Jamaica 05 ch09 TCC Live Interviews

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          tcc live interviews
hi! here is iopop and i will give you
the live interviews form the tcc party.
i just interviewed 3 dudes.. because i
didn't feel for doing interviews when
bumboo not where with... you can see
that the last interview with rave/tlt.
is very stupid... the lucky ones that i
interviewed are: ZAKK/LIQUID ,
let's start with the first one.


? we are now at tcc and the time is
  10.46.. let's start... why not do a
  small intruduce of yourself and what
  you are doing?

! hi .i'm zakk and i am 15 years old
  and i living in a small city in the
  darkest woods in smaland here in

? what do you think about this party so

! yahhh it' great and i this is the
  first party i ever went to so here is
  happening alot of things.i think i
  have hit RAVE 30 times now. and i
  think the rest of the party will be

? are you going to compete in either
  gfx,musix,or demo

! i can't code so a demo will it not be
  from me but a sample in the music-
  competition will it be but not any

? which of the groups do you think will
  win the demo compo ?

! lamex inc.(joke kingfisher) i think
  oxyron will win cos the came here
  yesterdayafternoon and from then
  untill now have tts and all the others
  sitting on a char and coded.
  on the second i think fairlight will

? to the readers i can say that the dead
  line for the demo is at 14.00 and now
  it's 11.00... just so you know... well
  what do you think about the mixture
  of all the noises in this hall?

! i don't care of it so much but some-
  times is it real desturbing.

? have you found any of your contacts at
  this party?

! of course. i found mac/sylten , and
  some others but i can't remember the
  name of them

? what do you think about jamaica?

! it's one of the 5 bests.

? ohhh, (you get the money l8er.hehehe)
  a last question before we have to
  thorw this compy outside.. what do
  you think about the amiga?

! you mean lamiga the graphic is good
  and the music too but i don't like it.

? thanx for interview you!

! it is i who gonna thank you bye.

first a i must thank hype/liquid for le-
nding to compy to us. but if you push 3
keys at the same time it will do reset!
? TCHAD/jam

! the authentic/dunex

? mention your coolest contact(s):

! trooper, zychronic...tchad!!!!!
  (!!!! (tchad))

? well done! tell us about your computer

! yeah...1 new c64, 2 1541-ii drives,
  1 action replay 5.2...and a broken

? you are from denmark, right?

! yes!
? then what do you think about the ec?

! well, i don't really like it!!
  i voted no at the referendum!

? good! now over to some usual stuff
  like :
  favourite colour : blue
              food : all italian
             drink : coca cola
          joystick : the arcade
               car : 2cv(!?)
      copy-program : maverrick
       music-style : dunno
              girl : dunno either
             party : this (my first!)
          diskette : don't care!
        jam-member : all of them
           clothes : my own
             movie : jfk?
             coder : tts
             gfxer : biz kid
          musician : guy shavitt
        expression : what do you mean?
              game : hattrick?
             shoes : nike, adidas
            writer : don't read
              book : too much
              year : 1992
            season : spring
          language : danish, swahili(!)
        toothpaste : colgate
   (TCHAD'S NOTE: mine is "+crest+")

? enough about that... is there anything
  you hate in the scene?

! difficult to answer! no, not really!

? not even partytheives?
! you have a point there..yes, of course
  i hate 'em!

? anything special you love about the

! love and love, i don't know, but i
  like meeting my contacts and friends!

? well, authentic/dunex, tell us your

! well, it all started back in 1986,
  where my father bought a c128d! i was
  only playing games! but i met a scener
  called: the guardian! i just got some
  games and stuff, because that was what
  i wanted! he also showed me some demos
  and a couple of mags! it was not that
  interesting in the beginning, but i
  started to like 'em! then he moved to
  spain and i lost the interest in my
  computer! then 1991 i met a guy called
  kbs! and i got more interested in the
  c64-scene! then i started swapping,
  and one day i contacted: fox/xzess,
  now he calls himself dishy/dominators!
  after a few days he asked me whether
  i would join, i first said i would
  think about it, but later i joined my
  first crew ever! suddenly after less
  than 1 month the group died! one day,
  about two weeks later i got a phone-
  call from: kazar/dunex! he gave an of-
  fer of joining and i said yes right
  away! that was in march 1992! now i'm
  swapping with about 50 dudes! i guess
  that's all!

? well, quite a long story... maybe the
  story about dunex is longer...

! yeah, if my groupmates had showed up
  we had to release our "4 years"-demo!
  the members in dunex are:

  the authentic...................swap

  that's all!

? have you released any demos?

! yes, they are: classified
                 two years
                 three years
                 use your illusion
                 use your illusion ii

  and perhaps a few more....

? oki, quite many... by the way...  tell
  us a little about your relation to

! recently i left school, and have now
  started a labour market education!

? do you live alone or with your family
  or what?

! i still live with my parents and my 2
  small sisters!

? fun?

! some times, some times not...i guess
  that's so in all families, don't you

? yes, you are right... let me hear your
  opinion about the 64 and the future.

! i like my 64 and i hope that it won't
  die in the next many years but i guess
  that it's not possible!

? what would be the next ruling scene
  after 64 , amiga or pc?

! personnaly i think it will be pc! that
  is gonna be my next computer!

? oki, now please finish this strange
  interview by telling us your full name
  and address so all coolies can contact



? well, thanks a lot...
! thank you!


? i thought about interview rave. thats
  why i did that,... tell something
  intersting to the scene....

! i got feet sweet right now, is that
  interesting enough???
? no not too intersting cuz i got it too

! how bad for you?? but lets chop of
  your feets then??

? i ask the quesitions you just answer

! well, should we try to get a little
  seriousity in to this??

? yes sure.. when did you enter the

! about two years ago, i rebuilded my
  friends last group called: trax,(not
  the real one) and then i was a member
  in flame, orbs, hercules, extacy and
  now i'm in the allmighty(??) twilight.

? have yo done anything to compete with
  in the demo compo?

! does scrollers counts??

? what do you mean with scrollers?

! i didn't thought that you was that
  lame(he he). the scroller is the text
  on the screen that sometimes move.
  got it??

? i think so, flumbrain.... what do you
  think about the gfx compo?

! i'm a flumbrain?? call me atleast a
  psyothic man. well, the pics was very
  good, i hope that you voted for dane+
  jason of twilight(or else you'll get
  with my sister to do) i think that
  joe/antic or electric/extend wins.

? me too... right now the time is 15.49
  and 17.00 the music compo starts.
  have you got any favourite there??

! well, i hope that pri/oxyron or
  zyron/antic wins.

? tell me your favourites

     disc market : power
     file copier : file copy 100% (it
                   has to be repacked
                   by jerry/triad too)
     joy stick   : the bat-handle ofcoz'
     drink       : heineiken
     food        : paper-plates
     music style : don't kidd with me!!!
? do you like sado sex??(DOC HOLLIDAY/t)

! no i'm more in for this with animals.

? do you use condoms when you fuck your
  dog??(DOC H. again)

! no way, i use big plastic bags.

? is this your first real big party

! no, i was at the easter party in

? is this one better then the one last

! hmm i don't know, it kinda equal i
  think. here're lesser 64:er than the
  last year.

? why is this interview so lame??

! because i'm kinda tired right now and
  when it is you that're doing this, it
  can't be anything else than lame.

? well, we better stop this lame talk
  and start doing something else?? like
  watching the amiga gfx compo??

! hmm, you're right. i greet all my
  friends and if you're lookin' for a
  nice swap-time them contact me under
  this addy:

             RAVE of TWILIGHT


? bye

! okey, see ya.
             that's all!!!!

the last interview was as you saw a kind
of stupid. but we had fun.. that's whats
counts.. i must thank doc holliday for
the nice questions..

i thank all the ones that i meet and not
meet at tcc'93.. i had a nice time there
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