Splash 09 ch04 Charts

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Latest revision as of 15:55, 22 June 2007


    after two nights of lack of
sleep i have finished counting the
votes and putting the groups in
order according to the points they
have got.now it is better to stop
this talking and start showing the
charts.they follow on the next pa-

     cracking groups    points
    -----------------  --------
    1) >legend<           283
    2)  dominators        204
    3)  enigma            153
    4)  triad             128
    5)  talent            105
    6)  genesis p.        103
    7)  brutal             90
    8)  x-ray (dead)       73
    9)  hotline(dead)      70
   10)  bonzai             69
   11)  fairlight          60

     cracking groups    points
    -----------------  --------
   12)  censor design     51
   13)  brainbombs(dead)  48
   14)  x-factor          43
   15)  light             37
   16)  f4cg              30
   17)  hysteric          29
   18)  deadline          16
   19)  acrise+varsity    14
        trc               14
   20)  wow               13
        stella            13

    legend  is again unbeatable
while  dominators also  protects
their place  at the  top altough
they kicked some members.talent
must be higher as they are really
doing a good work.you see brain-
bombs,hotline and x-ray last time
in the charts as all of them died.
nowadays ruling coop betweeen
acrise+varsity must be higher as
they are releasing quality cracks
like hell.also i think hysteric
will also rise in next month.

       demo groups      points
    -----------------  --------
    1) >bonzai<          251
    2)  flash inc        203
    3)  crest            197
    4)  light            168
    5)  faces            125
    6)  cosmos d.        109
    7)  censor d.         98
    8)  camelot           91
    9)  beyond force      69
   10)  topaz beerline    48
   11)  fairlight         43

       demo groups      points
    -----------------  --------
   12)  genesis p.        40
   13)  panoramic d.      38
   14)  traitors          29
   15)  paradize          28
   16)  x-factor          27
   17)  babygang          25
   18)  tat               22
        antic             22
   19)  graffity          20
   20)  vision            18

    crest lost the first place and
bonzai took  it.but i think crest
will  again rise as  i heard that
bonzai  died.flash  also deserves
much more as camelot.also topaz
entered the top ten.tat and antic
got the same point so they share
their place.

      importer group     points
    ------------------  --------
    1)  nei                39
    2)  empire             33
    3)  mirage             31
    4)  tsm                30
    5)  enigma             25
    6)  armageddon         17
    7)  chromance          16
    8)  excalibur          14
        talent             14
        glory              14
    9)  legend             11

      importer group     points
    ------------------  --------
   10)  censor              9

   as this charts is new in this
magazine we didn't fet much votes.
well,nei is ruling and in my opi-
nion tsm must be higher.

     best magazines     points
    -----------------  --------
    1) >brutal recall<   285
    2)  mamba            178
    3)  hot shot         144
    4)  shock            127
    5)  script           120
    6)  corruption       115
    7)  rock'n'role      108
    8)  internal          75
    9)  magascene         64
   10)  smooth criminal   55
   11)  bild-zeitung      53

      best magazines     points
    ------------------  --------
   12)  emanuelle          46
   13)  mega madness       41
   14)  soul news          28
   15)  immortal flash     25
        bitmania           25
   16)  flashback          22
   17)  world news         19
   18)  a.w.t.b.           17
   19)  public scandal     13
   20)  explorer           12

    like in all magazines around
brutal recall is also at the top
in this mag. too as it is a mag.
with lots of chapters.also it is
spreaded like hell.mamba is too
high.emanuelle and script were gi-
ven out with a new outfit.magasce-
ne will rise i think because of
the barterer factor.

     single cracker     points
    -----------------  --------
    1)  pwp/legend       187
    2)  doc/legend       170
    3)  bod/talent       106
    4)  snacky/gp         94
    5)  sauron/enigma     68
    6)  antitrack/legend  64
    7)  rockstar/gp       58
    8)  tch/brutal        56
    9)  chrysagon/enigma  46
        k.fisher/triad    46
   10)  xxx/talent        44

     single cracker     points
    -----------------  --------
   11)  fletch/legend     39
   12)  jihad/gp          38
   13)  c+c/hotline       37
   14)  dogfriend/dom     32
   15)  nme/deadline      29
   16)  ecco/x-factor     23
   17)  bacchus/flt       20
   18)  mao/f4cg          17
   19)  arrogance/suc.    15
   20)  shade/light       13

    powerplant is again and again
at the first place.legend got two
crackers at the top three.also
snacky will probably last time in
the charts as c+c/hotline.they
quietted cracking.also tch/brutal
entered top ten.king fisher also
cracks with quality.

      single coder      points
    -----------------  --------
    1)  crossbow/crest   194
    2)  flamingo/light   160
    3)  walt/bonzai      158
    4)  zodiac/flash     147
    5)  mc sprite/cosmos  57
    6)  ses/gp            56
    7)  yabba/light       54
    8)  unifier/flash     38
    9)  d'arc/topaz       33
        scroll/megastyle  33
   10)  fat rat/traitors  32

      single coder      points
    -----------------  --------
   10)  h.sommer/cd       32
   11)  vision/crest      28
   12)  cellux/faces      23
   13)  trap/bonzai       22
        sam/bf            22
        bob/censor        22
   14)  tch/brutal        20
   15)  maduplec/crest    16
   16)  tron/flt          15
   17)  tha/x-ample       14
   18)  alfatech/triad    13

      single coder      points
    -----------------  --------
   19)  dr.hector/faces   12
   20)  pubi/triumwyrat   10

       crossbow rules while fla-
mingo raised.there is a big diffe-
rence between 4th and 5th place
although there is very little in
last 10 places.

     best graphician    points
    -----------------  --------
    1)  gotcha/cosmos    211
    2)  dragon/censor    168
    3)  bizzmo           152
    4)  red star/flash   150
    5)  ogami/fairlight   81
    6)  mirage/censor     76
    7)  gbf design/crest  71
    8)  scrap/gp          65
    9)  electric/extend   60
   10)  sarge/fairlight   54
   11)  chorus/triad      52

     best graphician    points
    -----------------  --------
   12)  crept/flash       50
   13)  creeper/flt       43
   14)  dize/bonzai       33
   15)  goblin/light      32
   16)  d'arc/topaz       30
   17)  fox/dom           28
   18)  scooby/light      26
   19)  hein design/bml   20
   20)  hobbit/tcom       18

    when you look at the top,you
see gotcha up there.ogami and e-
lectric entered top ten.hein de-
sign must be higher after seeing
his graphics in dutch breeze.i
could not beleive my eyes when i
saw it.

      best composer     points
    -----------------  --------
    1)  jch/vibrants     215
    2)  jeroen tel       205
    3)  reyn ouwehand    191
    4)  danko/censor     147
    5)  drax/vibrants    146
    6)  guy shavitt/scs  119
    7)  a-man            102
    8)  metal/bonzai      77
    9)  link/vibrants     67
   10)  deek/vibrants     63
   11)  moon/flash        54

      best composer     points
    -----------------  --------
    12)  evs/20cc         48
    13)  laxity           32
    14)  scortia/bonzai   30
    15)  greg/faces       29
    16)  griff/chromance  28
    17)  zeus/x-ray       19
    18)  arne/ddt         13
    19)  charles deneen   11
    20)  moz(ic)art       10

    jch ones more shows that he is
the most loved composer on this
machine.i don't know if he will be
again as there is a rumour that he
left the scene to go to pc scene.
arne is in the charts with first
time with ddt label as he joined

     best group ever    points
   ------------------- --------
   1)  triad             141
   2)  ikari              92
   3)  genesis            86
   4)  bonzai             78
   5)  talent             75
   6)  legend             71
   7)  hotline            62
       flash              62
   8)  dominators         58
   9)  light              56
  10)  crest              53

     best group ever    points
    -----------------  --------
   11)  censor design     48
   12)  eaglesoft inc.    46
   13)  brutal            39
   14)  enigma            35
   15)  1001 crew         27
   16)  horizon           26
   17)  vibrants          24
   18)  esi               22
   19)  dynamic duo       19
   20)  x-factor          17

    it is obvious that triad is
the most loved group on 64 scene.
am i wrong? also genesis and ika-
ri protect their places at the top
of this chart.i think eaglesoft
must be higher and real 711 must
be there.

    end of the charts has also ca-
me.don't forget to send your votes
to us.        signed:falcon
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