Jamaica 11 ch02 News

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Latest revision as of 16:49, 21 June 2007

news                               iopop
 once again we tried to discover what
have happened since last time.

 this time we sorted the news so now
it is much easier to follow around. but,
still, the news-section has a lot to
improve! if you, dear reader, want to be
a news-supplier then we'll gladly accept
your offer. anyway, i'd be happy if you,
dear voters, could write the date when
the actual happening took place.

for example : rob hubbard re-entered the
              scene on 31/12 1999.

well, we'll start by telling you the
latest changes in our own fleet.

at first, TCHAD moved from home. he left
the beautiful scaraburg to study some
physics in UME_<9d>/sweden. i personally
spoke to him today and he said he feels
good up there in western bothnia.

his new address is :



TJOST started his (hopefully) last year
at the swedish gymnasium. he once said
that it would be fun to finish something
to the tribute-party. time will show.

IOPOP is planning to finish a small
psycho-demo called 'driftwood'. no one
knows what it will look like.

ZATT is lazy as always.

MERLIN went studying at the university
in bergen/norway. he claimed that he was
able to finish something anyway. well,
i know how it is... time will show.

BOGOMIL stopped his swapping activities
and bought a amiga 1200. (what does this

FRENCH FLAIR is quite quiet. a graphic-
collection was planned but i haven't
heard anything from him for ages.

HAPPYMAKER is still alive i hope.

BUNGALOW has moved too. this stopped his
computer activities for a loong time.
although, i hope that he will come back
his new address is :



also, we have a very good piece of news
that WOLVERINE/ex-jam is said to be back
in the c64-scene. hello friend, see ya!

actually (!) jam is not the only group
changing its shape. look below for
further details!

              - -- --- -- -


     the turks are back again, after
releasing the 17th issue of splash about
              2 weeks ago.


 SPIDER/ex-toxic joined as swapper. they
 will or have released these things when
 you read this; rabbi's second msx coll.
 yoshi, tips msx coll. their first mega
 demo and kulfon's new packer. they are
     also in need of cool swappers.


  JOODAS/albion/feniks left fenkis and
      joined cherubs as graphician
       coverdesigner and swapper.


 LOIN/joined the us fixer crew psi. AMC/
  charged joined. ZIRCO left and joined
   f4cg, as sysop of tunnel of wares.


the only member left in cli, DOMIX first
  joined DESERT NOMADS, after some time
  he joined INZANE as second group. he
   will still use the cli label as he
plans to release his assembler fixes and
 similar stuff in this label. domix also
turned legal because of his gameprojects
         in reactor productions.


 after one year of army service, jackal
  is back, all his old contacts may re-
contact him. he renamed to JACKEL(?) and
built up crape together with DE LESANTO.


 tds/migs joined as musician. acid/migs
          joined as graphician.


 TRIS left idlers and joined fatum/agony
 as mega-swapper. MR.FRIESE, THE WIZARD
OF OZ and JOBO also joined. lemming left
 so it seems like invalid environment is
  no longer fatum's board. PABLO joined
gothic d. as second group. while COMPOD/
charged re-joined fatum as second group.

               FLASH INC.

 when BUMBOO left jam in the spring this
   year he had already started to lose
 some interest in the scene. now it went
so long that he quitted swapping and the

             GENESIS PROJECT

 the tribute 1994, the party, is moved.
  the first date was the 4-6th november
 but now it looks like it's going to be
 on the 18-20th november instead. try to
get hold of the real invitation for some
               more info.


    genloc will produce a mag called
CONTRAST. POEBA/slash left the scene and
   all contacts were taken over by his
      brother CELTIC/genlog/noname.


  DIAMOND first joined inzane as second
  group, then he joined alpha flight as
  third group. (ain't 2 groups enough?)


 TRUSS/excess left the c64 scene due to
 a broken discdrive. he enterered the pc
  scene and changed group. all his old
   contacts are welcome to contact him
      on pc. (100% reply to them!)


 CLEVE/charged joined as musician so did
 BLAZE/thunder but he joined as swapper
              and cracker.


 noice's board LINENOICE can be reached
  at this number +46-pri-vate..... :-)


  DREAM joined as swapper and composer.
 all members of NATURE joined powerage.
 STATIC joined as composer and swapper.
 and so did TITANIC, joined as composer
 and swapper. seems like there gonna be
   a well spread music collection from
             powerage soon?!


 JACK jonined react as cover & swapper.
   they are working on their new demo,
  which should be out at this time. 2GE
   changed his addy. 2GE, BIMBAS & MC
           VALACH left NAUSEA.


THE PULSE died as DUKE lost all interest
   in making it once a month. the fate
    of the other members is unknown.


 REALITY is up again. can be reached on
     this number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.


  DIGITAL DESIGN changed there name to
  unlight. after being digital for some
 years they maybe wanted to be less seen
  after the release of jerkland 2. nah,
            bad joke, sorry!


SOUNX left crossline and tried some more
luck in xenon.

      they all left the scene! :-(


         - -- --- ---- --- -- -

      information wants to be free!
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