Splash 09 ch06 Interview one

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    you have selected the first
interview  of this  month.here it
is.this time i(falcon) made an
interview with the famous guy cal-
led remix/clique.well this inter-
view is a special one because it
is done in a pizza restaurant cal-
led tadim pizza.also it has qua-
lity questions inside it.so get
going to read it:

       -:falcon +:remix

    -:yo can!please introduce yo-
urself although you are well known

    +:yo!this is remix/clique or
can yalcin,as you prefer it.i'm a
member of clique right now,and i
am not inclined to leave it.i was
born on 30/5/71 and so i will be
21 this year.i've got brown eyes
and hair,a typical turkish guy.uh,
i really can't think of anything
when i'm sitting here and waiting

for my pizza!i'm so hungary.

    -:well,you like pizza then.so
please tell  us about  your best
cracking group,demo group,magazine
best group ever,composer,food ex-
cept pizza and drink?

    +:crack group:legend,talent
                  and hysteric.
      demo group:light,camelot.
      mag:brutal recall,internal.
      best group ever:triad.
      food:maxi cheeseburger.

       gfxer:hein design/bml
       zaker:guy shavitt/scs

    -:oh,our pizzas arrived.some
minutes please.hmmm,right.well,as
all of us know you are a famous
swapper.and the thing that made
you famous is your long letters to
all of your contacts.how can you

find time for this?

    +:well,i don't think that wri-
ting letters takes much time.the
difficult side is writing letters
itself.i mean,if you decide to
write a letter,you will never have
a time pressure.most people find
it quite boring to write letters,
and they simply don't know what to
write about.this's the difficulty
in writing a letter,not the time.
for example,barterer/hysteric wro-
te me a 36 sides of a4 pages.he is

much more better than me,but he
still can write it.also morris of
cross,another fav swapper,he sho-
uld have written over 60 pages un-
til today.i'm not the only example
i find time to those i love & fri-

    -:does the scene life shows
its effects in your normal life? i
mean while you are near with non-
computer freaks,do you tell about
the scene? while you are sleeping,
do  you see yourself  in a dream

while copying discs,editing sc-
ript etc?

    +:ah,it differs.i mean all of
those who know me,also knows that
i've got 100-120 penpals around
the scene.i tell this to my fri-
ends and when they know it i don't
talk about it afterwords.the st-
range side is that,usually they
themselves ask me  'hey,can (this
is my real name),how are your fri-
ends?',if you are living in turki-
ye,your swapping and your being a

part of of the scene is a way of
being proud! i remember that a guy
whom i first met was so proud that
he had 15 pen-pals.i said 'hey,i
have  got around  100' and he was
shocked!this scene effects me in
one way and that is,i have to sac-
rafice lots of time on swapping
and editing script.the other way,
none of my friends complained abo-
ut it,as i don't talk much about
it,unless there's something for me
to boast,heh he! you see,i really
hate boasting!

    -:yeah,i am sure that you hate
boasting,hehhe he.now next questi-
on.although you say that all of
your contacts are your friends,can
you tell us your best friends?

    +:i don't want to seperate my
friends but the ones who give me
value re my best friends.guys like
ron/paradize,guy shavitt,nsd/suc-
cess,the yank/success,l'trimm/cli-

waco/light,eee,it's really diffi-
cult to remember now,while i'm he-
re at tadim..,vengeance/oregon,
lord/wow,joker/wow,sir maniac of
hysteric and many many more! i'm
really sorry if your name is not
here,but i can't think of anything
here,people talking loudly,music
playing etc etc.ofcoz all clq mem-
bers in 7 countries and some local
scene-friends(hey editor,hint,hint

    -:thanks pal.and although you

are a loved guy,you were attacked
three times by other guys.what is
your opinion  about that? why did
these  guys attacked  you,do you

    +:yes,i was attacked 3 times.
one of them was with the fake pro-
poganda 2,but i don't care about
that as it is quite easy for peop-
le to attack others under anonymo-
us names.the second one was with
spellbound/brx who called me a
'mother-fucking bastard',just be-

cause when i left bronx.i took my
mag cemetery news together with me
and named it to script.bronx was
very angry with me bcoz of this,
but then we talked and had peace.
the last one is by airtec/decade,a
guy whom i don't know,never met,
never heard of!he attacked me in
his last spread-note,and said that
i'm a low-life and dickhead just
because i write letters to my con-
tacts! oh,nooo,how can somebody be
stupid and accuse a guy just bcoz
he writes letters? i guess he's a

child and i don't care,his accusa-
tion was so childish,i even didn't
dare to write him a letter and de-
fend myself!!!

    -:what is your opinion about
the future of our lovely c64? will
it die in the end of this year or
will it survive for some more time
and will you stay till its death?

    +:i think the 64 has a long
way infront.just look and see that
sinclair & amstrad are still li-

ving! well,at least here in turki-
ye! 64 is strong and won't die so
easily when there's a very strong
scene supporting it.i'll be in the
scene until most of the guys are
gone.it would be senseless to stay
in a scene with no proper stuff,no
releases from companies etc.i do
not think that i will quit,as i
have to keep script alive,people
simply like it.when 64 scene is o-
ver,i also won't go to any other
scene.i'll pass over to pc's may
be,but only for business.

    -:all of us know that clique
has no hq.but once you said me
that although you didn't have one,
they were doing what you ask or
want? i think this is a bit being
a hq? what do you say?

    +:yes,this is true,because al-
though i'm not the hq or leader,i
am a kind of organizer in clique.
i am in contact with all clq mem-
bers and i find the solution for

their problems etc.therefore,what-
ever i ask for from any member,has
a meaning.besides,it is not only
me  whose wishes are turned into
reality,every member can want any-
thing they want,and all is done.
except silly wises ofcoz.(can you
code a full disk contact demo with
500 colours plasma on the side
border??) we have got no hq's and
we don't want one.we don't need o-
ne.i'm not an hq,an organizer does
not give orders and comments.we
also don't kick members!if we had

an hq,we wouldn't be such a fri-
endly crew...

    -:you started to enter the
charts some months ago.what will
you say about that? altough clique
is a demo group,sometimes you are
in cracking charts? according to
you,do you deserve it?

    +:oh yes,this is something
that attracted our attention,too.
yes,it is normal for us to enter
the charts with demos,script,best

swapper and maybe even more(flint-
gfxer,babyface-composer) but we
believe that we shouldn't be very
high in cracking charts.we entered
some of them and we were too low.
and that's what it should be.cli-
que is not a cracking crew and we
cracked some games only for fun,
look,we also got in the charts
with that.we are low and that is
where we belong,eith cracking.but
maybe we will decide to crack then
things will change ofcoz.scotch is
a good cracker and if the turkish

swappers decide on original swap-
ping and supply him,we may got
higher and then we will also de-
serve it.we simply don't want to
crack,as thare are heaps of crac-
ker groups around.nearly every
group cracks in the scene! this is
so un-original.

    -:do you think that wars dest-
roy the scene or not? must there
be federtions etc?

    +:i don't think wars destroy

the scene.this scene we created is
a seperate world and it's too nor-
mal to have wars.in every war,the-
re is a guilty and they should be
kicked so that they won't attack
again.it seems nobody cares about
another group's wr.well,i have to
confess it,i really laugh when i
read how people attack each other
and try to throw shit on each ot-
her.quite funny infact! but i do
not think that they destroy the
scene,they bring a kind of excite-
ment in the scene.

    -:what can be the strangest
question that can be asked to you
about the scene.say the question
and please give the answer?

    +:why is clique so fucking and
ruling? well,i don't know,too bad
that we in clq are soo perfect and
intelligent.heh he,you wanted this
falcon,i said,i hate boasting!

    -:what is your opinion about
ruling accuracy? do you like or

hate it?

    +:i hate it,as we are the only
2 groups from turkiye and we are
rivals.i like it,as i've got some
friends from this grop and we have
good memories together.i'm sure
accuracy thinks the same for cli-
clique! maybe you only hate?

    -:yes,i hate very much.here we
go.last months were bad months for
c64.i mean some elite groups like
ikari,action,hotline etc. died?

what is your opinion? and the last
one was x-ray.do you angry with
them as a x-ray fan? should one
stay in his group if his group is
a ruling one?

    +:yes,i was quite shocked and
was very sorry about their death.i
simply can't understand why they
let a very good and old group die.
i don't care what they do and say
but i have a big respect towards
old groups.i even couldn't talk
when  i first learnt  ikari died.

they are a legend,how could they
do this? i guess at the end people
will be so bored of the scene that
they will start changing groups
and give up at last.the last shock
for me was x-ray's death.i'm not a
fan of them,but i feel unlimited
sympathy towards x-ray.it was st-
rong,it was great,it was nearly
ruling,it had quality,it had good
members.why and how could they e-
ver let it die? i really hope that
it will be rebuiltor so..i know it
is not my business but i would li-

ke it that way.

    -:as the account has come,its
better for us to stop this inter-
view here.what do you want to say
last?and did you like the questi-
ons of this interview?

    +:to be honest,i was quite
suspicious about the interview in
the beginning as it's taking pla-
ce in a restaurant and i can't
think properly.but i liked the qu-
estions,at least they were about

me,i hope that there is somebody
reading this interview and could
get a bit of me.that's what inter-
views are for.yes,i liked it!

    -:thanks for the interview and
bon appetite.

    +:well,i thank you!much luck

    there is not enough memory
left in this chapter.so load the
second interview chapter for the

next interview.

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