Brutal Recall 12 ch13

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Latest revision as of 03:18, 19 June 2007

             "bla bla blah!"

            several articles.
welcome to this chapter of mix-a-lot..
 in here you'll be able to read two
 articles written by penthagon/enigma
 and one by tch/brutal to clear up some

      about "mirage/extacy" the mag

           by penthagon/enigma
bah,bah,bah another fake magazine is
 going to be released.  we officialy do
 not care about that,but why make a mag
 where the name already exist of?
 mirage the mag was and still is a
 house designs production.  they are
 publishing the mag 4 about 5 years now,
 the mag doesn't come out that often,but
 when it comes out everyone wants to
 have it, so we would like to ask cevin
 of extasy to change their mag name
 cause of the fact that you can strike
 with our honour we made with the mag.
 so i hope you'll do it else you get....

         "love 4 c64 and amiga"

           by penthagon/enigma
well,another 1 of those articles which
 are quite nice to read.  everyone
 complains that the amiga is lame but
 why?  yes,cause of the fact that you
 can't buy an amiga of your money.  but
 why are you nonless c64 owners always
 go to your neighbour to play with his
 amiga then?  still i love the c64 above
 amiga,not because of the games or scene
 but caused of the d-mo's and music,
 graphix which are shocking,and this
 style couldn't be done on amiga cause
 of too many colours,music cannels on
 that machine...
 everything what is made on amiga (code)
 is just like that.  cause on amiga is
 everything possible.  right... that's
 why i prefer c64 more,cause the fact is
 that what you code on c64 is not always
 possible,but when it works you are a
 ok,i think the c64 could survive more
 and more years if we could convince all
 c64 to by imb (256k) expansion ram 4
 the c64.  then the games would be more
 beautifull and so the software companys
 could be very happy about this...
 ok,think about this...
 allright,look at enigma,the real
 crackers,are buying the originals by
 themselves,but what are all lamers
 doing?  yep,swapping them.  and so the
 scene is fucked full of shitty lamers
 which want to trade originals...  i can
 understand that all lamers haven't got
 the money to buy originals, but why the
 hell then having such many contacts?
 a cracker who trades is lame cause if
 he wouldn't trade he could buy the
 originals..  i know what i say here
 will be ignored of cause, but i warned
 you it's all your fault...
okay,this is tch/brutal writing a small
 reaction to the last part of the text
 you've just read...
 penthagon calls every cracker who does
 not buy any originals a lamer.  well,
 thanxx for the compliment!!  i am a
 cracker but the only games i've bought,
 i did not buy to crack,but to play!!
 i simply thinks it is a waste of money
 to buy games!  even if i could have a
 first-release out of it!!   what is the
 sense in doing such a thing?!?  i don't
 see myself having a party,if i was the
 first to crack a game,but with the
 money i saved from buying games i can
 have one!!  anyway,this computer thing
 is just a hobby,so why waste lots of
 cash on it?!  but then again,everyone
 is free to waste money!  okay,i stopped
 trading,but no way i am going to spend
 my money on originals!!!   the games
 are too lame anyway!

       clearing the rumours about

    tch/brutal being technoir/brutal

             by tch/brutal.
i recieved a letter from someone telling
 that there were several rumours about
 tch being the same guy as technoir.
 and as i see myself sometimes in the
 coder-charts,i think many people
 actually think that i am technoir!!!
 well,i am not!!
 just to prove this is the fact that i
 am a lousy coder!  i had a little
 discussion about this with remix/clique
 who said i was a good coder,but that is
 not true at all!!
 a simple example:  i can't calculate
 anything in either basic or machine
 language!!   this means i can't do any
 realtime vectors or dots and stuff like
 that.  ofcourse i can do stuff like
 dycp,dypp,tech-tech,plasma,dyxcp and
 hires scrollers or moving logos!!
 well,moving logos in realtime and not
 with linecrunching or other cheats.
 but technoir can do vectors!  just have
 a look at the new "digital madness"
 demo which is being released together
 with this issue..  it features all kind
 of vectors and linecrunched moving fli
 and hires!!  if you see what i released
 lately,without cracks,are 2 graphic
 demos (the 3rd is on its way) and some
 issues of brutal recall!!  you won't
 find hard coding in any of these
 products,but still i appear in the
 coder-charts...   remix told me that it
 is because the things i make look good.
 okay,that's what i try to do... if it
 looks bad,i won't release it!!   but i
 don't think that's a good reason for me
 to be in the coder charts!!  i simply
 don't belong there!!   i guy who can't
 do any calculations does not belong in
 such lists!!!
 another proof that i'm not the same as
 technoir is that i live in holland and
 technoir lives in denmark!!   his name
 is jesper and mine is johan!!   i am a
 lame coder,but he aint!!   and to all
 of you who still think i am the same as
 technoir should ask some people who've
 been at the -lame- brutal party,as both
 technoir and i were there!!
 i hope you will never vote for me in
 the coder charts,as i don't like seeing
 myself were i don't belong!!
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