartbeat as a
swapper and graphixer.

    *tritius kicked out of heart-
beat because of lameness.

    *turbo b. joined heartbeat as

a gfx,swapper,modem trader.

    *xoss left crystal and joined

    *x-rated declared war against

    *the fresh prince/ex-light jo-
ined brutal as a mega swapper.

    *design joined image.

    *shape is still active on c64.

    *stephen and paranoid left
triumwyrat but 2 weeks later both
of them have rejoined.

    *whopper left triumwyrat and
joined spirit.

    *freeze/force,jayce and shakin
of triad joined faces.

    *triumwyrat has some new mem-
mers like percy as a megaswapper,
cracker and starkiller as a modem

    *the deep,a hungarian group is
dead.there is a new crew called as

    *captain tas/stella will join
army soon.

    *rack/triumwyrat joined army.

    *the older brother from fan-
tasy  design/faces  will  come out
from the army soon.

    *stack j left stella and joi-

ned triumwyrat.

    *there is a new group in hun-
gary called fate.it was builded by
yale/stella and trustee/ds.sir gbs
of lethargy and filter/stella joi-
ned in.

    *brian and aj.fletcher of gra-
fity left the scene.anarchy will
leave also leave soon.

    *the old hungarian group tkc
was rebuilt by some old dudes but

some old are still absent.

    *jazzy d/chromance got a board

    *gravedigger/proxyon joined

    *ham changed his name into
brains and started to work on the-
ir new demo.

    *bribed a mag by slita d.will
soon kick (?) sum asses.(ed:we'll
see it.)

    *vman was kicked out of wow.

    *australian the digital under-
ground is dead.tdu members formed
the cure.

    *tbh/the cure joined msr.

    *slice/ex-justice joined hype.

    *rimtrix/wow+rush was asked to
join tat but he refused.

    *mad left mayhem to join dead-


    *after chancer was kicked out
of babygang,he's quite busy with
other stuff so he quitted the sce-

    *wow have a new gfx label cal-
led paintex with members like rim-
trix,einstein,witty and some more.

    *stormlord,cruel and einstein
of wow+rush started to call out.

    *mr.stork didn't left babygang

    *derbyshire ram/deadline will
soon get a modem and start to call

    *betrater left tat to join x-

    *scarface/arcon joined varsity

    *nerds has got 2 new members
called kds(swapper) and zycois.

    *macz/ex-eternal joined chro-

    *scanner/security was caught
by the cops for a second time.

    *pompom is back in the scene.
he joined spirit.

    *maroc/vagabonds and bulldog/
spirit will soon release a group-
less mag called 'the scene times'.

    *riot/entropy left and he is

now groupless.

    *tech/wow was offered to join
vision but refused.

    *crystal is dead.bishop(x-cry-
stal) joined brutal.

    *tts/in access asked to join
virvana but he refused.

    *strider/wow+rush changed his
handle into sneaper.

    *a new graphic-group has been
formed,it is called s.m.d.(stiff +
mercy designs).smd is now a member
of both lcp and triad.

    *diacom/lcp has begun swapping
again and is now using the addy of
the fly/lcp for his own swapping.

    *the link is a new ozzie mag
which will be released under the
second ring label.

    *paralax is a new oz group

with both amiga and c64 sections.
c64 members are anthrax(ex-chrome)
as leader,swapper,devastator(ex-
justice) as coder,graphics and er-
ratic (ex-orbital) as exporter/im-

    *myxin and troop joined x-ra-

    *mash/phoenix joined intruders
as a swapper and gfx.

    *viper/rebels joined x-rated

but then kicked out.

    *the beast/x-rated will pro-
bably stop all computer activities
in exactly four months but he is
not sure.

    *hibisch rejoined rebels.also
he is busy with an anti-jerry demo
he will release it if jerry does
not excuse.

    *lala/ex-deep joined exile as
a swapper.

    *vision is in war with x-fac-
tor.also vision gained some mem-

    *abyss connection is dead.

    *a new group "hercules" is fo-
rmed with hq seat in sweden.

    *unicess is back again!

    *enduro has started as a co-
editor of world news. and also jo-
ined intruders & (cross!)

   *metal joan has changed his ha-
ndle to mj and has left flame for
joining maniax as a grafician and

   *sunrise asked bart+genius/cli
to join but they are still think-

   *also extacy asked bart to join
but no answer yet.

   *uncle x/ex-htl joined silicon

   *rainbow is now a silicon board

   *tim/silicon left the scene.

   *beachtiger/antic is back in
the scene.

   *adventurer/addonic (amiga) en-
tered the c64 scene as adventurer/
excess. his main function is swap-
ping. he's searching for reliable

   *unicess was rebuilt by the old

leader mason,who left image. xoss
and iceball joined and so did wave
and ray.

   *mod changed his handle into

   *a new group called action is
built but they don't have anything
with the old cool action.

   *horizon released a demo at the
brutal party and they won the com-

   *paramount is re-built. tyger
is the leader,gee-spot is now a
paramount and enigma hq, jack dan-
iels is also thinking to join.

   ok. that's all for issue july.
keep on sending us news...

                      falcon & dj
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